MTL - The Road to Slaying God-Chapter 432 Chinese Expeditionary Force

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"Then I won't say ..." Ma San looked at the foolish around him and bit his teeth.

"Oh, don't you say, he would say, what about you?" Zhang Yang's eyes fell on another foolish body.

"I, I ..." Humbling trembled, his eyes frightened across Azer's twinkling waist knife.

"In short, you can live after you say it, and you can only live the next one, because only one person can keep a secret." Zhang Yang said indifferently.

"I ... I ..." This unsteady gaze swept across the waist knife in the hands of Zhang Yang and Aze, and peeped at Ma San from time to time, and Ma San watched this lunatic nervously.

"Last chance, don't you say?" Zhang Yang gently pressed the cigarette **** in the grass to extinguish it, his tone was flat, but it was full of a strong pressure.

"I said……"

"Old fourth, we are brothers, Blessed are brothers who share the same difficulties!" Immediately angrily, he threw his cigarette **** on the ground.

"Brother 3, brothers return to brothers, but we can only live one, we can't blame ... ah ..."

Before the fourth child had finished speaking, a scream screamed through the night sky.

The youngest man, covering his throat with his hands, looked in horror at the waist knife in Azer's hand. Just now, he saw that the flashing glaive flashed in the air, and he felt a cold in his throat. , Followed by another warmth, the warmth seemed to surround the entire neck ...

"For ... why ... keke ..." The fourth child desperately covered the **** throat, but the blood springed out, spurting from his fingers, and where could he hold it.

"If your betrayer could survive, wouldn't it be unjust?" Azer looked at the fourth child with a faint look. For him, killing a person is no more difficult than killing a chicken. .


The oldest man could no longer make a sound, and "Peng!" Fell to the ground, his limbs twitched desperately, kicking the weed and mud all over the place.

Finally, the convulsed limbs were slowly moving, the fourth old eyes wide open and looked at the sky blankly, as if unwilling.

The **** smell permeated the air.

A moment of extreme and weird silence.

"Oh!" The old man knelt on the ground fiercely, staring blankly at the slowly moving corpse on the ground, with anger in his eyes, blankness, fear, and a little shivering.

"I think you can say it now."

Zhang Yang reignited the cigarette, the dark red cigarette **** lit up and darkened, and the peculiar smell of tobacco burning actually covered the **** heart palpitations.

"Give me a cigarette."

Zhang Yang didn't say anything, he threw the cigarette box directly to the third child, and Liu Biao, who was standing, threw the lighter to him. Then, several people sat on the ground, and they were less than two meters away from them. The corpse was still spitting blood, and the throat made a "cooing" sound.


The third man shivered, took out three cigarettes from the cigarette box, ignited it, and inserted it in the grass next to the body of the fourth man. Then he lit a cigarette for himself, and his lips twitched. He never thought it would be In this situation, I never thought that the brother who was born and died with him would betray him when he was alive.

The third child always believed that both of them could survive.

Death is not terrible. The third child never thought that he would have a day of mortal death, but he never thought that this would be the case now.

The four of Zhang Yang didn't speak, and looked at the nearly forty man silently.

Undoubtedly, this is a man of esteem and affection, who is considering living with his brother in the face of the threat of death.

However, the cruel fact made him discouraged ...

"Here is the sixty-second boundary monument ..."

There was a long silence.

The third man who smoked two cigarettes in succession revealed a secret covered by historical dust.

It turned out that in the beginning of January 1942, the arrogant 100,000 troops invaded Burma in three different ways. A large-scale defense battle has begun on the battlefield in Myanmar. In order to assist Myanmar ’s anti-fascist war and also to defend the Yunnan-Myanmar highway, from February 16th, China has sent 100,000 expeditionary troops to Myanmar. The expeditionary force consists of the Fifth Army, the Sixth Army, and the Sixty-sixth Army. The commanders are Du Yimin, Gan Lichu, and Zhang Jian. On March 1st, the wheels rolled on the Yunnan-Myanmar highway, and the Allied planes escorted the air. In the sheltered expeditionary force, they boarded the British red-headed truck and headed straight for Kuomen-cho. This was the only time during the Second World War that China sent troops to fight abroad. It was also the first time that China assisted other countries in fighting since the Sino-Japanese War.

After the Chinese Expeditionary Force entered Myanmar, the war situation was very critical. In order to combat the arrogance of Kou, the expeditionary forces immediately organized the Donggua Campaign, concentrated the strength of 7 divisions, and besieged the enemy's 55th Division in Donggua, north of Yangon. The battle began on March 19. General Dai Anlan, commander of the 0th Division of the Fifth Army of the Expeditionary Force, adopted the tactics of "deep pit construction, tunnel collusion, extensive ambush, close-kill, use of night, short assault" tactics, fighting for 12 days, destroying more than 5,000 enemies and capturing 400 Many people. This is the famous "East Melon".

The Sixty-six Army entered Myanmar in early April. On the 16th, the British First Division and the chariot battalion north of Ren'antuo had been surrounded by the army for two days and nights. They were running out of food and running out of water. Major General Qi Xueqi, deputy commander of the new 38th Division of the Sixty-sixth Army, was ordered to rescue. After three days of hard work, the main force of the army was defeated, and the army left more than 10 dead corpses and left the position. During the campaign, the Expeditionary Forces recovered Ren'anyu Oilfield, rescued more than 7,000 friendly forces, and achieved the second victory after the entry into Myanmar—the Ren'anyu victory.

After the victory, General Qi Xueqi lost contact with the division due to his business, and 18 officers and men wounded with his division went westward to the mountains to chase the division. After being attacked by Kou cavalry miles from Homerin, under machine gun fire, 16 people died sacrifice, and 1 person fell into the water to escape. General Qi shot three in the head and four in the body, lying unconscious in a pool of blood. After he woke up, Fang knew that he was seriously injured and was held in a prison camp in Yangon Central Prison ...

During the capture of General Qi, the National Axe sent several elite troops to rescue, but in the end, General Qi was assassinated by Han Jian in prison.

At that time, many people did not understand why General Qi lost contact with the division. This became a historical mystery. Although there were many speculations in later generations, because the general died, the real thing could not be verified.

It wasn't until decades later that the third child found some clues from some Myanmar veterans.

It turned out that General Qi had seized a very important thing from the army at the Great Victory in Ren'an. It was said to be a safe, but it was impossible to know what was inside.

At that time, the general was captured, with only the keys on him, and the safe was missing. No matter how cruel torture, the general did not reveal ...

In the past few decades, there has been no clue to the safe, and the military and axe in Myanmar kept searching for the whereabouts of the safe, but found nothing.

Just a year ago, a descendant of the Expeditionary Force stranded in Myanmar told his wife when they got married, saying that there was a safe at home for many years, but it could not be opened. This was a drunk word, and His wife didn't take it seriously, and he accidentally told his family, and soon the news reached General Than Shwe's ears.

Immediately, General Than Shwe captured the young man and confirmed through interrogation that the safe was the one that General Qi was preparing to **** back home.

It turned out that the people who escorted the safe at that time included 20 General Qi, 16 who died sacrifice, 1 escaped the water, General Qi was captured, and two others fled in the jungle.

The two who escaped were both seriously injured. One of them died shortly afterwards. The remaining one married and gave birth to a child in Myanmar. Of course, he also inquired about the whereabouts of General Qi, but learned that the General had been captured, he could only Anonymous.

After the defeat of the army, this man once thought about returning the safe. However, at the time when the Chinese civil war was in full swing, he dispelled this idea again. This matter was dragged on again and again. Several years later, he suddenly died and died. Nothing was left. Although the son and grandson knew some of the reasons, they never thought about returning the safe to the motherland. They just thought about how to open the safe. However, the safe was very sturdy. They could n’t be opened by ordinary methods. As a result, the safe became a chicken rib, but it was a pity to abandon it. It was tasteless. It was thrown at home until something happened ...

"How do you know these secrets? How do you know that we are looking for a safe?" Zhang Yang replied coldly.

"Mystery? Actually, this is no longer mystery, because General Darryl did not control his wife when he captured the young man, and the matter leaked ... As for whether you came to the safe, as long as you know the inside story Everyone knows that the safe was missing at the position of the 62nd boundary monument. You kept asking the position of the 62nd boundary monument along the way. I personally want to get ... "

"Why did the safe come out of General Than Shwe again?"

"Not in exile. In fact, the safe has never stayed with General Than Shwe for a second. General Than Shwe has never seen the safe at all."

"Well, continue!" Zhang Yang nodded.

"In Myanmar, there is a very powerful underground force, that is, the descendants of the Chinese Expeditionary Force ..."

(To be continued)