MTL - The Road to Slaying God-Chapter 426 Online duel without smoke

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Zhang Yang didn't have the slightest certainty to enter the network with spiritual power. The last time she entered the virtual network was a kind of accidental surname. Therefore, this is also the main reason that Zhang Yang has been dragging her inaction.

From the perspective of scientific theory, Zhang Yang cannot explain why one's mental power can directly enter the virtual network world without the media.

It seems that this is not scientific.

To be on the safe side, Zhang Yang began to absorb energy in case of an emergency. After fighting with Yu Ji, Zhang Yang's energy crystallization has finally taken a step further. Now, Zhang Yang's energy crystallization has reached 80%. Even more, this is very precious for the current Zhang Yang, because when the energy reaches 70%, even if it goes further, it seems extremely difficult. Zhang Yang has improved by a dozen in one battle. Percentage, this has to be said to be a miracle.

In fact, it ’s not just publicity. It ’s very difficult for anyone to improve when martial arts reach the bottleneck, and many people ca n’t go further in their lives.

Breaking through the bottleneck is not only diligent and can be solved, but also talent and opportunity.

Zhang Yang's hand lifted slightly, a slight noise, and the dark blue curtains were immediately drawn. Only the computer screen in the room exudes fluorescence.

Amazingly, Zhang Yang's hands slightly swayed, and a pale golden light appeared in Zhang Yang's hands. First, a condensed golden vortex, the vortex spreading little by little. Gradually, the vortex wrapped the entire body of Zhang Yang, forming a publicity Golden swirl as the core.

The speed of the vortex is getting faster and faster, and the gold slowly disappears. It is replaced by a kind of thin black. The thin black is also mixed with some broken gold.

Black became more and more black, and at the beginning it was a bit like a thin black mist. At the back, the black mist became dark, black without any impurities, and black without any other purity, and even the whole body of the flamboyant fused into that. In the boundless darkness.

Increasingly rich, the mixed golden mang has disappeared, as if it is an unfathomable black hole, that black hole swallows all energy matter, that is, the light emitted by the computer has a distorted feeling, making it extremely uncomfortable After all, it is impossible for the light to produce a curved feeling in human memory, but now, it is actually curved, twisted together like a twist.

For the first time, Zhang Yang actively guided the thinking in the memory. Thousands of knowledge and memory were intertwined and interconnected, forming an overwhelmingly large ...

Amazingly, Zhang Yang's hand was directly inserted into the server on the table. The metal shell of the server seemed to be melted by the high temperature, and actually fused with Zhang Yang's dark mist.

"Well ..."

"Well ..."


Amazingly, Zhang Yang's spirit was refreshed. He seemed to feel that a stream of life was escaping, madly escaping, and, while escaping, he also split up countless substitutes to distract Zhang's attention ...

Obviously, just now, the old monk also used Zhang Yang's computer to monitor Zhang Yang. He could not imagine that Zhang Yang immediately entered the network world. He was caught off guard and could only escape madly. In order to avoid being tracked by Yang Yang, he could only split up some juniors. Wisdom procedures.

This is near the speed of light, sub-light.

This is a virtual life.

In the boundless network world, Zhang Yang ’s mental power is like a high-speed racing car. His devouring spiritual power black hole is invincible on the network. All the confusing primary wisdom lives are scrambling and fleeing on the network. Trying to escape the public pursuit ...

Of course, Zhang Yang can never completely clear the primary wisdom life on the network, because the old monk is a wisdom program, he can copy thousands of primary wisdom programs in a few seconds to confuse Zhang, he can also hide in Lurking in vast data.

Zhang Yang is always human. A person's brain is 1.4 kilograms apart from the beginning bone, which is about the same weight as a laptop.

The human brain includes 80% of water, of which 25% is reserved for aerobic and sugar circulation in the body to prevent nutrition. When a person grows to eighteen years of age, his head will not grow any longer, so there cannot be a brain with a larger capacity to store memory than a 4g laptop.

Of course, human memory is far less than that of a 4g laptop computer, because almost all of human brain cells are dormant during their lifetime. If they can fully develop brain cells, everyone can become Einstein So, the human brain is still a mysterious and untapped field.

Zhang Yang inherited the memories of dozens of people but caused chaos rather than explosion. In fact, although human beings can not compare with computers, after proper development, they can serve as a 4g notebook computer. ...

Compared to the brain cells used by humans, the capacity of a 4g computer is undoubtedly huge, but compared to the vast network, 4g is nothing at all, there is no comparable surname, billion, ten billion, 100 billion, trillion None of them.

The power of publicity is to devour, not to track.

If Zhang Yang has a strong tracking ability, he can completely consume the monk the first time.

However, when it comes to the ability to devour, Zhang Yang has to feel a bit of regret. After the intelligent programs that contain countless knowledge are devoured by him, he can only obtain trivial energy. If he can convert the devoured programs into knowledge, then he will Invincible in the world, of course, with his brain equivalent to 4g to obtain all the knowledge of intelligent procedures, then Zhang Yang is not far away from neurosis ...

Soon, Zhang Yang controlled the world of thousands of kilometers, and he had to provide a sufficiently large stage for young monks.

"Zhang Yang, did you get the disc?" The little monk suddenly appeared on the screen of another computer, a look of excitement.

"Well, are you ready?" Zhang nodded.

"Okay, okay, you just put the disc in your computer," the little monk was overjoyed.

"OK, all right!"

Now it's time to release that dark green disc.

Zhang Yang reached out a hand and slowly opened the emerald green box.


A fierce anger raged away. Fortunately, Zhang Yang was prepared, and the magic of "Long Immortal Road" immediately bound the entire room.

The current environment is not in the vault of the Baiyun Group. If the information flow on this disc escapes in the unbound air, it is likely that Zhang Yang will never be able to retrieve it. As long as the information flow enters the network, it will be a dragon into the sea. ...

Zhang Yang believes that as long as the disc is given enough time for evolution, even the great monk can't help him.

Zhang Yang slowly pushed the information stream to the disc, and then put the disc into the server.

"Well ..."


Suddenly, the moment the information flow in the disc entered the network world, the server sent out a high-speed operating sound, and the spirit of publicity on the network felt an extremely happy mood. It seemed that there was a release of excitement in it, As if a prisoner was released from prison.

Here is the little monk!

Zhang Yang felt that the young monk rushed over aggressively, and immediately, the two intelligent programs began to entangle ...


Zhang Yang felt that her brain was hit by a huge and vast flow of information, and for a while, her brain was blank.

At this moment, the sound of "Peng!", The two servers issued a cracking sound, and then, a blue smoke was emitted, to Zhang Yang's surprise, even the disc that the woman could not destroy was actually brittle. Cracked into countless small pieces, scattered with the explosion of the server, like a bright green gem ...

The carrier of the wisdom process has completely disappeared. If the young monk does not conquer it, even the publicity will not have the opportunity to trap the wisdom process again.

Zhang Yang opened his eyes blankly, and he had completely lost contact with Luo.

What happens to a young monk?

This is what Zhang Yang cares about most now. Obviously, the young monk seems to want to devour that intelligent program to strengthen himself. However, Zhang Yang always has a feeling that the intelligent program in the CD is several times stronger than the young monk.

Why do young monks dare to fight such a powerful existence?

Amazingly, Zhang Yang thought of the reason.

Last time, Lin Xueyi of the Baiyun Group said that after years of research, the secrets of the disc have been cracked, and some research results have been destroyed by the young monk. Then, the only possibility is that the young monk has a way to defeat the intelligent program ...

Indeed, Zhang Yang was not bad.

However, things are far more complicated than Zhang Yang imagined.

At the moment when Zhang Yang's server burst, the thousands of square kilometers of virtual networks he controlled were hit by a devastating surname, almost 60% of the computer programs were damaged, and even the circuit boards were burned, and the amount lost was severe. Calculated in billions.

Of course, this is not over.

The destruction in mainland China only lasted for a few seconds. Immediately, it spread like a virus across the world, and lasted for a minute and 29 seconds ...

The time of one minute and twenty-nine seconds is very short, but on the network, the damage caused by one minute and twenty-nine seconds has spread to the entire network.

No one understands what happened. It seems that every computer, every virtual platform, and even a traffic light at a crossroads has become a battlefield.

Most of the global military satellites have temporarily lost their function, and many of the joint military instruments are in a state of paralysis.

This minute and twenty-nine seconds is as if the end of the world is coming.

The traffic navigation system failed.

Traffic lights are not working.

Cell phone signals have entered a state of confusion, often through a familiar number, but the other person is speaking. It is very likely that when you are talking, hundreds of people are talking to you at the same time.

Satellite TV signals have also become messed up, Chinese TV signals have been streamed to the United States, British signals have been streamed to China ...

The banking system is also in collapse. Many people have inexplicably millions more on their cards, and some people have inexplicably several million fewer on their cards. This 29 minutes has produced countless millionaires, and Make countless people anonymous.

Countless ATMs fail, and those who do n’t spit money ca n’t be counted.

The stock market is also in a state of mad collapse, and people can't get accurate data at all.


Things didn't calm down until a minute and thirty seconds later.

At this time, global military organizations are in a state of mental strain, many strategic bases have reached the state of super alert, and countless nuclear submarines are ready for battle.

The disaster surnamed one minute and twenty-nine seconds is called black eighty-nine seconds, and it is recorded in the annals of humankind.

No one knows what causes such serious consequences.

The losses caused cannot be counted at all. It is predicted that direct economic losses around the world will reach trillions, and indirect losses caused by it will not be estimated at all. The restoration of the banking system is as long as half a year ...

Many military instruments were destroyed.

These eighty-nine seconds are called "black eighty-nine seconds", also known as "interconnected disaster".

Countless scientists have analyzed the cause of this time, but in the end they have left it alone, because no one can find the specific cause.

Of course, there are countless guesses.

Among them, the most convincing guess is the outbreak of artificial intelligence virus, which caused paralysis of global surnames. Of course, this is also the closest guess.

In fact, when Zhang Yang put the disc on for a few seconds, the little monk had already used the advantage of understanding the smart process inside the disc to devour the smart process.

Almost the moment when the young monk devoured the disc wisdom program, the big monk killed him, and the two wisdom programs produced a battle between life and death.

Two programs with intelligent life desperately split the primary programs on the network and devoured each other.

At the beginning, they felt the strength of their opponents and took a tentative approach. The tentative approach was to compete for the authority of the network. This authority includes weapons systems, banking systems, security systems, satellite navigation systems, traffic lights systems ...

In short, as long as they can enter the network's permission system, they have become the object of their competition.

Every virtual platform has become their battlefield.

The invisible war of smoke is permeating the network ...

The consequences of this loss are much smaller than the economic losses caused by the First World War.

Of course, the only difference is that one is a virtual loss and the other is a real loss.

Human science and technology civilization has developed to this day, many times the virtual value is several times higher than the actual physical value ...

At the last second of the victory scale of the war, it tilted towards the little monk.

In fact, the dark green disc program is the mother's general existence, that is, the monk is a program split from the wisdom program in the dark green disc a long time ago, and the young monk has been through the top human computer experts The source code of the dark green disc was cracked, which laid the foundation for the young monk to devour the disc program.


It cannot be seen that the battle of gunpowder is enthusiastic and the losses caused are incalculable.

The consequences of these two cattle's unbridled fight in the tomato garden can be imagined.

That is, one minute and twenty-nine seconds later, in a villa in Yueben, an explosion sound suddenly appeared in a room full of computers, and the computer in the room was immediately isolated from the Internet.

When Dahe heard the explosion, he flew upstairs at a speed almost invisible to the naked eye. When he saw a discouraged old monk on the computer screen, Dahe's expression immediately became dignified.

"How?" Dahe looked solemnly and solemnly at the monk.

"Your Majesty, you can't fight a little monk ..."

"Why?" Dahe trembled his arms, a golden flame burning in the air.

"The young monk devoured my mother, and I can't defeat him." The big monk looked at Dahe's burning golden flame in horror.

"Get off, useless guy!" Dahe screamed violently, swept away suddenly, and dozens of high-power computers were swept across the ground.

A burst of "cracking" circuit sparks was burning, a smelt of scorching smell overflowed in the air, and a server automatically ejected a compact disc, which was dark green in color, slightly lighter than the disc in Zhang Yang's hands.

"I will succeed without you!"

Dahe chuckled, pulled out the disc and put it carefully into a box on his body. A thrilling light shot out from his eyes, exuding a monstrous momentum.

"Ai Qing comes in!"

"Being there!"

A middle-aged man walked in with a low eyebrow and a bowed eye, and no one wanted it. This man was His Majesty, the current Emperor of Japan, and he never expected that the grand king of a country would surrender to outsiders and call himself a courtier.

"Accelerate the purchase plan immediately, and we must complete the plan within half a year!" Dahe's voice was extremely firm.

"Yes ... but ..." The Emperor hesitated.

"Pop!" Dahe slaps over, and the Emperor's body immediately falls out, hits the door and falls to the ground, and blood is immediately spilled on his forehead.

"The next time you talk to me like this, you will cut off your tongue!"

"Yeah ..." The Emperor nodded again and again, a flash of viciousness in his eyes passed away.

"Say!" Unfortunately, that vicious expression did not escape Dahe's gaze, and Dahe's mouth sneered.

"Your Majesty, we have a wealth of steel reserves, and we have recently purchased a large amount of steel. Basically, the various metals and steels we need are sufficient, but now we need a place to complete His Majesty's vision. Great cause. "Emperor emperor's expression, where is the domineering monarch of a country.


"The minister's territory is very small, and with the presence of the United States garrison, if we build such a large warship on our homeland, it will definitely cause other countries to look at it. It is likely that an accident will occur. It is better to ..."

"Hum!" Dahe snorted heavily.

"Well, let's move the construction base to another country to avoid people's eyes?" The Emperor saw Dahe snorted and kept on talking.

"Well, it's a good idea. A small book, a projectile, is really not suitable for such a large warship construction project."

"The minister has a suggestion ..."



"Sahara Desert ..."


Just when Dahe and the Emperor were discussing, Zhang Yang had connected to a spare computer.

When the computer was connected to the Internet, the computer screen flickered, and the little monk was proud of himself. The red light appeared on the computer screen ...

"Win?" Zhang Yang immediately thought of the result when he saw the proud expression of the young monk.

"Hey, Xiaozhang went out on his own, and naturally he succeeded!"

The young monk ’s expression of the villain made Zhang Yang ca n’t help but smile. The little monk was completely healed and the sore was hurting. For a while, he was chased by the old monk and chased away, hiding in the corners without knowing them come out.

(To be continued)