MTL - The Rise of Otaku-Chapter 31 old movie

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A month later, Gao Shu is now almost gray-white. He did not think that it would be so difficult to find a person. He is now very skeptical that the names of the members left by the team leader in the game are likely to be all fictitious.

The militant military team, each member has a name, all written on the staff list, so Gao Shu thought that as long as there is a name to find it can not be difficult. However, what he can't think of is that these characters are all 2 yuan, and even if they have the ability to get through the sky, they can't find it.

The only thing that is clear is that Zhou Yu, the contact person of the team leader of the ‘Green House’. The three games are all based on Luhua Village, and Zhou Yu is here, so it is not difficult to find. Unlike the leader of the road, this person does not mean to hide, of course, the bank account owner used when signing the exclusive contract is him, and he can't hide.

This shows that Zhou Yu is at least a trusted figure in the team of the leader, or else he will not receive such a large sum of money without hesitation. However, Zhou Yu indicated that he was a liaison, not a member of the team leader, and he knew nothing about game production, so he refused to interview.

After a detailed investigation, I found that this person is a otaku. I have not walked out of the village for more than a year. Members of the team of the leader should only be on the Internet. Occupation is a low-level writer on a literary network. There is no special place in the works. The gap between the writers of the Daoist team is too big and should not be the same person.

I don't know how such an ordinary person is mixed with the Taoist team, and it is so trustworthy. Gao Shu can only feel that the friendship of the otaku is inexplicable, and then he is crying and sullen and looking farther and farther and farther away in the search for the members of the Taoist team.


For business activities, Zhou Yu will definitely not participate. The first reason is that I don't want to move. The second reason is that the game is not made by him at all. Going out to reveal a face is a very classic waste material, but if you are asked what professional problems, it will be revealed in a moment.

If you sell well, you will earn more money. If you sell well, you will have a certain income. Anyway, it is a business without a foundation. How can you do it? On the contrary, I have invested a lot of money for the propaganda of the house mad network. When the results on the shelves are too bad, it is estimated that I will cry.

Zhou Yu is looking at the problem with an outsider's eyes, so it seems very free and easy. Even if the sales volume is too bad, I lost a lot of money for the house mad network. After I was pitted, I didn't want to cooperate again. It didn't matter. After I made a profit, I could spend a lot of money. Anyway, I basically didn't have much money.

In a word, there is a good thing, no, it doesn't matter.

Zhou Yu is now obsessed with making animations, and the game is temporarily left behind. Level 1 animated film "Journey to the West - Flame Mountain", the production is complete! There are animation directors to join, and there are god-level statues, the production team is superior in quality, and the subject matter also enjoys the character bonus, how can not be too bad.

And today, from the stingy Dragon Prince, after spending 50 ordinary demon cards, I actually got a baby that is available in reality - a film movie projector cursed by the devil.

Take it out and see it, it really is old. I remember when I was a kid, I put a movie on it, and I set up a huge white curtain on the stage. Then the strange machine with two wheels was running, and the light beam was cast onto the white curtain, showing a colorful movie story.

Putting two games at night, when I was young, I was sleepy. When I was at the back, I always swayed my head and squinted my eyes. I didn’t want to leave my parents, so I must see the end.

Missing childhood.

This old antique looks exactly the same as the others, but you can see through the eyes of the 2nd dimension that a little demon named ‘Shadow’ lives in the box. The skin is red, the long angle on the head, the iconic arrow tail, the typical image of the Western Hell demon, but it is wearing the overalls of the repairman.

"Hello, my master, the Shadow Magic is at your service."

The courteous Shadow Devil is like a gentleman, and can't see the dangerous atmosphere of being a devil. Look carefully inside the box, with small beds, tables and chairs, tool cabinets and books full of shelves, which looks like a room full of books. Outside the room is the normal machine structure, although I don't know how long it has been put in the Dragon Palace treasure house, but it is still new and bright, it should be the credit of the Shadow Magic.

Sure enough, the Shadow Demon continued: "I was a film projectionist during my lifetime. In order to bring the best screening effect to the audience, I sold my soul to the devil. The movie shown in my hand will show the perfection. The effect, the price is that you can no longer get out of this box, unless I can show more than 1000 movies. Master, can you help me eliminate this curse?"

1000 movies... The production time of an animated film is one day. In the future, it will definitely insist on making the highest level, and the time required to restore the mood value will be produced in about one week. It is impossible to save the Shadow Demon from the curse. It is not possible for ten or twenty years.

However, curse? Isn't this the old business of Hexian Weng? The sleeping spell that was first thought of was made by him. Now, should this situation be used?

He quickly found Hexian Weng, and after the situation, he said that he would look at it first, and then he came to the Shadow Devil. After turning around the shadow magic, he shook his head and said: "Unfortunately, this curse I can't eliminate. If I can find my master, there may be a way."

Sweat, find the epic task of Master He Xiangeng. I don’t know how long it will take to complete. It seems that the Shadow Magic can only be his projector artist honestly.

There is no frustration in the Shadow Magic. After all, I have been sleeping in the deep sea. I don’t know how many years. The only thing I can do is to study. The books on the bookshelf don’t know how many times I have read them repeatedly. I can almost go back. Now I just need to wait for a while to be able to recover my freedom. I am already grateful to Dade.

Hopefully, it is better than endless desperation.

Moreover, the Shadow Devil itself is a person who loves to show the cause, otherwise it will not trade with the devil to obtain the special ability of the projectionist. It is now a paradise for him to return to his old business. Didn't see him rushing to check the machine, fearing that it would fail when it was shown?

Can't let him down.

When you come to the tool house and take out the completed animated film from the animation base, the first thing is the data, which can be stored in the computer. Another storage medium can be chosen, like film, old-fashioned video tapes, CD-ROMs, and a variety of professional terms that look great.

Fortunately, there is a shadow magic, what kind of film disc is needed for this projector called 'nightmare', and there can be no more people than him.

With the medium selected, the film tray slowly spit out from the animation base. The film lasted for two hours, and one set could not be placed, so it was divided into upper and lower parts.

I can start to enjoy it.