MTL - The Squeamish Little Brother of the Actor-Chapter 67 change room

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Ran Dongling scored 315 points in the test.

This is outrageous. He/mother opened the door to outrageous, outrageous home.

No wonder the director just asked if the calculation was wrong, because it really looks like a wrong calculation!

Is this the score he can get?

I put the answer in front of Ran Dongling and let him copy it. He is also the kind of person who copies the square root as the number five.

The guests all looked at Ran Dongling with disbelief.

Is he always pretending to be stupid, but he is actually a hidden scholar?

Qiu Ci's expression froze when he heard their results.

This is not all luck, he really knows how to do it.

Everyone is shocked by Ran Dongling's results, and Ran Dongling himself regrets Qiu Ci's results.

He thought that brother Qiu Ci was very smart and could get a perfect score in the test. I don't know how he got such a low score, so they can't be in the same class.

It's not right to laugh at others' poor grades, so Ran Dongling comforted Qiu Ci, "Brother Qiu Ci, it's okay, I don't think you're stupid at all, you just don't know how to answer questions."

Qiu Ci lowered his head and asked Ran Dongling, "Why do you ask those questions?"

"I don't know, I can't understand the question, but I have the answer in my head, so I will write it down."

After this entrance exam, everyone has a new understanding of Ran Dongling.

The director divided the guests into two different classes according to their grades.

The first four are in the first class, and the last four are in the second class.

The class is divided into the dormitory.

The dormitory of the International Department is a suite model, six people live in one suite, the suite is three bedrooms and one living room, two people live in one room, and the toilet and bathroom are shared.

The number of two female guests is not enough, they have to live with other students, and the remaining six male guests just make up a suite.

Dormitories are allocated by random lottery.

The final draw results are as follows:

Xiu Zhian and Ran Dongling live in one room.

Chen Yao and Cheng Nuo live in one room.

Qiu Ci and Yu Han live in a room.

Chen Yao was dissatisfied with the result and applied to the director for a redraw.

The director rejected him directly, and told them not to change rooms randomly, so as not to break the rules of the school dormitory after the show was broadcast.

On the way to the dormitory, Ran Dongling stopped pestering him, he went to sleep with Zhian, he has not slept in a room with other people, but if it is Xiao An, then Also can.

The two of them were laughing and laughing in front of them, and the four of them stood in a line to watch them.

Cheng Nuo first gave Chen Yao a vaccination, "Chen Yao, I snort at night. If you mind, ask the show team for earplugs."

Yu Han immediately picked up his words, "Brother Ci, don't worry, I don't snort."

Snoring or not is not a problem, those two men don't care about them.

They came to Building A of the boys' dormitory, and many students saw them along the way.

"Hello, do you know where A606 is? Can you show us the way?"

They are now officially enrolled, and there are no staff accompanying them, only a few photographers.

The students were very enthusiastic, and they turned a corner when they were walking out, "I live in A306, 606 is upstairs, I will take you there."

With the guidance of the students, they soon came to the dormitory.

The area inside the dormitory is not large. The living room also has a small balcony where you can dry clothes. The bathroom and toilet are also outside the balcony.

Yu Han pushed open one of the room doors, and there was a bunk bed, two desks, and two wardrobes, other than that, there was no other furniture in the room.

It is five o'clock in the afternoon, I came back after dinner to take a bath, just in time for the evening self-study at seven in the evening.

Ran Dongling experienced modern student life for the first time and felt very novel.

Ran Dongling refuted him, "This is not puppy love, this is just ordinary holding hands, boys can also walk together hand in hand."

The two couples held hands sweetly, which made Cheng Nuo and Yu Han look like dogs.

"Brother Cheng, do we... want to lead?"

Cheng Nuo turned his head to look at him, and extended his hand to him, "Then... let's hold one."

When they held hands, they instantly became the most dazzling line in the campus. They listened to the whispers of the students along the way, and when they finally came to the dining hall, Cheng Nuo and Yu Han The hands they were holding separated instantly, and they each ran to the sink to wash their hands.

They came to the C canteen, which is only open on the first floor. There are not many students in it. On Sundays, the students want to go out for a good meal.

Several people came to a simple western meal, and the aunt inside asked them.

"What do you want, handsome guys?"

The menu of simple western food is also very simple, there are only three choices, chicken chop rice, pork chop rice, chicken chop and pork chop double rice.

Some people ordered chicken chops, chicken chops, and pork chops. Only Ran Dongling ordered chicken chops and pork chops.

When the meal was served, he looked at the two identical steaks and asked for revenge.

"Brother Qiuci, why do they look the same?" He took a bite of each and found that even the taste was the same.

Qiu Ci didn't know how to explain to him that this was a way to fool students in the school cafeteria.

No answer, Ran Dongling doesn't care.

It looks the same, it's two pieces of meat anyway, he ate it all.

The aunt who came to collect the dishes saw his reflective iron bowl, and laughed so hard that she lost her eyes, and said that when they came to eat next time, she would pick out a few large chicken chops for them.

During a few hours at school, Ran Dongling did not show any dislike of learning, and Qiu Ci was temporarily relieved.

When they came to the teaching building and were going to separate classes, Ran Dongling grabbed Qiu Ci's school uniform sleeve and prevented him from leaving.

Qiu Ci squeezed his cheek and coaxed him gently, "My dear, I'll come to you after class, okay?"

They stood by the wall of the stairwell, and students kept passing by. When the two girls heard what Qiu Ci said, they looked at each other suddenly, grabbed each other's arms, revealing that one had hit the with an expression on his face, he quickly walked past them.

"When is the end of get out of class?"

"Soon, go to class obediently, and you can see me as soon as you come out of class."

Chou Ci has read the schedule of evening self-study, the time is from 7:00 to 9:30, there are three evening self-study sessions, each session is 45 minutes, and there is a 15-minute break in the middle. The last evening self-study session is thirty minutes.

"Alright then, brother Qiu Ci, see you later." Ran Dongling hugged Qiu Ci and left with Xiu Zhi'an.

"Help me take care of him." Qiu Ci whispered to Chen Yao.

"Got it." Chen Yao waved his hand and walked into the classroom.

The teacher is already waiting for them in the classroom. The teacher asks the new students to introduce themselves.

Ladies first, Lan Wanru goes up first.

"Hello everyone, my name is Lan Wanru, I am very happy to join this class and become classmates with everyone. In the coming days, I hope you will give me more advice."

The students applauded and welcomed her. The teacher pointed her to the position and asked her to return to her position.

Ran Dongling originally followed behind Xiu Zhian, and was the third person to introduce himself. He was still looking at the students in the classroom when someone pushed him behind his back, and inertia made him walk forward two step.

The teacher held up his glasses, and seeing that he was so active, he clapped his hands to signal him to come up, "Okay, then let's welcome the second new student to come up and introduce himself."

Who pushed him!

Ran Dongling turned to look at Chen Yao and Xiu Zhian.

Xiu Zhian was looking at him, met his gaze, and showed a reassuring smile.

Chen Yao leaned against the door and looked at the sky outside.

I couldn't see who was pushing him, so Ran Dongling had to walk up slowly, dozens of eyes were staring at him, so scared that he hurriedly lowered his head, his voice was as small as a mosquito.

"Hello everyone, my name is Ran Dongling. I am very... able to join this class and become classmates with everyone. In the days to come, I hope everyone will not pay too much attention to me."

Excessive attention will attract the master's attention, and then he will ask him questions. If he can't answer it, he will receive more attention, and then the master will pay more attention, and then he will ask him more so many questions...

It's okay if he didn't say it, when he said that, the students knew they had to pay more attention to Ran Dongling.

Ran Dongling was assigned to the middle position, with a girl at the same table.

"My name is Yao Qiqi, and I'm the monitor of the first class. You can talk to me if you have any questions."

Ran Dongling nodded, sat down in the seat, and asked her quietly, "Yao Qiqi, what is the squad leader?"

"The monitor is...the person who manages this class."

"Oh!" Ran Dongling didn't expect his deskmate to be so powerful, he turned out to be the monitor.

After the four new students introduced themselves, the teacher picked up a workbook from the podium.

"Students, take up everyone's time, turn to the 12th page of the workbook, and read the training here. The class representatives have already arranged this morning. Now I will ask questions."

Ask a question? !

Several guests fast-forwarded to the question-and-answer session before they assumed their student identities.

This teacher was one of the three teachers who marked the test paper in the afternoon.

If the guests still remember the questions they did in the afternoon, they will find that the first question in the reading training is the same grammar as the first multiple choice question in English.

"First question..."

Don't call me Don't call me Don't call me.

"Ran Dongling, you answer."

His grades were very high in the afternoon, and he got all the English questions right.

Ran Dongling was still meditating in his heart, don't call him, but he heard his name, and when he stood up, he could clearly hear Chen Yao laughing behind him.

"What's your answer?"

Ran Dongling couldn't understand the question, but his mind told him to choose A for this question.

"Be the first."

"Very well, the answer is indeed A, so how did you do it?"

How to do it, he doesn't know!

He couldn't say it, and brother Qiu Ci was not here, so he couldn't help him, his head was getting lower and lower, and his expression became more and more aggrieved.

The teacher keenly felt that he might not know this question, and said in a relaxed tone: "It's okay, sit down first, then I'll talk about it, students..."

Ran Dongling was disappointed, he didn't want to study anymore.

However, he regained his strength soon, because the next question the teacher asked was Lan Wanru, where did Lan Wanru know these questions, her more than 100 points in the entrance exam were all deceived, Shouting, she looked at four options.

There is a saying, which one is the shortest and which is the longest, among the four options, three of them are two words, only one option is four words, which is the most long.

"I choose D."

The answer is C.

Perhaps it was because of the sympathy of poor students. With Sister Wanru to accompany him, Ran Dongling felt that he was no longer so stupid, and soon forgot about it.

The English teacher left the classroom after teaching ten questions, and left the students to study by themselves. Now only twenty minutes have passed.

Why time passed so slowly, Ran Dongling stared at the alarm clock on the wall and found that one minute was so long.

The back of the chair was tapped lightly, and Ran Dongling turned around.

Chen Yao lowered his voice and said to him, "Do you want to go to the toilet?"

Ran Dongling didn't want to go to the toilet, but he didn't want to stay in the classroom either. After the two and the monitor reported going to the toilet, they appeared in the canteen.

Chen Yao said to invite him to eat snacks, just pick and swipe his card.

Ran Dongling cautiously took a packet of candy and paid for it with her meal card.

After buying things, they walked back slowly, Chen Yao saw that he couldn't buy him, so he simply said what he wanted to say.

"Ran Dongling, change rooms with me."

"No, I want to live with Xiao Ange."

"Heh, Xiaoling, let me tell you, the two of you are not passionate about living in one room. I advise you not to be ignorant. Change rooms with me tonight, do you know?"

What are two zeros?

Ran Dongling asked, "What is zero?"

"That's it..." A student passed behind Ran Dongling, Chen Yao paused, and after the people left, he continued, "It's just to describe a person's matching number, someone like you is zero, People like me are one, understand?"

I don't understand, what is the pairing number?

I am zero, brother Xiao An is zero, and Chen Yao is one, so what is brother Qiuci?

Ran Dongling thought of this question and asked directly, "Is brother Qiu Ci also zero?"

This sentence is what he dared to think, Chen Yao was about to spit out a mouthful of old blood, he looked at Ran Dongling with a foolish look, "You are zero, that hatred is one."

"Oh, if I am one, brother Qiu Ci is zero, then can I be one?"

Chen Yao looked him up and down, only Ran Dongling was a small body... um...

Chen Yao didn't attack him, and replied politely, "You can ask about Qiu Ci, if he agrees, you can be."

"Oh, oh." Ran Dongling nodded vaguely, but he still didn't understand what zero and one were.

He doesn't want to change rooms either, he wants to be with Xiao Ange.

Faced with such stubborn and ineffective people, Chen Yao can only use his trump card, "You change dormitory with me, next time the teacher calls you up to answer questions, I will tell you secretly behind How are you, okay?"

This quid pro quo sounded very tempting, and Ran Dongling almost agreed to him, "Then change it for a day, there are so many people in the class, the teacher will not call me every time."

"Also, after the lights are turned off tonight, you can pretend to go to the toilet and go directly into my room after you go out."

Although he changed rooms with Chen Yao, Ran Dongling didn't want to share a room with other people, he wanted to find Yu Han to change rooms.

After the first evening self-study get out of class, before he could find Yu Han, Yu Han came to him first.

Qiu Ci was held up by a question in the second class. Before he came to Ran Dongling, Yu Han said to him, "Xiao Ling, can you change rooms with me?"

Why everyone wants to change rooms with him?

But this is exactly what Ran Dongling wanted. He wanted to change rooms with Yu Han.

Ran Dongling told Yu Han that he had promised Chen Yao to change dormitories with him, so he now lives in the same room with Brother Cheng Nuo.

Yu Han felt that his Qiu Ci was too embarrassed to live in the same room. Qiu Ci was cold-hearted. Except for Ran Dongling, he was separated by a layer of ice and stayed alone with him. The room is too cold, why don't you change with Ran Dongling? He and Xiu Zhi'an can talk a few more words, and Cheng Nuo is fine too, he is more familiar with Cheng Nuo.

"It doesn't matter, I just want to exchange with you. It's fine to sleep with Cheng Nuo."

Well, Ran Dongling agreed to Yu Han without any other conditions, because Yu Han shared a room with brother Qiu Ci, and if he changed rooms with him, he could be with brother Qiu Ci himself Go to sleep.


Qiu Ci was a few minutes late. After answering the last question, he got up, "Sorry, I have to go out to find someone. If you have any questions, please ask them in class."

He walked out of the door quickly and was hugged.

It's Ran Dongling.

"Brother Qiu Ci!" He was a little excited, knowing that he was going to sleep in the same room with Qiu Ci tonight, or secretly, so that no one could find out, it was very exciting.

There are many people here, and they are all watching. Qiu Ci took Ran Dongling to the end of the corridor. This is the laboratory, which is not open at night, and there are no students.

"Brother Qiu Ci!" Ran Dongling threw herself in his arms and acted like a spoiled brat with him.

I was unhappy when I went to the classroom, but now I am so happy, like a child.

Qiu Ci stroked the back of his head, rubbed his hair, and asked, "Are you still used to it in the new class?"

I'm not used to it, but it doesn't seem that bad. Ran Dong told him a little bit about what happened in the class just now. Before he spoke, the class bell rang, and they wanted to go back to the classroom.

"Brother Qiu Ci, come to see me after class, I haven't finished speaking yet."

"Okay." Qiu Ci promised him.

Sure enough, when Ran Dongling hadn't left his seat, he saw Qiu Ci outside the corridor.

After the evening self-study, Qiu Ci went back to the dormitory with Ran Dongling, but he didn't wait for Ran Dongling, his seat was empty, no one was there, Xiu Zhian packed up and left Come out and explain to him.

Chen Yao made an excuse when he was studying at night, saying that he was uncomfortable sneaking back to the dormitory, and took Ran Dongling, who didn't want to study at night, with him.

No one was received, Qiu Ci had to walk back to the dormitory with Xiu Zhi'an. They didn't speak or have anything to talk about along the way. When halfway through, Qiu Ci suddenly said, " Xiu Zhi'an, change rooms with me."

Xiu Zhian thought that only people like Chen Yao would think about changing rooms, but Qiu Ci also thought about it, so he tried his best to hold back his laughter.

"Uh... ok, ok. But wait until the lights are turned off before changing, otherwise it won't be good to be photographed by the camera."


At eleven o'clock in the evening, the lights in the dormitory were turned off on time, and the guests went back to their rooms.

The curtains were drawn in the room, and there was no moonlight.

Ran Dongling slept on the bottom bunk, he lay down for a while, then suddenly sat up and said to the person on the bed, "Brother An, I want to go out to the toilet."

From the upper bunk came Xiu Zhian's sleepy voice, "Well, go, I have to go out to the toilet in a while."

After Ran Dongling went out, Xiu Zhian climbed out of bed and walked out of the room.

Five minutes later, the two returned to the room with their front and back feet.

After Xiu Zhian went to the toilet, she came to Qiu Ci's room and saw that the bottom bunk was empty and the top bunk was sleeping alone.

Yu Han must have fallen asleep and didn't want to disturb him, so Xiu Zhian went to bed gently and lay down.

He lay on the bed but lost sleep, thinking that Qiu Ci should go back to his room now, he thought, his eyes staring at the shimmering light coming through the curtains.

After a while, the person on the bed moved, and after feeling him rolling on it twice, Xiu Zhian saw a head suddenly stick out from the bed.


Xiu Zhian didn't know what "Yu Han" was going to do, so he didn't say anything and stared at him.

"Yu Han" looked at him for a while, trying to see in the dark whether he was asleep or not, when Xiu Zhian couldn't bear it anymore and made a little movement, "Yu Han" seemed to be After confirming that he was not asleep, he got up and climbed down the ladder.

Xiu Zhian thought he was going to go to the toilet, so he ignored it and closed his eyes to sleep.

Unexpectedly, "Yu Han" stepped on the ladder and didn't get down to the ground, and climbed directly onto his bed, intending to get into his bed.


Xiu Zhian reacted quickly, grabbed "Yu Han"'s hand in the dark and wanted to hug him, the wrist of that hand was very thin, Xiu Zhian could wrap it around with one hand, There is room.

This is not Yu Han's hand!

He was stunned for a few seconds, the man had already got into the bed, hugged his waist directly, and leaned on him.

"Brother Qiu Ci! Let's sleep!"

"Xiao Ling? How is it you?!"

Ran Dongling realized something was wrong now, this is the voice of Xiao An, why is it Xiao An?

Didn't Yu Han live in the same room with brother Qiu Ci?

Ran Dongling must have changed dormitories with someone before appearing here.

Xiu Zhian asked him, "Xiao Ling, who did you change rooms with?"

Ran Dongling let go of the hand that held Xiuzhi's waist, and answered him obediently, "I changed rooms with Chen Yao, and then changed rooms with Yu Han."

Xiu Zhi'an's brain was running fast, he changed rooms with Chen Yao, and changed rooms with Yu Han, and he changed rooms with Qiu Ci, so isn't the person in the other room now?


Before they could get out of bed, there was the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground, and then Chen Yao's curse.

"Qi, I *you****"