MTL - The Silly Alchemist-Chapter 2 Thirteen sons

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Chapter 2, the thirteen sons (this chapter is free)

One of Ye Zhai’s courtyards, a group of people are standing in this yard, and the one who said this is one of the young people who look very handsome and unconventional, and the older people, which are commonly known. Older youth.

"This is natural. Of course, my grandson will not be an ordinary person. His day must be a big man who turns his hand over the clouds." On the side of the younger generation, a very imposing middle-aged man said that while he While talking, he was also watching the glow of the sky, revealing a doubt in his eyes.

"You two fathers and sons, you know that you are here, the daughter-in-law is guilty in it, you are still talking about the wind. And who said that it must be a grandson, maybe a lovely little granddaughter, the sky and the sky What is the relationship, but it is a vision." A beautiful and noble woman on the side, said to the two fathers and sons who were not angry.

"I said that it is a grandson, it must be a grandson. I said that the sky is made by your grandson. It is what your grandson got. You know what a woman knows." The middle-aged man said very majesticly.

"That is... ah, I am wrong..." The young man just nodded and said, but suddenly found a little problem in the middle, that is -

"Bunny scorpion, the old lady really regrets giving birth to you, if you make your daughter more good, look at your sisters and sisters, more intimate, where is like you all day and this old and undead partnership I." The lady screwed The ears of the older youth shouted loudly, while at the same time squinting at the middle-aged man.

"What is good for generating a daughter, you gave birth to such a take-up for Laozi. If you get it, I will take a break from you." The middle-aged man immediately said.

"You dare!! Hey, you said that you will only have one in my life. Now I don't think I am old, I want to find another new love." The lady looked at the middle-aged man, blinked, then resentfully Said.

"Wife and grandmother, my heart is like the sun and the moon in this heaven, and will never change. If you love you, you will always love you forever." The middle-aged man immediately held the hand of the lady, and then deeply affectionately Said.



Two people, under the ray of sunshine, began their feelings like rubbery paint for decades, and sweet words on the other side.

"Pity, my love for you, just like the sky of the sky, continuous..." The middle-aged man looked at Xiaguang, and when the title was played, suddenly there was an abnormal situation.

The sky is getting brighter and brighter, and it is getting more and more beautiful. It is impossible to forget this beauty in life. It is a bit strange that many people have an illusion that this glow seems to flow to a place in the emperor. What is even more bizarre is that after this, Xiaguang suddenly disappeared, just as it suddenly appeared.

At this point, the entire sky has returned to normal, which makes people not only suspect that the situation is just dreaming.

At this moment, no one here cares about this change, because at the same time, they hear the cry of the baby.

"Congratulations to the master, He Xi, lord..." At this time, a line that often appeared appeared, and it was revealed from a smiling face.

"How, how old is the lady?" asked the older youth.

"Mother and child are safe..." Apo has just finished these four words, and found that the young man has disappeared in front of himself, like a gust of wind, passing by himself.

"Mother and child are safe, look, I am right, it is grandson." The middle-aged man who was still outside was very proud to say, and the lady who was in his arms was not angry with him.

"Then you said that you were a grandson a few times ago. What happened?" asked the lady hostage.

"Brother, brother, sister, we have a younger brother." A little **** the side shouted a girl who was not much older than her, and then ran towards the house, followed by a boy who looked like a teenager.

The existence of their sisters is a good proof that the words of middle-aged people are not broken.

"This, I have said it once in the past few times... Strange, how the sky in the sky is gone." The middle-aged people began to shift the topic and looked at the sky.

"Yeah, it seems that our little grandson was born, Xiaguang is gone, it is a bit strange." The lady frowned slightly, a little confused.

And before the middle-aged people boasted that they were right again, the lady remembered one thing.

"You just said that you love me, just like the glow of the sky, now the sun is gone..."

"Cough, this is..."


When a pair of old wives and old wives played outside, there was also a pair of them who looked intently. One of them was the older young man, and the other was a woman who had just left a child in bed.

Although the woman looks weak, she can't conceal her touching temperament.

"Wife, I am fortunate." The younger old man said to the weak woman on the bed. At the same time, holding the woman's jade hand, she did not seem to look at the little baby on the woman's pillow.

This scene seems to indicate that he is different from other men. At this time, he is most concerned about his wife, not his son.

"Don't pretend, I know that what you want most now is to hug your son." The woman smiled slightly, very softly, she knew her husband's current mood, of course, not that he was loaded, just two Everyone has it, and being a wife naturally needs to be considerate.

And she is also very satisfied, to meet her husband's concern and nervousness.

"Oh, let me hug our baby son first..." The younger generation is also very simple. After a few laughs, I picked up the baby that was already packed, oh, it was a baby.

"Black eyes, only a few hairs in the hair, can't tell what color it is..." The older youth studied while holding the baby.

"Father, father, I have to hug my brother." On one side, the lively little girl cried, just with her little body, who would let her hug it.

"No fun, give you a look, okay, hug." Young people are very directly rejected.

"Oh, then show me." The little girl snorted, then went through the body with joy, and the two children on the side passed.

"Wow, my brother is so cute..."



The three children said, I said one sentence, the two adults looked at each other, and suddenly the house was filled with a warm and happy taste, the taste of the home.

The little baby who just died, does not seem to understand the taste, crying loudly in the hustle and bustle...

After one night, the city began to rumor one thing. The miracle about yesterday was because of a person, a newborn baby, and this person is the thirteenth son of the newly released Ye Family.

The thirteenth son is not to say that his father has so many children, but according to the ranking of the Ye family, that is, he ranks thirteenth among the cousins.

Of course, this is only the ranking among the contemporary clan, not the entire Ye family. If it is the entire Ye family, it is estimated that he wants to be the No. 1st, perhaps more.

Miracles, together with the prominent family, suddenly made this thirteenth son the focus of the city's attention, and at the same time it was always recognized as the Son of God. No one objected and doubted, at least not at present.

Therefore, this little boy who has just been born and is still in the middle of it is so famous.

Many people have already begun to make a conclusion, saying that the future achievements of this child must be extraordinary, and even some people will virtualize their growth experience.

One year old can run and jump can say, the front is exposed;

At the age of two, he has read and read literacy, and has read a lot of books to reproduce his potential;

At the age of three, the body began to learn grudges or magic, and the result must be genius;

At the age of five, he entered the Imperial College of the Imperial Capital and was superior in strength;

At the age of ten, he went out to practice and became famous in the world.

At the age of 20, he became a lord, developing power and becoming a hegemon;

In this life, he wants to be ordinary and difficult, and will become a focus of attention. During his life, he will meet some talented people, create a career, point to the mountains, meet women of various styles, and have a faint love...

Just, is this the result really like this?

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