MTL - The Silly Alchemist-Chapter 765 The secret of Sharan (1)

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"Ye Lang, she is Shalan, you can also be regarded as a buddy. From childhood, you are a classmate. Just......... Li Yue at this time, directly revealed the answer, she knows to go on, Ye Lang will not necessarily know this.

"Ah, Sharan? You are the Sharan? Your child?" Ye Lang looked at the girl, that is, Sharan, and suddenly asked.

"You dare to say, I want to kill you!!" Sharan angered, "Li Yue, let me go, I want to kill this bastard."

"Ye Lang, Ye Lang, I really don't know how to say you! You have forgotten, her child, you made it." Zhao Yarou said with a headache.

"Yeah, I seem to have been rumored. "Right, Sharan, I met Moya in the north. Did he come to you? At this time, Ye Lang seems to be a gossip. He did not stimulate the consciousness of Sharan at all. It seems to be the ordinary class reunion.

"He still came to me to do something, don't believe it, then he fell down, I will not be with him again. I have already driven him away, and he will not want to recombine with me in his life." Lan said.

"That is, do not believe in you, this kind of man does not want to stop!" Ye Lang nodded his head and echoed.

..." Everyone feels a bit strange, how suddenly it seems that the two seem to be in the same camp.

"Hey!" Sharan sighed and seemed to find this problem.

At this time, Ye Lang did not find this problem and continued: "You know now, I am actually helping you to help you see the man's character. u point com"

"So, should I thank you?" Sharan asked coldly.

"Well! You should thank me!" Ye Lang nodded his head and said naturally, this made everyone feel that Ye Lang was not afraid of death, and even so shameless.

This cheek is really thick enough, and at the same time "this will definitely make Shalan worry."

"You..." shameless! Sharan angered, then prepared to drop the weapon and jumped over and started.

"Where, I am very face-to-face" but you are a bit shameless! Ye Lang said to Sharan in his anger, he was not afraid of his own words, and he would add fuel to the fire again.

"Where I don't want to face, it's your fault, you still say me!" Sharan roared.

"You are shameless, this thing has your fault." Ye Lang said very seriously.

Sharan stared at Ye Lang and asked: "You are talking about where I am shameless. Where am I wrong?"

Ye Langton paused and said: "First of all, you have to force the fat woman to fight with you. This is a mistake. Also, after the fat woman won, you did not admit defeat, and made a rumor for her. Is this not true? Are you right?"

"I am right! I am for myself, seeing other women robbing me, can't I fight back?" Sharan said.

"You counterattack is correct, I am not wrong to help the fat woman to fight back! And you are wrong, why do you misunderstand you, do you say that you are shameless?" Ye Lang looked at Shalan.

"What misunderstanding" I have? When Shalan said this, suddenly the look became a bit different, as if it was not as arrogant as it was just now.

"Is there any number in your own heart, originally, I am good at this thing." You can explain it clearly, but I did not think that you did not explain it at the end, would rather eat this dumb loss! Ye Lang said to Shalan, "I really don't understand what it is like." ”

"I want you to control!" Sharan glanced at Ye Lang, his eyes "it seems to have no such hatred."

"What? What are you talking about?" Zhao Yarou is a bit puzzled. She doesn't know much about Sharan. She only cares about Sharan's ability. Although Sharan is already her chief alchemist.

"Sharan was originally a virgin, it is impossible to have children..." Ye Lang said a shocking thing. This believes that no one can know, including Shah's closest friends do not know this.

At first, everyone thought that Sharan did not refute, because the refutation could not be made, because she had already been there, and it seemed that Moya’s expression was still before Moya’s interaction.

At that time, everyone felt that Sharan was a person who was not inspected. She never thought she was a virgin.

"What?!" Zhao Yarou and others all expressed surprise, completely shocked by this news, which may be something that no one can think of.

If this matter is to be circulated, it will become one of the most incredible things in the Imperial City of Xiangkong.

"How is it possible? If she is, why didn't she say it at the beginning?" Li Yue asked in disbelief.

"This is going to ask her! I used to say that way, just want to create a little contradiction for them, let Moya do something, I originally wanted to clarify this, but then I seem to forget Yeah." Ye Lang said.

"You don't need to clarify. If you are telling the truth, then she doesn't clarify herself. Then how do you need it?" Zhao Yarou shook his head and felt that this matter was entirely Sharan's own business. Originally this was very It is easy to explain that she does not say it.

This makes Zhao Yarou very strange, a girl, clearly the innocent facts, why are you willing to bear this nickname, so that your own festival is damaged?

"Ye Lang, how do you know, she is a virgin? Is it you..." Li Yue was curious at this time, why she didn't clarify why Sharan didn't clarify.

"Of course I know, the virgin can be seen, don't forget, I am a **** doctor." Ye Lang said indifferently, Chinese medicine is very magical, and some things can be seen.

"............, you mean, can you see us?" Li Yue asked silently.

"Well! As long as it is a person, it is the same, there is no difference." Ye Lang nodded and replied, as long as the body structure is the same, where is the person who is who.

"Ah! You are a pervert!!" Li Yue directly punched in the face of Ye Lang.

"Rely! What is the color wolf, I hope to hear it, this is only the basis!" Ye Lang said, "I just know if you are a virgin, not to see you there."

"You still said!" Li Yue was ashamed.

"Ye Lang......... At this time, Zhao Yarou suddenly looked at Ye Lang, and the tone seemed a bit strange.

At this point, everyone thought that Zhao Yarou wanted to teach Ye Lang. What he did not expect was "Would you like to see that I am a virgin?" Zhao Yarou looked at Ye Lang and asked with some expectation.

"...only suddenly, the whole scene became silent. Everyone did not think that Zhao Yarou would say this. At the same time, some people were very curious and wanted to know about it.

... Chapter 765 The Secret of Sharan (1) The fastest text update...

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