MTL - The Sick Villain Just Want to Live-Chapter 20 milk tea

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Tang Nuan, the squad leader, is still very reliable, and quickly sent the address and name of the Shao Mingjia milk tea shop.

There is also a sentence of soul torture.

【Nan Nuan Nuan Nuan】: Why did you ask for the address of the milk tea shop? Why don't you ask Shao Ming directly?

Zhu Tong:…

Wouldn't it be a shame to ask directly?

Zhu Tong explained casually, then thanked him and turned off the phone.

In the hotel room, because it was too troublesome to take a bath, Zhu Tong could only simply take a shower and lay on the bed early, planning to visit the milk tea shop tomorrow.

However, getting out is not good.

The next morning, after hearing that he was leaving the room, Uncle Liu wanted to turn into an octopus and entangle him back to the hotel room.

It took a lot of effort for him to get out of the hotel successfully.

After finally reaching the destination, the car stopped near the square. As soon as he opened the door, Uncle Liu had already pushed a wheelchair and was waiting for him outside the car.

"Master, let me push you in."

Zhu Tong: "…"

He didn't want to go in and be watched.

Zhu Tong was very comfortable with Uncle Liu. He said calmly, "Okay Uncle Liu, but you can't park here. You can find a place to park your car first. I'll wait for you here."

Uncle Liu thought about it too, and after exhorting Zhu Tongqian, he got into the car again.

As soon as the car drove away, Zhu Tong immediately put away the folding wheelchair and placed it under a big tree next to him, walking into the square alone.

However, when he entered the square, he realized that there was not much difference between walking with a limp and being pushed in a wheelchair.

"What is the host going to do?"

Fortunately, there is a chat system that allows him to ignore the strange gazes thrown around him.

Zhu Tong said in his head: "Let's take a look first."

Shao Ming said yesterday that he was going to work today.

So today I definitely can't take care of my milk tea shop.

He had to go and watch.

If something happens and Shao Ming is not here, what will his mother do?

The system is puzzled: "Why don't you solve the problem directly? Haven't you been waiting for Bai Yueguang to encounter difficulties?"

Isn't this the time to brush up on your favorability?

Zhu Tongdao: "What if it becomes self-defeating?"

Shao Ming is too cloudy and sunny.

Shao Ming will definitely do it when he regards people's kindness as a donkey's liver and lungs.

Moreover, he is not simply kind.

Guilt ah!

"Nothing to be diligent about, either a traitor or a thief!"


System: "But what's the use of you coming to the milk tea shop to help?"

Zhu Tong said: "Capturing the thief first, the king, and before the son is dealt with, the mother must be dealt with first. This is called saving the country by the curve."


Zhu Tong stood in the center of the square and looked around, wondering, "Where is the milk tea shop?"

The visual interface of the system comes entirely from Zhu Tong's vision. Seeing that he is always staring in a direction where there are almost no people, he asks, "Why don't you look in another direction?"

Zhu Tong said: "There are too many people over there."

"What's wrong with too many people?"

"If something like this happens, there won't be too many people in the milk tea shop..."

Zhu Tong said while looking at the crowded place, and the conclusion that he had not finished came to an abrupt end.

In the most crowded place on the square, there are four words hanging above a storefront: Shangming Milk Tea.

It is the name of Shao Mingjia Milk Tea Shop.

But the situation in the store was completely different from what Zhu Tong thought.

Said to be reported to be under investigation?

What about the people who agreed to demand compensation and smashed the door of the store?

Say good reputation damaged milk tea shop is deserted?

Oh, this is not a good idea.

But what happened to the two long queues of milk tea shops from inside the shop to outside the shop?

Has the business of Shao Ming's milk tea shop always been so good?

Zhu Tong was stunned for a while, and when he came back to his senses, he was already standing behind a team.

There is still a long distance from the front of the milk tea shop.

Almost all the girls lined up around.

It was nearly October, and although the sun in the sky was not too strong, it was noon now, and it would still be hot under the bright sun.

Zhu Tongcai couldn't take it anymore after lining up for a while.

But the girls around him were full of energy, and their eyes were full of anticipation.

Is the milk tea here really so good?

Zhu Tong originally just wanted to see what's going on, but gradually turned into curiosity about milk tea.

Two girls who had already bought milk tea walked past him, their faces couldn't hide their excitement and excitement.

"Really handsome ah ah ah, I even took pictures."

"I took pictures of all three, and I made a lot of money today."

The girls' voices were not loud, and Zhu Tong was busy blocking the sun above his head, so he didn't hear what they said.

After waiting in line for a while, the girl behind him noticed him.

No way, the walking posture is too strange, it is difficult to let people not pay attention.

Although the young master has tried his best to make his walking look normal.

The girl in the back stopped talking for a while, reached out and patted his shoulder, and said in a low voice, "Little brother, your feet... are you okay?"

Zhu Tong subconsciously shrank his shoulders before turning his head, seeing two girls and politely saying, "It's okay."

Then the sun entered the clouds, and he put his hand down.

Delicate facial features came into view, and the girl who had spoken to him was stunned for a moment, with surprise in her eyes.

This little brother is so handsome.

"You... are you alone?"

The girl stammered when she spoke.

Zhu Tong nodded and said, "Yes."

The girl's eyes lit up: "Are you also here for the waiter in the store?"

Zhu Tong wondered, "Waiter?"

"Yeah." The girl said, "A lot of people who are queuing here are here for the waiter's younger brother. The waiters here are handsome. Of course, the milk tea they make is also delicious. Is this your first time here?"


This time, Zhu Tong agreed a beat slower.

I was thinking: what waiter?

He turned his head to look inside the milk tea shop... There were so many people that he couldn't see anything clearly.

In the milk tea shop, behind the counter is very busy at the moment.

A boy skillfully prepares the milk tea according to the customer's requirements, prepares the cups and packs them in one go.

"For your milk tea, please scan the code according to the price, thank you."

The guest took the milk tea and scanned the code, but did not leave in a hurry. He held up his mobile phone and said, "Handsome guy, can we take a photo together?"

The boy smiled and said, "Our shop for group photos today has been sold out. If you want to take a group photo next time, please come early."


The person behind the counter is Shao Ming.

He is adept at serving clients with impure purposes.

After dismissing one person, he looked at the person behind him and said, "Hello, what would you like to drink?"

After the customer ordered, Shao Ming turned around and began to prepare the milk tea.

At this time, Rosso walked in from behind the counter, walked over to him and whispered, "Brother Ming, the person who reported the report has been found. It's a thug who escaped from gambling debts and escaped to Gongshui County. What do you think?"

Shao Ming said: "Hidden from debt?"


"Oh." Shao Ming kept moving his hands and said without changing his face, "Help him find his creditor."

Rosso immediately understood: "Okay."

He said that he was about to leave, his eyes unintentionally glanced out, and when he saw several people in line at the door, they were looking back, and they followed curiously.

"Yo, Brother Ming, there is someone at the door who is more charming than you..."

Before he finished his joking words, he suddenly stopped.

He pulled Shao Ming hard.

Shao Ming frowned at him, and before he could speak, he heard Rosso say with emotion: "I am disabled and strong!"

Shao Ming: "…"

Outside the store, it was already lined up at the door, and Zhu Tong finally no longer had to worry about the sun.

He took out a disposable wet tissue from his pocket and wiped his face, listening to the girl behind complaining to her companion: "It's so hot, I don't have the perseverance when I'm chasing stars! Why does he only go on weekends? Coming to work?"

Zhu Tong wiped his sweat halfway through, and when he heard the words "I only work on weekends", his brain suddenly warned.

He suddenly had a bad feeling.

Just as he was about to look up at the store, there was a shadow in front of him.

"Why line up here?"

The soft and magnetic voice is as refreshing as the cold water in the throat in summer.

Zhu Tong was stunned for a moment, then raised his head slowly.

Shao Ming's face was almost in front of his eyes.

Shao Ming looked down at him.

The young man didn't know how long he had been in line, his forehead was soaked with a thin layer of sweat, he was wiping his fair neck with a tissue in his hand, and his always morbidly pale face rarely revealed a little rosy.

Zhu Tong: "I..."

"Come in first."

Shao Ming interrupted him in a low voice, directly holding his right hand and pulling him out of the crowd.

Countless gazes all around looked at them.

Almost all of those who came to line up against the sun came to Shao Ming.

Seeing Shao Ming coming out from behind the counter, he was already very excited, but as soon as he left the store, he went straight to another handsome guy.

The moment Zhu Tong was pulled out of the team and supported, several girls covered their mouths at the same time.

What is the relationship between these two handsome guys! !

Why did they just hug each other? !

Especially the two girls behind Zhu Tong.

They just felt that someone had an injured leg and insisted on lining up. They had more perseverance than them.

As a result... the clowns are actually themselves!

In order to enter the store faster, Shao Ming did not simply support Zhu Tong's arm, but put one arm around his waist and held his hand with the other.

Zhu Tong felt that he was about to leave the ground as he walked.

Shao Ming directly helped Zhu Tong to go behind the counter. The shop was full of customers and there was nowhere to go.

Zhu Tong sat down on a lounge chair, looked up and said, "Didn't you go to work?"

"Why don't you come directly into the store?"



in unison.

At the same time stunned.

Shao Ming smiled and said, "Am I not working now?"

Work at home.

Zhu Tong: "…"

Is working at home a part-time job?

Zhu Tong glanced at the non-stop gaze outside the counter, and said embarrassedly, "Yuan Shaozhou didn't say that your store..."

"So you are afraid that my store will close down, so you came to see it?"

"No." Zhu Tong hurriedly denied.

Shao Ming looked at him with complete leisure.

Zhu Tong felt guilty and nervous, "I... I just wanted to find a place to do my homework, and I happened to be here, so I just..."

Shao Ming: "Didn't you say yesterday that you won't go out on weekends?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

"Since you're here to do your homework, what about your homework?"


Zhu Tong was empty-handed and brought nothing.

Shao Ming saw that his expression became more and more tense, his body became more and more rigid, and the smile in his eyes almost overflowed.

"Are you so worried about me?"

Zhu Tong: "…"


The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-10-1016:07:48~2021-10-1116:45:54~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: Quietly 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: I hope 10 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!