MTL - The Rise of Space Technology-Chapter 223 , must be based on Chinese

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   Chapter 223, must be based on Chinese

   "The Internet is indeed a little bit incompatible with virtual technology."

   "Although it is still a leap-forward progress and leap-forward development, it is still a flat thing, and virtual technology, it is a three-dimensional technology, and only the virtual world can give full play to its powerful performance."

  Lu Yong nodded, considering that he had just experienced some virtual technology.

   It’s quite amazing just to connect to the Internet. If this is to create a virtual world and use it to connect to the virtual world, it will be even more perfect, a real virtual world.

   "Very powerful technology, it can even be said to be an epoch-making technology."

   "Once it can be combined with the virtual world, it will be even more amazing."

   Li Chun also sighed.

   He did not expect that the slow development of electronic technology and biotechnology combined to give birth to such a powerful virtual technology.

  This is an epoch-making technology!

   Once it is perfected, human history will move from the Internet age to the virtual age.

Just like the advent of anti-gravity technology, the earth will truly become a global village. At the same time, human beings will gradually get rid of their dependence on the mother star, and slowly turn to the space age and interstellar age. a corner to develop.

   are all epoch-making technologies and technologies that have changed human history in waves.

   "Take dreams as horses, stars and seas!"

This reminded Li Chun of the concept of Xinghai Technology. This is a technology company that takes dreams as horses and yearns for the sea of ​​stars. Making money seems to have lost its meaning to Xinghai Technology. The meaning of Xinghai Technology is to go to the stars. cosmic age.

   Originally thought that Liu Yuan still had some bragging elements in it, but it has only been a few years, and Xinghai Technology has made many leap-forward breakthroughs and developments one after another.

   In various fields, we have begun to make continuous efforts, and through each technology, we have continuously pushed forward the development of human history.

"The current situation of the Internet is that the major giants have occupied almost all fields, and there are not many rising stars. Even if there are, they will soon be acquired by the major giants or used to die in infancy. middle."

"In terms of games, in the past, all kinds of new games have sprung up like mushrooms after a spring rain. Many games are very classic and fun, but if you look at the current game field, almost all of them have been broken. "

   "People don't like to play games anymore, because games have gradually lost the essence of games and turned more towards commercialization."

   "At the same time, it is also because there is a lack of a large number of game manufacturing companies and rising stars, and no new and fun games appear, so the current game industry is sluggish, and one company dominates."

   As a young man, Xie Xin grew up surfing the Internet and playing games. When talking about the virtual world, Xie Xin also felt a lot.

   "In addition, mobile games are booming now, creating an output value of more than 200 billion yuan a year, but the terminal game is rapidly stagnant, the market is getting smaller and smaller, and fewer and fewer people are playing."

   "If it is to create a virtual world, I think virtual games must be indispensable."

   "And because we, Xinghai Technology, can master the foundation and framework of the virtual world, I think that we, Xinghai Technology, must stand in the perspective of sustainable development of the virtual world, and we can't kill the chicken and get the eggs, and squeeze and exploit small companies too much."

"For example, in terms of profit distribution, if you use Penguin's platform now, the game income distribution is 90 to 10, Penguin takes 90%, and the game company takes 10%, which is extremely unfavorable for the development of the game industry. "

   "Virtual technology and virtual world are so powerful, I think virtual games will develop rapidly and vigorously in the future. This industry can accommodate countless start-up companies and employment for countless people."

   "This is very important for the development of the virtual world, and we have mastered the core and key. When we distribute benefits, we can properly consider it from the perspective of promoting the development of the virtual world."

  Xie Xin's words were actually very euphemistic.

   means that you can't learn from penguins, and you must give more benefits out, so as to promote the prosperity of the virtual world. In disguise, it is actually for your own long-term interests.

   "Well, what you said makes sense."

   "The virtual world is of great importance and can accommodate countless companies and countless people for employment. At the same time, this is also a good opportunity for us to use the virtual world to go global."

   Liu Yuan also nodded solemnly.

   "Virtual world, it will be a virtual world in front of the world, any virtual world created in it, its customers and all will be global-oriented."

"As you said, once virtual technology is put into use, the virtual world will develop rapidly, and the virtual game industry will inevitably develop rapidly, and a new wave of games will come surging. Of course, it is not only virtual Games, all kinds of virtual worlds will come surging.”

"So my plan is that we only need to complete the basic architecture settings and complete the basic function settings, and the rest of the content, we Xinghai Technology will not participate in it, and completely open it up to allow more people to participate. , improve this virtual world, create a variety of worlds, and provide human beings with richer virtual world content."

"Of course, one point is the core and key, that is our virtual world, the foundation and structure must be built on the basis of Chinese, we can't build the foundation of English, although the foundation of English will help to push the virtual world to the world ."

   “But when we do, we lose our natural competitive advantage.”

   "Our own virtual world enterprises and companies are very likely to be incompetent in a short period of time, and if we use Chinese as a base, we can have a natural advantage."

   "When creating a virtual world, we can be one step ahead and occupy many fields and heights first."

   "Of course, if it rises to a higher level, it involves competition in the cultural field."

   Speaking of this, Liu Yuan also paused slightly.

  I feel annoyed when I think about what English I have learned since I was a child. I didn’t learn a foreign language at first, but I linked English to grades and further studies.

  It doesn't matter if it is useful after learning it. The key is that most people will never use this English for the rest of their lives after learning it, but it is English that determines their future and destiny.

   This is a very sad thing.

   And learning English, do you think you only learn English?

   It is a kind of infiltration and erosion in the cultural field, not only learning English, but also English-based values ​​and worldviews.

   This is also the reason why the wave of studying abroad and immigration is very hot now, because after too many people learn English, their values ​​and world outlook have gradually changed.

In addition, in the process, before you know it, you will feel that people who can speak English are amazing, and you feel that the areas that speak English are developed areas, and that they seem to be stronger than us everywhere. better illusion.

In fact, English speakers are just because they have said this since they were young, and they are not that powerful or not. Many people in Europe and the United States do not even count as one-half plus one-third, even nine Nine tables do not understand.

   There are also many English-speaking regions in the world, as well as many African regions, and not every English-speaking region is very strong. For example, the South Asian subcontinent also speaks English.

   This is actually an invisible propaganda and erosion of culture, because when teaching, it is more to show the good side, such as civilization, hygiene, polite language and so on.

   In fact, when you go to learn any language, it is basically the same, it will teach you some good things, but will not teach you to curse, right?

This is also the reason why there are so many shepherd dogs. Some people always think that the moon outside the fruit is round. It is because they have learned foreign languages. In fact, they also have a bad side, but you don't know it, and they won't show you. It's just coming out. You will understand only after you experience it yourself, but it's too late by then.

   This point, Liu Yuan is very clear, because there are countless cases in the seed of inheritance, and it is nothing on the same planet.

  In the interstellar universe, every powerful problem is sparing no effort to promote its own language, writing and civilization. Do you think they are doing charity?

   Obviously not, but for long-term interests, in order to let others do things according to the rules of their own civilization, and achieve victory in higher levels and fields.

In fact, the same is true on earth. Almost every region is willing to spend money and contribute to promoting its own words and languages. If you study Japanese, they may even be willing to let you read their books for free. the University.

   Westerners have always had a very stereotyped impression of us, because they don’t understand us, and because they can discredit us, but why do it?

   This is a question worth pondering.

  The Internet is the fastest field of information dissemination, and the same is true of the virtual world. Since the core is in our own hands, we must use this to promote Chinese language, promote our culture, and popularize our values ​​and worldview.

   "What the boss said makes sense. It must be based on Chinese, and let people all over the world have a taste of learning Chinese. I think after they learn Chinese, they will definitely fall in love with our Chinese and our culture."

  Xie Xin was the first to raise his hand to show his support. They were all people who grew up being abused by English. He was looking forward to learning Chinese all over the world in the future.

  PS; Do you think it makes sense?

   (end of this chapter)