MTL - The Rise of Otaku-Chapter 216 Freaks

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This flash gold, which caught Zhou’s attention, was only thirteen years old.

Xiao Xi, a cute little Lolita wearing a maid costume, wants to apply for a voice actor, and her flash gold talent is indeed a voice actor. Home power 8.4, with a very high talent for the voice. Although the dubbing has not been learned, the tone in the video is pleasing to the skin, and the standard is soft and soft. It can also be converted into a royal sister, and the changes in the range and tone are breathtaking.

Absolute talent.

Zhou Yuhui hired this person Zhou Wei is not unexpected, because the strength is placed there, but this age is really difficult. Still in the middle school, I will recruit people now and be beaten by my parents in minutes.

"Yu Tsai, wait two more years, at least until she graduated from junior high school. If she is hired, it is too late to take care of her, and what does her family say?"

When you watch the video, you know that the girl’s family is a good one. It’s not that the poor people are in desperate need of money. It’s impossible to let the children enter the society so early. And the little girl's heart is not fixed. Now I like to dub. If I grow up, I feel that this trip is not as good as I thought.

"Well, then you should first touch and see what attitude her family has. But be sure to hold it firmly and not let others else take the lead. This little girl has a future."

The house is high, and the talent is also the highest. If you raise it a little, you might become an idol like a small pear. I don't know how the personality is. If you can have a small wooden pear, you don't have a little princess temper. It is easy to become famous.

There is also a flash gold appearing more dramatic.

The video should be a dormitory in the university. Four crappy men sit in front of the computer and play lol, one of which is the candidate. He is studying animation, and is using his mobile phone to shoot himself and want to enter the studio.

"I said the old horse, you still want to enter the studio? Think too much? That is the top animation studio in China, and certainly not the students who just graduated."

Someone is advising him, but he is still unmoved. Anyway, I have to graduate and go to resume my resume. It’s good to have a good luck. If you can get in?

As a result, it really went, but not him.

The old horse's home power is 4.2, and the talent potential is animated, but only ordinary level. That is to say, although it can be cultivated, the final achievement will not be too high. In the submission of thousands of people, his house and potential are not good, and can be directly eliminated.

However, Zhou Yu saw a person next to him, who was the genius of the flash home. Home Power 8.8, has a very high talent for animation, future animation director. Not only is the high talent of animation production, but also the animation director directly in the evaluation, which is relatively rare.

Zhou Wei watched Zhou Yu's video of this 'Old Horse' into the second round of the folder to be reviewed, and said to the information: "This horse is good, his graduation work is still OK, the class is also good. Tune up, it seems that the animation team will be handed over to him for inspection."

"What? It is not this that is to be hired. It is next to him. Look, this short-haired spectacles man, don't make a mistake."

Zhou Yu had to open the video again and pointed the flash gold otaku to Zhou Wei.

Although Zhou Yu has always been very strange, but this practice is really blame Zhou Wei can not accept, just because it appears in other people's job search video, can actually be seen at a glance? I have never said a word, I have been screaming and playing games. Is it true that the game can be played well? No, you must figure out the recruitment criteria for Yuzi, or else get back a bunch of geeks, and where is the amusement park?

"Do not worry, uncle, believe me is right, this is a future animation director, my vision is not wrong."

Zhou Yu’s words Zhou Yi didn’t want to believe a word, but the boss took out his majesty and could only do it according to this meaning. The poor old horse, who produced a foil to set off others, was like taking a friend to participate in the idol sea election. As a result, he lost his friend but was fancy.

The person selected by Zhou Yu, who is outside the flash gold, will give a letter of employment directly, but the flash gold talent must find someone to announce the employment, reflecting the respect for the talent. This is also a strange place in Zhou Wei. Among the dozens of people recruited, why are these six values ​​so valued?

Could it be said that Zhou Yu’s investigation team outside is already checking out the basics of these people?

The people of the Secretariat traveled to their destinations with their respective employment letters.


Xiao Jia, Xiao’s parents are in a headache. Xiaoxi, who is in the palm of his hand, has committed a crime. He is hiding in his own mortuary and is not going to school. He has not eaten for a day. The reason for not going to school is because her voice is very strange, and she is laughed at by the students as a voice-changing monster.

"I don't go to school! They are bullying me! Don't play with me! I have already told Zhou Shushu of Xiaotaoyuan Amusement Park, I want to go to work there, just don't go to school!"

The stubborn voice from across the door made Xiao’s parents very helpless. At the beginning, Xiao Xi said that he was bullied by his classmates. He thought that it was just a normal child playing. He didn't expect the result to develop into Xiao Xi being isolated by the whole class. Finally, Xiao Xi was not willing to go to school again.

As for what Xiaoshu, Zhou Shushu, is a bit puzzling, there is no such relative in the family?

In the quiet consolation, suddenly the doorbell rang, Xiaomu can only open the door first.

The person who came is the Lin Biao of the Xiaotaoyuan Amusement Park Secretariat. She gave a very brief explanation and then handed the letter of employment to Xiaomu.

"What? My family is only 13 years old. How can you hire her in any studio? No, I will never agree."

Lin Biao is trying to explain that a child’s surprise sound suddenly sounded in the door: “Is it a studio?”

Then a slap in the middle of the running, a gothic Lolita girl with a skull and a death plaque on her body ran out with a very happy smile. Only the little girl painted a heavy makeup, the black lipstick looked very evil, but it was a bit strange to use on a girl's face.

Lin Biao looked at the girl who dressed up, not only lamented that she could not keep up with the trend of young people, but also took a step closer to her aunt.

"You are Miss Xiao Xi? Yes, I am submitting a letter of employment to you on behalf of the studio, but considering your age, you don't have to go to work now, we will only come back to you when you need to record. After you finish your studies, consider whether you are full time."

"No, I will go with you now! Go to the amusement park to work!"

Xiao Xi’s decision was extremely firm, completely ignoring the opposition of his parents, and pulling Lin’s sleeves would leave Xiao’s family.

Of course, Lin Biao can't really take away Xiao Xi, her problem needs to sit down and solve it slowly.