MTL - The Star Light Shines When He Came-Chapter 184 If you don't fall in love

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Then a few of them naturally kicked and beat Zhao Yiming. Yang Junhui even pulled his hair down and cut it off, and said, "It's really dirty, I'll take care of it for you."

A pair of scissors just waved in his hands indiscriminately, and even Wu Haixin laughed and grabbed the scissors to cut his hair for fun.

"Do you want to get him a unique hairstyle?" Yang Junhui took the lighter and smiled.

Then he pulled Zhao Yiming's hair and lit it with a lighter in the exclamation of the three girls. Zhao Yiming flinched back in fear, but was crackled and beaten by a few people behind him.

The smell of burning hair came, and Lin Zhiwei was a little scared standing aside, for fear that the scissors would poke Zhao Yiming’s eyes, or cut his ears, or the lighter accidentally touched his face, let alone Said the parties.

Zhao Yiming was just curled up on the ground when he was beaten. He didn't dare to move, and his mouth was still stuffed with dirty rags.

After a few people laughed enough, Yang Junhui sent someone to take off Zhao Yiming’s clothes. Zhao Yiming didn’t lie down this time. He clenched the clothes tightly with his hands, and he didn’t let them take it off. The whole person was like a loach. Moving.

"Fuck!" Yang Junhui frowned, kicking his thigh, "You **** dare not be obedient!"

I think it was Zhao Yiming who let himself lose face in front of his girlfriend. He was very angry, kicked very hard, and then personally went to pick Zhao Yiming's clothes.

Lin Zhiwei saw Zhao Yiming stubbornly clutching his clothes, but his fists were hard to beat. In the end, his clothes were taken off.

Immediately after they were about to pull his trousers, the tears that had been wrapped in Zhao Yiming's eyes fell down. He looked at several people with his eyes fixedly, looking desperate as life is better than death.

"Look at your mother! Look at Lao Tzu's eyeballs!" Yang Junhui slapped it over.

Wu Haixin and the three people surrounded them, clapping their hands in surprise and excitement: "Wow, Jun Hui, you are amazing!"

"What are we going to do now?" The student head girl also asked.

The long-haired girl kicked and kicked with the others, the excitement on her face was beyond words.

Seeing that Zhao Yiming’s trousers were about to be torn off, Lin Zhiwei suddenly said, “Just forget about the trousers. I heard that girls look at men’s things and they have pinholes, and I heard that they look very disgusting, Haixin. You don’t want to have dinner at night, do you?"

Wu Haixin and the three looked at each other, thinking of what the teacher said in the physiology class, it was indeed a bit disgusting, so they all agreed.

In this way, Yang Junhui and the others did not continue, only holding a wire brush and a water pipe against Zhao Yiming's upper body and scouring and brushing, and the sound of joking and playing was like cleaning a pig at home.

It was already half an hour after they had had enough fun. Several people walked away with their schoolbags talking and laughing. Lin Zhiwei looked at Zhao Yiming, who was covered in injuries, and looked a little bit unbearable.

She fell to the end. Taking advantage of the people in front of her, she grabbed some money from her schoolbag and quickly stuffed it into Zhao Yiming's hands. After leaving a sentence "I'm sorry, you can buy some medicine to wipe it", then turned around and chased a few people.

What Lin Zhiwei didn’t know was that Zhao Yiming’s original desire for death rekindled hope under her “I’m sorry”. He tightly held the money in his hand and watched the girl’s back figure drifting away. I think there is still sunlight in the dark life, even if there is very little sunlight.

Later, Zhao Yiming was beaten again and his whole body was wounded. Lin Zhiwei just saw him walking limping when he came out of the grocery store.

She wanted to pretend that she hadn't seen it, but she had already unconsciously returned to the grocery store to buy some medicine for injuries. When she came back to her senses, she had already given him the medicine, so she hurried away under his stunned eyes.

Gradually, the two of them got closer without knowing it, of course when no one saw them.

Lin Zhiwei would help him with medicine, chat with him to relax, comfort him to relieve him, and even often divide his lunch into two for him.

For Zhao Yiming, Lin Zhiwei is like a flower blooming in his difficult life. All the deficiencies in his dark life are filled by this kind and beautiful girl.

Since the beginning of his love, he gradually fell in love with Lin Zhiwei. He carefully and cherished this feeling in his heart, and did not dare to reveal a single bit of it.

But he couldn't help but want to share his secrets with the girl he liked, so after enduring it a few times, he couldn't help it after all. He took a very precious picture album and handed it to Lin Zhiwei, holding his clothes tightly with both hands. Jiao, with a bit of anxiety and anxiety in his tone: "This is what my mother left for me. She always took the time to teach me painting..."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Zhiwei over there had already opened the script and said in surprise: "Wow, this is—"

Zhao Yiming interrupted her quickly, and hurriedly explained: "Don't get me wrong, this, this is not a small yellow picture, this is actually body art. This kind of painting is called a human body sketch. I, I, I are not... Don't dislike it. I."

"Did you paint this by your mother and yourself? It's so good, you guys are amazing!" Lin Zhiwei looked at Zhao Yiming in surprise.

Zhao Yiming's heart was suddenly filled with warmth, and he blushed and stammered: "Really, really?"

Lin Zhiwei nodded, and then returned the album to him with a little embarrassment: "But it's really embarrassing. I don't know much about body art, and you have to be careful. If someone sees know. "

Zhao Yiming scratched his head and smiled: "I'll just show it to you! It doesn't matter if you don't understand, I can teach you. My mother's wish is to become a master of body art, but...she has passed away, so I, I want to complete her My wish...Of course, I also like painting very much, but I am a little worried that I can’t do it.”

"You can definitely do it." Lin Zhiwei smiled, "I think your paintings are really great, you have to work hard, I will support you!"

With the support and encouragement of the girl he liked, Zhao Yiming was full of enthusiasm. After that, he stopped telling his sadness, and instead chatted with Lin Zhiwei about dreams and the future. He would also explain to her what body art is, and even teach her to draw.

The two were looking forward to the future, but they didn't know that because Lin Zhiwei had not been able to find anyone recently, Wu Haixin was suspicious and gradually showed signs of it.

Wu Haixin quietly followed Lin Zhiwei alone for half a month, watching her and Zhao Yiming's every move.

So when Zhao Yiming came to the secret base of the two again, it was not the girl he wanted to wait for him, but Yang Junhui and Wu Haixin.

"Oh, our great painter is coming!" Yang Junhui and the others surrounded Zhao Yiming in the middle. "Let us mortals also appreciate the great painter's paintings, right, brothers!"

"Yes!" A person suddenly rushed behind Zhao Yiming from behind, grabbing the picture album, "Let me see what I have drawn...Wow! What is this! Come and see, everyone!"

"Give it back to me! You give me the album back!" Zhao Yiming screamed as he was about to pounce on the album, but was held tightly by a few boys.

The boy snorted contemptuously at Zhao Yiming, then exclaimed while tearing it off one by one and showing it to the person next to him. Suddenly, there were bursts of ambiguous and licentious laughter in the crowd.

Zhao Yiming screamed frantically when he saw this, and struggled madly: "You **** give it back to me! Give it back to me! Don't tear it, don't let it!"

However, no matter how hard he struggled and yelled, it was futile. On the contrary, the more he cared about them, the happier he was.

The boys were also annoyed by him, punching and kicking at him, and in the end he could only lie on the ground feebly, watching them laugh and laugh with red eyes.

"Damn, this, this, this is a **** little yellow picture, yes, I can't help it!"

"Tsk tusk, look at these slender legs, how exciting it is to play!"

"Wow, there are naked/male guys here, let me wipe it, look at the strong muscles, you can't tell that this kid is a male and female eater."

Zhao Yiming looked at the sky dullly, but at this time, he heard a familiar name: "Jun Hui, this time our family Zhiwei has done a great job, thank her very much!"

"Okay, I will invite you to dinner when I go back!"

Zhao Yiming slowly looked towards the place where he was speaking, Wu Haixin was holding Yang Junhui's hand and hummed: "It's not enough to eat! This idea is from my family Zhiwei, my family Zhiwei is so smart. This is all linked together. Down, the idiot really believed, and really thought that my family Zhiwei Zhiwei treated him nicely, in fact, it was an undercover who used to tease him! And ah, the idiot really seems to like Zhiwei, and he doesn’t tell it. Do you deserve to take a pee photo?"

Yang Junhui chuckled softly: "Why, you still don't allow others to dream?"

"Dreams can't work!" Wu Haixin rolled her eyes and snorted, "Do you know what a sacrifice it is? Zhiwei takes three baths every time she meets him, and eats everything. If you vomit it out, you will throw away all the clothes you wear, let alone endure the sour smell that comes from him all the time. Who knows if that person has any infectious diseases?"

"Yes, yes, I know that your family's Zhiwei has sacrificed a lot. I promise to thank her well after I go back, let's go!" Yang Junhui squeezed Wu Haixin's face.

Wu Haixin immediately smiled: "It's almost the same. Junhui, do you know? That fool, he still wants to teach Zhiwei to draw this painting. Zhiwei looks very ugly every time she comes back. She said she was disgusted by this painting. I feel nauseous, and I can’t figure out how anyone would paint such a sordid thing. I didn’t understand how she felt at the time. Until today... Tsk Tsk, I really feel the same way, so no matter how I call her here today, she is Even if you die..."

Zhao Yiming couldn't listen to what else they said later.

In his mind, he began to think back and forth about the events after his first encounter with Lin Zhiwei. He felt so beautiful at the beginning, but now, it seemed to be a long-planned tease, which he suddenly felt so terrible.

After this day, Zhao Yiming did not go to school again.

He stayed in the corner of the wooden bed like a soulless puppet, tightly holding in his arms the picture book that had been broken to the point of being unsightly, tirelessly putting it together again and again, indifferent to the beatings and abuses of the family. .

Jaffe just looked at him like this. He didn't cry or yell, but his eyes were full of familiar hatred, and there seemed to be a little bit of his own hatred in the depths of the hatred. The entanglement of knowing-

Is it like, regret, self-blame...or both.

Xie Fei couldn't say clearly, but he knew that his eyes were exactly the same as when Zhao Yiming saw Lin Zhiwei in college.

The author has something to say: Xie Fei: Oh, I made a bubble in the end.

Zhiwei: Hug~MUA

Speaking of which, children are sometimes naive and a little scary.

My elementary school class really crowded out a girl. Her grades were not good, the teacher didn’t like her, and her parents were divorced. Although she followed her mother, her mother treated her very badly. The clothes were very old and she didn’t do much washing. Her hair was messy, and she often forced her to go to her dad for alimony, or beat her if she didn't come back.

So everyone disliked her. Under the leadership of the monitor (mother is a school teacher, everyone likes to hold her) laughed at her for having fleas, pushed her by running in physical education class, let her sit by the trash can, and then beat her directly...

I sympathized with her very much. I helped her several times at the beginning and talked with her, but after all, I did not keep walking with her. Later, she transferred to another school. I hope she is doing well now!