MTL - The Story of a Stroppy Princess-Chapter 256 To marry Wushuang Second Gen

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Huayue Lingfeng's eyes narrowed, and in the faint moonlight, the long eyelashes were as charming as a shadow on the mask. Suddenly, her eyes were lifted, and the light inside was suddenly released. Nangong Yu saw her decision very firm. . +++ Girls must go to the website Please search (�ahref = \ "/ cdn-cgi / l / email-protection \ "class = \" __ cf_email __ \ "data-cfemail = \" 5b251b \ "> [emailprotected] Book ¥ Net) read the most! Newest Fastest Novel

"Yes, I'm going to marry him, so that he can dispel the anger in his heart first." Huayue Ling looked at Nangong, whose face was pale.

"You're crazy, what's the decision? You, what are you thinking!" Nangong Yan is going crazy.

"Shh, let's leave here first." Jimo Moo snorted quickly. He was startled by Hua Yueling's decision.

Huayue Ling nodded and left first. Nangong followed with anger, and the four of them soon arrived at the Princess's palace.

"Linger! Don't even think about it. I won't agree. You have a child. Do you want to take the king's child to marry someone who almost killed me?" Grasping Hua Yueling's hand angrily.

"Please calm down and listen to me." Huayue Ling's head hurt.

"Master Wang, don't worry, listen to Linger slowly." Cao Qing'er pulled Nangong Yuan away, and the four sat around the table.

Nan Gongyu's handsome face was extremely ugly, and her black eyes stared angrily at Huayue Ling, waiting for her explanation, but no matter what the explanation, he would not agree to her marrying him.

"Master, I don't want to kill more innocent people because I am alone. You also saw Yun's injuries? If Wushuang could not find a vent, he would really go crazy, and I do n’t want to kill everyone because I am alone. Or, I really owe him. "Huayue Ling said lightly.

"So what, you are going to donate yourself in order not to let him kill the innocent, have you thought about my feelings?" Nangong was so angry that his nose was going to smoke.

"Master, things should be up to me because of me. I love you, but I ca n’t be with you selfishly, so I do n’t care about other people ’s lives. Moreover, I believe that Wushuang will calm down, I want to spend time with him alone, calm him down, and slowly release him. "Huayue Ling looked at him seriously.

"Get along with him, he treats you like that, he now hates you, I want you to die, I die, I want our children to die, don't be naive, since he has framed my friend to be with you, What are you polite to him? "Nangong Yan almost growled.

"No, I understand his mood and hurt you, just because of your destruction, he had always been good with me, but you plugged in again and again, do you say he can be angry? Later I was right He gradually became indifferent. He may feel that I started to fall in love with you. It was your stubbornness that caused him to have resentment. Your so-called fair competition is completely unfair, isn't it? Analyzing.

"So what, for the woman he loves, Ben Wang is thinking seriously, isn't it serious?" Nangong Yan was overbearing and authentic.

"Then why can't he fight for the woman he loves?" Huayue Ling asked.

Nangong yelled: "It's the same, I didn't frame him!"

"Wrong, don't frame him and make him uncomfortable, because your appearance is when I have the closest relationship with him. You say that you are his friend, and your friend's wife must not play, and you have not only destroyed us three or two times. She even tried to make me move to Chennan Palace. You said, you can be worthy of a friend if you do this? "Hua Yueling looked at him with a small smile, instead of blaming him, she was just helping everyone sort out Mo's unparalleled mentality. That can only be regarded as a normal person's psychology.

"But he was not kind before? You are obviously my third princess, and he still comes to like you!" Nangong Ai was not convinced.

"Fuck you! Why do you say something good? I'll take you off! If you care about me from the beginning, why would this happen? Wushuang will certainly not rob your princess, all this again Who can blame? I didn't blame you, but Wushuang was right at first. "Huayue Ling glared at him angrily.

Nangong Jun suddenly flushed, and for a long time he said, "He is not right in my broken shoes, and friends will not do it!"

"I'm a broken shoe, you wear it again and again!" Huayue Ling was so angry.

Both Cao Qing'er and Jimo Ziyi were embarrassed. Both couples were unconvinced.

"I, I don't mean that, anyway, the king is right." Nangong Yan was afraid that Hua Yueling was angry, and quickly confessed.

"Huh! From beginning to end, Wushuang was a victim, and I killed him." Huayue Ling gave him a sigh after sighing.

"But he's a bad guy, a murderer, don't you care about that? If he had confessed his life, how could you be with this kind of person? On the surface, he's actually a bad belly." I refuted.

"To be honest, I still believe his explanation. He should be killed by bad people, born from the heart. If he is ugly inside, how can he look so clean? I believe he can restrain the demons in his heart, you Think about it, if he is a bad guy, how can he take care of Xiaomi for so many years, Xiaomi is still a blind man, haven't you seen that he loves Xiaomi very much and respects Hong Bo? Needless to say, I believe his nature is not bad, I Hope to change him back to the original Wushuang. "Huayue Ling made up his mind, how can he turn a man like Mo Wushuang into a demon for himself? The people's police sacrificed themselves for everyone.

"Actually, I'm surprised, Mo Wushuang is really good, but he has too much affection for Ling Er." Cao Qinger also said a word.

Jimo Zi looked dignified, and looked at Nangong who was looking at the bottom of the pot: "Wushuang actually never hurt our friends. If it wasn't until the end, I don't think I would want to be his enemy."

"Then you mean that Linger will marry him?" Nangong was furious.

"This is only a measure of slowing down the soldiers. It suddenly stimulated him too much. I want to touch him slowly. After a long time, he will find that actually two people who don't love each other are very painful." Your mind is set.

"But isn't your price too great, and, me, what should I do? What if you fall in love with him again? That's me who is crazy!" Nangong Yu heartache.

"Master, you are the grandfather of Dayue, and you don't want to see the scene of continuous war and life-threatening charisma. I can't let the people in the world be heated because of my selfish desire." , Then the hatred in his heart will surely make him run against the Central Plains. What will happen then, have you thought about it? "

"Can he be so powerful? My King didn't believe it!" Nangong sniffled at his nose.

"If he is ruthless and kills people directly to solve the problem, can we stop it? And he will not care about the lives of others. Can you stop this kind of person? Hatred is the most terrible thing, it will make people completely disregarded. Everything, he now has this idea of ​​revenge. He has gone to find the three princesses. Even if His Royal Highness can compete with it, the dead are certain. He doesn't care, can you care? "Huayue Ling can't let himself be The damned damned girl.

"On this occasion, only I persuaded him to return to Dayue and calm him down. If he doesn't love me one day, it will be really peaceful that day." Huayue Ling exhaled.

"Can't we kill him together?" Although Nangong Yu thought it might get worse, as long as he killed Mo Wushuang, wouldn't that be too peaceful?

"Do you think I can succeed?" Hua Yueling asked him.

"You can't get your hands on it, just let us do it." Nangong hummed coldly.

Huayue Ling looked at him quietly, but said nothing.

"Master Wang, if you kill Wushuang, Linger won't be at ease forever." Cao Qinger still knows Hua Yueling's thoughts.

Nangong Yan's dark eyes stared at Hua Yueling's sad little face.

"Do you have to do this?" He also showed pain.

"I'm afraid I won't forgive myself if I don't try." Huayue Ling looked at him honestly, "Master Wang, do you believe in Linger, do you love Linger?"

"Just because I believe in you and love you, do I need to send you to him?" Nangong Yu heartbroken like a knife.

Huayue Ling reached out and held his big hand, Fengmu looked at him earnestly, with deep love inside.

"Remember the poem I said? If the two are long, how long will it be. The only thing in my heart is you."

"Linger." How could Nangong Ai not see her affection, and her black eyes suddenly became wet. He knew that Huayue Ling's love was selfless, but he couldn't bear it.

"If you really love me, please give me one year. I believe this year is enough for Wushuang to see his feelings clearly." Huayue Ling said in a serious tone, "Only when he let go of me, will I be in the second half of my life Live happily with you, or I will always have regrets in my heart. "

Cao Qing'er and Jimo Ziyi looked at each other, their hands were clasped together.

Nangong Yu stood up and walked to the window, completely silent.

"Qinger, Your Highness, go and rest." Huayue Ling smiled at them elegantly, like a lotus on the river, clean but with a slight melancholy.

Cao Qing'er and Jimo Ziji didn't know how to persuade them, but nodded and left.

Huayue Ling walked behind Nangong Yu, stretched out his hand, and held his waist tightly. Neither of them spoke until Tianming.

Among the two who had stood numb, Nangong Yu first moved her body and turned to hold Huayue Ling in her arms.

"If you have to do this, you can love me more in the future, I'm willing to take a gamble, but you have to promise me a condition." Nangong Aya voice hoarse, his eyes filled with bloodshot eyes.

Hua Yueling raised Feng Feng's eyes and looked at him. The watery eyes showed that she was unhappy at heart, so she was willing to leave the man.

"To protect our children, to return in peace, and to give me news ..." Nangong said, tears flowing down from his resolute and handsome face.

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