MTL - The Stepmother is Unkind-Chapter 19

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The injustice has the head and the debt has the owner.

Yin Mingyu was not stupid, and told Xie Qin directly on the carriage on the return journey: "I met the Weiyang County Lord in Xishi today."

Xie Qin frowned slightly and asked coldly, "Did she trouble you?"

"I said a few unpleasant words and invited me to go with you in the autumn hunting." Yin Mingyu thought of the Weiyang County Lord saying that she was "pretending", and looked at the pedestrians who were returning home in a hurry or leisurely outside the carriage, and commented lazily, " A pointless fight."

"No interest" was written clearly on her face.

Xie Qin stopped on the square table for a moment, then looked at her profile again, and said calmly and firmly: "The three kings are fighting openly and secretly, and the situation in the court is not yet clear.

"Even if you become a powerful king and the Weiyang County Master is aggressive, you can ignore it as you wish, and the Xie family won't blame you for it. If you can't even protect the wife that Mingmi is marrying, then the Xie family and I are incompetent. How to stand on the court."

Yin Mingyu understood and nodded.

"My father asked before if I would teach you to show up in this autumn hunt." Xie Qin asked her, "Although I replied to my father, if you don't want to, you can change it."

Yin Mingyu put his elbows on the carriage window, propped his chin, and said casually, "Since you are married into the Xie family, you will see guests sooner or later."

Is it possible that she will not leave the house in the future? It's not a mouse in the gutter, hiding away from people.

Xie Qin was not surprised by her answer, but after hearing it, there was still a trace of indistinct joy in his eyes.

In fact, he didn't have much expectations for the wife of the second wife of the Yin family. And Yin Mingyu's nature is not very peaceful, but for Xie Qin, it is an unexpected joy.

Yin Mingyu's successor may not be the "virtuous woman" in the eyes of the world, but it is really easy to get along with.

Born in the Xie family, he has surpassed most of the people in the world. He is sensible in reading, and naturally does not want to be mediocre.

This is his ambition. He does not demand his wife by his own standards, and he never wants his wife to wrap his footsteps, even in the name of love.

It is true that most women have to rely on men. This is the world's situation. However, what a person has is to others, how is it different from the body?

Ce Erniang was not at fault when she was alive. However, in just over two years, there were many conflicts between husband and wife. Xie Qin also reflected on himself. ?

But she went like that. As a man, he was not tolerant enough.

Xie Qin took the wooden box on the square table, tapped the edge of the wooden box twice with his index finger, and said to Yin Mingyu: "You are already the Xie family, as long as you have a clear conscience, the Xie family should stand behind you, this cannot be peeled off. relationship, that's why I advised you not to hide your grandmother and mother like that."

He handed over the wooden box and said, "I'm busy with official business, and you don't care about it if you enjoy it, but you accept this private seal. At least you won't be treated badly with external things."

A handsome and handsome man said that he had no time, so he gave her money and let her spend it casually...

Yin Mingyu's vulgar heart decided unsatisfactorily that she loves him the most at this moment, and she will continue to love herself at the next moment.

Yin Mingyu took the wooden box and said with a smile: "Langjun is polite, then I will accept it."

Xie Qin nodded.

Xie Ce ran with his cousin and cousin for a long time in the daytime. After getting in the car, he sat beside Yin Mingyu. The carriage swayed and swayed, and then he began to doze off. The carriage turned and his small body fell forward.

Yin Mingyu's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and when he stretched his arm, he blocked his body, and Xie Ce fell asleep on her arm.

It must be uncomfortable for a child to sleep like this, but it is extremely uncomfortable to hold such a big child who is sleeping deeply.

Yin Mingyu didn't want to be burdened, so he only looked at Xie Qin.

Xie Qin understood the meaning in her eyes and looked at her silently.

Yin Mingyu's love is so freely retractable, she is no longer alone at this moment from the previous moment, her eyes firmly convey: whose son is in charge.

After a while, Xie Qin retracted his gaze and reached out to hug Xie Ce.

Xie Cexu felt that the embrace was disturbing, or the posture was uncomfortable, so he mumbled and twisted his body, and it took a while to calm down.

On the other hand, Xie Qin had a calm face, his body was still in a rigid state, and he held him motionless.

When the carriage returned to Xie's house, Yin Mingyu walked out of the carriage with ease, without waiting for anyone, and carried it to the door.

Afterwards, Xie Qin carefully hugged Xie Ce and slowly got out of the carriage. In the shocked eyes of the servants of the Xie family, he handed the sleeping Xie Ce to Nanny Tong with a blank expression.

This matter soon followed everyone into the mansion, and spread to the ears of Mrs. Xie and Mrs. Xie. They were all a little incredible, and they were looking at Xie Qin when they saw him.

Later, when Patriarch Xie returned to the mansion, when he heard about this, he also looked at Xie Qin several times strangely.

Xie Qin remained expressionless.

The next day, Yin Mingyu had to go out and told Mrs. Xie.

Mrs. Xie asked her where she was going, and said, "The Xie family has some rules, but it's not that strict. You can enter and leave if you explain it clearly. It's just that the manor doesn't know where you are going, and you can't find anything, so you're worried."

Yin Mingyu understood and explained: "I have some private houses, and I want to dispose of them, so I plan to see them with my own eyes."

Mrs. Xie expressed her approval, "It is good that you have this heart. Since the establishment of the new dynasty, the population of Beijing has grown, and the price of real estate and land has increased. At this time, the price is not very high, and it is suitable to buy real estate and directly buy land for reconstruction. also."

Yin Mingyu knew that, but he still had an expression of being praised and suppressed and excited.

Mrs. Xie told her about the market conditions in various areas of the capital. Yin Mingyu only had some superficial understanding of them, and they were not subtle enough, so they listened very carefully.

"Look at me, I forgot the time." Madam Xie stopped in time and said, "Go out first, and come back to me if you have any doubts."

Yin Mingyu resigned, and asked someone to set up a carriage. He returned to the East Court and changed into his clothes to go out.

As soon as she left, Zhu Cao sent a little maid out. Two quarters later, Rouge came to the East Courtyard and asked someone to speak to Xi Lan and Shiliu before entering the Corner Courtyard.

Pomegranate was very happy to learn that Rouge was coming, and even went to Jiaoyuan to talk to her.

"Have you finished your errand?" Xi Lan reprimanded, "What did I tell you last time? Be an official errand, and don't mix with vermilion grass."

Pomegranate bit her lip, "It's rare for rouge to come here, it's the love of growing up together, I can't..."

Xi Lan sneered, "There is some affection, but when the lady was alive, there was no lack of friction between our four maids.

"I didn't forget..." Shiliu argued, "It's just that the lady is gone, and only us old people are left. If we don't support each other, there will be no place for us in this mansion, and Xiao Langjun, in case... "

"You listen to Zhucao Huan again!"

Pomegranate lowered her eyes in guilt, "It's not unreasonable..."

Xi Lan's expression was a little grim, "You've always had no heart, so I'll be a little bit partial to you, but if you don't listen to the advice and insist on messing with Zhucao, I won't care about you in the future."

"Don't, can't I do it if I don't go?" Pomegranate's eyes suddenly turned red, and she held on to Xi Lan's arm.

"Then go to work."

Xi Lan glanced at Jiaoyuan coldly, and then she was out of sight.

Corner Yard—

Xi Lan and Pomegranate didn't appear for a while, and Zhu Cao's eyes flashed with shadows, but when she faced Rouge, she looked kind and helpless again.

"The second lady reused Xilan to continue to manage the East Courtyard, and Shiliuguan came to be close to her. Don't blame them for having a relationship with you and me. You have to think about yourself, don't you?"

Rouge was dissatisfied, "If you are born, you will be born. They are unfaithful to the lady, and I don't even bother to be with them."

Zhu Cao sighed and said worriedly: "The lady only left the little lady, and now the dowry is in the hands of the second lady, and it seems that the prince is also better for the second lady, if there is another male in the future, the old lady and the lady will favor him. , what should Xiaolang-jun do..."

Rouge clenched her handkerchief tightly and worried.

Zhu Cao quickly said: "Maybe it won't be like that, I'm thinking too much."

Rouge thought thoughtfully: "Second Lady has no love for Xiao Langjun at all, and she cannot be expected to be kind..."

Zhu Cao heard the words and asked with concern: "Where did this come from?"

Rouge said that Yin Mingyu made Xie Ce cry several times, Zhu Cao said distressedly: "You take care of it so carefully, it's not your own child who doesn't feel distressed, does the old lady know?"

Rouge's eyes dimmed, "The old lady probably doesn't know about the Yin family..."

Zhu Cao hesitated, "No wonder, the second lady is still in the mood to go out, otherwise..."

Otherwise, Zhu Cao didn't say anything, but Rouge understood it.

Based on how tight Madam Xie was to Xie Ce, she knew that Yin Mingyu had bullied Xie Ce, and she would definitely attack.

Rouge was thinking about things, and she was a little absent-minded when she talked to Zhu Cao later.

Zhu Cao was concerned about whether she was tired, and Rouge responded, saying that she would go back to take care of Xie Ce, and left the East Courtyard.

On the other hand, the mansion Yin Mingyu looked at first today was a four-way house in Buzhengfang, and it was also an official mansion. It was just that the official in charge had died of illness, and he had to sell the mansion if he wanted to help his spirit return to his hometown.

At the beginning, it was Yin Mingyu's **** Ding Er who communicated with the family, but the deceased master was from the fourth grade before his death, and he was regarded as a colleague with Xie and Yin, so Ding Er informed his identity.

The other party may want to have a good relationship, and the price is slightly lower than other such large mansions on the market, but not too low.

The second place is Yongping Square in the south of the city. The house is relatively old, but the area is large, which is completely in line with what Mrs.

The more expensive one is naturally the one that goes into the mansion. The mansion is well maintained, uses good materials, and has a good view; here in Yongpingfang, the price is not much different from that, and it is more expensive in terms of area.

"Ma'am, where did you take your fancy?"

Ding Er found the mansion according to Yin Mingyu's instructions, and basically met Yin Mingyu's requirements, and she bought them easily.

In this case...

Yin Mingyu showed a light-hearted smile with a hint of wealth, "Buy them all."