MTL - The Roots of Manga-Chapter 198 Cain Left Hand (1)

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Chapter 198 Cain's Left Hand (1)

"But as you said, the blood cup was implanted with other things. How do you confirm that the blood cup has the function you said?"

General Ross asked.

The others also looked at Mengya.

Meng Ya was silent for a while, and said: "The blood cup, her initial function is to transform the blood race, and everyone who is willing to transform into a blood race is a **** mage who is willing to sacrifice for humans. It doesn't mean that they are willing to maintain the state of dark creatures, so the blood cup is also the backhand for them to transform into humans."

"If one day, the war between God and **** disappears, humans will no longer need them, and they will not need to survive in the human world as aliens."

Leviathan said at this time: "The blood cup, it is actually a simple holy vessel. It has only one function, which is transformation. With the help of fresh blood, endless blood is transformed, and the blood transformed by it is drunk. Afterwards, you can get the power and characteristics of the blood person. Generally speaking, the blood transformed by the blood provided can only last for a period of time, but for people like Cain, the blood provided has a permanent effect Yes, and because the blood cup has been blessed by the blood race and inscribed for a long time, the blood of any blood race will also have a permanent effect."

"Perhaps I understand. In other words, the original blood race hopes to use human blood that is as powerful as Cain to become human again, right?"

Tony stroked his chin.

Meng Ya nodded with a smile.

This is exactly what he and Howard negotiated, using the blood cup to make the vampires become human again.

"There is a question, that is, where to get this human blood, Lord Howard and Mr. Leviathan?"

Natasha asked.

As soon as she said this, Tony's face changed a little. It wouldn't matter if the blood provider was his father, but his father is now a heroic spirit, and whether he can use it is another matter. If the provider was Leviathan, although he became a human again, wouldn't he be the heir of Leviathan?

This matter is not difficult to think of, so some people present couldn't help but look at Tony.


Howard sighed.

As soon as he said half a sentence, Tony's face twisted a little, but Howard's next sentence made his mentality a little more stable.

"Neither my nor Leviathan's blood can be used. I am the body of a heroic spirit. The blood cannot be used at all, and the quality is not enough. As for Mr. Leviathan, the same is true. His blood also cannot achieve permanent effects. If it is After turning back into a human for a short time, his blood is still effective, unlike ordinary human blood, which can only provide some human characteristics for a short time."

With an explosive attitude, Tony said, "So, even if you get that cup, it's useless?"

"No, if that's the case, then we won't bring it up. Mr. Howard asked Mr. Leviathan for advice. In the end, Mr. Leviathan came up with a plan, which I think is very suitable."

Meng Ya shook his head.

Leviathan said lightly: "Although I have some power, I can't compare with Cain, but there is a solution among the blood race. After I deeply felt the memory of my ancestors, I finally changed from the first ancestor In my memory, I found a solution, which is one of the missing sacred artifacts of the blood race, the left hand of the ancestor Cain."


Tony froze for a moment.

Because he became a blood clan, he has been checking the blood clan's information for the past two days, so he has a certain understanding of the blood clan's holy artifacts.

"That's right, Corpse Hand, the left hand of Cain that is said to hide the secrets of the world." Leviathan nodded and continued: "In the Bible, the description of Cain is like this. Adam and his wife Eve had sex. And Eve conceived, and gave birth to Cain, and said, "The LORD has given me a man. ‘Cain was also called “the third person in the world.” Later, Cain’s brother Abel was born. Abel was a shepherd, and Cain was a farmer.”

"One day, Cain brought vegetables and grain from the field as an offering to the Lord; Abel also offered the firstborn of his flock and the fat of his sheep. The Lord took notice of Abel and his offering, but he did not Cain and his offering. Cain became very angry, and his face changed. The Lord said to Cain, "Why are you angry? Why are you changed? If you do well, will you not be acceptable to God ?If you do not do well, sin lies at the door. It will desire you, but you will subdue it. "

"Cain was talking with his brother Abel, and they were in the field, and Cain rose up and struck his brother Abel, and killed him. The LORD said to Cain, "Where is your brother Abel?" and he said, "I am not Know! Am I my brother's keeper?". The LORD said, "What have you done? The voice of your brother's blood cried out to me through the ground. The earth opened its mouth and received your brother's from your hand. blood. From this land you will be cursed. You will plant the ground, and it will no longer work for you, and you will be a wanderer on the earth.'”

"Cain said to the LORD, 'My punishment is too severe for me to bear. Now you drive me out of this land, so that I don't see you. I will be a wanderer on the earth, and whoever finds me will kill me. ’” And the LORD said to him, “It will never be so; whoever kills Cain will be recompensed sevenfold. "The LORD set a mark on Cain so that no one would kill him if they found him. So Cain turned his eyes away from the LORD and no longer saw the face of the LORD, and went to live in the land of Nod east of Eden."

"All the answers are in this narrative."

Listening to Leviathan's narration of the contents of the Bible, everyone present thought seriously.

Tony frowned, thinking for a long time, but couldn't think of any clues.

His fingers were undoubtedly swipe on the table, suddenly he realized something, stared at his fingers, continued to swipe, suddenly realized something.

mark! That's right, it's a sign!

According to Leviathan, Cain was not an enemy of God, so this passage must be viewed from another angle.

Why did God give Cain a mark? There must be something special about this sign.

He looked at Leviathan and said, "It's a mark, right? The mark God gave Cain is in Cain's left hand."

Leviathan smiled and said: "I have been looking for the answer for a long time. God once had a war with the original creations. We don't need to care about the specific reasons for the war. But for God, who undoubtedly existed, he is A very complex individual, kind and tyrannical, he is undoubtedly kind to his own people. The things recorded in the Bible are false and true, but most of them are related to real things. The mark God gave Cain maintained Cain is of the blood of man."

"In other words, Cain's left hand is the only human part of Cain."