MTL - The Rise of Otaku-Chapter 240 Jiancheng Grand Ceremony

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There are still a lot of preparations before the upgrade, such as the placement of the dictionary. Click on the Code, it will prompt which village to use, and then all the villagers in Luhua Village will have the option of 'Agree whether to upgrade the Luhua Village and Zhou Yu as the city owner'. After obtaining more than half of the votes, this code will be effective, and the Luhua Village will be transformed into Luhua City.

Zhou Yu asked himself about the people in Luhua Village. The friendship was basically more than 4 stars, but the final confirmation of the votes, only about 80% of the people voted in favor. From the current population, at least 20 or 30 people do not agree.

Good city owner is difficult.

However, no matter how the number of votes is still up to standard, Zhou Yu is the city owner of Luhua City.

Zhou Yu does not care about the power in reality, so even if he is now a small and influential person, he does not feel a little pleasure. Instead, in the 2nd dimension, becoming a city owner, having a large piece of 2 dimensional land, makes him feel like a fluttering desire.

The buddy finally jumped from the assistant of a township chief to the mayor of the real power. The feeling of righting up is really a thief.

The Code is divided into two parts, one is the Basic Law and the other is the City Masters Ordinance. The basic law can be chosen by the starlight system or the fallen law system, but no matter which system is chosen, it does not mean which camp to join.

Zhou Yu carefully looked at the laws on both sides and then chose the Starlight Law System without hesitation.

In fact, no matter which kind of legal system is the same, even the fallen legal system will not soften the people who commit crimes in this city. But the last one, the difference between the two legal systems has emerged.

The cities of the Starlight Law System must attack criminals, even criminals who commit crimes in other places, and rescue the captured idols and talents in order to obtain important urban development points. The fallen law system needs to rescue the criminals captured by the Starlight City, and cultivate and support the extremist fan forces to illegally kidnap idols and talents other than themselves to obtain the urban development point.

There are a lot of extreme fans in the prison of Luhua Village, because they can't wash the white, they can only be transferred to the city of the fallen legal system. Although these people are not good at the end, for example, some are thrown into the 'Death of the Dead' and become a death music elf, reborn by the way of death, but Zhou Yu still feels not too cool.

It’s a good thing to use the prison to forcibly whitewash, no matter whether it is a npc with skills or a blank npc waiting to go to school again.

Therefore, it is still good to take the road of the Starlight Law.

After the Basic Law has been selected, the rest is the Code of the City. In the Code of the City, you can freely write your favorite laws. For example, when you see a city owner, you must shout "The head is good," and women must wear dead water. Of course, if the people in the city feel that these codes are unbearable, they will choose to leave.

There are only three codes of the city masters, which can be arbitrarily formulated or eliminated at will. Anyway, it is a privilege of the city owner. At present, Zhou Yu can't think of what kind of code of the city owner is needed, and it will temporarily be vacant there without affecting the use of the Code.

When everything is ready, you can come up with a Temple of Heaven to worship the Code, and Luhua City will be established.

However, such a big thing, the old Dragon King naturally did not want to do so calmly and quietly, so there is the idea of ​​building a city ceremony. Since it is a grand ceremony, it must be grandized. Please ask some idols. It was just before the shooting variety that I made a lot of brokers, and it would not be too difficult to invite them to participate in the Licheng Grand Ceremony.

Although it may be very troublesome, considering that the old dragon king has rarely encountered such a happy event in his life, the grand ceremony will be held. Anyway, the money is earned, and there is no money to earn it.

And the Luhua Village is well-connected, most of them are Starlight City people, and the basic method chosen by Zhou Yu is the Starlight Law System. They have a natural good feeling for them, so there should be no problem in inviting these guests. However, what surprised Zhou Yu was that after the invitation was issued, there were actually more uninvited guests.

The brokerage company of the fallen city also came to join in the fun.

The two forces met in a small village just preparing to build a city. This scene is a bit small. However, from daytime onwards, there are always black and white airships flying around, the portal is also flashing, and the small people in the Luhua Village are almost busy, and they all put down their jobs to receive the reception.

Of course, the security forces will not let go, although there are so many powerful people who come to estimate that no one is running so badly to death, but to show the power of Luhua Village, at least to make some of the future of Luhua City The mind person will take a good look at it and reduce unnecessary conflicts.

The venue of the ceremony is in the studio.

Nowhere else, if you see a small boss who is holding an 'air ceremony' and is still loaded with the same fat, it may be that the uncle will ask some psychiatric doctors to give the 'full' amusement park. The employee is seeing a doctor.

Within the studio, the original Imperial City model has been transferred to the small country, and it is estimated that it will be auctioned off after a period of exhibition. It’s useless to keep these things invisible, and simply sell them. As Zhou Yu’s reputation grows bigger and bigger, these things are worth a lot of money, but compared to the upcoming dungeon project, it’s just a slap in the face.

A huge circular stage is placed in the center of the studio, and the center of the stage is the Temple of Heaven. Around Monday, there were a variety of dining tables around the circle, all of which were invited to the Star City relationship, and the uninvited Fallen City agent.

Zhou Yu is rather embarrassed, because people are too big, just sitting there are several times the height of the villain, even if it is a single table, it seems to be a high emperor, overlooking everyone in the field.

Taking Zhou Yu’s unique table as the center, the left and right sides are clearly distinguished, and they are the guests of the two major forces of Starlight City and Fallen City. There was really nothing between them. The two sides saw that they were only angry in the nostrils, and then they separated.

On today's big day, no matter what kind of grievances are put aside, if anyone wants to make trouble, the birds and birds who are on the alert will not be soft.

The old dragon king put on a new robes, and he looked like a sigh of relief. He walked into the center stage and shouted a piece of literary words. The general idea should be the luck of Luhua Village, and a leader who can come to the event, the construction of Luhua Village is booming. Now I have to build a city. The big guy is happy to have a meal, so please take care of it later.

It is a pity that Zhou Yu’s cultural level is low. Everyone can understand every word on the stage, but when they are combined, they don’t know what it means, and those who are not aware of it.

However, the last sentence understood: "Building a city ceremony, start now!"