MTL - The Return of the Noble Abandoned Consort-~ [番外98] The dust settles, the death of the devil

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Ganoderma lucidum does not know how to get out of the store.

Yunxiao took a heavy bag and came to the carriage. He was about to ride in the carriage. Ganoderma lucidum rushed over with a small face. A slap on the curtain that he had opened, and the curtain was returned to the door frame.

"What do you want to do?" Yunxiao asked not salty.

Ganoderma lucidum cleared the scorpion, tried to make a calm look, licked the bag in his hand and asked, "Why are you buying this? You... are you not a god? Only one night... is it okay?"

My sister is still alive and kicking!

This man is not an embroidered pillow.

Ganoderma lucidly picked up his eyebrows and smiled mockingly: "So, without this skill, don't learn from others and spend a whole night. In the end, you have to buy these 'magic bullets' to regulate your body, and pass it out, you really want to lose you. The face of the gods!"

Yunxiao glanced at her faintly, grabbed her hand, spread her palm, and put the bag in her hand.

"What?" Ganoderma looked at him oddly.

Clouds and faints: "Open yourself."

Ganoderma lucidum opened the bag, and was surprised to find that there was nothing in the head, but a green and transparent transmission bead: "How can this be?"

Yunxiao took the bag and said: "You don't even know what the store really sells, but dare to say that you are going in to buy things?"

The signboard of Shiquanda Budan is not fake, but it is for the ordinary people in the town. The informed monks go there to buy the beads on the black market.

Ganoderma lucides blinked and said: "You... how do you know a person in the realm of God than I know?"

"You have no brains?" Yun Yun asked disdainfully.

Ganoderma lucidum was stunned by him. He didn't want to understand how he inquired about the news. Perhaps he had any spells that read people's memories?

Yunxiao collected good things and got on the carriage.

Ganoderma lucidum grabbed the window, put the small head into it, and screamed at him: "I... I know it too! I just went in and bought the beads!"

Yunxiao said with no expression: "Then you will buy it."

"I..." Ganoderma lucidum licked some of the dry 乾 袋 bags, but there are still some fine stones in them, but these places of fireworks make copper and silver.

She bit the soft red lips and squatted down the scorpion.

A cold fingertip gently reached her forehead and pushed her head out of the window.

Ganoderma lucidum hurts, ah screams, raises his hand and licks some red and swollen forehead, is about to have a theory with a certain guy, but suddenly, a kit is thrown out and falls into the arms of Lingzhi.

Ganoderma lucidum opens the kit and looks at it. It is all the silver of the white flower.

"Don't follow this lord."

The cloud slammed the sentence coldly, and used the power to drive the carriage away from the place.

Ganoderma lucidum’s fist creaked and gave her money? What did this guy take her? !


However, after the woman lost the cloud, she had to find another man to smoke the essence. She went to a nearby mountain village, which was the place where she fell from the gods.

The terrain here is remote, not easy to cause the official idea, and the feng shui is excellent, it is a place to the yin to the yang, where the essence nourished is much stronger than other places.

The woman sucked the entire village chief’s men’s fines.

The magic was finally controlled. She rolled up her long hair and fixed it with a green jade. Then she swayed the blue snake tail and proudly went out to the village where the blood flowed into the river.

The people in the village are all dead, leaving only a little doll with cows.

The little doll hugs a mirror and **** his nose.

The woman came to the little doll and smiled at him. She leaned over and took the mirror in his hand: "The blessings of the blessings, the blessings of the blessings, the clouds, not you put me together, I still don't The perineum is wrong and the wrong mirror is found."

The little doll looked at her slyly.

She touched the head of the little doll, swaying the huge snake tail, and looked cold and left.

After the woman left the village, the first thing was to find Ganoderma lucidum.

Ganoderma lucidum is the key to the integration of Pangu. Only by finding her can we truly use Pangu’s power for its own purposes.

Ganoderma lucidum has the demon spirit input by Qin Linger, and the brand that she has written. It is reasonable to say that it is very easy to come. But somehow, she can’t sense anything: “Is there anyone who puts the demon inside the skull? The gas is erased with the brand I have made? Who can have this skill? Cloud?"

The luck of the woman is not too bad. Just when she thought about how to find out the whereabouts of Ganoderma lucidum, Ganoderma lucidum was sent to the door.

After Ganoderma lucidum was thrown on the side of the road by the clouds, she was so angry that she did not want to see this man again in this life. Therefore, when Yunxiao went east, she went west.

She never dreamed that she would meet "Qin Linger" on the street of the town. "Qin Linger" also expected to encounter Lingzhi.

The two met unexpectedly.

Ganoderma lucidum's complexion changed!

The woman smiled awkwardly: "I can't find you. It's really a break from the iron shoes. It doesn't take much effort."

The pedestrians around did not know when they were fixed by women's spells.

Ganoderma lucidum took a step back.

On the woman's face, a mysterious smile appeared, step by step toward Ganoderma lucidum, and said softly: "What are you hiding? I am your sister."

Ganoderma lucidum looked at her with vigilance: "You are not my sister! You are not Qin Linger! You are a demon!"

The woman’s nephew swept a sharp icy light, and in the next second, she smiled softly: “What about that? Can you escape the palm of my hand? If you know each other, you will be embarrassed, maybe I can make a life around you and I don’t know."

Ganoderma lucidum held a transfer bead without a trace.

The woman waved her hand and played a spiritual force to lock the hands of Lingzhi.

The transfer beads fell to the ground and rolled to the woman's feet.

Ganoderma lucidum's face is whiter.

The woman smiled and said: "Do you think I will let you get it again?"

Ganoderma lucidum can't make a bond on the wrist, and run away!

"Innocent!" The woman's lips were cold and cold, and she explored her hand and pointed it in the direction of Ganoderma Lucidum.


The carriage of Yunxiao came out of the town, and the rut marched on the pitted road.

After a long absence, the skyless speech suddenly sank.

The rut pressed a small stone, and the carriage bumped a bit. The lid of the food box was turned upside down, and a chestnut cake that was half-baked by Ganoderma lucidum was dropped.

Yunxiao’s long, jade-like fingertips pinched the remaining half of the chestnut cake, and the ghost made it to the lips and gently bite.

Between the lips and teeth, it seems to be the sweetness of last night.

The taste of a girl is so beautiful.

Realizing that he was thinking about something, Yunxiao decisively left the chestnut cake in his hand.


There was a scream in the ear.

When the clouds are shining, the gods are scattered, and the gods are like the waves that can't be seen and touched. They are slowly spread out between the heavens and the earth, the villages where the blood flows into the river, the villagers who have fallen to the ground, the empty martial arts, and are tied. The **** the stone pillar...

is her? !

The clouds frowned.

The next second, the people on the carriage disappeared.

When Yunxiao rushed to the ruined martial arts field, the ganoderma lucidum tied to the stone pillar had pale face and lost consciousness.

The body of Ganoderma lucidum is locked by an iron chain, and the woman is suspended in the air. Several colored lights are constantly pouring into the woman's body from the Dantian of Lingzhi.

The woman's breath has undergone earth-shaking changes. She seems to be able to communicate the energy between the heavens and the earth. The surrounding space is beginning to be distorted.

Yunxiao opened an enchantment and covered the place where he fought with the woman. Then he summoned the sword of the Emperor and the sword of the scorpion slammed into the back of the woman.

The woman flew away.

Yunxiao quickly rushed out of the second sword, this time, but it fell on the chain of Lingzhi.

The chain was cut off and the Lingzhi volley fell.

The cloud smashed a law, flew up, and single-armed Ganoderma lucidum in his arms.

His gods sank into the Dantian of Lingzhi, and the Jindan of Ganoderma lucidum was broken, and Linggen was also removed.

The face of Yunxiao didn't come from the ground, and the anger of the chest began to roll uncontrollably. He took a drop of blood from the body and dripped it into the eyebrows of Lingzhi.

Later, he put down the Ganoderma lucidum and swept the sword toward the woman.

The woman has got the spiritual root of Ganoderma lucidum. The most important thing for this club is not to fight with the clouds, but to fuse the power of Pangu the Great. As long as she gets this power, let alone a cloud, ten or eight. Not all of her opponents.

The woman did not fight, and with the power to block the sword, she planned to escape with a blue mirror.

The cloud-like swordsmanship is just a sham. She slams the sword, and the cloud-tailed snake tail wraps her body. Her left hand explores her dantian, grabs the spiritual root of Ganoderma lucidum, and squats out. !

The woman is not stupid. After realizing the intent of Yunxiao, she also formed her own body and snatched half of the roots with the snake tail.

She reintegrated the half of the roots into her own dantian, she urged the power of the gods, and the injury was repaired at a visible speed.

The woman broke through the enchantment of the sky.

The terrible power of the gods rushed to the next zenith. The next law of heaven could not withstand such a mighty force. The earth cracked and the mountains and rivers collapsed. The whole next year violently shook.


There was a scream of screams around.

Yunxiao is not a hard-hearted heart. He can watch so many innocent people die in front of him and he is indifferent. After he puts Linggen back into the body of Lingzhi, he flies into the air and uses the power of the Emperor to stabilize the collapse. Next time.

The woman smiled coldly: "Innocent!"

Most of Yunxiao’s repairs have been turned into the power of the Emperor, and no longer deal with women.

The woman flew over to Ganoderma lucidum, and she had to **** the remaining half of the roots.

The power of Yunxiao can be misappropriated, and the sword of the Emperor in his hand was sacrificed.

The strength of the Emperor Sword is reduced and increased with the master's cultivation, and it is still unable to exert its ultimateity.

The woman provoked the spirit of Qin Linger’s body, summoned a thunder, and opened the sword.

This wave of strong collisions has made the power of the clouds and the emperor's powers unable to protect the next collapse.

Yunxiao has rushed to add a layer of enchantment.

At the same time, the woman's hand was directed to the Dantian of Lingzhi.

At the dawn of the millennium, there was a bright dragon in the sky!

The woman’s body is a meal.

A black little magic dragon flew into the enchantment of Yunxiao. This enchantment, even the woman had to pay a three-point skill, she broke in so easily.

The woman’s unsatisfactory gaze fell on the little dragon. It was this little dragon who snatched the man who should have belonged to her, wounded her, exposed her, and lost her painstaking management. She also suffered nine. 1981 heavy thunder.

She hasn't found her yet, she is good, and she has delivered it to me!

The dragons burst into bursts and the mountains and rivers trembled!

The little demon dragon fell in front of Ganoderma lucidum, screaming at the woman fiercely, and made a provocative roar.

The woman was almost unable to open her eyes when she was blown by the oncoming wind. She took a shackle and removed the pressure of the little dragon. The lips smacked: "You are just right, I will be with you today." Old accounts together!"

After all, she slammed a thunderbolt and slammed the dragon's horn.

The dragon horn is the lifeblood of a dragon. The dragon horn is gone, and this dragon is basically abolished.

Can a district of Lei Lingli, also want to hurt this Xiaolong?


The little dragon's eyelids didn't lift.

Yunxiao thinks that it is necessary to use the flesh to hold the thundering force. I don’t know what it’s about to be on the shackles.

Yunxiao is behind her!

Lei Lingli slammed into the top of the cloud, and the whole face of the cloud was smeared.

"..." Isn't it so good?

The little demon appeared, and the woman vomited and spit out her tongue.

The woman is again a thunder and lightning.

The little dragon is gone again.

Thunder and lightning are on the cloud.

The tail of the cloud is gone.

This stealth technique is taught by the demon. Other small dragons don't love learning. This is going to be done again. It's not for anything else. If you learn well, you can always look at the minor repairs. Look at the small bath and see the small sleep. You can also see what is hidden in the pants!

The little magic dragon was not a woman's opponent, but it was a few rounds. The woman didn't take advantage of the little dragon.

The woman looked at her vigilantly and pinched her fist coldly: "I thought there was no way to take you away from me?"

A black energy emerged from the right hand of the woman, and she hit the ganoderma lucidum.

The little demon appeared, and spit out a dragon flame, blocking the woman's attack in time.

Waiting for this moment!

The woman's body shape is like lightning, but her blink of an eye flashes behind the little demon dragon, and she cuts the dragon's horn to the little dragon!

With a bang, the enchantment of the clouds collapsed.

A terrible force, like a soaring dragon, slammed into it.

The woman was knocked open by this force, and a stone pillar fell behind her. The ribs of her chest broke three pieces and fell to the ground, vomiting a blood.

When the woman turned her head and saw it, she saw that the meditation did not know when it appeared in the next session. The next session that was about to collapse was easily stabilized by him.

When he was in white, he stood in the air, and the appearance of jade made the entire mountain and river lose color.

The woman looked at him with ecstasy, but his eyes were full of indifference to her.

She knows who he is, she always knows.

He sneaked at her, she also knew.

He had seen her body. He thought that it was Xue Lanyi who was with him for three days and three nights by the river. Actually, it was not her. It was her.

Meditatively watching her gradually red eyes, there is no trace of emotion on the face.

The little magic dragon saw the meditation, and he flew back to the arms of the meditation, turned into a human figure, and his hands wrapped around the neck of the meditation, and fiercely screamed: "She is too bad! She Dig the roots of Ganoderma lucidum!"

The meditation gently looked at Qiao Weiwei, and at that glance, the woman’s heart hurts!

She looked over with a faint meditation, and the gentleness of her eyes disappeared. Instead, she was endlessly alienated and indifferent: "Give the roots of Ganoderma lucidum, and the blue mirror will be handed over."

Qiao Weiwei was also meditated in her arms. After listening to the words of meditation, she looked at the woman and frowned: "A small mirror is on you?"

The woman was stabbed by this scene, and it slammed the lips and lips: "Yes, what is it with me? You have the ability to come and take it."

"Come on! Come when I am afraid of you!" Qiao Weiwei said, incarnation of the dragon, flew toward the woman.

The woman waited for this moment. Her lips swelled with a cold smile. If it was just a showdown, the meditation was not afraid of her. No matter how she attacked the dragon, he tried to make a fuss, but she smiled and let the meditation I think she may not be the idea.

Could it be that she thinks -

"Come back!" screamed.


The woman's body was turned into a beam of light and drilled into the blue mirror.

The little magic dragon saw her fly in, cold and cold, and also flew in.

The blue sky mirror fell to the ground and began to emit a lot of magic.

The cloud is not good: "Not good, she is merging the power of Pangu the Great, she wants to sacrifice herself, and forever seal the blue mirror!"

Once the blue mirror is sealed, the dragon will not come out.

No one can survive in a mirror, her body will be swallowed, and her **** will be destroyed.

This vicious woman, in order to punish the man she did not get, actually thought of such a sinister method, so that the meditation also tasted love and could not suffer.

The mirror of the blue mirror was frozen one inch, and when the blue mirror was completely frozen, even if the demon rushed, it was back to heaven.

Yunxiao played a powerful force, trying to stop the woman's seal, but his power was all sealed and sucked in, the mirror frozen faster.

Yunxiao looked at the meditation.

The meditation solved the **** order of the waist, and looked at the cloud complexly. The extra words did not say a word, but the token was handed over to the cloud: "From now on, you are the Yunfu Eighteen gods, Yunfu handed it to you, and my sister gave it to you."

The sky was shocked: "Big Brother!"

The shape of the meditation turned into a golden light, and it resolutely flew into the blue mirror.

Tianyuan, ninety-nine nine hundred nine hundred and ninety-eight years.


The devil is less lord.

The king of God is destroyed.