MTL - The Supporting Female Character Is Not Behaving Again-Chapter 150 Pain in the head 36

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Although Meng Changjin has no expectations for the treasures in the mountain, but he has explored all the exploration, and it is natural to scan it thoroughly.

"It seems that there is nothing good." Meng Changjin was a little disappointed. Although he had no expectations when he saw the magma pit, he still had a little expectation.

The fact is, there is really nothing underneath, it is a natural charcoal stove-shaped mountain, she has been looking forward to it in vain for the past two or three months.

Just as Meng Changjin was disappointed to recover his consciousness, he was slightly taken aback.

She didn't know if she was wrong, she seemed to see a flaming petal just now.

Divine consciousness has begun to be recovered, Meng Changjin thought about it, and spread the divine consciousness back.

Whether it is wrong or not, there is no harm in looking at it again. If there is a baby that she misses, it will be a pity.

Let's not say anything else, the consciousness quickly spread back, and soon reached the limit, that is, the distance of 1,100 meters.

This time, Meng Changjin no longer just glanced at it and finished it, but watched it very seriously.

Then she saw half a petal in the lower right corner.

The petals are shaped like a lotus flower, and the color is fiery red, almost the same color as the fiery red magma. If you don't pay special attention, it is really easy to ignore.

Meng Changjin looked at it carefully for a while and was sure it was not a mistake, this is a fiery red petal.

It's a pity that Meng Changjin's consciousness can spread so far as far as he can, and he can't see the full picture of the petals at all.

At this time, Meng Changjin was a little depressed, why couldn't her consciousness spread a little further.

Not much, just another half a meter, she felt that another half a meter, as long as this petal does not exist independently, then she can definitely see the whole picture of the complete flower.

Meng Changjin was very depressed, but she was quite happy knowing that there was something inside, not just hundreds of small magma pits.

Half a petal obviously can't tell what is inside, but it can grow inside the magma mountain, it is definitely not an ordinary thing.

Meng Changjin was thinking, if this thing was transplanted into her spiritual planting space, would it work?

It should not work. Although her spiritual plant space is suitable for most spiritual plants, some spiritual plants that require a special growth environment cannot be grown.

For example, if this flower in this mountain needs to be planted in magma, then Meng Changjin cannot plant it.

There is no magma in her spiritual plant space, but she can carry some in, but the magma will be extinguished if it is carried out separately.

Unless you think of the core of forming magma and move the core into her spiritual plant space, this can create a magma field.

The furthest from the divine sense, only half of the petals can be seen. Meng Changjin has tried his best to get close to the mountain wall, but he can only see a little more petals.

Reluctant to withdraw his consciousness, Meng Changjin suddenly discovered an important problem.

Wan Chunfeng's diameter is less than two kilometers away, she can only see half a petal from one side, how about changing the direction?

As long as there is no special space in the mountain, you should be able to see the complete plant from the other side.

As soon as she said it, Meng Changjin flew halfway around the mountainside to the other end.

There are no protruding stones here, Meng Changjin can only step on the flying sword, cling to the mountain wall, and spread to the inside of the mountain with proper consciousness.

This time, seven or eight hundred meters in a row were all white stones. Just when Meng Changjin suspected that there might not be a complete plant here, as the consciousness continued to spread, a The plant that looks like a lotus, but the same body is completely exposed.

Meng Changjin's mind subconsciously revealed a question, what is this?

Looking at Xiang Lotus, but this thing grows in magma, it is definitely not an ordinary lotus.

Ordinary lotus flowers have long been burned into ashes by magma. The problem is that Meng Changjin doesn't know what this thing is.

what variety.

It's a bit like a fire lotus, but Meng Changjin knows it's not.

Fire lotus is not like this, of course, it may be the fire lotus of this world.

Or, there is not necessarily only one variety of fire lotus.

Meng Changjin stared at this fiery red lotus with consciousness and quickly made a decision.

First look for some records to see if there is any introduction to the lotus that has grown into this style.

If it is of no use, then it will not take so much effort to penetrate the stone wall to pick the flowers.

Meng Changjin came and went quickly.

Some disciples also saw Meng Changjin's movements, but they didn't know what the headmaster was doing, and they were also very busy, so they just glanced at it, and then hurried, it was time to practice martial arts If you want to practice martial arts, you should do the task of doing the task.

I heard that there is another quest to reward Barrier Breaking Pills, not only that, but this time there is also a second-rank Barrier Breaking Pill!

Meng Changjin didn't care about this, she went to the library, and along the way, she could feel that the disciples of Wanhuang Sect were busier.

But it’s good to be busy, busy, it means that everyone is getting stronger, not idle.

As the head of Meng Changjin, the library is completely open to her.

After rummaging through the books and jade slips of various medicinal materials, Meng Changjin did not find any information about the fiery red lotus, but he did know more about the natural treasures of various medicinal materials.

When I saw the same, I wanted to move it to the Lingzhi space, but unfortunately the Wanhuang Sect did not have it.

However, Meng Changjin decided that when Wanhuangzong becomes a big sect that others can't afford to provoke, she will abdicate and choose a new leader, she can go out and travel and find a good one. The medicinal materials are stuffed into the spiritual plant space.

I didn't find the fiery red lotus in the treasures of medicinal herbs. Meng Changjin felt that this could not mean that the lotus had no value.


Meng Changjin is a little tangled. I don't know what it is. Should it be picked or not?

Don't pick it, I know that this thing can't stand the obsessive-compulsive disorder, so pick it, and I don't know what it is used for.

Suddenly, Meng Changjin thought of a person, no, a fish.

There is no record of Wanhuangzong, which does not mean that Xiao Si does not know.

This fish is definitely not an ignorant fish.