MTL - The Supernatural Skill System of the Emperor Engine-Chapter 66

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In contrast, medium difficulty in video games is more challenging than just simulating combat.

"However, the problem with this device is serious, and I have to take it back to Dr. Cusnow to check it."

Genos turned his head and looked at the battle simulator beside him, lost in thought.

Is the system malfunctioning?

No, it shouldn't be.

Genos' body was modified by Dr. Kunos, and he had great confidence in the latter's technology, because the mechanical equipment made by Kunos never had any problems.

So, Genos didn't really believe that something was wrong with the combat simulator.

Or what other reason?

Like someone moved their hands or feet?

This is also unlikely. This is the headquarters of the Hero Association. How can ordinary people break into the headquarters and modify the program.

Unless it's a hero's hand...

Genos shook his head sharply. He knew that he was just guessing now, and there was no evidence. Only by asking Dr. Cusno to check the equipment could he know what was going on.

"Mr. King, I'll take this device back for the doctor to check first."

Genos said immediately.

"Well, let's go."

king. nodded.


On the other side, in the secret base of the Metal Knights.

At this time, he kept watching King's battle in the simulated world just now, and his expression became more and more solemn.

Now it is the metal knight who has quietly manipulated the combat simulator, enabling him to remotely modify its program, and he also set up a self-destruction device that can automatically delete the code he changed without leaving any traces.

And he has also saved the physical data and battle videos of all heroes who have used the battle simulator.

However, what the Metal Knights care about most is always the King alone.

The first thing he cared about was the extent of King's physical fitness.

The Metal Knight once collected the corpses of monsters who had fought with King, and when King had crushed five dragon-level monsters by himself during the live TV broadcast, that kind of power made him extremely fearful.

And when the king is connected to the battle simulator, the metal knight is even more shocked.

His strength value exceeds the upper limit of the machine's measurement!

What the Metal Knight did was like trying to use a bowl to hold a river.

However, the metal knight will not give up this opportunity easily. He wants to see how powerful the king can be without his abnormal physical fitness.

In his prediction, under the condition of limited strength, even if King can defeat the metal bat, he will definitely not be able to pass the flashing Flash.

But the result surprised him, even Flash, who is super powerful among the S-class heroes, could not pose a threat to King.

"Too, too scary."

The metal knight couldn't help muttering to himself, sweat beaded on his forehead, constantly falling on the table in front of him,

"Why does king have such amazing speed?"

"It's still on top of the flashing Flash?!"

"And why was he able to use the Atomic Warrior's trick"

"how can that be?!"

He looked at the king in the video, and couldn't help clenching his fists. He originally just wanted to obtain the king's body data, but it turned out that the other party turned out to be such a terrifying existence.

The power of the king cannot be measured by data.

"This guy must be vigilant."

The metal knight turned his head, and behind him was a vast number of robots that were like a tide, suspended on countless mechanical arms.

They haven't been activated yet, but they seem to wake up at any time.


Meanwhile, inside the House of Evolution.

"Is this a freak cell?"

At this time, Jinos was carefully observing a spherical sarcoma in the petri dish, which was covered with coral-like bulges, and was still beating like a heart, looking extremely disgusting.

But in Kinos' eyes, this geeky cell is nothing less than a perfect work of art.

"That's right."

Behind Kinos, a bloated and fat weirdo said slowly.

Its body is extremely bloated, and its pink-purple torso is covered with limbs that resemble arms.

Big eyes.

However, no one knew that this big eye was just a puppet controlled by telekinesis. In fact, its body was a human named Sykes, and even the members of the Weird Association had no way of knowing.

The current Weird Association has become a cooperative relationship with the House of Evolution, and different forces have begun to share the intelligence and technology they have with each other.

Although Sykes and Kenos actually have different goals, their goals at this stage are the same, that is, to bring down King.

The Evolution House wants to use King as its experimental material, while the Weird Association regards King as the biggest obstacle to its own plan, and must get rid of King no matter what.

At this time, Sykes gave the monster cells to Kenos as experimental materials, and Kenos also shared the research results of the House of Evolution in recent years with each other.

"Interesting, is there such a way?"

Kinos pushed his glasses, nodded with satisfaction, and then moved his gaze to Da Jiongyan next to him.

"So what's your plan next?"

"In our association, five dragon-level monsters were eliminated by the king."

Sykes controlled the big eyes and said slowly,

"If we go directly to the king's troubles, it will be thankless."

"So we need to start somewhere else..."

"Let's say other people, whether heroes or civilians..."

"Use other people to contain the king?"

Kinos quickly understood what Sikes meant,

"As a hero, it is naturally impossible for king to turn a blind eye to other lives, so we must spread the firepower and let the heroes care about one thing and another."

"When the king has no time to withdraw, we seize the opportunity to defeat other heroes as much as possible, capture the area, and take the people as hostages."

"In this way, not only can King be unable to exert his full strength, but it can also continuously consume him. Even the unparalleled king in the world will eventually run out of physical strength."

The voice from Da Jiongyan was harsh and muddy, as if it had been corroded by acid, but the words were full of uncontrollable smiles.

"At that time, the king will let you play."

"Not a bad proposition."

A smile also appeared on Genos' face.

"Just a little more preparation."

The Weird Association can provide Kenos with sufficient experimental materials and resources, and the latter can also use his technology to further strengthen the monsters of the Weird Association.


Before I knew it, two months had passed quietly.

During this period, King would go out to hunt monsters every day to increase his reputation points. During this period, he almost accumulated more than 70 million reputation points, and it didn't take long for him to unlock the third skill. distance.

After two months of getting along with the king, he was almost used to the existence of Genos. After the last battle simulator was abnormal, Genos immediately brought the equipment back to Dr. Cusno's base, but the strange thing was that Dr. Cusnow did not detect any anomalies, all data and procedures were correct.

This is because the Metal Knight is very cautious. When he modified the program on the battle simulator, he had already left behind. He could remotely control the modified parts and clear the records, so even Dr. No clues could be found.

It's about ten in the morning, and King has just killed a few weirdos in the downtown area.

"It feels like the frequency of eccentric activity has increased recently."

King looked at the corpse of the strange man in front of him and said lightly.

Previously, king could intuitively feel that after he swept the Z city once, the frequency of weirdos significantly decreased.

Combining the previous battles with the heroes, the wandering emperor, and the elder centipede, King can infer that there is definitely a certain force among the monsters, but it is because of his own existence that he has restrained a lot.

But now the frequency of eccentric activities has picked up, and it must be related to that mysterious force.

What is it that gives them the confidence to fight against themselves?

Could it be that you have found other help?

Just when King was thinking, his cell phone suddenly rang, and it was Xickey who called.

"Mr. King, are you free now?"

Sitch's voice came out from the other part of the phone, and the tone was very rapid, as if he had encountered a very difficult thing.

"What's wrong?"

king asked.

"Please go to the headquarters of the association immediately! There is something very important!"


An hour later, King had just returned to the headquarters of the association, and when he opened the door, he saw Xickey stomping his feet anxiously.

"Mr. King, you are finally here!"

After seeing King, Xickey's eyes shot out a light.

"What's wrong?"

king asked lightly.

"plz follow me!"

Immediately, Sickey took King into the command room.

As soon as he entered the room, King noticed that in the middle of the command room, there was a huge three-dimensional projection. At the center was a projected planet, with rings wrapped around the earth, which seemed to be orbiting satellites. flight track.

But King noticed that there was a different white line, one end connected to a smaller pebble-like object, and the other end hidden in the planet.

The stone seemed to be slowly approaching the planet.

"This is?"

King looked at the projection in front of him and asked suspiciously.

"This is a mockup."

Siki immediately explained, and at the same time, his slightly nervous eyes fell on the stone in the projection.

"That's a meteorite, rushing towards us."

"It's been caught by our planet's gravitational web, and it's coming straight towards us..."

"Once it falls on the ground, I am afraid that the entire city will be destroyed."

"Where's the drop?"

King asked.

"The current speculated location of the crash is City Z..."

"Did you not notify the public to evacuate?"

"Not yet... The superiors felt that telling the citizens in advance would cause unnecessary panic, and they asked us to find a way to solve the meteorite before it fell."

"Hu making a fuss."

King shook his head. Although there is a large uninhabited area in Z City, there are still many people gathered in the city center.

If a meteorite falls, the consequences are unimaginable.

"Mr. King, the silver fangs and the devil-transformer have already gone to Z city to prepare for the meteorite. The bald cape also lives in Z city, but in order to prevent it from happening, I implore Mr. King to also go to Z city, come. Solve the meteorite."