MTL - The Return of the Noble Abandoned Consort-~ [Fanwai 87] two more

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The man looked at him gently: "God King."

The meditation was stunned at the beginning, and Rao lived for 20,000 years. Rao traveled all over the world and did not expect to be shocked by his identity.

What is even more shocking is that this words are spoken from the other side's mouth, and he has no doubt at all.

Yunxiao was shocked: "You... what are you talking about? Who is my brother? What is the **** seal?"

Yunfu Shenjun raised his long fingers like Yu, and looked at the eyebrows of Yunxiaoruo. If Yunxiao’s eyes closed, he fainted in the arms of the meditation.

Meditate with a hand holding a little dragon who refused to come and go, and took a cloud in the first place, and felt her change with God, and looked at Yunfu Shenjun: "You clear her memory?"

Yunfu Shenjun smiled.

The meditation looked at him thoughtfully: "You..."

Yunfu Shenjun smiled slightly: "It doesn't matter, she doesn't have to remember me, remember that you are enough."

The meditation sighed, and took the little magic dragon to bring the cloud into the house.

After the absence of others in the garden, Yunfu Shenjun pointed to the chessboard on the stone table: "Do you want to kill a game? Your chess is still taught by me. I don't know if there have been some advances over the years."

The meditation sat down opposite him.

If Cui Judge is here, he will be surprised to find that the yard is full of grass, trees and trees, even stone tables, stone benches, chessboards and teapot cups next to the board. They are all the same as those who lived in the underworld. There is only one point, there is no light in the underworld, it seems to be brighter here.

"Can you remember here?"

The meditation shook his head and said quietly: "Although I don't remember, I have cleaned up the place where I lived in the underworld."

"It turns out that you went to the underworld... Also, you have only one soul left, there is no place more suitable for hiding than the underworld." Yunfu Shenjun packed up the chessboard and poured a cup of tea for the meditation. "I know that you have many doubts." You must ask me what happened in the past, how did you come, why did you leave the realm of the gods, why did you remember not your own business, but my business? And why do you and me grow up? So like?"

The meditation took the teacup and gently sipped, and a familiar tea scent spread between the lips and teeth. In his mind, the voice of Yunfu Shenjun and a little boy sounded.


"It's hard to drink! I don't want to drink anymore!"

The little boy who was brought out of the Temple of the Gods by Yunfu Shenjun... is he? !

The gentle look of Yunfu Shenjun falls on his handsome face: "Is it up?"

Meditation put down the cup: "I didn't think too much."

Yunfu Shenjun explored the hand as if it was shining, and gently put it on the forehead of the meditator: "Now?"

Meditation shook his head: "There is nothing in my head."

Yunfu Shenjun looked at the waves outside the enchantment and did not accidentally say: "Your memory is with your god, don't blame you for not thinking, it doesn't matter, I tell you the same. You were not God. Wang Yin, but an aura that exists in the emptiness of chaos before the beginning of heaven and earth, you are the source of all spirits, you awaken Pangu the Great, let him have the power to open up the earth, after a long period of time, you follow Pangu The Great, or... Pangu the Great follows you. Before the death of Pangu the Great, you have not yet opened up the intellect. He entrusted you to the Emperor, and the Emperor and her descendants guarded you for generations, up to 20,000 years ago. You have not been able to open your mind until..."

"Until what?" asked the meditation.

Yunfu Shenjun said with a smile: "Until once I was injured, I dare not let Yunfu know, so I secretly sneaked into the Temple of God to heal, my blood dripped onto your body, and then you spoke."

Hesitantly asked: "What did I say?"

"Where is the kid, dare to put a blood on your wife's wife, too, too, you don't want to die!"

Yunfu Shenjun’s mind flashed the sound of the fierce and fierce milk, and there was a ridiculous laugh at the bottom of his eyes: “Oh, forget it.”

The meditation will look at him suspiciously.

Yunfu Shenjun licked his lips and held back his smile.

I always feel that this guy laughs particularly badly! Meditation said coldly: "I have your breath on me, is it related to raising blood with me?"

Yunfu Shenjun nodded with a smile: "If you haven't warmed up for a long time, you will cultivate a human form. At that time, you only saw me, and then they will be shaped like me. You will occasionally run out. You are similar to Auntie. Auntie and I also look like you, people in the house see you, only when you are aunt, you never go through the help. But..."

Having said that, the look of Yunfu Shenjun suddenly fell.

"How about?" asked the meditation.

"You are still discovered."


"is her."

I guessed it with her toes. Besides her, who else is close to Yunfu Shenjun enough to discover the secret of the Temple of God?

Yunfu Shenjun also knows that meditation knows this, so it is not surprising that she has come to guess her.

The meditation faintly asked: "She betrayed me?"

"She..." Yunfu Shenjun paused, and he stopped talking.

The meditation felt that he had skipped something very important, but that was his private matter. He refused to say that the meditation did not break the casserole.

Yunfu Shenjun continued: "On the night before I agreed to run away with her, she was ingested by God. God knows your business. God used to do not want to call you because he could not enter the temple of the gods. But when you have changed shape, he can lead you out. God respects me and forces you to exchange yourself with him. You went, you wanted to kill God, so this person is really embarrassed, When you attacked him, he suddenly left the body of God and sucked away some of your spiritual power."

The meditation is unknown: "Wait, leave the body of God's honor?"

Yunfu Shenjun patted his forehead and said: "Oh, I forgot to tell you. The gods you see today are not true gods. The true gods have already passed away. What you see now is the heart of God. Demon. The devil took away the power of the deity, took the body of the deity, and finally let the **** die in your hands."

Meditation and eyebrows: "So, is it that I killed God?"

Yunfu Shenjun sighed: "How can you blame you? It is all of us who have the heart of the devil. The devil with the spiritual power sucked from you, the power of Pangu the Great, he did not know what method to use. Suddenly summoned the power, the power dyed his evil spirits, became violent and plundered. He wanted to kill me and kill you, so no one knows his secret, my cultivation is Not enough to deal with him, I have to borrow your god, seal the power of Pangu the Great in Scorpio... But the demons are still there, I don’t know what he will do to Yunfu, so I left a soul for you. I hope you can escape the realm of the gods."

Meditate your hands and hold your arms: "Do not disgrace the mission."

Yunfu Shenjun said: "As long as you are still alive, people in Yunfu will threaten your value, and they will all be alive."

Meditation does not explain: "So why are all my memories in my mind?"

Yunfu Shenjun’s face reveals a trace of embarrassment: “After you sealed the Scorpio with the gods, you don’t remember anything, I’m worried about you...”

Meditation sneered and interrupted him: "I am worried that I will leave, so you gave me some of your memory, let me think that I am Yunfu Shenjun, let me always remember your sister and brother, as long as I still remember to hang them, then I will come back to rescue them one day."

Yunfu Shenjun sighed: "I'm sorry, I am too selfish."

The meditation looks at him intricately: "You are really selfish. For 20,000 years, my younger brother and sister, my mind and night, Yunfu, which I was worried about day and night, was not my own. It was no more ridiculous. ”

After that, he laughed at himself. His heart was not made of stone. He would be happy and he would feel uncomfortable. From the first sight of this man, he knew that he liked him like Auntie and Yunxiao. The person who can make himself so is also him.

The meditation turned his head and looked at the room. From time to time, he found a small head and looked at the little dragon that he had aimed at. In the end, he had only one of her.

But if you don't have your own shape, you are afraid that you will not even have the chance to meet her.

With such a thought, the meditation still feels grateful to Yunfu Shenjun.

If all this is the price of meeting her, then the price is not heavy.

The little magic dragon found that he had found himself in a meditation, and he shrank his small head back, leaving only a small tail, and sweeping it on the ground and sweeping it away.

The eyes of the meditation flashed a glimpse of a smile that he didn't even notice. He took back the gaze that fell on Xiaolong: "You don't have to say sorry, there is nothing in the world that I won't get anything for, I get too precious, all I bear. It must be unusually rough."

How does Yunfu Shenjun not understand what he is talking about? Yunfu Shenjun smiled and looked at the little dragon who swept to the ground with his tail: "This little thing, ate my door-watching beast, dare to go to my door, not afraid that I married her tail?"

The little magic dragon slammed the little tail into it.

"Do you dare?"

Yunfu Shenjun smiled lowly.

Already past, the meditation does not want to be considered, the current situation is the most important: "Aunt's ban is set by you?"

Yunfu Shenjun said: "I asked you to set it up. I am worried that the aunt's cultivation will be sucked away by the godly deity, so please, please suppress it for the time being."

Meditation does not explain: "So why can't I lift it?"

Yunfu Shenjun looked at the water swaying at the top of his head: "The aunt's ban and the seal of the scorpio are one after another. You take back the power of the seal. His ban will not break. What else do you want to ask? Is it?"

The deep gaze of his face fell on his face: "When did you die?"

------Off topic ------

The end of the recall is killing, is there still calling for Mommy?