MTL - The Slag Gong wants to Kill me-Chapter 25

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To be honest, it feels really uncomfortable to be awakened while sleeping. I yawned, just put on a T-shirt and went to open the door.

While the steaming heat from outside the door came in, I saw the face of the Emperor. There was a red mark on his chin this time, and he was just scabby, but this did not affect his handsomeness.

He leaned against the wall in front of my house, and looked a little nervous, twisted his head and frowned his hair, and said, "No ... don't you invite me in?"

"..." I wanted to laugh for a while. I pointed at the trace and asked him, "Where's the wound?"

"Caught," said the filmmaker. "You don't care."

I smiled and let him in. I invited the film director to sit on the sofa and went to the kitchen to make a cup of tea.

Holding his tea cup in both hands, he glanced around the room with a gaze and asked, "What about your husband?"

I lowered my eyes, pretending to be sad and sad, and said with a choked tone, "He is out."

The film emperor made a slap, he got up and held my shoulder, and said, "I have reconciled with my parents. They told me that I can go to inherit the family property when I feel better, then!"

He paused and said, "I will help you solve them then."

... he's really shy, I think. I saw his eyes shining, as if stars were shining in them.

"..." I really don't know how to answer him. I sighed and said in a crying voice, "Don't step in. This is my housework."

The film emperor seemed to realize that he had nothing to do with me. I saw him anxious, tears swirling in his eyes, but he couldn't say anything. Because my husband's brother is here—he said he would take me to a reunion dinner tonight.

When A came to find me, the Emperor's hand was still resting on my shoulder. A seemed to think that this was a very indecent action. He rushed up and killed the Emperor's hand, pulling me behind him. He was really in a hurry and didn't even have time to change his shoes. I think I might have to drag it to the ground again at night.

The film emperor drew back his hand. A stared at him angrily, then he didn't look back and said to me, "Be careful with strangers."

I couldn't help but think whether my image in their eyes was too silly or sweet.

In the end, the "duel" ended with the failure of the film emperor. He smirked, waved his hand at me, and turned away. His back looks extra lonely, but what does that have to do with me? After all, at this time, I was already in the car of my husband's brother, ready to go to their parents' home.