MTL - The Sage Who Transcended Samsara-~ Fanwai (6) New friends

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The gatehouse of Yuxu Palace was wide open, and the little girl with pink carving and jade carving walked in short legs and wobbled in. There were two sky braids on her head, and there was obvious baby fat on her face and hands. You can sag inward with a poke.

Seeing that two blue monsters in the room were each on a reclining chair, slumped on top of each other, glaring at each other at the same time, no one was convinced, so she asked childishly, "Daqinggen, what's wrong with you?"

After a period of real and fake Daqinggen games, she began to use "men" skillfully.

"It's not it!" One of the cyan monsters turned up sharply and sat up, dancing all around, pointing at each other.

"Well, who takes more?" The other lip-smelled, "Who is this to blame?"

Two Daqinggen, you quarreled with each other, and after a few breaths, you suddenly sobered, turned to look at the little ancestor, and saw her delicate little face full of ignorance, with the thumb of her right hand next to her mouth. I can't understand what happened.

The original Da Qinggen took a cool breath, fearing that the ancestors would send out some shocking thoughts, and sighed with sigh: "Miss you don't know, hey, the spirit is not empty, then the demon is endless, no matter what the world is, Fairness is not fair, beauty is not beautiful, jealousy, anger, pride, greed, despair, **** and other things will inevitably appear, and they will nourish demons and evil gods, hey, I am the devil and the nine chaos Influence, I was unable to control my greed and put my life savings to waste, hey ... "

Here is a long sigh, and the big Qinggen turned his eyes and took the opportunity to say: "Miss, the demon emperor's palace sent a young boy to come over, saying that it is communication and learning, which embodies the sameness of the Yuxu Palace."

"The young demon?" The little girl's eyes brightened.

"Yes! It is said that there are bear leopards from Bingxuantian, strange flowers that talk, and weird cats who want to learn ** ..." The original original Da Qinggen saw the ancestors pay attention, and was relieved immediately, adding fuel and vinegar.

The little girl put her right hand down and said firmly: "It, where are they?"

"He was led to Sanqing Hall." The two Da Qinggens spoke in unison.

The little girl's eyes were bright, she turned her body, opened her short legs, wobbled out, walked, walked, walked through the palace hall and the platform, and finally entered the Sanqing Hall of Meng Qi, but It was empty and silent, and there were no monsters in her imagination.

"Where did you go ..." The little girl's mouth slumped, and she choked to summon her father.

At this moment, there was a young girl voice like a child: "Who are you? Who are you looking for?"

The little girl turned her head and saw a pot of flowers in the corner. The branches were short and the flowers were brilliant. She was waving her questions.

"You're the talking flower?" The little girl leaned back, shaking, "What else? What about a cute monster like Xiaofeng Xiaohuang?"

"They followed Uncle He and Aunt Jiu Li to practice." The sound of that flower sounded in the empty hall, as if there was a hanging wind chime accompaniment.

The little girl stared at the **** and white eyes and said, "Why don't you go?"

"I'm lazy, I can't bear to leave the bed ..." Hua Zhi swayed, pointing to the blue jade basin under him.

"Then I will take you!" The little girl volunteered and hugged the pot of flowers. It seemed to be born with divine power and seemed very relaxed. She had a smile on her face when she found a new partner, and she was happy while walking. I must eat very little. I have to take good care of you and make you grow tall. Well, you are a plant, and the big green root is also a plant. It is so strong that it relies on whizzing irrigation. ! "

In the future, Xiaotian booed at Da Qinggen, and here at Huahua, it was so decided!

Who is Xiaotian ... how to irrigate ... the flower looks agitated.

The little girl was holding a flower pot, passed through the Sanqing Hall, and was about to go to the place of cultivation. Suddenly, she saw her parents sitting in the waterside, one holding Yu Xiao, the other caressing the guqin and a white skirt Ethereal, quiet and colorful, a black robe is deep and carefree.

"Mother! Mother!" The little girl rushed over and nearly fell, holding a tender white porcelain face, "You are back! Linger starts to miss you!"

Having said that, she happily held up the flower pot saying, "This is my new friend!"

"You will have many new friends in the future." Meng Qi smiled and pointed next to Gu Xiaosang.

The little girl looked at the situation and found that a black-haired kitten was squatting next to her mother, her beard tilted, and she seemed to be smiling at herself.

"A lot of new friends!" The little girl touched the black cat's head and looked at the flowers in her arms, but she was so happy, suddenly, she remembered something, frowned, and stared at her father and mother. I'm not so good. Da Qinggen said that there are demons when there is emotion. I am so happy that I will attract demons! "

Suddenly two Daqinggens in the concierge shivered, glanced at each other, and said at the same time:

"Did she just understand that?"

Meng Qi hesitated, and touched the little girl's head: "Relax, Dad said to the demon and Jiuzan Tianzun. If they dare to let the demon come to you, dad will hang them outside the gate of Yuxu Palace , Hang on to the next era. "

"Okay, okay, dad is so good!" The little girl immediately threw her worries into Jiuxiao, and clapped enthusiastically.

Gu Xiaosang stroked the back of the three-flowered cat, and looked at the gatehouse of Yuxu Palace with a smile:

"Da Qinggen knows more and more ..."

"Yeah." The little girl nodded earnestly.

Inside the concierge, two big green roots sweated from the back, for some reason there was an inexplicable sense of panic.

Gu Xiaosang let go of the pure white puppet cat, put the flower in the girl's arms next to her, then picked her up, broke her sky-high braid, and combed it again, with joy and emotion:

"You will have many friends ..."

Meng Qi looked at Gu Xiaosang, and said gently, "Remember the past?"

Gu Xiaosang nodded slightly, and the past that could not be traced back naturally appeared in his mind:

At that time, I was about the same size as my daughter, but due to the split of self-consciousness, I had lost my innocence and ignorance.

At that time, because I was afraid of the ultimate loss of my "existence", I desperately wanted to catch more things to prove that it was a special one. I made friends with the girl-in-law and raised cats and fish. The brothers and sisters of Fangzhi smiled.

However, only one sentence of indifference was returned:

"Miss, you are the sage of Luojiao, the reincarnation of my mother. How can you make friends with such inferior people as the girl-in-law? They are blaspheming the gods and must pay the price of their lives!"

"Miss, you are the sage of Luojiao, the reincarnation of my mother. There are ** shares to cats and fish in this way. I will help you to throw them away."

"Miss, you are the sage of Luojiao, the reincarnation of my mother. The elders and children in all other rooms are your servants and your slaves. Raise your head and look at them high above!"


No, this is indeed what the Virgin of Luo teaches to do, but I am not! I'm not Yulong Zi, I'm Gu's daughter!

Friends kept away from each other one by one, and their hearts became more and more empty and closed, leaving only the mother Gu's side.

She is the only straw, and is her last resort to prove her "independence". The milk name "Xiao Sang" she gave herself is the real name that she recognizes!

Unfortunately, she was lost in the end.

Unfortunately, in the end she is also the Golden Emperor.

Fortunately, all this darkness has passed ... (to be continued.) 2k novel reading network