MTL - The Strongest Arms Dealer-Chapter 28 : a chance to get rich

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Italian dignitaries protection group.

He has led the Italian police in anti-terrorism activities for nearly 30 years, and has a brilliant record.

In January 1982, NOCS launched an operation to rescue Brigadier General James in Padua. At that time, the guy had been imprisoned by the Italian domestic left-wing organization for 42 days. 10 members of the team, dressed in civilian clothes, arrived at James' apartment in an unmarked vehicle.

A team member closed the supermarket gate near the exit of the apartment to prevent irrelevant personnel from leaving, while another 9 team members were ready to break into the apartment at any time. After breaking through the door, the team members rushed in quickly and subdued a terrorist in the hall with karate. Another terrorist tried to kill James, but was shot dead on the spot by a team member with a Beretta submachine gun. The whole operation took only one bullet. The small price came to a successful conclusion in just a few minutes.

They are proficient in dozens of military skills such as karate, tactical combat training, and HALO skydiving techniques. It can be said that they are professional protection personnel in special forces. They are present in many government visits abroad.

Even if there are five people, Tang Dao has made money. There is not much money for the game, so he will enjoy the leadership treatment first.

He was still very satisfied with the employee lottery, and then moved his eyes to the gun blueprint.

HKMP7 individual self-defense weapon!

A submachine gun that doubles as a pistol.

Length: 540 mm.

Caliber: 4.6 mm

Magazine capacity: 40 rounds!

Due to the similar appearance to a pistol, the shooter can not only pull the **** out of the shoulder when shooting, but also a trained shooter can shoot the MP7 in the same way as a pistol.

Due to the short body of the gun, it is also suitable for indoor close combat and VIP protection.

MP7 can choose single-shot or fully-automatic firing, the design of the magazine release button is similar to HKUSP, it can be equipped with a 20-round capacity short magazine or a 40-round capacity long magazine, and a 30-round capacity magazine is also available. In addition, the silencer specially made for the MP7 will not reduce the accuracy, penetration and rate of fire of the gun due to the silencer.

It turned out to be an individual self-defense weapon.

This is very short in the current market. Only the FN company in Belgium is famous for developing the FNP90 submachine gun as its personal defense weapon, and the name of this gun is produced by that "crazy" company.

If the Yankee's company is changing the way people kill, the German's is finding out how to be a dick.

It can be seen from HK company's slogan, their self-confidence and madness, "In this compromised world, we will never compromise!"


How domineering.

Tang Dao has an idea in his heart, maybe he can become a real weapons dealer instead of a dealer by relying on these weapon blueprints in the future. How many people are willing to have one more competitor intervene?

"Damn, why do I think so much?" Tang Dao shook his head vigorously, pushed away the current unrealistic thoughts, and ran to the bathroom to wash his face, folded his hands, and turned on the TV. VIP room, but there are only two or three channels here, and they are all international channels, but the news here caught his attention.

"Gunfire in the Kremlin!"

On the TV, a white news officer broadcast the news full of horror, but there was still a little joy hidden in his brows, "The KGB Alpha team has infiltrated Gorbachev's Foros villa in Crimea and detained his guards. .”

As soon as Tang Dao's expression changed, a word immediately came to his mind: "August 19 Incident!"

This was the trigger for the collapse of the Soviet Union.

I was so busy that I forgot such an important link.

This means that a huge empire is about to be divided by five horses, and it also means that the flesh on his body can be cut off without restraint. Tang Dao smells the smell of dollars in the air, and I believe vultures all over the world are also His eyes lit up, waiting for Lao Maozi's body to crash down.

He remembered that in the future, many bigwigs would fall down because of the old man.

The Georgian border guards have ten large warehouses that have been rounded up. In addition to heavy machine guns, there are four 2S3 howitzers and ten ГШ-6-23 aviation cannons. What's more, among them There are also six rounds of R-73 short-range air-to-air missiles produced by the Pennant Machinery Production and Design Bureau, but when these things were lost at the time, the officers of the border guards completely concealed them. Baruch only confessed when he was arrested by the Brazilian police.

When he bought these things, he only spent 10 truckloads of cans and coats, worth $700,000.

But he changed hands and sold it for 31 million US dollars!

Alexander. Baruch is just one of the representatives.

The business opportunity is waving at Tang Dao, as if unscrupulously inviting, who can bear it?


Tang Dao turned off the TV, sat down on the end of the bed, leaned forward, and finished the half glass of water that was still unfinished, and then pressed back the heart that was eager to jump out, and calmed down a lot .

"If you go now, you won't get any good stuff. Don't be in a hurry. You have to find a way to pack yourself up." He murmured to himself, his ambition was growing, and if he was not satisfied, he would mainly rely on selling guns. To sell bigger pieces.

But he also understands that he has no contacts now, so he can't continue to look for tires. That guy wants half of his money. Damn, he's too greedy, he will die very early.

There are many emotions flashing in Tang Dao's eyes, vicious, greedy, frightened, tyrannical and crazy.

"The cowardly are starved to death, the daring ones are strangled to death." With red eyes and clenched fists, he suddenly got up, opened the door and went out, just in time to meet Osborne who was trotting over. Before Tang Dao could speak, he listened to the British Say, "Boss, a few people want to see you."

Those few should be members of the Italian dignitaries protection team.

He waved his hand to indicate that this matter was not important, and pulled Osborn by the collar, "Go and call John Kansberg over."

I have never seen the boss so serious before, Osborne's expression was also restrained, he nodded, and went to call the Yankee, he had seen John, a free mercenary, who came with Gould and the others, but he was immediately dismissed by the boss I fell in love with it, but I don't know what it is about that guy.

For about two minutes, Tang Dao smoked a cigarette. UU Reading finally saw Osborne come back, accompanied by a Mohican man with a small vest, big sunglasses on his face, and combat boots on his feet. This shape... looks like an American bum.

"Boss, someone is calling."

Tang Dao nodded, threw the half of the cigarette on the ground, stepped on it and said, "I have a task for you." He paused here, looked at the two people, and found that they The man looked serious, so he nodded in satisfaction, hooked his fingers, motioned for the two of them to come closer, and whispered in his ear, "Go back to Poland..."

Osborne's face gradually became strange, "Boss, I always do this kind of work."

"Don't complain. After you finish this, go to Ukraine to register a company. At that time, I will deposit the money into your bank card. All you need to do is to find local politicians and spend money for them without saving. "

The British guy, who was still a bit ugly at first, finally smiled.

The task of spending money, he is willing to suffer this crime, the corners of his mouth are cracked, "Boss, you can leave it to me."

"Let me tell you, if you play yourself to death, then I will drag your body to Africa to feed the dogs! Don't mess with me, John, look at him."

"Okay, boss." John Kansberg nodded, looking at Osborn with his eyes behind the sunglasses. The latter was uncomfortable all over, he squirmed, and said with a dry smile, "Boss, I'm definitely not like that People, I promise to focus on missions, don't worry, things in Poland will definitely be done beautifully."

Tang Dao asked John, who had a steady personality, to follow Osborne, just looking at this man, and thanking God for not fooling around.

"Get ready, you can go first." He said, and handed the prepared stack of US dollars to John, and repeatedly urged, "Be careful."