MTL - The Rise of Otaku-Chapter 28 Brave thief

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Going back to the small shop, the 2nd-dimensional gangsters have already sang on the ground to sing and conquer. Yang Lan’s face is justly reprimanded. It seems that he intends to use the power of the mouth gun to make the gangsters correct. Zhou Yu wanted to leave as soon as possible, but Yang Lan did not agree with it. Without correcting the character of the punk, it would not solve the problem completely, so the mouth gun continued.

Helpless Zhou Yu can only watch the outside while waiting for Yang Lan to finish, and when the spit-stricken He surname is being held into the door, once again see the strange young man suddenly laughs like crying: You are sick..."

Really sick, run and ran, but still remember to come back to dry up? The first time I might have pulled something down, but I have to do it twice, and it’s clear that I’m playing with people. How can I not be angry?

It is a pity that the angry person is angry, but the strength of chasing it is no longer. After sitting in the house, they are not willing to get up. Breathing in a big mouth, the look of the wolverine is similar to the 2nd-dimensional punk that is listening to the lesson.

Well, this is also a victory, long live peace.

Yang Lan was finally busy, and the 2nd-dimensional punk did not seem to have a dark color, and the sunny ones looked like a cleansing face. If human beings can be as simple as the 2nd dimension, at least Zhou Yu does not think that he can use a mouth-gun to let the red hairs turn their heads back.

Everyone has aspirations and can't be forced.

The physical strength of the red hairs has not recovered, and they have quickly left the right and wrong with Yang Lan, and will probably not come again in the future.

Returning the bear doll to the small flower, the brave man Yang Lan got a kiss, and the poor Zhou Yu was a ‘carriage’ without human rights, and nothing was obtained.

"Okay, Xiao Yan, the mission is done, let's go home."

I ran a stinky sweat, and I stayed outside for so long. I couldn’t help but feel a little annoyed. Now I just want to go home to take a hot bath, then hold the computer to relive the mood of the house, or the house is good.

"Dad, what are you talking about? Xiaofang said that there is a group of thieves outside the village who often come to trouble, asking me to help destroy all the thieves, how can I quit halfway?"

Your sister's actually is still a chain task, Zhou Yu couldn't help but look back, the green hills of the mountains are visible, and the electric wave tower on the top of the mountain is like a large lightning rod. I couldn’t help but fight with my legs. Then I asked with a little luck: "Where do you say the thief in the mountain?"

Yang Lan did not answer, just a handful of fingers - the top of the mountain.

Zhou Yu was crying, and he was rushed to run a few laps by the little punk. Now he has to go hiking non-stop. What is it? The mountain peak of more than 800 meters above sea level, although not a mountain, but the rugged mountain road can also abuse a house man to do not want.

The path must not be taken, because I don’t know, God knows that I will go to the ravine. The only one of the winding roads leads to the top of the mountain, but this kind of winding road usually has to take a lot of roads. It takes 7-8 hours to go down and say less.

However, in order to get an animation director, fight!

Go to the small hotel to solve the problem of an afternoon meal, add physical strength by the way, and then take Yang Lan to the winding mountain road...

Because I got a bunch of little punks, I was confident in my inexplicable physical fitness, and then I was taught by the pottery Panshan Highway. When I walked to the middle of the mountain, my legs began to numb, and my eyes were black and yellow. I took a break for a while, and my mind was full of grievances about why I am suffering from this crime.

Yang Lan is a leisurely look, blowing the mountain wind and singing the folk songs, not afraid of the wind flashing his tongue.

Everyone said that it is best not to take a rest in mountain climbing. The more tired and tired, the more the Zhou Yugu can't take it. When he can't walk, he sits on the stone on the side of the road and gasps, then gets up and slowly moves forward. At the end of the day, both legs can be floated.

I can't see anyone along the way. From time to time, some cars will pass by, but I can't see a friendly old driver stopping to carry people. At this time, Zhou Yucai thinks that he can actually find a motorcycle master under the mountain. How easy and pleasant it is to go all the way, why bother?

Oh, no way. It may be because I used to live a poor life, and I subconsciously thought that a little mountain road would go with my feet, and I would not need that money. I just didn't expect this ‘a little’ mountain road. I really want to put the little life into it. If you regret it, don’t mention it.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, I finally reached the summit. At this moment, I have no strength at all to do something like yelling at the mountain. I just found a leeward grass nest and started to corpse. As for Yang Lan, he waved his hand and dried up. Anyway, as a carriage, there must be a sense of carriage, and it is impossible to help the brave to kill the enemy. Howling is called Red Rabbit, or Warcraft.

The thieves who were entrenched at the top of the electric tower were suffering. A village boy who did not know where it came from actually had a kind of effort. He was alone in the cottage, and the seven-in and seven-outers were even more fierce than Changshan Zhao Zilong. At the moment, there is a maintenance worker on the radio tower who is doing maintenance. I don’t know that it is under his eyelids, and an earth-shattering battle is unfolding.

The only one who can see this fight is to put a dead dog in the grass.

"Dad, Dad, you see baby!"

I don't know how long I have been resting. I heard the excited little bouncer come back. I also resisted a statue of a man who was almost as big as him. He shouted and let Zhou Yu come over and he couldn't stop.

Mysterious statue (unidentified), property? ? ?

Rely on, can you lose equipment? Although I don't know what it means to play this game, as long as there is gain, and it can be laughed at, the hard work today is not white. But now Zhou Yu is worried about another thing, so he carefully asked: "Oh, your mission will not be followed up?"

"No, it's over! After you go home, you can let Uncle Uncle help me transfer!"

Upon hearing this sentence, Zhou Yucai really smiled and touched Xiao Xiao’s head to congratulate him. I am really afraid that this kid is addicted to the task. After killing the thief, I feel that it is not enough to stimulate. I have to go on a road that is similar to the dragon and the celestial being. Is it time to get a head?

I just want an animation director!

It is more labor-saving to go down the mountain, but the sky is getting darker and gradually disappears. The dark forest suddenly became terrifying, and the original cool breeze turned into a sorrowful sorrow, or the red-green eyes quickly appeared and disappeared quickly, as if the ghosts in the mountains were peeping at the mountains.

If there is not a small cockroach, it is estimated that this time screaming to run down the hill.

Fortunately, I calculated this beforehand, prepared a flashlight, and I went back home.

Although I was more anxious to know the attributes of Xiaoyan and the statue, but now the weather is too late, the cranes of Sanxianguan of Hexian Weng have also been extinguished. Coupled with a tired day, it is the moment when the backache is lacking. After lying down on the bed, I don't want to move. Everything will be said tomorrow.