MTL - The Science Fiction World of Xueba-Chapter 37 The airlock chamber blew up

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With the passage of time, the potatoes' stems and leaves in the planting cabin began to change from green to yellow, and finally the harvest season.

125 125th Mars.

Pang Xuelin and Watney completed the first potato harvest.

A potato root was pulled out of the soil, and a bunch of fist-sized potato particles made them smile.

冲洗 Rinse the potatoes thoroughly with water, weigh them, and store them in a vacuum bag.

Part of the potatoes were carefully selected by Watney as seed beans and placed on a shelf in the corner of the planting cabin.

With a planting area of ​​112.3 square meters, they finally harvested 278 kg of potatoes.

This is a real bumper harvest, even a little bit unexpected by Watney and the expert committee on Earth.

Under normal circumstances, a 112-square-meter planting area can harvest 250 kilograms of potatoes, which is not bad, but this time it has increased by nearly 10%.

After discussions between Watney and experts on the earth, they thought that the sandy soil of Mars might be transformed by earth-producing bacteria to form a sandy soil suitable for potato cultivation. In addition to constant temperature and humidity conditions and fine management, potato The output exceeded expectations.

For Pang Xuelin and Watney, this is undoubtedly a great thing.

At present, Pang Xuelin and Watney have consumed 125 Mars aerospace food reserves, leaving 75 Mars food reserves. These 278 kg of potatoes can be eaten according to the basic calories of 2 kg per person per day. Reserves extended to the 270th Mars day.

特殊 Under special circumstances, it is even possible to reduce the daily potato ration to 1.5 kg per person, but in this case, only the basic daily life activities of Pang Xuelin and Watney can be maintained, and basically no heavy physical work can be done.

Nutritionists re-matched their recipes. For three meals a day, 1.5 kg of potatoes a day, plus 300 g of aerospace meals, and toasted breadworms, aerospace peptide protein powder and vitamin tablets, enough to ensure Pang Xuelin and Water Nutrient intake.

The method of simmering potatoes is relatively simple. After cleaning, they are roasted in a microwave oven and served with tomato sauce. The taste is a lot rougher than aerospace meals, but Pang Xuelin and Watney can still accept it.

The following week, Pang Xuelin and Watney were busy again, hurrying to work on the second crop of potatoes.

The seeds of the first season were not used up, so in order to save time, before the first season of potatoes were harvested, Watney began to select, cut and germinate.

Pang Xuelin began to deep-freeze the soil.

According to Watney's suggestion, he first used an air-conditioning system to lower the temperature of the planting cabin to make the temperature below the freezing point, which is called freezing 垡.

After freezing, the water in the soil will freeze, and the volume will increase by 9%, and the soil will be particularly loose when squeezed by ice.

Later, Pang Xuelin carried out deep cultivation of the soil, and then he applied fertilizer.

Potato has a short growing period, and 80% of the absorbed fertilizer comes from the bottom fertilizer. Therefore, these bio-based fertilizers will become the main guarantee for the nutrient source of potato growing period.

For more than a hundred square meters of land, it took Pang Xuelin a full five days.

At this time, the seed beans had sprouted, and the two took another two days to ditch the soil, and then ranked the seeds according to the size of the buds.

The whole replanting work took two people a week, and then the two of them relaxed again.

Besides the scientific research work arranged by the Ares Command and the various facilities for monitoring the habitats every day, when Pang Xuelin is free, he will study the ABC conjecture to enrich his spare time.

Everything is moving in a good direction, but I don't know why. Recently, Pang Xuelin always felt a sense of restlessness.

He was as if he had overlooked something, but he repeatedly recalled that he couldn't remember what he had forgotten.

That night, Pang Xuelin was once again awakened by the squeaky sound of the sandstorm blowing on the habitat.

This is a type 3 dust storm with a maximum wind speed of only 50kph. Mars always comes once or twice a month. Both Pang Xuelin and Watney are used to it.

After each dust storm, they will perform an EVA task to clean up the sand on the solar panel, check the solar cell array, check the rover, and check the habitat, which is enough for them to live a day.

一 Early the next morning, Pang Xuelin opened his eyes and Watney was already wearing an EVA spacesuit.

Today is the 182nd Mars day. It has been half a year since Pang Xuelin entered the Martian rescue plane.

I was awakened by the sound of the sandstorm last night. Pang Xuelin didn't sleep until four or five in the morning. It's too late to get up late today.

Watney, who was aside, saw Pang Xuelin woke up and said with a smile: "Pang, I saw you slept well, so I didn't call you. Breakfast is in the microwave. I'll go out and clean the solar cells!"

Pang Xuelin laughed and said, "Yes, you go first!"

Watney opened the airlock, and his figure disappeared quickly behind it.

Immediately afterwards, Pang Xuelin heard the sound of an air compressor from the airlock chamber, and the habitat capsule slightly shook.

Pang Xuelin didn't care.

Every time there is such movement in and out of the airlock chamber, he is used to it.

After getting up and washing, Pang Xuelin shaved the stubble, then put on the EVA space suit, opened the airlock door, and then closed it again.

The airlock chamber of the living compartment began to decompress slowly, and it decreased from one atmosphere pressure to 0.006 atmosphere. Pang Xuelin stood in the airlock chamber and waited for the routine to complete.

He has entered and exited the airlock chamber hundreds of times. For him, this is just a routine.


Xi Pang Xuelin wore a spacesuit and did not hear a sound, but he felt the airlock chamber was shaking.

In the past, when the air lock chamber was in and out, the air lock chamber would shake slightly, but this time, this shake became extremely severe.

I haven't waited for Pang Xuelin's response. With a loud strange noise, the carbon fiber material connecting the airlock chamber and the living compartment was completely torn.

的 The atmosphere in the habitat was fully exhausted from the leak. In less than 0.1 seconds, the cracks opened parallel to the airlock chamber and the seal of the habitat.


The airlock chamber is completely separated from the habitat.

Huge pressure erupted from the leak, throwing the airlock chamber like a balloon.

部 Inside the airlock chamber, the huge inertia caused Pang Xuelin to hit the back door of the airlock chamber severely.

The airlock chamber flew nearly forty meters in the air before landing **** the ground.

Xi Pang Xuelin was thrown to the front door again, and his face fell to the ground.

Fortunately, the heavy padding of the spacesuit and the helmet helped Pang Xuelin absorb a lot of impact forces. Although the helmet's safety glass was cracked into several hundred pieces, it was not completely broken, only a few small openings were opened, and the body did not happen. fracture.

The airlock chamber rolled a few more circles on the surface of Mars, and finally stopped slowly, and the smoke and dust surrounding it rolled.

Pang Xuelin was dizzy and stunned. He woke up for a long time. His head was pierced with broken glass. A deep red blood flowed from his forehead and partly entered his eyes, which made him look at the colors of the world A blood red.


Xi Pang Xuelin sweared.

终于 He finally knew where his recent uneasy feeling came from.

In the movie, Watney was in trouble because the airlock chamber exploded, causing the potato to fail.

I took precautions before, closed the airlock chamber at the section of the planting cabin, and set the gate between the planting cabin and the living cabin to a manual state. I thought that the crisis had been resolved, so I fell into the mindset.

He didn't expect that the airlock chamber of the living module had also exploded.

Hissing ...

The air inside the Pang Xuelin spacesuit is leaking out through the crack in the mask, and at the same time, the damaged airlock chamber is leaking out.

Xi Pang Xuelin scrambled to find the gum patch from the side of the helmet, blocking the broken mouth on the mask.

泄露 But the leak still exists. Although the nitrogen and oxygen tanks in the space suit have automatically opened the valve for pressure compensation, the pressure on the screen on the wrist is still slowly decreasing at a rate of 0.001 atmospheres per second.

不 "No, I have to find a way to find the leak, otherwise I won't be able to insist on entering the rover!"

Pang Xuelin looked around. For this EVA mission, he carried a tool box. Inside the tool box, there was a bottle of nitrogen dioxide spray device and red-brown nitrogen dioxide gas, which can be used to test the tightness of the habitat. After each sandstorm ~ ~ Pang Xuelin will spray nitrogen dioxide around the habitat once.

"You are the one!"

Pang Xuelin picked up the nitrogen dioxide spray. Soon, the air in the airlock room was stained red. Pang Xuelin inspected the spacesuit and found a leak on his calf.

Pang Xuelin continued to fill it with gum.

At this time, the atmospheric pressure in the space suit had fallen to 0.6 atmospheres, and then, as the pressure compensation mechanism continued, the atmospheric pressure reading in the space suit began to rise slowly.

Xi Pang Xuelin could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

If it continues to fall, and wait until all the nitrogen and oxygen in the nitrogen and oxygen tank are released, Pang Xuelin may faint due to hypoxia and then die.

Pang Xuelin struggled to get up from the ground, opened the airlock door, and outside the airlock, Watney waved toward him while waving.

At the same time, Watney's voice sounded in the headphones: "Pang, are you okay! Pang, can you hear me?"

Pang Xuelin took a deep breath and said, "I'm fine, Watney!"

Uh ...

Find a new EVA spacesuit from the perch, and Pang Xuelin and Watney return to the rover.

Take off the helmet, the two looked at each other silently.

"Pang, let me help you with the wound first!"

Pang Xuelin nodded.

Watney first applied a local anesthesia to Pang Xuelin, then washed the scabbed blood on Pang Xuelin's forehead with disinfectant, and then clamped the glass **** on the wound with tweezers to suture the wound.

After half an hour, Watney was finally done.

Until then, he did not say, "Pang, what shall we do next?"

Xi Pang Xuelin smiled bitterly: "First find a way to close the living module, and then check the damage!"

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