MTL - The Roots of Manga-Chapter 14 Assassins in action

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Chapter 14 The Assassins' Actions

"I think it was my mother, and then I learned and changed through my own experience." Card frowned, but he still answered Leviathan, "I don't think she has anything to do with Teacher Xiuqiao."

"It's just chatting, Card." Leviathan chuckled, and he said, "I think your mother must be a lady who is not very gentle."

"She is indeed not gentle. In fact, because of my father's death as a soldier, she has always been very strict with me. What I remember most about her is actually her slap."

Well, I know where the root is.

The handsome and young Assassin leader vomited helplessly in his heart.

At the beginning, he selected six extremely determined people in this world through various methods, and gave them more power when shaping their inheritance memories. Now that they have grown up, each of them has the power to fight against the US team Of course, it cannot be said that he will definitely win. If it is an assassination, Noah speculated that there is about a 60% probability of this, but the instinct of the US team is likely to prevent him from dying, but only suffering some injuries.

Even so, together with him, the leader of the Assassins, Leviathan, the other six people collectively known as the Seven Masters, all have power beyond the world's top agents.

If they acted in secret, the chaos they could cause would far exceed that of Cap.

They are the top assassins, and they can also be the best agents.

"Let's do this first, Kad. I will contact the other six and act more covertly. Besides using the capital in our hands to continue the integration, we also have the role of firepower. Instruct some hidden members to For example, if you are a homeless person or a black household, let them teach S.H.I.E.L.D. a lesson."

"To what extent?"

"It's serious, but don't go too far, let alone let them catch it."

"I think..." Card's gloomy expression became more and more intense, and he said slowly: "I understand."

Seeing Card like this, Leviathan raised his eyebrows. Seeing him like this, he wondered how much S.H.I.E.L.D. would lose. This old guy is really angry...

Again, he made his apprentice fail, and the apprentice punished himself by chopping off his fingers...

This old man who loves his disciples in his heart has been stimulated a lot.

Johnson is a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent. He has been hiding in a secret scientific research institution of the German government for three years. Soon he can get his target, the manufacturing information of a supercomputer improvement. After this task is completed, he can take a good rest for a while.

Although S.H.I.E.L.D. will not do such things that cannot be archived, he has another task, that is, the director of the agency is likely to be a revivalist of communism, and then provide high-tech products to a new type of communist organization. You mentioned the previous mission, by the way.

Fiddled with some transistors, Johnson experimented.

Suddenly his neck hurt and he let go of his hand. The moment the transistor fell, someone silently caught it.

A man in the clothes of a researcher of a scientific research institute stood behind him and supported him. In the monitor, it seemed that he supported Johnson, who was suddenly unconscious, and caught the transistor.

The visitor retracted his wrist concealedly, and retracted the needle for injecting the anesthetic.

"Dr. Mark, Dr. Ange seems a little uncomfortable."

"Dr. Ange, it's too late to do experiments these days. I advised him to pay attention to his body."

The old doctor Mark, who was also debugging not far away, turned his head when he heard the voice calling him, and saw that Johnson, whose alias was Ange, was supported by someone and had passed out.

Without thinking too much, he thought that his dedicated colleague was just working too hard. Johnson had no idea that his appearance to outsiders for his late night action had seriously deceived himself.

The assailant helped Johnson to the lounge and left. Not long after, an experimenter who was about to leave for vacation walked into the lounge and came out with a large box in his hand, and Johnson was gone in the lounge. . The person who left did not leave directly, but walked into a bathroom, and left the experiment directly when he came out again. When he went through the security check again, he opened his suitcase, which was empty.

Not long after, the **** cleaning staff left with several large bags. When the overheated vision device was overheated, he quietly pressed a fingernail-sized device and stuck it on the device, causing the device to carry a bag containing a large living person to him. , there is no response at all.

When he walked to the dumpster, he opened a large plastic bag, revealing Johnson, who was still unconscious.

"Moreau, you have not been found."

A person walked out next to him, a young man with brown red hair, he was the assassin who had previously disguised himself as a departing researcher.

"I hope that his neck will be wiped off with a single knife. This will save me a lot of work, and I don't even need two people at all."

The cleaner, took off his hat, and peeled off a bionic face from his face. It was also a young man, but different from the middle-aged face just now.

"Levi's, what do we do now?" he asked.

"Of course they withdrew, and they threw this guy back to their boss."

"Then what are you waiting for, I have to go back to training."

"Well, actually, I also want to go back sooner, but I hope I don't run into Saren. Because of his exposure, he was grounded and spent all day in the training room sparring with other assassins. Last time I sparred with him, but was He was brutal for a while."

"He has worked too hard recently, but we all know the reason. We are actually venting our anger for him now."

"Yes, for our brother."

Two young men, Levi's and Morrow, chatted for a while, then threw Johnson into the trunk of the car and left.

"I think we should chat, you bitch!"

There were two people behind him, the terrorist leader holding an AK47 in his hand. Looking at Natasha's body tied upside down, his face was tightly covered and only his eyes were exposed, which were full of indifference and anger.

"Yes, I think so too."

Natasha showed a embarrassed but beautiful smile, which stunned the leader for a moment. Then Natasha twisted her wrist and broke free from the rope instantly. She found a soft belt from nowhere, and after a little shaking, it became hard. In this world, she stabbed into the neck of the person on the left behind the leader, pulled out and inserted into the neck of the person next to him, and then kicked the leader away.

The person whose neck was inserted at the beginning clutched his neck and fell to the ground unwillingly, as if he wanted to say something.

Natasha turned around, trying to get rid of the last person, UU Reading As for the terrorists outside, the ambush agents will take care of them.

"You know them very well, it seems that you have done a lot of intelligence, and you are so outstanding, you are indeed a busy lady."

Natasha's face became solemn in an instant, and she took a defensive posture. She was very guarded against the man in a hooded white robe who suddenly appeared in front of her. He stepped on the leader's neck with one foot, making the leader Can only make a weak **** ho sound.

"Who are you?" Natasha kept her smile, trying to ask something, "I don't think this is a place for ordinary people to stay."

"Natasha, I'm here for you."

While speaking, the white-robed man crushed his foot and crushed the leader's throat.

"I really feel sad for him. He thought that by covering his face and letting his subordinates follow him like him, he would be safe from danger. After all, their previous leader used to escape. With this thinking, he observed what was behind him. The appearance of a person is very similar to him, so one would think that he also used a double to replace himself, but in fact he didn't do so, but it's a pity that you saw it."

Natasha said with an unchanged expression: "The person who made him look like the former leader seems to have been drugged with dumb drugs. We have heard about him before, and his wife and daughter seem to have fallen into the hands of this leader. , it looks like he was forced to act as a double. Sir, you shouldn't kill him, this leader knows a lot, if we get these, we can wipe out several terrorist organizations."

"Are you stalling for time? I don't think it's going to work."

Natasha's face suddenly changed, she realized that there was no gunfire outside, so she moved, and rushed to the white-robed man like a nimble leopard, slashed at him, but was caught by a hidden sword Give an understatement a stop.