MTL - The Rise of Dark Pokemons-Chapter 1450 Meteorite

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Although Aoki's identity was discovered, neither the Fengyuan Alliance nor the entire Elf Alliance had been announced.

The only people who really know his identity are the high-levels of the leagues and the league presidents of various regions. The lowest champion is the four kings.

People with lower authority than the Four Heavenly Kings are not even qualified to know Aoki's identity.

The reason for doing so was to be forced.

As Aoki's teacher Yanagi, he actually had very high expectations for Aoki, and he put a lot of hard work on Aoki.

Otherwise, he would not leave the Guandu area at the time for Aoki, join the Fengyuan Alliance, and pave the road for Aoki among the alliance's high-levels, so that it can smoothly become a master of the Fengyuan area.

In order to make way for Aoki, he resigned from the position of acting for the Four Heavenly Kings and returned to the Guandu Alliance again, just to give Aoki a higher level.

From here, you can see that Liu Shenggang attaches great importance to Aoki.

So in the bottom of his heart, he is really reluctant to accept that Aoki is actually an undercover agent for the Rockets, and he has always hoped that Aoki can "change evil and return to righteousness" without revealing his true identity, so Aoki has a way out.

Part of the reason is indeed because of helplessness.

Aoki's voice in the entire world of the elves, especially in the Fengyuan area, is too high, so high that the alliance after investigation can't believe it.

It can be said that, except for those disciples in the family, 99% of the people said Aoki's kind words, and the remaining 1% just maintained a neutral attitude.

Whenever a black green wood spray appears on the Internet, it will basically soon be overwhelmed by a large number of Justice Legions.

Because the reputation of Aoki's name among the people is too high, the alliance is also afraid that the announcement of this matter will have too much influence on the area under the jurisdiction of the alliance.

It may even cause unnecessary disturbances.

Most importantly, the league is also worried that ordinary residents, after knowing that Aoki is actually the leader of the Rockets and Sky, will they directly embrace the two organizations.

After all, as civilians, it is difficult for them to have a bright future.

Going to an underground force like the Rockets is within their choice.

Now if you know that the Aoki champion they have been pursuing is actually the leader of the Rockets and Sky, I don't know how they will feel or what choice they will make.

And the reputation of the Sky team in Fengyuan area would not have been.

In all areas and towns under the jurisdiction of the Sky Team, the crime rate has plummeted. These are also the statistics and conclusions of the survey that have been published on the Internet by specialized people.

It even caused quite a stir when it was announced.

After all, no one would have thought that an organization that was supposed to be an evil force could actually bring such benefits.

It is precisely because of this that people in Fengyuan area are not very repulsive to the Sky team.

Therefore, if Aoki's true identity is announced, how many people will join the Sky team and the Rockets, this is something the league absolutely does not want to see.

In fact, these public opinions that are beneficial to him, and those that are beneficial to the Sky team, the Rockets, and so on, are mainly sent out through Aoki's hands, or the personnel he arranged.

As a modern person, Aoki certainly knows how much public opinion will affect society as a whole.

Before the Elven Alliance had noticed this, Aoki began to deliberately control the direction of public opinion.

And if you want to control the direction of public opinion, you only need to control the relatively large TV stations, news newspapers, etc., and then find a group of Shui Jun to fan the flames on the Internet. It is a relatively simple method.

The method is simple, but the effect is quite outstanding.

The radio stations and newspapers in the Fengyuan area have long been under the control of the Sky Team. Even the radio stations and newspapers in other areas have a large share of shares under the intentional arrangement of Aoki.

You can also talk in these radio newspapers.

After Aoki left Fengyuan's headquarters building, he told everyone in the sky castle that his plan could begin.

This includes the control of the direction of public opinion.

As long as those in power in the alliance are not fools, they know the price of announcing their identity.

Of course, the league is more or less aware of this, so their plan is to use time to dilute it.

Through the passing of time, the influence brought by Aoki is slowly offset. After two or three years, when Aoki's influence is not so great, everything will be exposed.

At the same time, during this time period, the Alliance also needs someone to slowly replace Aoki and replace his influence.

And this most suitable person, of course, is Daigo who was once known as Fengyuan Gemini with Aoki!

So the first thing to do is to replace Aoki's Fengyuan regional champion and directly suppress Aoki's influence from the most fundamental position.

However, he couldn't immediately replace Aoki as the champion. After all, Oo's strength was a little bit worse, and Aoki did not make a fundamental mistake for ordinary people, so he could not be dismissed directly.

But the alliance has already planned. During this period of time, Dawu will do a few more influential tasks to increase his popularity, and at that time, he will find any reason to replace Aoki as the champion.

These Aoki have long understood clearly through the intelligence organization left behind by the Sky Team and the gods.

But he did not forcibly interfere.

If he didn't show up, Dawu himself would become the champion of Fengyuan area, and now he will be returned to him as Aoki.

Moreover, with this time, Aoki would rather spend more time on improving his strength.

Besides, even if Dawu really becomes a champion, can his policies and orders be implemented without reservation?

Aoki didn't do nothing during the year he was the champion.

When he opened a convenient promotion door for ordinary civilians, he also took advantage of this opportunity to place his face in various positions in the Fengyuan Alliance.

It can be said that as long as the current Aoki reason, nearly half of Fengyuan Alliance's existence can be transferred to Aoki's hands.

This was something that everyone in Fengyuan Alliance hadn't expected, and it was Aoki's last back.


The Elf Alliance and many underground forces are changing the sky unknowingly.

But none of this caused much commotion.

Time passed quickly in such an unusually calm situation.

One year has passed again.

In this year's time, the Fengyuan region's champion quietly changed from the original Aoki champion to the steel champion Dago.

As for why the Aoki champion became the Ogo champion, all of this is an unsolved mystery in the eyes of many civilians.

However, in this year, Dawu, as a champion, gained a lot of fame and did a lot of important things.

This made Aoki, the former champion, slowly faded out of sight.

Although there are still many people on the Internet who follow Aoki's trends, compared to a year ago, it is not so large.

This is exactly what the alliance hopes to reduce Aoki's presence and influence. I believe that within one or two years at most, there will be good results. At that time, maybe it will be the time for the alliance to solve major hidden dangers.

In this year's time, Aoki basically did not appear much.

I spend most of my time on my own farming island, staying with my elves, improving strength together, and becoming stronger together.

A small part of the time will appear in Fort Sky, controlling the movements of the entire Rainbow Rockets and the movements of the league.

After this year's time, Lusha Minai of the Ether Foundation has accepted her fate, and in this year's time, Aoki also found the opportunity to accept the challenge of Plasma Team N, and successfully pulled him into his own tank. .

The underground forces of the elven world are united unexpectedly.

However, during this year, these underground forces were very safe under Aoki's orders, and did not cause chaos everywhere, which made the whole world of elves exceptionally quiet during this time.


Just today, another very influential event happened.

One thing that might destroy the entire world of elves.

This morning.

The scientific research unit of the Sky Team on the Sky Fort, led by Jarvis, discovered an extremely huge meteorite coming straight from the universe to the planet where the Elf World is located.

This meteorite appeared very abruptly, making people feel like they were caught off guard.

Moreover, the speed of this meteorite is very fast. According to Jarvis's calculations, it can hit the wizard planet in less than two days.

In Jarvis's calculations, this meteorite is not only very fast, but also very large in scale. Once it hits the wizard planet, the consequences will be disastrous.

The best case is to hit a large area, causing this area to sink directly, and everyone in this area will disappear with this continent and be buried together.

Because a large area of ​​land subsided, causing the sea level to rise, and all the cities with lower altitudes in the rest of the area were swallowed, more than 50% of the humans and elves in the Elven World would lose their lives due to this disaster.

This is the best situation.

But the probability of this is very low. It is even more likely that when the meteorite hits the elven planet, a big explosion will occur directly, and the elven planet will be broken, and the humans and elves that can survive will not carry one percent, or even one thousandth.

This is definitely a huge disaster that may have an impact on the entire Elf planet.

Because of the special geographical location of Sky Castle, coupled with the special care of Aoki, it was discovered relatively early.

But apparently the alliance did not notice this.

There are less than two days left until the meteorite falls, and it is necessary to figure out a solution in these two days to be able to resolve this crisis.

So Aoki asked Jarvis to immediately spread the news through the Sky team's channels, and at the same time sent it to the head of the league, so that they can know it well, and let them quickly figure out a way.

This is a moment that affects the entire world of the elves, and it is a moment that concerns the survival of the entire world. Instead of focusing on personal enmity, how to overcome difficulties together is the key.

However, after receiving the information from the Sky Team, the Alliance did not dare to look down upon it and immediately arranged for scientific research personnel to confirm it urgently.

The Alliance itself did not pay too much attention to the universe, nor thought that there would be danger from the universe. If it were not for the reminder of the sky team, it is estimated that it would really only react when the meteorite can be seen by the naked eye, but At that time, it was too late.

Even if the meteorite is crushed, a large number of meteorite fragments falling on the ground will cause large-scale natural disasters, which is a loss that the Alliance cannot bear.

After spending half a day on an expedited investigation and confirming the existence of the meteorite, the entire alliance was a little flustered.

This is a disaster they have never encountered before.

If the disaster appears on the ground, even in the sea or in the sky, they will have a way to reach it, but this crisis comes from outer space and from the universe.

This is an area that the entire elven alliance has never touched.

I can't touch the meteorite, what should I do?

In the end, after a long period of intense discussions among the senior leaders of the league, they came to a conclusion.

There is only one day left before the meteorite hits the elven planet. In this short day, it is almost impossible to come up with a perfect solution without any danger.

So in the end, there was really no way. The presidents and champions of many regions decided to gather all the people with strength above the four-day king level.

Although the meteorite cannot be touched, the exact location of the meteorite can still be calculated.

At that time, all champion-level and above people will work together to smash this huge meteorite.

The rest of the people were scattered around to prepare. When the meteorite fragments were smashed everywhere, they tried their best to crush the larger fragments. There is really no way to guide the meteorite fragments to a place with relatively few people. .

In short, in a word, minimize the damage caused by the impact of the meteorite to the entire world of the elves, and the casualties caused by it.

And at this moment, in response to such an extinction disaster, the people of the Elf Alliance did not care about other things, and took the initiative to contact Aoki, hoping that he could arrange some people to deal with this time.

After all, the sky team discovered and told the alliance this time, indicating that they did not want to see this meteorite really fall.

Moreover, the senior officials of the alliance stated that during this period of time, the alliance is willing to put aside its hostility to them and join forces to fight against disasters. Everything can wait until the end of this matter, and then elaborate.

Aoki, who got the information from the Sky Castle, sat on the Iron Throne, but couldn't help laughing.

One year has passed, and when he really encountered an insolvable crisis, the talents of the alliance thought of him. It would be impossible to say that Qingmu didn't have some criticisms in his heart.

However, the reason why Aoki made Jarvis pay special attention to the crisis from the universe is because he probably knew that the elf world might face such a situation.

So he already has a special way to deal with it.

"Jarvis, in this year's time, what I asked you to make should be almost done, right?" Aoki looked at and stood aside respectfully, his hair a little messed up, and Jarvis was full of sleep but excited. .

"Master Aoki, I'm doing business, don't worry!!"

Jarvis patted his chest.

After he left the kingdom of Azot, he came into contact with modern science and became crazy about modern science.

Aoki knew that Jarvis was a manufacturable material, so no matter what information Jarvis needed, it would definitely satisfy him.

Facts also proved that Jarvis did not let him down. After combining the knowledge of the two major directions of mystical science and modern science, Jarvis's science and technology once again showed explosive growth, becoming the veritable number one in the sky team. One scientist.

And he still has the opportunity and possibility to continue to rise.

However, Jarvis did not cherish himself. He compiled the mysterious science he knew into a book and gave it to the Flash Team, which is almost half a century ahead of modern science, so that the Flash Team’s science and technology has also skyrocketed in a short period of time, especially On this point about life energy.

Because of Jarvis’s mysterious scientific materials, the Flash Team finally found abnormal life energy fluctuations in every corner of the Carlos area, covering almost the entire Carlos area.

The most special thing is that these scattered life energies actually fluctuate at the same frequency, or even the same, that is to say, the source of these life energies should come from the same place, or from the same spirit!

After discovering this, the Flash Team rushed forward, as long as it wasn't for Aoki's order, it almost ignored external affairs.

Aoki knew what they had discovered, but even now he didn't know how to face the elf for the time being, so he left the Flash Team to fiddle.

Under the assurance of Jarvis patting his chest, a set of strange-looking armor appeared in front of Aoki under the control of the Sky Castle by Mayiyana.

"My lord, according to your request, I used a very special material for this armor. Normal attacks can't leave any traces on it, and the airtightness of this armor is extremely high. Subordinates have done corresponding tests. .

The most important thing is that, according to your requirements, an oxygen circulation system is added to this armor. As long as there are creatures moving in it and the energy source in the armor is not exhausted, then this armor can continuously use carbon dioxide. Produce oxygen.

And after learning that this armor is for you to wear, I made improvements. This armor that could only supply energy through energy crystals can now absorb super powers and use super powers as an energy source.

In other words, as long as you put on this armor, even in a completely vacuum environment, if your own nutrition is sufficient, there is no problem surviving for more than one month. "

Jarvis was very excited to tell Aoki about the special armor he had made.

In Aoki's view, it is actually a space suit with enhanced mobility and an improved safety factor.

Space suit!

That's right!

Aoki wanted to completely block this meteorite before it reached the elven planet, or even crush it.

As for telling the league, it was just that Aoki felt that they were living too easily, which made them a little nervous.

Moreover, under the attraction of this huge meteorite, the attention of the entire alliance has shifted to this, and then his series of plans can be executed.

"Very good!" Aoki nodded in satisfaction.

Looking up to the higher sky, when he raised his head, Majiyana knew how to control the sky fort, and opened a skylight above it, allowing Aoki to see the night sky of the wizard world.

Far away, it seemed that I could barely see the shadow of that huge meteorite.

"Jarvis, have you conveyed my request to the Alliance?" Aoki looked at the sky for a while, and was intoxicated for a while in the clear starry sky without many dark clouds.

Hearing that, Jarvis nodded repeatedly, "My lord, it has already been told. The Alliance has already prepared what you need."

Aoki nodded in satisfaction and stood up from the steel throne.

With his movements, the steel throne that originally seemed extremely majestic slowly disappeared and merged into the sky castle.

"In that case, let's send a message to our people. Everything is signaled by what I have said!" Aoki slowly walked along the edge of the big sky fort, looking at the vast world below.

"The change of the whole world of elves begins today!!

After today, I want to make a big difference in this world! ! ! "

After finishing speaking, Aoki faced the cold high-altitude wind and jumped down from the sky castle.

At the moment he jumped down, a black shadow flew out of the sky castle. He couldn't really look like him at night, but he could vaguely see the blood red on his wings!

Super Tyrannosaurus!

Aoki was riding a Super Flying Dragon, and fell rapidly towards Chimney Hill below.

At this moment, people from all over the world in the alliance gathered here, gathered around Chimney Mountain in Fengyuan area, a radius of hundreds of miles.

Because according to calculations, by coincidence, the place where the meteorite will hit is actually Chimney Mountain in Fengyuan area.

At this moment, it was about the survival of the entire world, so the alliance did not hide much strength anymore, all the members were exhausted, only hoping to reduce the loss to a minimum.

And Aoki unabashedly rode the Super Flying Dragon, descending from the sky, and also attracted the attention of the people here.

The people here basically know about Aoki, so after seeing him appear, they have all kinds of eyes.

Joy, pity, doubt, disgust, etc...

But these eyes were ignored by Aoki, and he flew straight to the top of Chimney Mountain.

The people here are the fewest at this time, but the people who can appear here all represent the highest combat power or the highest status in each region.

Among them, Aoki is familiar with Adams, the president of the Fengyuan League, the current champion Adek of the Hezhong region, the current champion Xirona of the Shenao region, the current champion Karuna of the Carlos region, and the current city capital region. Champion Yulongdu, current champion Kona of the Kanto region, and current champion Daigo of Fengyuan League! !

Champions from all regions gather! !

In addition to the Alora region that has not yet been included in the league's territory, there are six regions and six champions!

Of course, there are also Aoki's teacher, Liu Shenggang, the president of the alliance, Taishan, the commander of the alliance's army, and the unreal white-robed bodyguard dragon who is known until now!

"Yo--it looks like all the old friends are here. It's really been a long time since I saw you." Aoki smiled and jumped off the back of the Super Flying Dragon and fell in front of a few people.

It's just been a year since I haven't seen it, but there is a feeling of being wrong.

Everyone, including Dawu, looked at Aoki with complex expressions, looked at this guy who was the same as before, with a confident smile on his face, and looked at the man they had been trying to catch up with.

Unexpectedly, after spending such a long time with them, I thought that someone who knew everything was a Rockets guy from the beginning.

When I first learned about this news, no one believed it.

Seeing Aoki again, he didn't seem to have changed much, but at this moment, their identities were on the opposite side.

"All have become regional champions, amazing! As expected of the members of our small team at the time, they have developed their potential one by one." Aoki communicated with the people here like a okay person, but he didn't answer the call. .

They don't know how to answer the call.

It was just a regretful thought that filled their minds.

Of course, there are exceptions, and that is Dawu!

It seems that on the day I knew Aoki’s identity, I had already exploded all my emotions. Now I just look at Aoki coldly, without any mood swings or feelings in my eyes, as if I was watching. An irrelevant dead thing.

Everyone also knows why Dawu became like this.

At the beginning of their group, the one who had the best relationship with Aoki was Dawu, he was the one who believed in Aoki the most, and of course he was the one who could not accept Aoki's true identity.

So in the past year, Dawu has done crazy tasks to improve his strength.

He spent all his free time on improving his strength, and his strength has changed drastically in just one year.

Now Dawu's strength, even among their champions, is one of the best!

Cross took a step forward, looking at Aoki with a complex expression.

He said unceremoniously that he watched Aoki grow up little by little, and when he saw his appearance, he was a little bit disappointed, " there really no way to do it?"

Aoki waved his hand, stopped what Du was going to say next, glanced at the audience, and collected the expressions of everyone, especially on Dawu's face.

I don't know why, I have always felt that my interests are paramount, but I feel a little bit of pain in my heart when I feel cold enough.

But it didn't show it on his face, and he grinned and revealed a big smile, "Don't say too much, now is a very urgent moment. You can't delay a minute or a second. Let us wait for the old things. Do it again.

What I want, are you ready? "


An emerald green bead shot from Dawu's hand.


Aoki caught the green bead just right, and glanced at Daigo who was expressionless.

"This is what you want." Dawu said coldly.

Aoki didn't seem to hear Dawu's indifference, nodded slightly, and opened his palm to see that it was the bead he wanted.

It was the bead made from the statue of Liekong sitting on Aoki when the Liekong who was present during the Gulardo and Giokka rebellion in the Fengyuan area had a chance to summon him to sit. .

It's just that Aoki gave the bead to Adams and kept it in his custody, but now it has returned to his hands again.

Did not say much.

Turning his back to everyone, looking at the endless night sky.

"After today, everything will end, and I will give you an answer." Aoki's voice was not loud, but it fell into each of them.

Before everyone recovered, they saw the green bead on Aoki's hand burst out with a dazzling green light, reflecting the entire area of ​​Chimney Mountain into green.


Along with the sound of dragons resounding in the sky, a slender and flexible giant dragon spirit appeared in the night sky. Under the guidance of the green halo, it rushed towards Chimney Mountain.

Twisting his body.

Dragon in the sky, sit Liekong! !

Everyone already knows the function of this bead in Qingmu's hand, so they are not very surprised when Liekong is sitting.

Although they didn't know why Aoki had to summon Likuzai at this time, they had been in contact with Aoki for a long time, and they knew Aoki to some extent, they knew that since he did this, it must have his intentions.

Even if these people and Aoki are still in a state of opposition, it does not hinder their trust in Aoki.

Aoki glanced back at the people behind him, not surprised to see them, there was still a slight warmth in his heart.

Immediately watched straight down from the sky, sitting fiercely in the air.

This is not a good master, and it is still in the case of offending the other party.

But the problem is not too big. Now even if it is Liekongzai, Aoki is not very afraid of him, and he is no longer the Fengyuan Sandstorm King who had nothing to do with Liekongzai.


The appearance of Liekongzai brought up a super spiral air current.

Aoki saw him, and of course he also saw Aoki. After all, the impression was quite deep when he snatched the pieces of his dragon slab.

And he remembered that he left this dragon ball that could summon himself, just to deal with the two elves, Gulardo and Giouka.

But when he arrived here at the fastest speed, he didn't notice the breath of those two elves.

Liekong sitting on this elf is actually more responsible. Since ancient times, Gulardo and Giouka have been fighting every day, and he is the one who calmed them down.

Gradually he became a habit, as long as they dared to fight, he dared to show up.

And enjoy it.

The new hatred and the old hatred came together. When he saw Qingmu, Lie Kong didn't constrain at all, and directly turned into a sharp sword.

The finishing touch!

Aoki narrowed his eyes, not surprising, after all, he did steal his good stuff.

However, this year is not in vain.

The poke ball in his hand opened, and a super superpower swept away.

The pale white elves rising into the sky.


During this year, under the guidance of Aoki's Zunzun, Chaomeng was willing to enter Aoki's Elf Ball and become his elf.

This really has to be Chaomeng willing.

Otherwise, even if it is a master ball, as long as Chaomeng is unwilling, he can break through the shackles of the poke ball at any time and let himself be free again.

It was just a year of getting along, so Chaomeng recognized Aoki, and he and Aoki's elves became good friends, so he volunteered to become Aoki's elves.

Seeing Liekong sitting again, the elf that he was not sure to defeat back then.

After Aoki's years of training, not to mention how much progress has been made in strength, it is a step forward in fighting skills and mastery of his body and energy.

boom! ! !

The movement caused by the collision of the two master-level elves almost turned that area in midair into a vacuum zone.

Sirona and the others stared blankly at the collision with Liekong sitting on the two sides and confronted the two elves.

The aftermath of the shock from their collision made the sky above Chimney Mountain, which was originally shrouded in volcanic ash, a little grey, suddenly became clear.

None of these two elves can be handled by them!

Liekong sat and looked at him with a stern look on the face of super dreams, he remembered this elf.

But it didn't give him such a threatening atmosphere at the beginning, but now it actually gives him a sense of evenness.

Although the overall body is still weaker than myself, it is also because the opponent's sacred beast aura is very strong but has not yet received the priesthood. This is a big flaw, but it will be compensated in the future. When the time comes, you will fight head-on. It is not impossible.

While the two elves were facing each other, Aoki flew up with a smile on the Super Flying Dragon.

This human!

Liekong was a little anxious in his heart, but at such a close distance, he did not attack again.

Because he once again felt a very strong threatening aura from this human body, that kind of aura that can really contend with himself!

Coupled with the super dream that just resisted his finishing touch.

These two breaths were a single one, although they were threatening to him, they couldn't make the arrogant him back down and let go of his prejudices.

But when these two auras and these two threats appeared together, Lie Kongsi had to pay attention to it.

He has a feeling that if fighting broke out here today, he might not be very friendly to his results.

Forcibly pressing down the restlessness in his heart, Liekong sat and roared at Aoki, venting his anger and depression at the moment.


Aoki was greeted with a bad breath attack from Ryokuzai frontally, without changing his face.

He smiled and waved his hand towards Liekong sitting, "Don't be so angry, since it's all here, why don't we talk about it? I know you will have a small job in the near future and need my help."

A glimmer of doubt flashed in Liekong's eyes, and he didn't know what he needed to help the kid in front of him.

Aoki smiled without saying a word, waved towards Liekong, and then flew high in the sky aboard the Super Flying Dragon.

Chaomeng closely followed Qingmu's side, watching Liekong sitting in his eyes full of fighting jade.

Chaomeng, the elf, because of his genes, is an elf who likes to fight very much in his heart, especially fighting opponents of similar strength, and at this moment there is one in front of him.

Had it not been for Qingmu, he would have rushed to fight Liekong for three hundred rounds.

The people standing on the top of the chimney hill below looked at Aoki and Likong sitting towards the sky.

"Aoki, this guy doesn't want to use Liekongzai's help, and then solve this meteorite crisis alone?" Du said, breaking their silence.

Hearing Du's words, everyone didn't know what to say for a while.

Although with Aoki's current status, theoretically he would not do this, but in their hearts, they all think that this is a great possibility.

"This brat, I still want to do it alone." In the end, Aoki's teacher, Liu Shenggang, set the tone for this matter.

"But having said that, his current strength is really strong, and he can actually force Lie Kongzai to communicate with him on an equal footing." Sirona also said, her words full of sorrow.

Everyone still admires Aoki's strength.

But soon, everyone felt that there was something wrong with their personal state.

Look at Dawu.

I saw that his original cold expression was gone, his brows were frowning, and his fists were tightly pinched.

Don't ask, who is this because of.

"Dawu..." Karuna couldn't help but ask for comfort.

But seeing Dawu's wrinkled face, a big smile appeared, and he smiled very happily, both eyes were narrowed.

"This stinky boy, his strength has improved so fast, it seems that in order to bring him back as soon as possible, I need to work harder!!

Just being the champion of Fengyuan area is not enough..."

Everyone heard Dawu's words.

But they are still a little worried for Dawu.

At this time, it might be better for Dawu to vent his emotions. Although he has a big smile on his face now, his fists are still tightly squeezed.

Liu Shenggang also looked at Dawu, did not speak, just shook his head, a trace of struggle flashed in his eyes, but he was quickly suppressed.

The dragon on Liu Shenggang's side gently patted Liu Shenggang's arm, and shook his head slightly at him, indicating that he didn't need to worry.

Liu Shenggang also understood what Long wanted to express, and nodded towards him, showing that he knew the right measure, then raised his head and looked towards the sky.

At this time, Aoki and Liekong were about to disappear from everyone's sight.

When no one is paying attention, there is a deep worry in his eyes.


Aoki and Retsuko flew to a very high altitude. At this altitude, there were few elves that could live, so they didn't have to worry about being disturbed.


Liekong couldn't wait to roar towards Qingmu.

Because of his superpowers, Aoki can understand his meaning.

"Don't worry, I said you will have a favor that I can only help, don't worry." The smile on Aoki's face remained unchanged.

At such a high altitude, he didn't use super powers, which shows that Aoki's physical fitness is not weak now.

This is the result of his deliberate training in the sky castle.

"Did you see that huge meteorite from the universe?" pointed towards the night sky.

At this height, the meteorite rushing towards the elven planet from the universe became more and more obvious, even visible to the naked eye, it can be found quickly, and the size change in the line of sight is visible to the naked eye.

Disdain flashed in Liekong's eyes when he heard Aoki's words.

"You are looking for me to say this?" Liekong's sitting voice sounded in Qingmu's mind.

"Yes, what kind of damage this meteorite will bring to this planet, surely you can imagine it too?"

"How can I foresee such a scene? Anyway, it is the disaster that belongs to your humans, and to me, it has no effect." Liekong's eyes became more and more disdainful, and he had somewhat guessed what Qingmu wanted him to do.

Lie Kongzai can survive in the universe.

"No, no, it really won't affect you, after all, you can survive even in the universe.

But what I want to say is the fairy in this meteorite! "Aoki waved his hand again and again.


Upon hearing this, Liekong sat in a daze.

The smile on Aoki's face was even worse.

Finally got the bait.

"Yes, in this meteorite, there is an elf, an elf that does not belong to an elf planet, and a powerful elf born in the universe!

In other words, it is a divine beast! !

And you should know, what does the mythical beast born in the universe represent after he receives the priesthood? "Aoki's tone is like a tempting "teacher". UU Reading

Suddenly, Lie Kongsi's momentum soared! !


There is a big announcement!

This book is about to end. Although there are still a few chapters, Jinmu's manuscript is almost ready, so you don't have to worry about the end.

Then, Jinmu will release a new book tomorrow. It will look like tomorrow night. Because the new book pays more attention to the recommendation ticket, you can keep the new book for tomorrow if it is not useful for the time being.

It is estimated that a single chapter will be opened tomorrow.

Finally, the new book has been approved by the internal investment, so 100% will sign the contract. If you want to invest, everyone should be as early as possible!

thanks for your support! muah!


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