MTL - The Silly Alchemist-Chapter 712 Calculation (3)

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‘This is what I said before, he is the one you managed to compare! ! "The Suzaku emperor said, "Ye Lang, you have made meritorious deeds this time. If you want something, you can say it directly." ”

At this time, the Suzaku emperor had some feeling of complete disappointment. Perhaps it should be said that he had already been disappointed, but now he really let himself understand.

"What? What? Right, I am missing something. In a few days, you will let me go to the Treasury to see if you have it." Ye Lang said unceremoniously.

The treasury of the Suzaku Empire will certainly have some good things. After so many years of accumulation, this is something that everyone will understand. If you want to enter this treasury, it is not something that ordinary people can go to, and it is not something that ordinary people will think about.

Ye Lang said so simply to go in, can only say that he is very unkind, very rude! !

"...", you kid, really really welcome, forget it, let you choose, as long as it is not too much, you can do anything! ! "The Suzaku emperor shook his head, and it was very helpless. After all, Ye Langli had a hard work, and he himself said it.

At the same time, the help of Ye Lang did not seem to ask him what he wanted to do, so now he naturally wants to give it together.

"Hey! Do you think this is over? I tell you, things are not over!!" At this time, the father of Ximen Qing said, watching Ye Lang and their two so relaxed, his teeth biting.

Look at him like this, it seems like this thing has the same move, can you say,"

"I will tell you that we have already calculated that we will fail. Therefore, we have already prepared for the second hand. We will go with you!! By then, people outside will follow our plan, haha ​​one", "West Gate" The father of Qing laughed wildly, and that crazy smile made anyone think that this is not easy.

"What have you done?" Princess Longji frowned. The situation in front of her eyes made her understand that this matter was not over and there was still a big problem.

"Haha, I tell you, long before half an hour ago, we started the alchemy array here, and the whole palace will be blown up. This is what we have spent decades preparing for you!!!"


Everyone is silent!

The preparations of the three great families for decades, this is indeed what Princess Longji and others did not think of, this time their faces became very pale and ready to escape from this dangerous place.

At this time, no one would doubt this, because if it is not true, then what does it mean to say it, the Simon family will not do such a thing.

"It’s too late to use it! I deliberately said it now, that is, you can’t move back. We would have to evacuate immediately before, just have time!!”

This is the last killer of the three major families. If you are unsuccessful, you will become a benevolent person, because they know that if they fail, they will be connected to the family, so they are not as good as they are.

As long as the same goes, the outside people can follow the plan, and their family can still win this victory! !


Although there was no time, everyone started to move out, but at this time, some people found that Ye Lang was on the sidelines.

At this time, Ye Lang’s stay is normal because he is sometimes like this, often in a daze.

But sometimes he will also make some unexpected things! !

"Ye Lang..."

"Why!" Ye Lang said with a sigh of relief. He seemed to be waking up like a dream and did not find out what it is.

"What are you doing in a daze!! Run fast", "Princess Longji and others came to Yelang's side and grabbed Ye Lang and prepared to run.

"Ah," I remembered it! ! You don't have to run! ! "Ye Lang suddenly yelled and let the action of Princess Longji stop, and attracted everyone's attention.

"Yeah, there is this kid, as long as it is on the side of this kid, it will be very safe! He is an alchemy genius, and will be the strongest defensive alchemy array in the legend."

Everyone's eyes are bright, they are approaching Ye Lang, because they all think of the mirror of the water moon of Ye Lang, the alchemy array is an absolute defensive array.

Under such circumstances, there is a great chance that you can't run away, but if you are under the mirror of Yelang's water moon, you can definitely survive.

"Ye Lang, use your defensive array!" The seven princesses immediately shouted.

"What to use, no need!" Ye Lang shook his head and replied dumbly.

"Why don't you need it! They won't be joking, and there's no need to make jokes. Seeing that they are all motionless, they are waiting to die." Princess Longji pointed to the three family members, the kind of death-like look, definitely not Kidding.

"When did your thing explode?" Ye Lang suddenly asked with a smile.

"Immediately!" The people of the three big families are staying.

“When is it right now?” Ye Lang smiled and continued to ask.

"It should be..." Just? Wait, what's going on, is the alchemy array wrong? "The father of Ximen Qing has a timetable. He suddenly discovered that the explosion should have started in the last few seconds.

"Let's wait, maybe it's slow!" Ye Lang smiled.


This weird picture calms everyone down, and the people here are not ordinary people. They all think that this matter may change, and it will not explode here.

Time passed a little, and in the end it was still not exploding."

"Why is this happening? Are we prepared for mistakes? No, we are very careful and impossible to make mistakes!"

"Well, cousin, you can catch these people and cut them! I am going to the show!" Ye Lang said with a smile.

"?? Little bastard, what the **** is going on?" Princess Longji asked puzzledly. This question is also what everyone wants to ask. They can't figure out the sudden crisis and suddenly disappeared.

"I didn't roast chicken wings in the Imperial Garden a few days ago? At that time, I suddenly found one thing, this is the alchemy array that would destroy the palace. If I am idle, I will help you dismantle it before it will pop up. Big smoke! You don't have to thank me..." Ye Lang replied.


Everyone was silent, and they never thought that things would have such a dramatic side.

"Then why don't you say it early!!"

"I want to say that I was interrupted at the time, and then I forgot..." I just remembered it! ! ”


"Little bastard, I really want to kill you!!"

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