MTL - The Seeing Eye Dog-Chapter 29

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In September 2007, Zhang Hang entered vocational high school. He did n’t have any music foundation. The teacher did n’t recommend him to choose the tuner profession. Children with music foundation can start directly into the course, but Zhang Hang had to learn the staff notation. He will struggle to learn.

However, this major was chosen by Dahei, and Zhang Hang decided to go on. He can detect the difference between Dahei and other dogs. Even if Dahei was smart before, it would not be possible to buy a winning lottery on that day, but he never asked, and he should not ask can speak.

After that, Zhang Hang "watched" some of the recently resurrected fantasy novels, and had a bit of unrealistic imagination in his mind. However, he "watched" a few articles before letting go. The novel is only a human imagination. Dahei is Dahei, and he raised his family from childhood. He didn't have to try to figure out the **** because of the novel, and he didn't have to guess what. Zhang Hang believes that if Dahei has the ability to speak, he will definitely tell himself the truth. Since Dahei didn't say it, he didn't ask.

At night, Zhang Hang put down the novel in his hand, reached out and touched it under the bed, Dahei felt his movement, and immediately raised his head, so that Zhang Hang's hand could touch his head under the bed, and the cooperation was just right. In the darkness that Lu Chengye couldn't see, Zhang Hang showed a relieved smile.

The fingertips belong to the smooth hair of the dog. Zhang Hang fell asleep while touching it, while Dahei kept raising his head until he felt Zhang Hang's hands became cold because he had left them for too long. Then he slowly arched his hand into the bed with his head, clumsily covered him with his claws, and retracted back to Zhang Hang's head and fell asleep.

The legendary event of a dog being able to buy a first prize in the lottery disappeared without Zhang Hang's care. In addition to touching the passbook, remembering that the eight million tax deductions in that account can occasionally remember this, Zhang Hang has already Don't take it to heart.

One person and one dog still go to school everyday, and secretly hide the money in the bank account, and secretly wait for Zhang Hang to be eighteen years old.

Before that, however, there was something very depressing for Zhang Hang, who had almost no musical talent. Indeed, the hearing of a blind person is very sensitive. He can discern the slightest perception in everyone's voice, and even if he deliberately imitates it, he cannot hide Zhang Hang. He is familiar with the voices of the people who check the water meter in his home every month, and he will become vigilant once he changes people. But ... no talent is no talent. In terms of music, Zhang Hang really knows nothing. The teachers are all depressed. After half a year of studying, I can't help but suggest that he change his profession. Now there are still two and a half years to change majors. The courses taken down can be used to catch up with the winter vacation time. If we learn again in the second half of the year, not only the tuner can't learn well, but also delay other majors. Do we want to learn another Years?

Zhang Hang was very embarrassed. When he returned home, he held a **** neck and shattered his thoughts. He had n’t understood it since he was a kid, but how could he have something he could n’t learn? how could be!

Lu Chengye is also very helpless. In his eyes, Zhang Hang should be omnipotent in his studies. I did not expect that there are really shortcomings in music. The tuner is too hard to learn. Talent is such a thing. No, I didn't expect it.

Changing careers ... It is indeed too late to change careers. The teachers at the open blind school are very enthusiastic and dedicated, and the two jobs that are more suitable for Zhang Hang, the masseur and bartender, are now studying theoretical knowledge. Beginning practical learning, using Zhang Xue as a school tyrant to take advantage of a vacation should be able to catch up.

"Actually ... the announcer, host, and counselor are also suitable for the blind. These courses are offered in schools, but it takes at least ten years for the counselor to open a studio by himself. I can only follow the mentor all the time. And I have consulted. Most of the domestic psychologists have gone abroad to study, and the development of domestic psychology is not enough ... As for the positions of announcer and host, the teacher said that my The sound is not suitable, there is no such attractive charm. "Zhang Hang frowning and holding Dahei analysis are the most suitable for several majors looking for work.

"Wang Wang!" Who said that your voice was not attractive, every time I hear it, my heart beats fast! Lu Chengye was angry and angry, but to no avail. After all, there was a lover in his eyes. In his nose, Zhang Hang was so handsome and so sweet no matter it smelled or smelled! Lu Chengye doesn't care how much he uses his sense of smell to determine vision and hearing. In short, Hang Hang is the best!

It's a pity that he doesn't think it's great anymore. He still has to listen to the teacher.

"Don't be angry, the teacher said it makes sense." Zhang Hang touched Lu Chengye's body comfortably, and his fingertips became hot, and Lu Chengye twisted his body uneasily. "I am also on the teacher's suggestion I chose the three majors, masseur, bartender, and bartender, but the teacher also said at the time that the more common society is willing to hire masseurs, and tuners and bartenders have very high personal talents. If I did n’t have a foundation before, I do n’t recommend me to choose. Now it ’s proved that the teacher ’s words are correct, so ... or massage ... ”

"Wang!" Lu Chengye bite Zhang Hang's finger angrily, not that he looked down on the masseur, but the industry was really messy! Zhang Hang is a very handsome young man even if he doesn't have Xi Shi in his lover's eyes, is it attractive? Of course, there is no formal massage shop, but ... because of the chaos in the industry, he is now a dog and cannot follow it all the way, what if he encounters a deliberate Zhang Hang and loses.

"... Then ... how about I go to the teacher and try the bartender?" Zhang Hang rescued his finger from Dahei's hand. "Try this holiday first, make sure you have the talent in this area, and then Will you decide? "

"Woo ... Wang!" Lu Chengye reluctantly agreed.

The next day, Zhang Hang contacted a professional bartender teacher and explained his intention to transfer to a professional. The teacher thought about it and decided to let Zhang Hang holiday go to him first to see if Zhang Hang had any talent.

The teacher is a man in his forties and he sounds very elegant. He heard what Zhang Hang was saying and said, "This industry has high requirements for taste. If you choose a bartender, you must first taste the wine. Remember the taste of each basic wine, and still every cocktail However, if you want to be an excellent bartender, in addition to these basic things, you also need to have a high level of talent. So, you first taste these kinds of wine, I see if you can Remember, if you remember fast, then at least taste memory is fine, and being a regular bartender is still possible. "

It seems that the teacher is very demanding on the students ... Zhang Hang thought to himself, and he was very embarrassed, hoping that he could be at least a little talented in this regard, otherwise ... he would try the operator's job, which is lower than the requirements of the announcer It's just a bit of hard work and long hours of work. I can't often take care of Dahei. And Dahei would definitely wait outside his work unit, so waiting for more than ten hours, shifting day and night, Zhang Hang would be distressed.

Zhang Hang has been a good student since he was a child and rarely drinks. On this day, I tasted six kinds of wine. When I went out, my footsteps floated, which made Lu Chengye who had been waiting outside the door startled!

Their family sailed and drunk too much!

The drunk Hang Hang was very good. He squatted in the corridor of his teacher's house and smirked with Dahei's head, and occasionally took Dahei to kiss him or her. Lu Chengye enjoyed it, but we can go home as much as we can. Now we are in the corridor of other people's house!

Since Zhang Hang came in the morning, it was exactly noon, and he was so drunk before lunch. People who came up and down the corridor looked at the man and the dog with strange eyes. Lu Chengye had no choice but to make a strong "Wang" to Zhang Hang, expressing his intention to go home very clearly.

"Uh ..." Zhang Hang made a drink, stood up stupidly, grabbed the **** rope, and nodded, "OK, go home!"

Then he dropped Dahei and walked upstairs with his head strutting, and he took the lead, thinking that his vision was normal!

Lu Chengye rushed over to bite his trousers, and labored to take people downstairs. Fortunately, the teacher's house was not high, only on the second floor, otherwise it was not easy to drag a drunk cat downstairs.

Walking home was impossible, and Lu Chengye had to stand on the road to stop the car. Fortunately, Zhang Hang was awake a lot by the wind, and obediently went home with the landing contractor. When he paid, he was quite alert and did not count the change.

But after this kind of wind-blowing spirit, he was even more drunk after returning home. Zhang Hang grabbed Dahei as soon as he entered the door. His wine was very good. If he drank too much, he would not cry or smirk. He always used his face to scuff black hair, and kissed his forehead, face, ears, or something. When he saw that Lu Chengye was sticking his tongue out, he had to reach out and grab.

This can be hard for Lu Chengye. It is difficult to take care of a drunk cat with four claws. This drunk cat has always been teasing himself, which makes him have a strange mind. He tried to awaken his own intellect, broke Zhang Hang's hand, and went to the bedroom to get Zhang Hang's pajamas so that people could go to bed quickly, just take a nap.

Who knew that as soon as he left, Zhang Hang sat around on the ground and touched: "Dahei, Dahei where are you!"

With a pitiful expression like an abandoned child, Lu Chengye felt so distressed that he was reluctant to leave his little master, and ran back, and let Zhang Hang grab his own rope and pull the person directly to the bedroom. This forcedly pulled the pajamas off the bed and put them into Zhang Hang's hands.

"Oh ... pajamas," Zhang Hang can figure out the clothes of this material are pajamas, "with ... Dahei ... sleep, change clothes!"

Then he started to take off his clothes without saying a word. It was so fast that Lu Chengye was stunned, but in winter, all the coats, sweaters and vests were thrown away, and there was only one small trousers left and right. Lu Chengye was in a hurry, rushing to the window and pulling the curtains with his teeth to block the window while the **** monster didn't have time to hold himself while changing clothes.

Sure enough, when he looked back, he pulled off the little trousers without changing his pajamas, and asked, "Big black? Go, go to bed before going to bed." 2k novel reading network