MTL - The Stepmother is Unkind-Chapter 22

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The right to have money to do things well.

In the afternoon of the next day, the house deed came to Yin Mingyu.

The four thin sheets of paper are so thin that they can be torn apart with a little strength in the hand, but they feel extremely heavy in the palm of their hand, but happiness should be so heavy.

Yin Mingyu held the title deed and looked at it in turn. It wasn't enough to look at it once, so she looked at each other one by one. If her eyes could be used as a pen, she would see the flowers on the title deed.

Jin'er and Yin'er were also happy for her, and the smile couldn't be held back more than yesterday.

When the maids in the east courtyard saw the two of them like this, they were naturally calm.

It's a pity that few are really noble, most of them see Jin'er, Yin'er, and even Yin Mingyu's few dowry maids who have no sense of existence and are doing idle work. "elder sister".

The sapphire and red silk, who had been excluded from the East Court when the eldest lady was still alive, became popular again in the East Court after showing loyalty to the wife.

Jiaoyuan can still close the door when something happens, reducing the sense of existence, but Xilan and Shiliu are awkward in their positions in the east courtyard.

Everyone in the East Court is watching, whether the forces in the East Court will be reshuffled, and whose power will be in their hands, whether it is Mrs. Ji's two personal maids, or Qingyu, Red Silk, or still in the hands of Xi Lan...

As long as Yin Mingyu said a word, there will be results.

Xi Lan continued to work conscientiously, while Pomegranate was sluggish and worried.

"Rouge was driven away like this, how will we deal with ourselves in the East Court in the future?"

"Rouge will be kicked out. It's her fault, what does it have to do with us? If you do things honestly, you won't go wrong. Besides..." Xi Lan said calmly, "If Master really wants to deal with you and me, how can you and I be able to resist? of?"

Pomegranate bit her lip and nodded lonely.

Xi Lan turned her head, and her eyes flashed with a hint of sadness.

No matter how clear the mind is, if it really falls to the bottom and is driven to the edge, who wants to see such a gap?

But Yin Mingyu was happy as if he didn't know the twists and turns in the East Courtyard.

She taught Jin'er to keep the title deed carefully, and after a while, she taught her to take it out. Later, she couldn't help but think about it, and she simply laid it all flat and neatly on the desk, and when she looked up, the corner of her mouth would rise.

The good mood continued.

Xie Qin's upbringing, he should be broad-minded as a man, and should not be too concerned with women, so even if he left yesterday with annoyance, he still came to the East Court for dinner today.

Before dinner, he went into the study to read a book, just in time to see the unreceived house deed and Yin Mingyu who was full of joy.

"Lang Jun, I invite you to dinner today." Yin Mingyu said heartily.

Her expression was too bright, Xie Qin's expression softened slightly, looking at the deed, not understanding, "It's just a few deeds..."

Yin Mingyu was unaffected, and his expression was as usual, "Lang Jun is resistant to reputation, and the realm of the eight winds does not move. Naturally, it is not something a layman like me can understand."

Xie Qin frowned and said, "I don't mean to belittle."

"I naturally know what Lang Jun is like, and I won't misunderstand Lang Jun." Yin Mingyu smiled brightly, "If everyone has treasures, has seen the world, and understands the great truth of the world, maybe they can be calm, but I It is not necessary."

Yin Mingyu picked up the house deed, frowning and looking at the money, "I just love to be a layman, the happy man of the layman can't imagine."

Xie Qin looked at the house deed, and then his eyes fell on her eyebrows, thoughtful.

Nothing happened at night. The next day, a servant suddenly came to the front yard, holding a box of things.

Yin Mingyu was puzzled and taught Jin'er to ask. After a while, Jin'er came back with the wooden box and said in surprise, "Miss, the servant said that this was given to you by Lang Jun."

"For me?" Yin Mingyu took it, opened it, and saw a finger-length silver fish in the wooden box.

She looked inexplicable. When Xie Qin came over in the evening, she picked up the fat silver fish and asked him what he meant.

Xie Qin said lightly, "It's just an ordinary thing for me, and it's easy to get. I'll give it to you. It doesn't take much effort, and you can be happy, so why bother."

He said it too easily and indifferently, so what could have been a warm gift-giving thing turned into a business-like affair.

Yin Mingyu looked complicated.

There is some silence in admiration, and there is a hint of sourness in silence. Who doesn't want to have such a generous calm?

But... Yin Mingyu's mouth couldn't stop rising, she already had it.

Of course, this did not prevent her from continuing to slander quietly: Xie Qin is so difficult to be satisfied, and certainly not easy to be happy...

And Xie Qin's behavior did not stop once, and he also made inferences.

For several days, he asked the servant to deliver things to the west courtyard at regular intervals, which were basically silver products, silver leaves, silver peanuts, and even a handful of broken silver...

Yin Mingyu: "…"

Although it was very pleasing to receive a fortune from heaven every day, she didn't mind being carried away by a huge surprise at all.

If not... well, don't care that much.

On this day, Mrs. Xie specially sent someone to call Yin Mingyu to the west courtyard for the autumn hunting.

As soon as Yin Mingyu arrived at the West Courtyard, Mrs. Xie looked at her a few more times and said with a smile, "It seems that you are in a good mood today."

The expression can be controlled, but the breath and the light in the eyes cannot hide it.

Happiness cannot be hidden.

Simply Yin Mingyu didn't intend to stay in a shell all the time. Her purpose is always to live comfortably, to find out about the Xie family, and sooner or later to slowly refresh the Xie family's understanding of her, so that they can get used to her temperament and be more tolerant Some.

So Yin Mingyu smiled embarrassedly: "Isn't this the house deed? I'm a newbie, I've been happy for several days..."

Mrs. Xie was funny, and Yin Mingyu also smirked.

Mrs. Xie shook her head and returned to the topic. First, she asked her if she had any thoughts on the autumn hunting trip.

Yin Mingyu has no travel experience in autumn hunting. In the past, when the Yin family participated, it was the sister-in-law who came forward. When the sister-in-law went, the mother-in-law Han was not in the mood, and the eldest sister-in-law Lu was pregnant. I didn't go hunting in autumn.

But her life experience taught her many other things.

For example, teachers seem to like to throw questions, teach people to answer, and then point out the flaws in the questions, so as to deepen the understanding of the people being taught.

Being straight and knowing nothing is not the most suitable and labor-saving answer at this time, so Yin Mingyu changed his mind and went off topic.

"I heard that the scenery of the Longyu Mountain hunting ground is very beautiful. If you want to go to autumn, you should prepare more suitable clothes and utensils. Mother, does our Xie family have Zhuangzi nearby? What does Zhuangzi produce?"

Mrs. Xie patiently said: "The Xie family has a Zhuangzi at the foot of the mountain. At that time, our family will all live in it, and Dalang will probably accompany the holy driver... Forget it, you can learn from the side when I arrange it for the two days. "

Yin Mingyu simply agreed, and then began to follow Mrs. Xie to watch her busy.

Autumn hunting was only four days in total, plus two days back and forth, six days, Mrs. Xie had to sort out everything that the four generations of Xie family had to prepare for their trip. The thick list, even if there were Referring to the practice of previous years, she still has to go over it in person.

Everyone in the Xie family travels, and the affairs in the house also need to be arranged, and there will be accidents in the next few days...

And so on, it's very cumbersome.

This is still most of the things assigned to the servants. If it is bigger, I am afraid that I will be too busy to touch the ground.

This is everyone. Small families have few properties, but also few servants. Many things have to be done by one person, and it is not easy to tell which one is easier.

And these are the daily routines that Mrs. Neizhai is accustomed to. Mrs. Xie has been doing it for decades, and it was probably during the period after the eldest lady married that she was able to help her.

Yin Mingyu sat beside Mrs. Xie and felt like she was dreaming back to her past life just by looking at it.

It is absolutely impossible to take the initiative to work, so she poured a cup of tea with her own hands, handed it over, and put the delicious dessert she had just eaten into Mrs. Xie's hand.

Mrs. Xie took time to look at it, and her mind returned to the business in her hand, "You can eat."

"..." Yin Mingyu was obedient, then silently pulled back the dessert plate and ate slowly.

She can only help pray that the time will pass quickly, and the autumn hunting day will come earlier.