MTL - The Rise of Otaku-Chapter 237 Detoxification source code

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The face of the black robe was finally revealed. Although half of it had become garbled, Lilith could still recognize that he was his father and the general of the Dragon Wing.

This old brother shouldn’t have been a leader for a long time. How can he organize so many people to stand on his homeland and be obsessed with the demise of the country?

Lilith was so excited that she wanted to embrace her father, but was stopped by the general: "The garbled curse will spread through physical contact, so we will become taboo. Lilith, go back, Your Lord looks pretty good, but we can't leave this land."

This is even more difficult. If you run into it, you can only wait for death. It is no wonder that the 2nd-dimensional person does not dare to run here. It is like a zombie. It is estimated that Starlight City and Fallen City will definitely have some kind of prohibition on the periphery. Those who carry garbled characters must not go out.

"The general, how did you escape under the tiger's mouth of garbled Warcraft?"

The thief king knows the raging and bloodthirsty garbled Warcraft, how can it easily let go of the prey?

The generals smiled bitterly: "It was a garbled World of Warcraft that let me go. I thought it was a good heart. Later I realized that it had cursed on me, but anyone who was contacted by me would be garbled, just this process. It will be very slow and hard to detect. When I found the anomaly, the only remaining Dragon Wings were all infected."

The worst thing is that they can't get close to the garbled Warcraft, because the faster the garbled, the faster, and finally become the garbled Warcraft's minions. Therefore, the general who annihilated the war did not participate, and could only hide in the distance to watch.

When the Star Knights and the Fallen Knights left, the Star Alliance and the fallen tribes jointly banned the area, and people infected with garbled could not go out. Anyone who came here to risk, when they saw the garbled, immediately scared the fart, and never dared to enter this place.

Over time, this place has become a place for no one to enter.

The source of garbled infection has been determined, but there is no good way for the thief king. After all, even the upper-level figures of Starlight City and the Fallen City have no way to lift the garbled curse. They can only trap the Dragon Wings here. It is also powerless.

The helpless thieves Wang and Lilith returned Zhou Yu with these intelligences.

Nima, this serial task is a bit tricky. The high-order curse was hard to lift, and the curse on the white ink has not yet been fixed, let alone the garbled curse that is more troublesome than it.

However, since it is garbled, Zhou Yu thinks of a person who can solve this problem, that is, the mysterious person in the underground Luhua Village. The mysterious man is proficient in the computer and helps himself to withstand the attack of the 3rd-dimensional hacker. So the small garbled should be able to be lifted?

The only hope is that Zhou Yu immediately used a treasure called ‘transport totem’. This treasure is a mother and child in pairs, the mother totem is placed in the village of Luhua, the child totem can be contacted at any time to Luhua Village, equivalent to a public telephone booth, but no need to pay.

The mother totem is placed in the room, and once connected, it will make a sharp sound, and they should be able to hear it.

Sure enough, after the Unicom, the voice of Xiaomu Pear immediately passed: "Is it a father? I am still using the sound totem for the first time. It is really fun."

Followed by the sound of a small firefly: "It's me, it's me! Dad, hey, is it being bullied outside? You can rest assured, I will take the second horse company to support!" Is it to the left or right leg?"

This bad daughter is really more and more violent.

"Don't make trouble, fireflies, you go to find the hedgehog Rubin, I am in a hurry."

Fireflies led to find people, and Xiaomu Pear chatted with the old man's left sentence, and he was also awkward and stupid. After all, there are very few opportunities to use this treasure, and it will be a bit curious.

In the past two days, there was no accident in Luhua Village, that is, the criminals caught in the small fireflies, or the Flying Knights seized the trivial things like the extreme fans who wanted to mess. However, there is something very interesting. After the last death concert of Bai Mo, the composing conditions of the fallen composer were finally clarified, that is, the number of fallen city people captured by the underground reached certain requirements.

Those who are sent to the fallen city will become the death elves of the flower of music. After experiencing death, they will cleanse their sins and gain opportunities for rebirth. However, the rebirth of this rebirth is still a fallen people, and maybe one day he will sin again. And while waiting to be a death elf, the hard labor of the fallen city will make them quite uncomfortable.

Death is equal to rebirth, and the rules of the fallen city are really dark.

After a while, the hedgehog Rubin finally came over, listening to Zhou Yu to say things, leaving a ‘immediate contact’ and then left. It seems that mysterious people are more interested in garbled characters, or else asking him to do things will definitely cost a bit of a tongue.

Soon, the hedgehog Rubin came back: "Please capture the garbled code back, he will parse the garbled code, get the source code. But be careful, be sure to use the treasure 'water prison', or else garbled in the Luhua Village infection If you come back, it will be ridiculous."

This requirement is actually not difficult, because the hundreds of people in the Dragon Wings are all garbled. It is not difficult for them to cut an arm or something. The trouble is that this thing can only be done by Zhou Yu, because the thieves king they only need to contaminate a little garbled stream, it is difficult to treat.

After all, Zhou Yu is a three-dimensional person and is not afraid of this infection.

However, it is hard to cut a person's arm, even if it is 2 yuan. Holding a small knife of the size of a small knife, I still cut it.

I don't know if this soldier is very tough, or if I cut off the garbled, it won't hurt. Anyway, he repacked himself without saying a word. The cut off area immediately grew out again. It seems that the excision method is not effective, and they should have tried it.

Carefully use the treasure ‘water prison’ to wrap all the garbled streams and then transfer them through the treasure ‘gossip logistics’.

Gossip logistics and voice totem are actually very similar, just a voice, a thing. Commanded Xiaomu Pear, they immediately retired, this thing can only be done by the hedgehog Rubin alone, after all, he is also a professional, Xiaomu pear, they still do not want to mess with it.

The mother gossip was even placed in the ground by the hedgehog Rubin, and if it leaked, it would be closed directly. Moreover, this is also the request of the mysterious person, he is also very interested in researching things like garbled.

"Rubin, how long does it take to study?"

"He said that it takes three days, you will play there. If you can crack it, you will pass it directly after detoxification source code."

The speed is quite fast.