MTL - The Road to Slaying God-Chapter 520 Dahe, here I am!

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Just at the moment when Yinmei this rabbit was up and down, Yinmei's lightning-like body had passed two strong ones in succession, and that sharp tooth had landed on the deadly throat.

Fortunately, the subconscious actions of the two strong men saved their lives. The silver teeth 'sharp teeth just tore off a **** flesh from each of the two arms.

The speed of Yinmei is really too fast, so fast that Zhang Yang's eyes can't keep up, and in a rush, he has returned to Zhang Yang's shoulders proudly, and even Zhang Yang retreated. Your body hasn't stopped yet ...

"His ..."

Yinmei whispered on the shoulders, showing her body skills, and her body rubbed against the open cheeks. The hair that looked like a steel needle suddenly became soft and extremely comfortable.



The two strong men caught a bite from Yin Mei, and kicked by Yin Mei's strong legs. They backed up a few dozen meters, sitting on the ground with a buttock, extremely embarrassed.

The two powerful men got up from the ground, trembling, looking at the silver charm on Zhang Yang's shoulders in amazement.

It is unheard of for an unknown little animal to drive the two strong men back and hurt them.

If this news is spread to the world of the strong, it is estimated that it will cause a sensation.

In fact, it was not only the heartbeats of the two powerhouses, but the publicity was shocking. He did not expect that in a short period of time, Silver Charm's evolution was so fast that it was able to confront the two powerhouses. You know, a few months ago, Silver Charm couldn't compete with a strong one.

Zhang Yang naturally did not know that the rapid upgrade speed of Silver Charm was entirely due to the guidance of Zhang Yang's "Long Road to Fairy".

Finally, the two strong men awoke from shock.

"Well ..."

After looking at each other, the two suddenly screamed in the sky at the same time, and the scream was extremely sharp, breaking through the clouds.

Hearing the howling of the two, Silver Charm seemed to be stimulated by the constant restlessness on the open shoulders, and a pair of fiery eyes shot a fierce light.

Zhang Yang looked coldly at the two strong men. Instead of stopping the two strong men, he calmed the silver charm on his shoulders. The silver charm was under the caress of Zhang Yang, and the restless movements and expressions became a kind of ease. Enjoy, it likes the breath of "Fairy Road" on Zhang Yang's body, and now, Zhang Yang's entire body has slowly become crystallized ...

"Why do you follow the river?" Zhang Yang's indifferent eyes fell on the two strong men.

"It has nothing to do with you."

"Well, it has nothing to do with me, but you have a relationship with me if you block my way. I want to see what kind of people you can call to block my footsteps. I give you five minutes ... "

The two strong men just sneered and didn't say anything, their faces were full of confidence.

Of course, they dare not run away. No matter how fast they are, they cannot be faster than Silver Charm. The most important thing is that if they are together, they can still fight against Silver Charm, and they can separate. Was broken by silver charm.

Time passed slowly, the sea was calm, and there were no people who helped the two strong men.

With the passage of time, there was some anxiety and even anxiety between the two strong eyebrows.

"Oh, it seems that you have been abandoned and have no use value." Zhang Yang smiled gently at the calm sea and nearby islands.

Suddenly, the air became extremely depressing and dull, and the deep eyes of Zhang Yang became like blades, as if they could see through human soul.

The muscles of the two strong men were tightened, and their eyes were tightly fixed on the mythical young man in front of them. This young man had entered the realm of the strong men in just over a year, and it took only a few moments. Months broke through the legendary higher realm than the strong.

And now, it is this young man full of legendary surnames who is stepping towards them step by step, behind them is the sea.

No refunds!

Because the two strong men have been together for a long time and have the same heart, they just nodded after looking at each other. It seems that a decision has been made. At the same time, the expressions of the two men became firm and their eyes became decisive.

They are strong!

They are not petty.

The strong have the dignity of the strong. At the same time, the strong is also an honor. The strong can control the consortium and even the country. Not everyone can easily enter the strong world.

Now they are fighting for the dignity of the strong.

dead! To die vigorously.


Suddenly, the two of them slammed at the same time, their bodies skyrocketed, their legs kicked wildly at the gravel on the beach. For a moment, this small island was violently windy. The gravel blocked the whole island like a heavy rain. Extremely terrifying.

And among these rolling gravels, the bodies of the two strong men are close together, stabbing like a sharp sword ...

This is a battle against water.

This is the moment when the fish died.

The two strong men didn't have any possessions, and almost used all their powers to this blow.

Unsuccessful, then Chengren!



The two strong men couldn't help showing a touch of joy, because they saw Zhang Yang always motionless, like a rock.

Too arrogant!

However, the two strong men were not angry with their arrogant arrogance, but a ecstasy, they hoped that they would be contemptuous ...

It's close!

Ten meters!

Eight meters!

Seven meters!


They calculated silently with the speed of their bodies.

Five meters!


The two drank again and again, the air waves caused by heavy drinking shook the island as if they were shaking, and it actually had a feeling of shaking the mountain.

This is what they are doing!

As a strong man, there are a few tricks to save his life, and the two strong men are walking together for a long time, and the two practice a combined attack. When two of them perform this skill, Strength is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

It can be imagined that the power of one strong man is amazing, and how much damage does the two strong men perform a combo that can multiply their power?

The island became gray, and the entire sky was darkened by the dancing gravel.

One meter left!

one meter!

This is already a distance to try and see, and the two suddenly have an unreal feeling, because the young man has not moved, just like a sculpture, and the deep eyes see them chill.

The arrow is on the string and has to be sent!

Just before the "killing" sound of violent drinking has not yet fallen, their rootless fingers, like steel bars, have caught Zhang's body ...

not good!

not good!

At almost the same time, the two raised a warning sign in their hearts, a very strong danger. They found that a huge force was attracting their bodies. Their bodies felt a sense of loss of control, as if their attack power and speed had increased exponentially, but they were not under their control.

This is a very bad feeling, just like you can only be fired by others, it is always better to control the gun to fire.


Without hesitation, the two thought about going back at the same time. The dangerous breath became stronger and stronger, and their violent attack was dispelled by the dangerous breath.

In the end, the two were powerful, and when they were close to half a meter, they did an incredible disguised action at the same time, one left and one right ....



The publicity that has been moving like a sculpture has moved between these electric lights and flints. His hands are like the ghosts of the night, stretching out.


Zhang Yang's palms clung tightly to their bodies.

Suddenly, time seemed to be still. The sky, which was originally sand and rocks, restored the blue sky and white clouds, and there was a faint smell of sea water in the air.

The two strong men opened their mouths wide, they couldn't make a sound, and they felt like their throats were being oppressed by massive stones.

"There are many ways to strengthen a country. However, it is your fault to exchange the interests of other countries for your own interests. If you do something wrong and get punished, you dare to hunt generals. This has already doomed you. Dahe Can't save you, nor can Yu Ji save you, go ... "

As soon as Zhang Yang's words fell, the two strong men felt like their bodies were being pumped with blood by a high-powered pump. They were shocked to find that their bodies were shrinking. The dynamic arms that had been raised changed instantly. It's like the same skeleton ...


The two strong men finally gave a low scream.

"Wow," the two skin-wrapped skeletons fell to the ground, and they fell apart. The withering skin was unable to protect their dead bodies.

Looking at the two skeletons scattered on the ground, Zhang Yang sighed softly.

He has been reluctant to use this martial arts skill, but today he has to use it, and he has several powerful enemies.

Dahe, Yu Ji!

The most important thing is that there is also a golden armor ...

I re-run "Fantasy Road" again, feeling the full of vitality in my body, and I am very satisfied. After absorbing the pure indignation of the two strong men, "Fairy Road" actually shows signs of breakthrough again, and there is a faint infinite trend of approaching the highest state .

After examining his body a little, Zhang Yang didn't hesitate, strode towards the sea and walked on the waves. His purpose was the largest island, and his senses detected that the life on that island was the most abundant. Obviously, that was the Big river their base.

Dahe, here I am!

Yu Ji, here I am!

Your Majesty, I am here!


Zhang Yang gently stroked the excited silver charm on her shoulders, and her eyes fell on the largest island, getting closer and closer, and the trees on the island were clearly discernible. Even, Zhang Yang saw the human head throbbing in the woods ...

(To be continued)