MTL - The Rise of Otaku-Chapter 339 Shang Yue’s anti-kill

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The high priest Lin Biao is still in the circle, do not understand what the means of the black wind village. Zhou Yu was very positively sealed, otherwise he would not be comatose for nearly a month. Was it released by Lin Wumo? It's not very likely, if so, why did you have to make such a detailed plan?

And, it really succeeded.

After knowing that Zhou Yu was unconscious, Lin Biao was very happy, and he was ready to send the fallen Knights to bring back the Black Wind Village. However, the eyeliner later reported that the black wind village did not follow the plan, but stayed in the city of Luhua, until the end of the city of Luhua City did not come out.

The movement inside is a mystery.

"The high priest, there is emergency information. After the re-opening of the city of Luhua City, a large number of reporters flocked to investigate the truth. Heifeng Zhai Shangyue and Lin Wumo accepted the interview and are broadcasting live."

The high priest Lin Biao’s heart jumped and felt that this was not a normal rhythm, so he immediately returned to his room to see the "Mystery of the Live City of Fuhua City" on the fallen TV station today. This live starlight city also has, it is synchronized broadcast, because this incident is very big, everyone wants to see what happened, it needs to be so exaggerated.

Appeared in the TV screen, it is the scorpion of Shangyue who has a little bit of swaying, and the handsome face of Lin Wumo.

"Ah, I am a spy sent out by the fallen city. The mastermind is the high priest Lin Biao. The goal is to take the head of the Luzhou City Master Zhou Yu. Moreover, I am still a double-faced spy of Star City, and Justice Khao is my On the same line, he also wants to kill Zhou Yu. No way, the two superiors have said so, I can only be ordered to work."

The high priest Lin Biao’s nose is discouraged!

Nima's black wind thief! There is no professional ethics, can this kind of thing be told by the TV station? This is also the case, anyway, doing dirty things is the style of fallen city. However, this latter sentence is a bit explosive, Shang Yue is actually a double-sided spy of Star City?

The figure is the bastard! What Starlight Judge, doing things is also so embarrassing!

I think that Shang Yue has done so many things in his own hands. Lin Biao’s back is a bit cold, how many of them are the hands and feet of Starlight City?

When Lin Biao smashed the black wind thief, Tuhali's bald head was also full of sweat, because the situation he faced was even worse. As a Starlight Justice, he and the fallen city have joined forces to do things, and the target is to mix starlight and fall.

This is too contradictory.

If the starlight and the fall must be strictly separated, then the contact between Tukhari and Shangyue has violated this principle, but you have arbitrarily opened the knife to the city of Luhua? The thief shouted to catch a thief. At this moment, Tuhari really wants to rush into the TV, and the black thief's rotten mouth is soldered with a titanium alloy soldering iron.

The name of the world is destroyed.

Shangyue, who is rotten, is still exporting crazy mouth: "Oh, what else to say. There must be a contact behind the justices and the high priest. Otherwise, how can it cooperate so well? Jointly block the Luhua City. This wave of cooperation It’s perfect, and it’s the same dagger command for me at the same time.”

Finished, the py transaction of the Starlight Justice and the fallen High Priest was all exposed. The live reporter was excited and shivering, but this was the rhythm of the big news!

"Mr. Shang Yue, according to your statement. In the evening, Star City and the Fallen City cooperated to create some confusion to attract the attention of the main force in the city of Luhua, and you and Mr. Lin Wumo secretly performed the task of decapitation, right? ”

"Exactly! Starlight and fallen joint battle! The trough, Zhoucheng master is almost comparable to the garbled Warcraft, really worthy of my chosen man."

Shang Yue, who runs the train full of mouths, has turned the starlight and the fallen trade down, causing it to be inevitable. Because the starlight and the fallen official have published countless remarks that the two sides are dead, now you are so sloppy on your upper level.

If it is a disaster, it is just a city owner of a chaotic city. Do you need to go against the unwritten rule? If the city of Luhua was banned because of chaos, then the secret of the justices and the high priests is not serious.

Seeing here, Tuhari is already sitting on the sofa. In any case, his position as a judge can no longer be saved. This spy can be said to be a spy on the fallen city secrets, but it can't be cleaned up with the high priest. Once it was deeply investigated, some things that were conspired with the high priest Lin Biao could not be overwhelmed. At least the upper level would seize this matter and it would be normal to be excluded from the judges.

The same is true of Lin Biao.

Two important figures who dominated the 2nd world and jointly blocked Luhua City, were brought into the deep quagmire by Shang Yue’s words. Can you be defeated? It depends on whether someone else has borrowed the title, but it is enough to drink a pot anyway.

This is a gift from Zhou Fengyu to the Black Wind Village.

After the end of the live broadcast, what kind of storm will be caused by the starlight and the fall, and the mood of watching the movie will be fine, and there is no special expectation. Anyway, Zhou Yu is now immersed in the joy of 2 yuan, and can't extricate himself.

At night, Zhou Yu will become a 2nd-dimensional villain, and he will be wild in the territory. What surprised him was that he was completely different in the 2nd dimension and himself in the 3rd dimension. I dare to stand on the stage of Suzaku and sing loudly against countless audiences. Even if I have lost countless rotten tomatoes by angry audiences, I will never change my color. In reality, I can't do it.

Will not be schizophrenic?

Take care of him, just have fun.

What's interesting is that no matter how late you play at night, you are refreshed after returning to your body. At least one third of the life is more than the average person. This vegetative career is really profitable.

Every night at 8 o'clock, I will go to bed on time, and at 6 o'clock the next morning, it is a good student who goes to bed early and get up early. Looking back at myself, where is there a little otaku? It was turned into a good student by the eyes of the 2nd dimension. If you have another girlfriend, should it be a refill?

I quickly checked my house and found that not only did not fall, but instead rose to 8.0, officially entering the ranks of gold glitter.

By the way, this rating is not right?

I was about to go to the Tao Museum and Long San fat to surf along with the sisters. Shang Yue suddenly ran over with a shameless face, and with the face of the blind man conquered half of the girls on the beach. The other half was taken away by his friend Lin.

Poor Dragon III fat and Zhou Yu, two guys who have neither face nor skill, were **** by this pair of standard comic men and men for two seconds, and they were busy for a night.

"Rely, do you play the game? Believe it or not, I will call the white ink to see who can be beautiful!"

"Oh, this is the gap in strength."

The coquettish Shangyue passed by, splashing the water directly to the dragon three fat and Zhou Yu to the surfboard, and Lin Wumo also used the **** gay pink surfboard to fill the gun.

Complete defeat.