MTL - The State Arranged For Me To Farm-Chapter 53

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Lin Ling's feeling was not wrong, there was indeed a bit of excitement in the starling's cry, because the next thing she heard was the sound of food being pecked.

Xia Mo stared at the hole in surprise, "What is it eating?"

"I don't know." Lin Ling stared at the hole about half a meter high. Given her size, she might not be able to get in. She pointed at Brother Chou, "Brother Chou, go in and have a look."

Brother Chou walked in with his back bowed. About ten seconds later, Lin Ling heard Brother Chou barking at my starling twice, and then calling Lin Ling: There are many eggs inside.

Egg? Lin Ling's eyes lit up immediately, and more than a dozen dishes about eggs flashed into his mind, such as scrambled eggs with tomatoes, scrambled eggs with leeks, egg drop soup...

Lin Ling asked the ugly brother in the cave: "How many?"

Brother Chou quickly ran out with an egg in his mouth. After putting it down, he barked and said there were more than twenty.

Lin Ling looked at the dark hole suspiciously, "Is there anything else in it?"

Brother Chou shook his head, indicating that there was nothing.

Lin Ling didn't care whether the hole was right or not, and told Brother Chou: "Take them all out."

After Brother Chou went back to get the egg, Xia Mo, who saw the egg for the first time, couldn't help asking: "What kind of egg is this?"

He heard people say that many animals lay eggs, but he wondered if these were dinosaur eggs?

"This is..." Lin Ling picked up the egg that Brother Chou took out, and took a closer look. It was small in size and light brown in color. Why did it look like an egg? "Like an egg."

"Eggs?" Mo Xia's eyes lit up, "Are there a lot of chickens living here?"

Lin Ling nodded, "It's possible."

Little Green jumped up excitedly: Catch the chicken! eat chicken!

At the end of Xia, he was also a little excited, his voice raised a bit, "Will they be around?"

"If these eggs are fresh eggs, they should be around here." Lin Ling was not sure whether the eggs were damaged, so she pursed her lips, "Would you like to open one and have a look?"

Although Xia Mo didn't speak, the urgency on his face revealed his true inner thoughts.

Lin Ling smiled at Xia Mo, "I just opened it, and didn't say it was for eating."

Xia Mo said: "Open it, if there is no place to put it, you can eat it."

"That's right." Lin Ling urged his ability to weave a small basket out of tree vines, put the eggs that the ugly brother took out into the basket, and then quickly left this place of right and wrong.

They walked back to the edge of the woods and formed a circle. Lin Ling took out a smaller egg and cracked it open slightly.

Xia Mo and Brother Chou looked at Lin Ling eagerly, "Is it all right?"

Xiaolu asked more directly: Can I eat it?

Lin Ling looked at the golden yolk inside the eggshell, raised her eyebrows and smiled, "Go and pick up some dry firewood, let's make an fried egg to eat."

"Okay." Xia Mo and the ugly brother hurriedly went to pick up dry firewood, and Xiaolu wrapped around Lin Ling's wrist and began to distribute the unfried eggs: one piece for me, one piece for you, one piece for Xia Mo, and one piece for me. One piece for you, one piece for the ugly brother.

"Thank you for remembering to favor me." Lin Ling lit the fire, then wiped a hatchet she brought out for chopping wood and put it on the fire. After the hatchet was heated, poured the egg on top.

The surface of the hatchet is very hot, and the egg liquid solidifies as soon as it touches it. After a minute, the fried egg is ready to eat.

"It's ready to eat." After Lin Ling finished speaking, he was about to share the fried eggs when he suddenly heard a scream from the starling.

Xiaolu pulled Lin Ling's wrist, telling her to leave the starling alone: ​​it just ate the eggs, so we don't care about it now.

Lin Ling didn't pay attention to the starling at first, but when he was about to divide the fried eggs, he heard the starling shouting: "Help me..."

Lin Ling looked towards the hole where he found the eggs, and vaguely saw a black and yellow figure chasing the starling and running out, the starling scolded as he ran, "Fatty, don't chase your uncle!"

The black and yellow figure seemed to dislike being called fat. He opened his mouth and spewed a ball of fire at the starling, instantly setting his tail on fire.

"My god, I'm on fire, my tail..." Mynah yelled for help and flew towards Lin Ling: "Beauty, I'm going to die young, before I die, can you grant me one wish..."

Lin Ling picked up the kettle and extinguished the fire on the starling's tail, then looked at the starling with a cold face: "What wish do you fulfill?"

The starling swallowed back what he hadn't finished speaking, and stammered: "...I don't have any wishes."

Xiaolu stared at the mynah's meaty buttocks, and shook the leaves excitedly: it smells so good.

Xia Mo and Brother Chou couldn't help staring at mynah's butt. The smell of burnt feathers carried a little bit of meaty smell, which made those who seldom eat meat swallow their saliva.

"What are you staring at me for?" Mynah turned his head and took a look at the burned butt, and howled immediately: "My hair has been burned? My **** has become naked, I have no face to face anyone !"

Xiaolu laughed until the leaves trembled: Bald bird!

Starling spread his wings and covered his buttocks, angry, ashamed and in pain, "I am so miserable..."

"Stop screaming." Lin Ling looked at the bitter master who was chasing after him with a complicated expression, who was chasing after him and was spewing fire everywhere. His neck was covered with black feathers, like a crown necklace, and his tail was also black, long like a drag Its cloak, other body, wings and other areas are yellow feathers, and its fur is smooth and smooth. It can be seen that it has lived a very moist life in this forest.

Lin Ling took a few steps back, and told Xia Mo and the others to back up: "Be careful, don't be set on fire by the fireball it spouts."

Xia Mo looked at the mutated beast that was chasing aggressively with horror on his face, his voice trembling, "It will breathe fire..."

"Yes, it can breathe fire." Looking at the fat body of the mutant beast, Lin Ling felt that this world had once again subverted her perception of poultry. Why can even chickens breathe fire?

Xia Mo dodged to avoid the fireball, "What the **** is it? How did it run so fast?"

Lin Ling hid and said, "It's a chicken."

"Chicken?" Xia Mo was taken aback, "Did it lay all these eggs?"

"Obviously." Lin Ling ran towards the wasteland, "Get out of the woods, don't let it spray the fire into the woods."

Knowing the hardships of planting trees, Lin Ling didn't want the woods to be burned down, so he asked Shang Mo to run to the bare wasteland.

Xia Mo hid and asked, "Why do chickens breathe fire?"

"I also want to know why a chicken can turn into a mutant beast?" Lin Ling and the others couldn't fight against the fire chicken with their special abilities, so they could only run to avoid the fireball sprayed by the chicken, and at the same time asked the starling: "How do you Who provoked it?"

The starling didn't expect to provoke a fire-breathing master: "I ate eggs in it, and after I ate it, I brought back a bunch of chickens. It was the plumpest and fattest chicken in the bunch, so I just ate it." ..."

Lin Ling thought of the mynah's mean-spirited temper: "So you just teased it with words?"

Mynah is also very innocent: "Who knew it was so ridiculous?"

Tease your uncle's feet! Lin Ling turned around and took the mynah and handed it to the mutated fat chicken: "The injustice has its head and its debtor. It provoked you. You should settle the score with it."

Starling looked at Lin Ling with horror on his face, "We are in the same group."

"Who asked you to provoke others?" Lin Ling held up the starling and said to the mutated chicken: "Let's discuss it, can it work?"

The mutated chicken stared at Lin Ling, clucking and clucking non-stop, as if it wanted to catch the starling egg thief.

Lin Ling couldn't understand the chicken language, so she gave the starling a look, and then shook the starling in front of the mutated chicken, "It stole your cub, it has nothing to do with me, I'll give it to you, you let us leave, okay?"

The starling didn't notice Lin Ling's eyes on it, with an expression of "I didn't expect you to be such a boss", struggling desperately: "I only ate you, and they ate the other cubs secretly .”

Lin Ling secretly scolded an idiot. Fortunately, she still thought that myna was very smart, but she didn't expect it to be so unreliable.

The mutated chicken turned to look at Lin Ling, and yelled fiercely: "Cluck!"

Lin Ling took a deep breath. Although you are a mutant beast, who made you a chicken? She exchanged glances with Xia Mo and Brother Chou, and then said softly, "I didn't know they were your cubs, so I'll give them back to you right away."

Speaking of which, Lin Ling handed the eggs in the basket to the mutated chicken, "Would you like to take a look?"

The mutated chicken glanced at the eggs in the basket, and then at the fried eggs on the kitchen knife, "cluck cluck?"

"I'm sorry, I fried you a bastard." Lin Ling put one hand behind his back, held Xiaolu in his hand, then glanced at Xia Mo and Brother Chou who had walked behind the mutant chicken, nodded slightly, and planned to Wait a while and tie the mutated chicken up while it's not paying attention.

Just when Lin Ling was about to make a move, he saw the mutated chicken pointing at the simplicity on the hatchet and clucking.

Xiaolu lightly scratched Lin Ling's palm, poked her head out and said, "It asked you if the omelet was good."

Lin Ling was stunned, "Are you sure you heard right?"

Xiaolu nodded: If you don't believe me, ask Brother Chou.

Brother Chou nodded, indicating that the mutated chicken was indeed asking if Simple is delicious?

It was the first time for Lin Ling to be asked by a chicken if the omelet was good.

She nodded hesitantly and said, "Delicious."

Hearing this, the mutated chicken pecked at the egg a few times. After tasting the taste different from raw eggs, it accelerated its eating speed. After ten seconds, it ate up a fried egg.

And some chickens in the nearby open space seemed to be accustomed to the behavior of the mutated chickens, and continued to bury their heads in pecking at the bugs.

Lin Ling, Xia Mo, Brother Chou and Xiaolu stared at the mutated chicken in astonishment. They were originally born from the same root, so they must be too anxious to fry them!

The mutated chicken seemed very satisfied with the taste of the fried eggs, and clucked at Lin Ling a few times: Fry another one!

Lin Ling's whole body is a bit petrified. Are you addicted to eating fried eggs like a chicken?

Seeing that Lin Ling didn't move, the mutated chicken spat a fireball at her feet: Hurry up and fry!

"Wait a minute." Lin Ling walked to the hatchet, fried another egg with the remaining firewood, and handed it to the mutated chicken after frying.

After the mutated chicken ate fried eggs, Xia Mo, Chou Ge, Xiao Lu and Starling swallowed so much that they wanted to eat it too.

Lin Ling looked at the mutated chicken that was eating happily, and asked softly, "Is it delicious?"

The mutated chicken nodded and said it was delicious.

Lin Ling asked again: "Do you still want to eat?"

The mutated chicken nodded and said more.

Lin Ling said, "Then can I fry a few more? We want to try it too."

The mutated chicken was eating happily, so there was no objection.

So bold? Lin Ling raised her eyebrows, "Aren't these your cubs? Don't you feel bad after eating them?"

The mutated chicken pointed to the dozens of chickens pecking at the worms next to it: They were born by my eighteenth generation grandchildren.

The corner of Lin Ling's mouth twitched, he dared to believe that this was a chicken ancestor.

"Aren't you the same kind?"

The chicken ancestor didn't think there was anything wrong with it eating eggs, and said confidently: I raise these chickens and lay these eggs for eating. If you want to eat, fry two more for me.

"..." Lin Ling was silent, since you are so open-minded, then I will not be polite!

The author has something to say: I edited the end of the last chapter, you can refresh and read it again.

It doesn't matter if you don't watch it, the impact is not very big.