MTL - The Sims: I Create a Fairy Way For All Beings-Chapter 16 Apologize and Calculate

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Even if he heard Pei Xuanjing's words, Shen Xiang still seemed to have not heard it, but he just kept laughing and said, "This time it was my brother who didn't do things well, and he offended him, so please don't be angry, next time. It's up to me to take care of it."

Pei Xuanjing's face was calm, and he nodded: "In that case, everything will be left to Brother Shen."

Shen Xiang patted his chest and said, "No problem, everything is covered by Shen. In addition, this time, because of my brother and me, Brother Pei offended someone, and this yard will be sent to Brother Pei as an apology."

Pei Xuanjing was not polite, nodded and said good.

Shen Xiang called the guard behind him to bring up a box, put it on the table, pointed to the box and said, "This is what Brother Pei told me to find before, and it is also considered an apology."

Seeing the manual of exercises he needed, Pei Xuanjing showed a smile on his face, clasped his fists and said, "Thank you, Brother Shen."

"Where is it, it's just a little effort."


After half an hour, Shen Xiang left with the guard.

After Shen Xiang got into the carriage, there was a middle-aged man sitting in the carriage. This man was Shen Xiang's eldest brother, Shen Ao, and the real person in charge of the Anping House of Shen's Chamber of Commerce.

Seeing Shen Xiang coming up, Shen Shou said, "Is everything done?"

Shen Xiang nodded.

Shen Ao heard the words and let the carriage set off, and then stopped talking.

Shen Xiang couldn't help but say, "Brother, do you think the other party will believe it?"

Shen Ao shook his head: "No."

"Then why do we..." Before Shen Xiang could finish speaking, he was interrupted.

Shen Ao asked back: "You want to say, why do we still do this."

"Yes." Shen Xiang nodded and said again: "After all, the other party is my savior, and I will have a great deal with Shen's Chamber of Commerce."

This time, the conflict between Pei Xuanjing and the Liu family was not accidental. Everything had the shadow of the Shen's Chamber of Commerce.

Otherwise, as Shen Xiang, the third shopkeeper of the Shen's Chamber of Commerce, even if he is the number one person in the entire Anping Mansion, how could he not know the reason behind this courtyard?

Shen Ai smiled and said, "It is precisely because the other party is your savior that he will be a great favor to the Shen business. That's why we need him to be on our side."

Looking at Shen Xiang, who was a little puzzled, Shen Ao continued: "A sixth-rank martial artist who is less than twenty years old, even a rare powerhouse of the younger generation in the entire Northwest Road, if there are enough resources to support it, In the future, stepping into the upper three realms is just around the corner, and it may not be another Tie Qianshan in the future.”

Another Tie Qianshan?

Shen Xiang didn't expect the eldest brother's evaluation of Pei Xuanjing to be so high, so he couldn't help but be more puzzled, "Then why do we still do this."

Shen Ao said: "Besides us, other people can also win over such excellent people. Now that the Liu family is more and more domineering, if they are drawn away, they will inevitably become a great enemy in the future."

He smiled boldly: "But since he accepted those things today, it proves that he has accepted our friendship, and he will not be attracted by the Liu family."

Shen Ao was very confident. Since such a young genius had a conflict with the Liu family, he would not easily bow his head. In the same way, the status and domineering habits of the Liu family also determined that they would not bow their heads because of one person, even if the young man was very talented. By the time they really noticed this genius, it was too late.

Looking at his younger brother, who was still a little puzzled, Shen Ao did not continue to explain. This needs to be understood by the other party himself, otherwise, how will he leave the affairs here to the other party to take care of in the future.

Pei Xuanjing didn't know anything about the conversation between Shen Xiang and Shen Ao in the carriage, but he almost understood the reason behind it.

In his opinion, these are some calculations by Shen Xiang. He wants to win over himself, and at the same time, he made a plan to avoid being attracted by the Liu family.

And Shen Xiang is very good at being a man. Although he calculated that he had a grudge with the Liu family for no reason, he immediately sent compensation. Not only did this courtyard give away, but even the manual of the practice that he had to pay for gold and silver was also in vain. Give away.

Since there are so many manuals of exercises, it is the right way to continue refining and accumulating Dao rhyme and enhancing one's own strength.

Although he said that he saved Shen Xiang, he didn't think of anything in return, and he didn't intend to use the Shen's Chamber of Commerce to do anything. Since they did this, the two sides regarded it as a transaction.

It's just that he was tricked once, and the feeling of being tricked by others is a little uncomfortable, but with the compensation, a lot of money has been saved, and Pei Xuanjing can barely accept it.

As for the plans of the Shen's Chamber of Commerce, Pei Xuanjing doesn't care.

The most important thing now is to increase the power. As long as you have enough strength, you can naturally deal with everything easily.

Pei Xuanjing picked up the exercise manual on the table and opened it to see that it was two martial arts and one swordsmanship.

Martial arts belong to the low-level martial are "Geng Jin Jue" and "Gui Shui Gong"; swordsmanship is a middle-level martial arts called "Ruoshui Jianjue", but this swordsmanship is incomplete. There are only three moves.

'Shen's Chamber of Commerce, it's kind of interesting. Worth mentioning, write down this thing first, and then look at it later. ' He looked at the manual of exercises in his hand and thought to himself.

The value of the two low-level martial arts is still average, but the swordsmanship of this middle-level martial arts, even if it is a broken version, is of extraordinary value, but it is enough to demonstrate the sincerity of the Shen family.

For Pei Xuanjing, what he needs most at present is to collect exercises to deduce the exercises he has cultivated. According to his previous deductions, his exercises are to follow the path of integrating the five elements, so what he needs now is to collect gold, The three attributes of water and soil.

Shen Xiang was able to find these two exercises for himself in such a short period of time, which is enough to demonstrate the strength of this kind of local snake. Although there is still a lack of an earth-attribute exercise, the "Ruoshui Sword Technique" that lacks medium martial arts. " is also a surprise.

Gongfa is the foundation of practice, and martial arts is the art of protecting Taoism. In fact, at the root of it, a middle-level martial art is more valuable than an equivalent practice method.

After all, except for people like Pei Xuanjing who have a life simulator in their hands and dare to create their own exercises, most people can practice only one type of exercise, while martial arts can practice many.

Putting the matter with the Liu family on hold for the time being, Pei Xuanjing focused all his attention on the newly acquired exercise manual, and began to study and refine these exercises and martial arts, while studying how to integrate these two exercises into The "Yimu Li Huo Jue" that he is currently practicing, and one side is practicing this "Ruoshui Sword Art".

But sometimes, people can't help themselves in the rivers and lakes. Purification is not something you can do if you want to be purified.