MTL - The Rise of Otaku-Chapter 220 code

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In order not to let Newton jump out of the coffin, this apple still has to grab it yourself. Fortunately, compared with the 2nd dimension, Zhou Yuren Gao Ma Da has taken advantage. The situation of Mi is in a hurry. Family.

From the countdown, the mature fruit is ripe at 2 pm, but from the afternoon, the back garden's grove is packed with adventurers. As if the Liangshan heroes gathered together, one person and one position quietly waited for the time when the fruit matured.

Simply arrogant, brazenly robbery, and surely, the place outside the Star City and the City of ** is lawless. With the growing treasures of Luhua Village, such things will happen from time to time, making Zhou Yu a headache.

In desperation, find the old dragon king and ask how to sever such incidents.

“Luhua Village was originally affiliated with Starlight City. When it was not so seen as nothing, but since its decline, Luhua Village has withdrawn from the jurisdiction of Starlight City, and it has become a trivial area. It is inevitable that there are many small. If you want The easiest way to restore the order of Luhua Village is to join Star City or City."

After that, Lao Longwang carefully looked at Zhou Yu, and now his face is full of three characters: ‘disagree’. Also, the original chaotic land not only produced starlight idols, but also ** idols. If you join any party, you must expel all other idols. This is something that Zhou Yu can't do.

"The second way is to find the Code. Since then, Luhua Village has become a prince. As long as the Code is still there, there is irresistible binding force. There will be fewer things in these fly camps. Of course, it is not after the Code. There is no worry at all, there are still some more powerful adventurers, you can ignore the code of the majesty."

With the Code, you can upgrade the Luhua Village to Luhua City and have its own legal system. However, self-reliance princes are more troublesome, can not enjoy the shelter of Star City or the city, can only rely on their own strength to defend the city. Once there is something, there is not even a helping hand.

Now Luhua Village and Starlight City have made good exchanges, and there is no evil in the city of **. I am afraid that although I am excused from some inconvenient things, I also bring other different troubles. Do not say anything else, it is a matter of mutual annexation between forces, it will be a headache.

This is an idol of the Warring States period. There are many forces dominated by starlight and **. Although there are some intermediate forces, most of them have no improvement. If Zhou Yu must be self-reliant, then it is difficult to avoid joining this idol and Warring States game.

If the real world is snoring, Zhou Yu certainly does not like it, but if it is just an idol hegemony, it will be very interesting. Anyway, it is usually a painful egg, and it is not bad to play the game of hegemony.

"So, where can the Codex be found?"

When I heard the name, I knew that this thing was hard to find. I saw that the old dragon king shook his head and said: "The code can only rely on the machine, there is no sure way. If you really want to be a city owner, always pay attention to relevant News. Also, you must take the time to find out the intelligence of the surrounding forces."

If you have not yet become a prince, you can investigate the surrounding forces as you like, at least know yourself and yourself. If you wait until the forces are established, then there is a possibility of conflict when you pry into others.

This, let the thieves king to do it.

"How is the conflict between the forces unfolding? Is it true that there is still a fight for the troops?"

If it's such a good thing, it's not fun, let Xiaomu Pear go into battle, just don't even think about it.

"If you want to attack his forces, you can hold a large-scale idol performance in the enemy forces, you only need to get more local fans support in a certain period of time, even if you win, you can get the other's territory after the victory. And all resources."

It turns out that this kind of civilized play is acceptable.

In terms of the ability of Xiaomu Pear, there is not much in the wilderness that can block her offense, and perhaps it can be greatly improved in this way. Of course, the expansion of the territory is impossible, and there are not so many idols under the hand.

In the case of Xiaomu Pear stationed in the field, Luhua Village was copied to the bottom, which would be a big loss. And pk will take a long time, if the third force is squandered, the loss is still huge. Thinking about it, even if there is a matchless hand in the hand, it is better to keep the old nest first. Waiting for almost the same business, go out and see if there is any oil and water to fish.

However, if you have a lot of things, you still have to find the Codex to find the city before you can talk about other things.

Right now, let's save the creative fruit first.

It can be seen that the strong tension between Oba and Quickhand is obviously scared by many adventurers who are present. Although these people are less powerful than the elites of Luhua Village, they are winning in a large number, and many people carry props.

It’s hard to know who is killing the elephant.

Squirrel cockroach, mouse Jack, old drunkard, thieves king, fireflies, Dean, twenty bird knights. In addition to protecting the black wooden bodyguards of Xiaomu Pear and White Ink, the use of the fighting power in Luhua Village is all assembled, but it still only occupies a small position in the outer circle.

At the moment of the war, the doorbell suddenly rang, and Zhou Qian’s tight heart was flashed.

When I opened the door, it turned out to be Zhou Qingshu, the manager of the ranch.

"The little boss, the pigeons in the paddock today are not coming back. It’s really weird. They usually have to come back at this point, and they don’t know where to play."

The paddock is a ranch that the little boss himself is in charge of. The animals inside are all very clever and are the little stars of the Colosseum. The little boss himself also attached great importance to these animals, so after the abnormality, he immediately ran to find Zhou Yu.

"Oh, they have been playing with me for a while this evening, you don't have to care."

Zhou Yu explained this, Zhou Qingshu no longer asked, but strange little boss is in the nerves, deeper night is still training these pigeons.

Because it was really curious, Zhou Qingshu found a place nearby to see the back garden of Zhou Yujia, and wanted to see how the little boss trained the pigeons.

To be honest, the little boss’s animal training is simply amazing, and the animals in the paddock are trained to be superb. After the promotion of the parent-child program of the last time, they have already become small stars, and the surrounding heat is naturally coveted.

Zhou Qingshu does not have any disagreement. He just wants to see how the small boss is trained. He also has to follow the point of learning.

So that night, he saw some wonderful things.