MTL - The Story of a Stroppy Princess-Chapter 222 Select Crown Prince II

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Huayue Ling and Nan Gong Xuan Xuan arrived at General Xiren General. Both Liao and Hua Yujin were already there. On the main hall, General Xiren was sitting on a mahogany chair. A Chinese character face seemed to be much older. His eyes were fixed on a corpse lying on the ground, covered with white cloth, and everyone else in Xiren's family was kneeling and crying. (((Catino Novel Network ))) ..

Huayue Ling walked in with a heavy complexion, and Master Liao gave her a wink. No one expected that Xiren would kill his second son Xihao himself.

"You! You! You are a horrible woman. You killed my Haoer, you must not die!" Xi Hao's wife, Mrs. Hu, immediately rushed to see Huayue Ling, and her eyes were narrower than walnuts. Are swollen.

Huayue Ling was startled. Nangong Xuan Xuan had already blocked her without using him. Madam Hu had been blown away by General Xi Ren, slammed into the chair on the left, and screamed.

"Madam!" Aunt immediately rushed over to support her.

"You, your cruel father, how can you kill your own son, Haoer is gone, what's the point of my being alive!" Madam Hu cried hoarsely, slowly stood up, and slammed into the pillar again.

"Mrs.!" The maidservant hurriedly grabbed it. The other ladies came to support her, all of her eyes were red, and they looked at a husband with a black face. They also couldn't figure out why Xiren had to kill herself. Son, of course they don't know Xi Hao's crimes.

"Hua Yueling, you must not die. You have ruined our family in Xiren House. I curse you forever!" Madam Hu softened in the arms of several ladies after the curse, and the atmosphere in the hall was sad and awkward.

"Pull her down!" Sairen said stiffly.

"Master, you should give everyone an explanation, Haoer has always been a good child of filial piety, why do you do this, does Miss Hua doubt him, do you think your son must be a sin?" Xiren's big Mrs. Tong asked a question in the heart of the family.

"Yes, Dad, what the **** is going on? The little girl's bones are cold and Tang Lu was killed. Now the second brother, what's wrong with this family? Why don't you tell us!" Xi Qing, the eldest son, said with dim eyes.

"Master ..." All the women knelt down and asked Xiren to explain to them, because such a scene was really unacceptable to a family.

Huayue Ling and his party stood in a corner, and Master Liao shook his head and sighed in a whisper to Huayue Ling: "The general advised his son to tell other spies of the enemy country. The second son died without answering, but hey."

Only then did Hua Yueling know that Xiren was a child who hated children and became steel. Xihao still refused to repent. For a patriotic soldier like Xiren, it was a misfortune in his family, and he could not bear it. Xiren During his lifetime, General General Rong Ma, how to allow his son to be a traitor to Da Yue!

Xiren Lao tears, looking at Hua Yueling's side, and then looking at his family, sighing deeply, sitting down on the mahogany chair.

"Uncle Xiren, it's time to explain, don't let the misunderstanding deepen, they all love you." Hua Yueling said on behalf of his family.

Everyone has a look at Huayue Ling's small, angry face. The smooth and smooth skin on it has a faint silver luster. The skin is not so good, and everyone is surprised that Huayue Ling is so abusive by Mrs. Hu Later, she was not angry, but blocked Hua Yujin and Nangong Yunxuan who wanted to fight for her. They could not help but look at her differently. The legendary Huayue Ling was a shrew.

"Master! Is this still a family?" Mrs. Tong looked at her husband who was getting old suddenly.

Xiren was silent for a while and looked up at Huayue Ling: "This is the old man's sorry for the emperor. The old man wants to ask the emperor to retire."

"Ah!" Everyone exclaimed.

"Brother Xiren, the emperor doesn't blame you for this. You don't have to blame yourself. The emperor won't agree to this retreat." Lord Liao stepped out, his face was also dignified, and he understood General Xiren's mood.

"Brother Liao, so here I would like to ask some help to persuade the emperor, our Xiren family is really shameless and won the divine grace." Xiren was in pain and his old faces were tangled together.

"Uncle Xiren, don't say that. You do n’t know about this. The emperor is not a person who arrogates right and wrong. If you feel sorry for Dayue, it is even more because you do not leave, because no accident. Within two years, Dayue There will be a big battle with Lanyue, and by then you will be Dayue's loss. "Huayue Ling said.

"Yes, Master Liao and Ling Er are right. The king thought that the general should not have too much guilt. This is already a tragedy, so don't go on tragedy. The king hopes that the general will explain to his family clearly that you are still us. Otsuki will never retreat General Xiren! "The words of the four kings Nangong Yunxuan were obviously the heaviest.

"Uncle Xiren, if you feel sorry for Dayue, you should even make up for it." Hua Yujin also added.

General Xiren looked at him for a moment, looked up at Hua Yujin, and suddenly knelt and wept at the four lords and said, "My husband is wrong."

Nangong Xuan Xuan quickly helped him up, and Huayue Ling helped him sit down. Other family members didn't understand why.

After half an hour, the group of Huayue Ling left, and General Xiren began slowly telling his family everything, including Xi Hao's killing of Xi Xiaodie, and committing treason such as big moon spy and so on.

But Huayue Ling still didn't understand why Xi Hao took this step. Dayue didn't treat him badly, which made Huayue Ling puzzled, but there was no answer. He wanted to force Xi Hao to say a **** woman. It also became impossible, which once again made everyone confused.

In the next few days, Huayue Ling's Fengyue Tea House officially opened and the business was booming, but she was not in the mood. It was originally to compare with the three kings and let him see the business mind of the woman. As a result, people were not. It's not interesting to say.

At this moment, she was sitting on the second floor drinking milk tea made by Xiaomi, watching the lively pedestrians on the street, and the osmanthus house opposite was still open for business, because Nangong Chen had done well in case of his absence, the operation of the restaurant and major industries Therefore, it seems that nothing has been affected, and although the disappearance or death of the three kings has been rumored, no one dares to make an arrogant decision before the royal family announces it.

Hua Yueling's mind was the scene in the cave. In retrospect, the heartache was like a knife. She didn't know why Nangong Yu didn't come back, and at the moment, she thought it was a little hard to breathe.

Three days later, the Ministry of Justice caught a hawk-headed eagle of the Blue Moon Kingdom, which said the words "Stop Action". Huayue Ling knew that the spies were silent, and Ouyang Ruyan and Li Yun had no movement at all. Helpless.

On the sixth day, Prince Damon Jimo Mo suddenly came to Huayue Ling, which surprised Huayue Ling. She thought he was gone.

In Mingyue Pavilion, Mo Wushuang will come to spend with Hua Yueling every day, but the relationship between the two is obviously indifferent, and Hua Yueling has no mood. Although Mo Wushuang is eager, he knows that urgency can only be bad, so he has patience, not to mention himself Things are not finished yet.

As soon as Mo Wushuang's front foot left, Mo Zi's hind foot came.

"Linger." Every time Mo Zizhen saw Huayue Ling's eyes, he would be particularly bright.

"His Royal Highness, what wind brought you here?" Hua Yueling was surprised.

"What Linger said, I haven't been there all the time, but Linger's penal department is busy, and I'm sorry to bother you." Jim Ziji laughed a few times.

After Ping'er watched the tea, everyone else stepped down, and Huayue Ling raised his eyebrows, knowing that the man was on board the Sanbao Temple.

"Say something." Huayue Ling picked up the hot tea.

"Linger, I have found the princess." Jimo Zi's complexion rose red.

"Oh?" Huayue Ling was really surprised. "Who's money?"

"The Cao family, but Lord Cao refuses to live or die." Jimo Zi showed his distress.

"The Cao family? You say Cao Feiyan?" Huayue Lingfeng's eyes widened.

"No, not Cao Feiyan, Cao Qing'er, Master Cao's righteous daughter." Jimo Ziyan was a little excited.

Huayue Ling yelled: "Is she? How did you know her?" Huayue Ling's mind emerged from the woman who twitched on the ground.

"Linger, since you rejected me, I'm also not interested in women. I have been studying Dayue culture in the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Rites. The day before yesterday, I went back to the mansion from the Ministry of Rites and saw a woman hitting an indecent woman in the street. Hooligan, her righteous little face, jealous and hateful expression, is very similar to you. I asked around to find out that she is the righteous daughter of the Cao family. Since I want to marry a prince, I want to choose her. She is suitable for living in Damen! "

Huayue Ling frowned, "How much do you know about her? And shouldn't you say this to the emperor?" Huayue Ling didn't understand why he came to her? Does it show his empathy?

"I said, Master Cao resolutely opposed, Queen Cao was not allowed, and the emperor shook her head, saying that she had a strange disease or something, but I think she is normal, I want to find Linger as a lobbyist."

Huayue Ling understood Cao's concerns, because Dayue was married to a girl, and it was impossible to marry a sick woman to be a princess to Damen.

"Do you like her?" Huayue Ling Feng looked at with a smile.

Jimo Zi looked red and said, "I'm trying to empathize, not to be alone. Can Linger understand me?"

"Hahaha, okay, you guy, I said before that I wouldn't marry. Now I begged you for another woman. I can serve you, but I believe you will feel so nervous if you really feel her. . "Huayue Ling laughed.

"Linger won't blame me, right?" Jimo Zi looked at Huayue Ling's phoenix eyes with clear eyes. He only admired this woman because he couldn't climb high. He didn't deserve her. The moth blazes at the fire. He is not a person who doesn't know how to work, but he will always hide her in his heart. That is the most beautiful dream.

"Oh, you can figure it out, but it is really difficult, Cao Qinger does have strange diseases, and it is very serious."

"How is that?" Jimo Zi immediately tangled, "I saw her martial arts when she hit someone."

"What! She will martial arts?" Hua Yueling stood up ‘噌’.

Digression: Ergeng seeks flowers to encourage Kazakhstan, hee hee