MTL - The Rise of Dark Pokemons-Chapter 1386 Are you the Rockets?

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The super tyrannosaurus is fast enough to discourage most elves.

   Aoki quickly approached Furong's body not far from where the mark of super power disappeared, where he could feel the energy fluctuations in the surrounding space.

   Aoki, who has experienced this kind of spatial fluctuation, is already very familiar with it.

  The space installation of the gods!

   As he expected, among the people who entered here, it was not only Bailing, the undercover of the gods, but at least one person like her!

   So since there are two champion-level trainers, Braun and Jokley in the desert, it is very likely that there will also be at least two champion-level trainers here.

   Although I don't know who the undercover is, no matter who it is, it is a great threat to Aoki, who is now a gunman.

   Therefore, no matter who you encounter, except Furong, as long as you dare to stop, you will reward him with the flame spray of the Flying Dragon.

   Aoki is not going to slow down. At this time, slowing down is very likely to hit someone else's trap directly. As long as he keeps the speed fast enough, no one can stop him.

   I believe that it is not just the wild elves here, even those religious people would not have thought that Aoki could be so fast.

   If you don't know what they are doing here, Aoki might still consider whether or not to rush in, but now knowing that they are opening a space crack here, Aoki dares to rush directly.

   At that time, whether it is to save Furong directly or pretend to raid the space device, surround Wei and save Zhao and then save Furong.

Of course, if Furong was unfortunately killed when Aoki arrived, then even if Aoki had all his cards out, he still had to keep all the people here. Even if he couldn't keep it, Dawu and others who would be late would definitely not. Will keep hands.

You can see the super large space crack standing in mid-air from a far away place. It is much larger than the air crack set by him when he destroyed Bailing. It shows that the space cracks arranged by the people here may be possible in time. It is relatively long, and Furong is most likely attracted by this spatial crack.

   Aoki's super power stretched out to the farthest point he could extend, and the target was locked under the space crack.

   The other party may think of someone coming to the rescue, but it is absolutely impossible to guess from which direction the rescue is coming, so that Aoki can ensure that he has not been scanned before knowing them, which can increase the probability of a successful raid.

   cut through the sky in the blink of an eye, Aoki's super power finally sensed the other's existence.

   "Two people!" Aoki narrowed his eyes slightly.

   Not only did he know that it was two people, but he also knew who the one who chose to join the religion with Bai Ling was.

  The super power of the city area is the king, Kazuki!

   I can only say that it was more or less beyond Aoki's expectations, but when I thought about it carefully, I found that it was reasonable to say that Kazuki did not appear to be surprised by the person who was a god.

   Actually, the four newly appointed kings of the city, including Aju, are all targets of Aoki's suspicion.

   Aoki really admires the group of high-level leaders in the City-Capital Alliance. There are a total of four kings, and now there are three known people who have been inserted in the organization.

The Rockets’ Aki, Kazuki and Bailing from the gods, and finally the evil emperor Rika is left. Although I don’t know if she has any hidden identity, even if Rika is really a member of the league, she is also the weakest one. .

   I can only say that the City Alliance... is really strong!

   That was when Aoki didn't understand the situation in the city-capital alliance at this time, so he complained from the perspective of a bystander.

   But for Aoki, now that he knows the identity of one of them, it is easier to handle.

   patted the Super Flying Dragon on the back lightly, motioning him to hold on again.

   Coming at such a speed from such a far place, this is a huge burden for the Tyrannosaurus. Even if he has received various increases, coupled with a breakthrough in strength, he can't hold on at this moment.

   However, after receiving Aoki's instructions, the speed of Super Tyrannosaurus has not been reduced, but has increased a bit. He is ready to use up all the energy in his body at the moment, and the battle in the future has nothing to do with him.

   Just as Kazuki tied the lotus and threw it aside, he saw the middle-aged man in yellow who had been sitting leisurely on the rock immediately jumped up from the rock, and two elf **** appeared in his hands.

   At this moment, his face is very exciting, but more shocked, "Fast speed!"

   Hearing the words of the middle-aged man in yellow clothes, and seeing him move, Kazuki knew someone was coming, but compared to the middle-aged man in yellow clothes, Kazuki's super power was still a lot worse.

   But he won't need superpowers to investigate soon, because the silhouette of the galloping figure has come to the sky not far away.

   In the blink of an eye, it changed from the size of a grain of rice to the size of a fist, and another blink seemed to be right in front of him.

   Originally, Kazuki had no idea about the speed of the middle-aged man in yellow clothes, but when he realized that he could catch the opponent with his naked eyes, Kazuki understood how fast the raid was!

   This speed alone has exceeded Kazuki's cognition.

   But fortunately, the yellow-clothed middle-aged man reacted fast enough. Two pokeballs were thrown out, and an electric dragon and a Reyb appeared in his stronger.

   The flashing strong electric current shot out from the two elves, and a large amount of "Zila" electric current sounded from their bodies.

   Two huge shining yellow lightning shot from the bodies of the electric dragon and Reyb, and the target was directed at the super tyrannosaurus in fast flight!

   For the flying speed of the super tyrannosaurus at this moment, it is also beyond the recognition range of the yellow-clothed middle-aged person, so when he comes up, he directly uses his full strength to summon two of his strongest elves!

However, he also knows a little bit in his heart. This elf is only fast enough in long-distance straight flight. If it is in real combat, it is almost impossible to achieve this level, at least not in the horizontal movement of the elf. So soon.

   Boom! ! boom! !

   Two thunders.

   Not surprisingly, Reyb's and Dianlong's attacks did not hit the opponent.

  Because the speed is too fast and the distance is a bit far away, there are great requirements for predicting the attack of the elves. Obviously, the yellow-clothed middle-aged Rayeb and the electric dragon can't do this level.

   Aoki, lying on the back of the Super Flying Dragon, clearly heard and saw two lightning bolts not far away.

   These two thunderbolts, which are absolutely champion-level electric elves, if they hit the Super Wyvern, it is likely to be the end of a spike.

   And he, the trainer riding on the back of the Super Flying Dragon, has almost no possibility of surviving.

   Fortunately, Aoki believes in the state of Super Tyrannosaurus at this moment.

   is not only fast enough, but also concentrated enough, so the super tyrannosaurus knows that the opponent's attack will not hit without dodge. This is a kind of prediction after getting used to the speed at this time.

   Aoki and Super Tyrannosaurus maintain a super-evolved form, so the will of one person, one elf is figured out. Aoki can feel Tyrannosaurus thinking, and Tyrannosaurus can also understand the meaning of Aoki.

   Originally, Aoki belonged to a person who became calmer as he reached the critical moment. Compared with Aoki's character, the Super Flying Dragon was also reluctant to let go.

   Therefore, ignoring the opponent's attack, he rushed towards the space instrument, and Aoki's hands had already appeared two elven balls.

   was just one round of attack, and the yellow-clothed middle-aged man discovered that if he attacked again, the opponent might still be able to dodge, and when he wanted to launch a third attack, the opponent might have destroyed the space instrument and walked away.

   Therefore, he only has one last chance to attack, and he can't release it at will.

   "The other party's goal is the instrument, hurry up and protect the instrument with me!" The middle-aged man in yellow shouted to Kazuki.

   Hearing the other's low drink, Kazuki couldn't help frowning. The tone of this speech really made him feel a little uncomfortable.

   But the opponent's strength is stronger than his own, and what he said is very likely to be true.

  Although the space blockade has been destroyed seven or eighty-eight, but it is still a little short of reaching the goal. At this time, this instrument must be protected!

   wanted to understand that Kazuki appeared next to the instrument decisively, summoning his elves to guard with super powers, and handing the counterattack to the middle-aged man in yellow.

   The yellow-clothed middle-aged man has a solemn expression, his eyes are fixed on the Super Draco Dragon, and his super powers are also locked on the Super Draco Dragon.

   "It's now! Reyb! Electric dragon!" The yellow-clothed middle-aged man commanded in his own heart, and his electrocardiogram was connected to Reyb and Electric dragon's brains.

   The two elves have been waiting for a long time, they are ready to go, and the current that condenses for a period of time gushes out, blasting towards the flight trajectory of the super tyrannosaurus with a lightning that is larger than before!

   As long as the Super Flying Dragon does not turn around, it will definitely fall under this thunder and lightning attack.

   Not only is the opponent watching the flight trajectory of Super Tyrannosaurus, Aoki's super powers are also constantly watching.

   found that the opponent's offensive had already appeared, and Kazuki was attracted to protect the space instrument, and Aoki knew that his strategy had succeeded.

   "Flying Dragon!" Aoki whispered in his heart.

  The super tyrannosaurus who understood Aoki's meaning immediately twisted his body in mid-air, and the speed of the original full sprint was suddenly reduced. This is a huge burden to the body of the tyrannosaurus at this moment, but now he can't care about so much.

   I gave the opponent enough time to predict, if they rush down again, Aoki and Tyrannosaurus may be buried here together.

   And his original purpose was to save Furong first.

The scarlet blood wings of the Tyrannosaurus fluttered crazily against the airflow, and a super strong air flow appeared, blowing all the sand and gravel under the Tyrannosaurus. Even the long-lived trees were blown to each other. The intensity of this airflow is estimated to be comparable to a dozen typhoons.

  More than that, the location predicted by Reyb and Dianlong also failed again.

Although due to inertia, the Super Tyrannosaurus slid down for a long distance when braking, but it finally turned around in time. The two more powerful horizontal currents were no more than three meters below the Super Tyrannosaurus feet. The place exploded and opened, and the opponent also used a range attack to be on the safe side!

   The distance of three meters was just a blink of an eye from the previous flying speed of Tyrannosaurus.

But fortunately, it stopped in time. The speed of the Super Tyrannosaurus dropped sharply, but the opponent had no ability to stop it. At a much slower speed than before, she rushed to the side of Furong who was **** and lying on the ground. With a light stroke of his mouth on the vine that tied the lotus, Aoki also turned over from the back of the Tyrannosaurus for the first time.

   jumped to Furong's side and slowly pulled her tearful from the ground.

From the time when the middle-aged man in yellow clothes changed his movements, Furong felt that someone was coming to her, but her heart was very complicated, because she knew that these two people are very strong. May not be the opponent.

   When he saw the super tyrannosaurus approaching at lightning speed, and then took the space instrument as the target, facing the opponent's super attack, an extreme turn overtaking was overtaken.

   At that time, Furong's heart was about to jump to her throat, but when Aoki appeared next to her, Furong's tears burst out of her eyes, and all the grievances and fears in her heart were vented at this moment.

   Nothing is more exciting than a savior who suddenly appears next to her when she thinks she might be dying.

   At this moment, Furong is in this mood, holding Aoki's neck and crying bitterly.

Aoki patted Furong's back lightly with one hand, and threw out two elven **** with the other hand, summoning Bangira and Boscordora. The two giant elves seemed to stand as if two King Kong. In front of Aoki and Furong.

At this moment, Aoki's face while comforting Furong is full of frost-like indifference. It is possible to imagine a girl like Furong who is **** in this way. I don't know how others will deal with me. The inner suffering and torture are definitely not what ordinary people can bear. of.

   But before Aoki came, Furong had been silently enduring her. She didn't cry because of her treatment. Only when she saw Aoki came to save her, did she find a way to vent her grievances.

   "Hey, it's okay, I'll avenge you!" Aoki patted Furong's head gently again, indicating that she doesn't need to worry anymore, and now all matters are left to him.

   Furong shook her petite nose, and tears filled her crying eyes.

However, because of Aoki’s words, she stopped crying. After all, she was also a strong trainer who had experienced wind and rain. Even when she was arrested at the beginning, she was ready to die. Saved by Aoki.

At this time, the super violent dragon was relieved of the super evolution, and slowly lay on the ground, breathing heavily. This time he was really tired, and he was completely above the level. He felt that his body was a little collapsed and wanted to lift again. The wings are extremely difficult.

   And Furong, who had just wiped away his tears, noticed that Aoki's Tyrannosaurus looked different in normal times. Even when the Super Tyrannosaurus was released from super-evolution, he was seen by Furong with a look of astonishment.

   "Aoki, Tyrannosaurus, this is..." Furong immediately put behind her crying.

   Aoki rubbed her head again, pulling her behind her, "I'll talk about this later, the battle will start anytime!"

While talking, Aoki saw a middle-aged man in yellow clothes with a Reyb and an electric dragon, and the super king, Kazuki, who looked a little familiar and a little strange, in the city area. !

   Kazuki and the middle-aged man in yellow didn't realize it until they saw Aoki rescued Furong. The two of them were tricked. Aoki's goal was not the instrument at the beginning, but the Furong who was captured by them.

   Kazuki actually had guesses about this, but the value of that instrument was too high for them to bet on.

   And Aoki just bet that they wouldn't dare to bet!

   "Kazuki!" Aoki said coldly, narrowing his eyes.

   Hearing Aoki calling his name, there was no change in Kazuki's face. From the Tyrannosaurus just now, Kazuki knew it was Aoki.

   Although they are in different positions now, Kazuki still admires Aoki a little bit. He can go to the present step bit by bit, possessing such strength!

   Furong, who was standing behind Aoki, shook her body subconsciously when she heard the name, and then she held Aoki's hand more nervously and said, "Brother Aoki, be careful of them, they are very strong, and I have almost no ability to resist."

Furong still played against them, but was solved by them in a very simple way. The storage space and all the poke **** on her body were all taken away by Kazuki. At this moment, there was a blue color on his shoulder. Among his small backpacks, that is Furong's space equipment.

   "It's okay, Dago and the others are on their way over." Aoki said lightly. The voice of his words was not deliberately suppressed, so both Kazuki and the middle-aged man in yellow could hear Aoki's words.

  Dawu them?

Kazuki’s expression changed. He was someone who had been in contact with Aoki and Dago. He had also seen Aoki and Aki’s battle. He knew that he was not Aoki’s opponent with his own strength, although the person beside him was very strong. Strong, but after all, it is not his own and cannot guarantee his own safety.

   Aoki’s current goal is actually very simple, just wait until Dago and the others arrive.

   If he was asked to defeat the two opposing guys, he might not be able to do it, but if it was a drag, Aoki was still very sure.

But one thing that is not so good is that all the elves in Furong have been taken away by Kazuki. The elves in it are all of Furong's friends who have grown up to the present. If it is lost like this, the blow to her may be greater than before. It is even bigger when tied up.

   At this time, Furong, who was hiding behind Aoki, stuck out a small head, and his two bloodshot eyes stared at the small blue backpack on Kazuki's shoulder.

   Furong wanted to get it back, but she did not speak to Aoki, because she knew it was difficult, almost impossible, the other party would not give Aoki this opportunity, and it might become a bait to seduce Aoki, making him commit a risk.

   So Furong was very sensible and did not say.

   But in fact, Aoki had already noticed Furong's eyes and knew the importance of the backpack to her.

   patted Furong's hand lightly, signalling her not to worry, he had a way.

   "Why?" Aoki said again, but only a simple why.

   But the person who can understand is naturally able to understand. For example, Kazuki who is looking at Aoki at this moment, he knows that this question of Aoki is asking him why he wants to join the cult.

   "Because I want to get stronger!" Kazuki finally spoke. His voice may be a little hoarse because he hadn't spoken for a long time, but Aoki could clearly feel the simplicity of the words.

   Because I want to become stronger! So Kazuki would choose to join the religion, which is exactly the same as the reason for a large number of people who choose to join the religion.

Aoki frowned. "Don't you have a chance to become stronger in the alliance? You are the proud son of the city area, representing the vast group of trainers in the city area. If even you are like this because you are eager to change If you forcefully use some abnormal means, what do you make those who follow the steps think? What do you make Ewha think?"

   Hearing Aoki's words, Kazuki burst into laughter suddenly, the sadness, helplessness and hysteria in the laughter were so unconcealed.

After    smiled, Kazuki's eyes became extra sharp, and under the mask that could only cover his eye sockets, those cold eyes stared at Aoki firmly.

   "Then why did you choose to join the Rockets?!" Kazuki's voice didn't carry any emotion.

   But this sentence was like a huge stone slammed into Aoki's heart, making his heart turbulent.


   It's not just Aoki himself who was shocked by Kazuki's words, but Furong who was standing next to him was also shocked. He forgot to look at his poke ball, but looked at Aoki in amazement.

   Although Aoki's expression didn't change after Kazuki finished saying this, Hibiscus, who was holding Aoki's hands tightly, could feel the power of Aoki's palm that moment.

   Aoki quickly restrained, but Furong still felt it.

  "Aren't you able to get to this point because of the Rockets' support?

  Although I admit that as a poor-born civilian, you can stand out from the Rockets, and you can gain the trust of the Alliance, and finally become a well-known sandstorm king in Fengyuan area. You are very capable and capable! But without the Rockets, would you ask yourself if you can get there?

   Aoki, we are actually the same kind of people! I just walked behind you. "

   Kazuki's questions were repeated questions.

   Aoki himself knew that he was able to go to this point, with the current strength, it is indeed inseparable from the Rockets.

   But from Aoki's point of view, whether it is the Rockets, the Sky, or the league, they are all helping him to become stronger.

   Fu Rong stared at the unchanging Aoki and Kazuki with a loud voice. Although in the deepest part of her heart, she didn't want to believe Kazuki's words, but at that moment, her will was shaken.

   Aoki is the Rockets? !

   Actually, a long time ago, Furong had also heard of such news from some people who knew the gossip, but in her opinion, it was just a false accusation of Aoki by others, and she laughed when she learned about it.

   But looking at Kazuki talking at the moment, Furong felt so real again.

   What if Aoki is the Rockets?

   Furong asked herself this question in her own mind, which was a question to the deepest part of her heart.

  If Aoki is the Rockets, why did he risk his life to save her? Are the Rockets and the Alliance not enemies?

  If Aoki is the Rockets, why do they have to fight for the Fengyuan Alliance? It's playing the Lava Ocean team again, and it's playing against the gods again?

   If Aoki is the Rockets, why does he help every member of the league again and again? Help Emperor Yuanzhi detoxify, help President Adams save his Lattios, and help Dawu exercise his ability to handle things?

  All the questions pointed to the opposite of Kazuki's words, and Furong became more affirmed of her own thoughts.

   Two small hands pressed harder again, and firmly grasped Aoki's palm.

   If Aoki is the Rockets, let him be the Rockets! If all the Rockets are the same as Aoki, then the entire league can develop with peace of mind!

   Anyway, her Furong would never stand on the opposite side of Aoki! It's because he rushed to save himself this time, regardless of his life!

   Feeling the response from Hibiscus on the palm of his hand, Aoki also secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

   He admitted that he was a bit gaffe because of Kazuki's words just now, because it was so sudden that he suddenly lost control of his heart, but Fuyo's response told Aoki that she did not believe Kazuki's words.

   "Because you want to become stronger, you have given up your soul!" Aoki said solemnly.

He didn’t know where the religious people started and knew some of the information about his true identity, but they did not directly report the matter to the Alliance, indicating that they only guessed his identity, but they did not have enough evidence. , This made Aoki slightly relieved.

   Hearing the words, Kazuki looked at Aoki meaningfully and did not speak, but the meaning in his eyes was very obvious.

   He has seen through Aoki!

   But Aoki chuckled slightly, not caring.

  He is indeed a member of the Rockets! But this is different from his own desire to join the Rockets, just because he wants to become a strong trainer as a civilian, the Rockets are the best way.

   But he Aoki always has his own bottom line, he can not kill, provided that others do not provoke him!

   When he has a choice, he will never go back to do anything indiscriminately killing innocent people.

   But Kazuki was different. Aoki could see the kind of indifference in the deepest part of his eyes, that kind of contempt for everything, which, like many members of the sect, used all means to achieve his goal.

   Just as Aoki said, Kazuki had sold his soul to the gods, only for what he called to become stronger.

   This is completely contrary to Aoki's philosophy.

   The reason why Aoki wants to become stronger is because he wants to let his soul be free, no longer bound by any restrictions, to be a free person, and it is for this that he has been working hard until now.

   So Kazuki said that they are one kind of people, but Aoki thinks that they are two completely opposite people, although the way of doing things seems a little similar.

   "What are you talking about nonsense with him, quickly solve it, there will be people coming soon, we will leave some time and maybe we can set up a few traps to catch them all at once!" The middle-aged man in yellow clothes aside can't stand it.

   If it wasn't for Kazuki who didn't want to listen to him, just solve Furong directly, it wouldn't be so troublesome.

   Although it seems from the current situation, it is not very troublesome, but if Aoki alone, he is confident that he can solve it quickly, just like solving Furong, simply and neatly.

   This is his kind of inexplicable sense of superiority and self-confidence that he has produced after 25 years of "hiding our capacities and biding time" here.

   Aoki glanced at him, and stood beside him two reybs and electric dragons who looked menacing and majestic.

   I don’t know why, but the people of the two gods I met like to use spirits like Ibrahimovic so much.

   But judging from the elves used by this person, they are all electric elves, which makes Aoki not very worried.

  And there is one more important thing. After seeing LeBrad and Jokley, Aoki is not really afraid of or worried about these people who have stayed here for 25 years.

   They just look very powerful, but after a real fight, they can only find the flaws in them, and all the deficiencies will be exposed little by little.

To describe it from a simpler point of view, this group of people is suitable for those who are much weaker than them, it will appear that they are very strong, but if you meet someone who is not much different from them, it is very likely to be Will be hit directly on the ground.

   Aoki took the time to scan the data of Reyb and Denon.

   Elf: Reyb (blue)

   Gender: Male

   Level: 87

  Attribute: Electricity

  Characteristics: power storage

   carry props: none

  Inherited skills: acting like a baby, holding on, natural grace, synchronous interference

   Basic skills: electric shock, help, impact, tail wagging, sand splashing, round pupil, flash of electric light, double kick, lightning tooth, missile needle, high-speed movement, electromagnetic wave, electric discharge, treasure, thunder

   teach skills: desire, healing ringtones, sharpening, signal beam, snoring, electromagnetic levitation, loud sound, electric shock wave, iron tail

   Skill learner: hold, light wall, one hundred thousand volts, shadow ball, shadow clone, charming, charging beam, electromagnetic wave, crazy Ford

   is a blue-qualified Ibrahimovic again. UU reading has the same level as Jokley’s Ye Yibu, the same level 87.

   But compared to Yeibu, it is clear that even if this Reyb has the same qualifications and ranks, it cannot be as rare and precious as Yeibu.

   Elf: Electric Dragon (light blue)

   Gender: Male

   Level: 85

  Attribute: Electricity

  Characteristics: static electricity

   carry props: none

   Genetic skills: Mount Tai, odor detection, iron tail, electrical field

Basic skills: lightning fist, electromagnetic gun, magnetic field control, plasma bath, dragon wave, flame fist, impact, cry, electromagnetic wave, electric shock, cotton spore, charging, slam, electric ball, strange light, power gem, electric discharge , Cotton defense, signal beam, light wall, thunder, dragon wave

  Teaching skills: sharpening, electric shock wave, inverse scale, power grid, snoring, you first, Zhenqi fist, thunder and lightning fist, electromagnetic levitation, healing ringtone

   Skill learner: hold, mysterious guard, one hundred thousand volts, thunder, charging beam, volt replacement, crazy Ford

   It is this electric dragon, in Aoki's eyes, it is more suitable as the core of the electric elves than the Reyb, even if the qualification of the electric dragon is not as high as Reyb.


   Jinmu feels that his eyes are getting blurred when looking at the computer. Is it because the degree has risen? Or is it simply staring at the computer for too long?

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Chapter 525:

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Chapter 524:

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