MTL - The Silver Hamster’s Daily Life-Chapter 72 (one more)

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The lollipops are strawberry flavored, and the candy wrappers and handles are pink.

Ruan Yingyin was lying on the top of the lollipop, her fluffy body was slumped into a round lump, but behind her, a pink handle was still exposed.

Jiang Xingyuan reached out and twisted the candy handle with his fingertips. He didn't pull the lollipop out of her, but simply lifted it up.

Feeling that she was suddenly in the air, Ruan Yingyin panicked, her four claws quickly hugged Tang, and she raised her head and stared at Jiang Xingyuan in the panic, screaming.

Jiang Xingyuan felt that she should be scolding herself.

He held the candy handle steadily, and with Ruan Yingyin on the candy, he brought it in front of him, and smiled a little when he spoke: "So you are so generous not only to give me candy, but also to give me to eat. "

"The taste of raw hamster should be okay, I don't mind trying it." As he spoke, Jiang Xingyuan opened his mouth and was about to bite Ruan Yingyin on the sugar.

Ruan Yingyin was stunned.

She trembled slightly, forgetting for a moment that she could release her claws and jump off the sugar.

She froze and was sent to Jiang Xingyuan's lips.

Even conditioned reflex, she closed her eyes in fear.

The little ear was kissed lightly.

Ruan Yingyin's ears trembled, her four paws felt a little numb, and she could no longer hold the candy.

Her claws were weak, and the whole rat fell downwards, and fell on Jiang Xingyuan's legs on its back.

At this time, the car just drove past the congested road, and the front opened up. While driving the car, Jiang Xingyuan looked down at Ruan Yingyin on his lap and smiled.

The smile seemed to come from Jiang Xingyuan's Adam's apple, low and magnetic, making people blush and heartbeat.

He was still holding the lollipop in his hand, and while staring at Ruan Yingyin, he slowly bit off the wrapping paper outside the candy with his teeth.

In Jiang Xingyuan's pupils, something was flickering, as if against the faint candlelight. The expression on his face was a bit flirtatious. When he bit the candy wrapper, it seemed that he was not only biting the candy wrapper, but something else.

Ruan Yingyin's heart skipped a beat, as if an electric current had passed, and her whole body was numb and powerless. Looking at him like this, she felt a little dry mouth for some reason.

She didn't want to look at him anymore, but Jiang Xingyuan like this was very attractive. Make Ruan Yingyin unable to look away no matter what, just staring at him on the back.

The candy wrapper was bit by bit, Jiang Xingyuan rolled the candy into his mouth with the tip of his tongue, tasted it slowly, and then commented: "Well, it's very sweet."

His tone rose slightly, making the atmosphere in the car ambiguous.

Ruan Yingyin swallowed subconsciously, rolled over on his legs with four claws, then stepped on his legs and returned to his exclusive car step by step.

If you take off her hair, you will find that it is very hot inside.

He was burned by Jiang Xingyuan eating candy.

After knowing Ruan Yingyin's idea, Jiang Xingyuan went back and asked Xu Hao to close the WeChat store.

There are not many silver fox water sold in the micro store. In order to grab such a little silver fox water every day, many people stand in front of their mobile phones when they arrive, and they are nervous.

If they can grab it, they can jump up and shout happily on the spot.

If you can't get it, then fight again tomorrow

These days, the matter of robbing silver fox water has even become a joke of mutual ridicule. Grabbing silver fox water has also become a daily essential activity for many beauty lovers.

Good product, hunger marketing is always the best way. In just a few months, Yinhushui has been known to everyone.

But suddenly, the silver fox water just went offline.

The micro-store was closed, and it said: Yinhu water has no certificate, and has been reported by a large company for many times, and the store is temporarily closed to stop sales.

On a new day, when the majestic water grabbing team saw it, they instantly exploded with anger.

Since the appearance of Yinhu Water, there have been many people on the Internet comparing Yinhu Water with Ruan's Liuli Water.

At the beginning, Liuli water was naturally the number 1 in everyone's mind. After all, silver fox water is a three-nothing product, and only those whose brains have been kicked by a donkey will buy it.

However, as time passed, people who used the silver fox water jumped out of the effect of reo silver fox water.

In addition, there are only a few bottles of silver fox water sold every day, and what is rare is more expensive. Gradually, silver fox water has become the white moonlight cinnabar mole of many beauty lovers.

There is a saying circulating on the Internet: If it is not for the silver fox water, who will go to the glass water

In this way, glazed water has become a substitute for silver fox water. In this matter, how could the Nguyen Group be willing to let it go? Therefore, during the past period, the relevant departments of the Nguyen Clan have been taking advantage of the unsound procedures of Yinhushui, attacking Yinhushui, and desperately reporting.

We do not know how many times the micro-store has been closed, and then re-applied to reopen.

However, this time, the Yinhushui store said that it would no longer be open, and that it would close the store and stop selling.

As a result, the incident of Yinhushuiguan store instantly became the headlines of major skin care forums, and many people were not popular enough to scold Ruan Group's Weibo.

"Your group is poisonous. They sell a few bottles of silver fox water a day. This can hinder your big group from such a big group. There is no silver fox water to force it to close the store."

"Ruan Xudong, the president of the Ruan family, killed his wife and seized the throne, and he is still in prison, but you have the face to report that the silver fox water is not compliant, and it is not that no one has used the silver fox water. Look at which one you use says there is something wrong with your face. of"

"I have no problem using Silver Fox Water for my sensitive skin, but I can't even use Glazed Water. And after using Silver Fox Water, I feel that my sensitive skin has improved. As a result, Nguyen's has to go out of business now. The president who has lost his conscience and disgusting people, how can your group be better?"

"If it wasn't for Li Da's current status, Liuli Water would have been developed by President Li two years ago. Ruan Xudong is good. This kind of useless soft rice, disgusting little belly, chicken intestines, should be sentenced to death."


The constant scolding on the Internet suddenly pushed Yinhushui and the Ruan Group to the forefront.

The matter of Ruan Xudong was scolded for a round on the hot search before, and the topic just faded a few days ago. Ruan Xudong appeared on the hot search again, and was flogged by netizens again.

Just when things developed to the most intense, Yinhushui was launched on the official platform, and it also had its own official Weibo account.

Silver Fox Group v: It has been reported some time ago, and it can be reported 180 times a day. So our boss said that we should start a company, and then we have been preparing for these things for a while. Now that the application for the Silver Fox Water Qualification Certificate has been completed, the procedures in all aspects have been completed, and it has been launched on the official platform. Although the company has opened, the silver fox water is still not much due to the difficult production method. But in order to thank everyone, 100 bottles were launched on the first day. I hope everyone can grab our Silver Fox Group, and will work hard to develop other skin care products in the future.

As soon as the news came out, netizens were so excited that they rubbed shoulders and rubbed shoulders to grab the silver fox water.

Of course, in addition to this, a gossip has also begun to circulate on the Internet.

It is said that the person behind the Silver Fox Group is likely to be Ruan Yingyin.

The netizens seemed to smell something and began to guess one by one.

"Ruan Yingyin is the daughter of Li Da and Ruan Xudong. Ruan Xudong killed Li Da, so naturally it will not be much better for this daughter. That's why Ruan Yingyin launched the Silver Fox Water and wanted to fight Ruan Xudong. But Ruan Yingyin himself is still a High school students have no equipment or personnel, so the production of silver fox water is so small."

"Yes, I suspect that President Li must have sensed Ruan Xudong's intentions back then, so he prepared himself and gave Ruan Yingyin the recipe for Yinhushui."

"That's right, it stands to reason that now Ruan Xudong has been arrested, part of Ruan's shares should be inherited by Ruan Yingyin, but Ruan Xudong married an old lover, and the property must be divided. Then Ruan's family may not be able to return to Ruan Yingyin. I've heard that the faction in Ruan's family is also very serious. It's all Ruan Fannan's pot. I'm so pitiful, young lady, hurry up and work hard. If the production of silver fox water increases, I will definitely not buy Ruan's family. s things"

"I agree, Miss Ruan Yingyin is making ducks"



"Don't you know that Ruan Yingyin was kidnapped by Ruan Fanan and Ruan Fanan's illegitimate daughter, and her whereabouts are still unknown, right? The illegitimate daughter is called Yang Qingwei, thank you."


"Is there still silver fox water after I go there? What should I do? I'm going to cry. Ruan Fannan and Yang Xiaoren, please die on the spot."

Liang Yuan flipped through the abuse on the Internet and clenched his fists.

Many people around him are talking about Yang Qingwei and scolding Yang Qingwei, whether in school or online.

As long as he speaks for Yang Qingwei, he will be attacked.

In school, he used to be very popular, but for some reason, many people don't want to pay attention to him these days.

Liang Yuan was in pain.

This feeling of being rejected is not a good feeling, so he can better understand how uncomfortable Yang Qingwei must be at this moment.

There are people who scold her everywhere. What should she do in the future? Can Qinzhong go back? If she can't go back, which school can she go to?

On the Internet, her photos have even been picked up by netizens.

"Classmate, the police station is here." The taxi driver stopped the car, turned his head and called to Liang Yuan.

Liang Yuan came back to his senses, hurriedly paid the fare, and got off in a hurry.

He was going to see Yang Qingwei, and he wanted to see if she was all right inside.

Even if the whole world doesn't believe her, Liang Yuan does. During this period of time, he understands better than anyone how kind-hearted Yang Qingwei is.

Those who follow the trend and scold Yang Qingwei in school and online don't know anything

Although Ruan Yingyin has not been found yet, he is also very worried. But this matter, how could it be that Yang Qingwei did what Yang Qingwei himself was a student. It must have been her horrible dad who used her status to do heinous things.

It turns out that he was right.

Yang Qing, who has lost a lot of weight these days, cried very sadly: "Liang Yuan, do you believe me? Are my classmates scolding me now, but this matter really has nothing to do with me?"

Liang Yuan looked at Yang Qingwei and felt very distressed. He hurriedly said, "Qingwei, I believe in you. It's okay, everything will pass."

Yang Qingwei clenched her fingers tightly, she shook her head, tears shed: "It's hard to pass, now the police have solid evidence, those people don't know why they have my audio. But I never said those words, and I don't know where they came from and I didn't know my father was such a person. I was very sad and angry. Liang Yuan, you know, I even feel that my blood is black. I don't want to have such a father. I'm even thinking about kidnapping these days. About Ruan Yingyin, is it the people my dad contacted under the guise of my identity, for fear of his own identity being exposed?"

As he spoke, Yang Qingwei grabbed his hand with his fingers, and instantly grabbed a few red marks.

Liang Yuan was so frightened that he hurriedly stopped: "Qingwei, don't do this, don't do this, these things have nothing to do with you, you are innocent, don't blame yourself for believing in me, I will find a way, I will Find the best lawyer for you, and you'll be fine."

On the third day when Liang Yuan asked Yang Qingwei for a lawyer, Ruan Yingyin appeared at the foot of a mountain next to the villa.

She was wearing the school uniform she wore when she disappeared. The school uniform was worn out and embarrassed, but her figure was much better, but no one noticed.

Nearby police, who had been tracking her whereabouts, saw her and took her back.

Not long after finishing the transcript, Jiang Xingyuan rushed in.

Ruan Yingyin sat on the chair, and when she saw Jiang Xingyuan, her eyes lighted up a little and she stood up.

Yesterday morning, she turned back into a human and hid at home for a day. It was still early this morning, so Jiang Xingyuan put her in the mountains, in order not to reveal too much information.

After all, neither of them wanted Ruan Yingyin's hamster spirit's identity to be known, so they decided to act together.

As soon as Jiang Xingyuan came in, his eyes locked on Ruan Yingyin.

Ruan Yingyin, who had changed back into human form, became even more attractive, and in some places it was even more exciting.

Jiang Xingyuan pursed his lips, walked forward without saying a word, and hugged Ruan Yingyin.

Ruan Yingyin was buried in his arms, and she was stunned for a while.

Jiang Xingyuan hugged her so tightly that her outline was squeezed out of shape.

Ruan Yingyin blushed and struggled in his arms.

He lowered his head, tightened his hands a little more, and buried his head beside her ear. When he spoke, his breath was hot: "I've been looking for you for a long time, and I finally found you."