MTL - The Supporting Female Character Is Not Behaving Again-Chapter 190 Boss Canary 16

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Facing Rowling's sad eyes again, Meng Changjin's face was innocent.

What's wrong with her? She didn't do anything, why look at her like this.

As for interrupting Rowling's counting, that, Meng Changjin didn't think that she couldn't count when she spoke.

Anyway, she can speak while counting, and she can't count wrong. It's Rowling's fault for not being able to do two things. How can she blame her?

Seeing Meng Changjin's face full of innocent expressions, Rowling was speechless.

I glanced at the ones that were already counted beside me, the number was not too much, just count it again if it's a big deal.

Rowling poured what she had already counted back into the uncountable big pot, this time she decided that no matter what Meng Changjin said, she would concentrate on counting and talk to her again!

Meng Changjin realized that Rowling couldn't talk while counting, and was ready to wait until Rowling finished counting before asking her if she would like to sell medicine with her.

Thinking of this, Meng Changjin took out more than 200 beauty pills that had been refined before by entering the bedroom as a cover, and silently placed them on the coffee table.

Rowling was very serious this time. Every hundred she would record it on her mobile phone to prevent it from being too many, and she would mix up the number herself.

Meng Changjin didn't bother, this time Rowling counted smoothly, but it still took a lot of time.

After counting all the beauty pills in the big basin and the pills Meng Changjin took out from behind, Rowling looked at the phone again, counted, eighteen one hundred , and another eighty-eight, adding up to one thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight.

"1888, this number is auspicious." Rowling said with a smile, then turned to look at Meng Changjin: "I calculated, one thousand eight hundred eighty-eight, fifteen thousand One, a total of 28.32 million, can I take the pills first, and then transfer the money to you? If not, I can also go around first, and come back to you to pick it up."

"No, you can take it first." Meng Changjin was not afraid that the woman would run away with her medicine pill, she felt that Rowling was not such a person.

These pills are more than 28 million, which is twice as much as 10 million.

Besides, she didn't know the 10 million yuan of selling bottles. If Rowling was really the kind of person who loves money, she would just keep silent. If the other party didn't tell her, she wouldn't probably know.

But Rowling still told her, still thinking of giving her money.

As a result, Meng Changjin felt that Rowling would not do anything without paying.

Of course, Rowling ate her elixir, and there was nowhere to run. Although Meng Changjin believed in her eyesight, she was not without any precautions.

"Okay, open and bright!" Rowling laughed, looking at Meng Changjin with more appreciation.

Meng Changjin seemed to be completely immune to this kind of gaze, and his expression did not change.

"By the way, you don't have a package, or give me a zero, and I'll get 28 million?" Rowling said with a smile.

Meng Changjin gave her a fluttering look this time.

Rowling laughs, in fact, she doesn't really want Meng Changjin to give her a discount, she just sees Meng Changjin's calm and calm face, and wants to tease Meng Changjin.

"320,000 is a bit too much, so how about 20,000, you don't have a package, I still need to make my own packaging, you don't know, besides buying medicine After this money, there will be no other money left, and I may not be able to pay for the packaging fee." Rowling began to sell badly.

Meng Changjin frowned slightly, in disbelief.

But Rowling did spend a lot on her, more than 28 million, which is 30 million after rounding up.

A business of 30,000,000,000 does not seem to be a big deal.

Also, no packaging is really good.

Thinking of this, Meng Changjin nodded: "Okay, then I'll give you 20,000, 28.3 million."

Rowling Lynn: …!

Rowling's mouth opened wide, then quickly closed.

She was just talking like a joke, I didn't expect such a windfall.

20,000 is also money. When she first wanted to buy medicine, Rowling was a rich and powerful person. After checking her small treasury, Rowling now has no capital to look down on 20,000 yuan. .

She has to go bankrupt after paying for the medicine. At this time, 20,000 is not a small sum.

In fact, Rowling has about five million left, but she still has to spend money, five million is really not much for her!

"Okay, then I'll go first and transfer money to you in the afternoon." Rowling glanced at the time on her phone and said.

Meng Changjin nodded, and when Luo Linlin was walking outside carrying two bags of pills, Meng Changjin followed her to open the door for her, and reminded: "The pills should not get wet , it will melt with water.”

She kindly reminded her that if it got wet, she couldn't blame her.

"Okay, I see, I'll pay attention." Rowling wrote it down carefully, then walked out of the door that Meng Changjin opened, and walked through the corridor into her suite.

After returning to the suite, Rowling began to contact her friends and asked them to help ask if there was anyone who did the packaging.

Rowling also has a wide range of friends, and soon a friend in this field contacted her.

As soon as the other party came up, she asked her professionally whether the thing she wanted to pack was solid or liquid, whether she wanted to pack it in a bag or a box, or a bottle or something.

Rowling looked at this series of questions and suddenly thought of a serious problem.

This pill needs one and a half for one person. If you send it to fans, it will be one and a half, will it be very strange.

This is either one or two, one and a half is very strange.

Thinking of this, Rowling hurriedly stood up from the seat again, kicked out the door, and knocked on Meng Changjin's door again.

Meng Changjin, who had just taken out the alchemy furnace and was about to start alchemy, heard a knock on the door and had to put the alchemy furnace away again.

With a scan of her consciousness, she found that it was Rowling again. Meng Changjin frowned slightly and opened the door: "What's wrong?"

Meng Changjin frowned slightly and asked.

Rowling felt a little embarrassed when she saw Meng Changjin's expression.

But she had some doubts, and she was in a hurry, so she ran over to ask.

"That's right, you said that the pills can't get wet, so if you grind them into powder, the effect won't be discounted, right?" Rowling's idea was to grind it into powder, and then make a long As soon as the bag is packed, she has already thought about the way to eat it, and she just flushes it and drinks it like Banlangen granules!

However, the premise of these needs to be asked about Meng Changjin, the drug seller. If it loses its effectiveness because of this, wouldn't it be a waste of time?

"Why grind it into powder?" Meng Changjin was stopped by Rowling's question.

This is going to be made into powder, and she has to refine the powder into a medicinal pill.

Hearing Meng Changjin's question, Rowling shared her thoughts.

Hearing Luo Linlin's words, Meng Changjin's face showed a schadenfreude expression.

Then said lightly: "You are finished."

Rowling: "What's the matter?"

Rowling's face is stunned, what happened to her, why is it over? What, don't be scary, she's very courageous!

Meng Changjin explained: "You should have cut one of the two pills you bought before, right? Then you should know that after the pill is cut, the fragrance of the medicine will diffuse out. It is a manifestation of the volatilization of the medicinal effect.”

Meng Changjin said this, glanced at Rowling, saw Rowling's expression of listening attentively, Meng Changjin continued to explain: "Cut in half, the medicinal effect will evaporate, not to mention It is ground into powder, so that the medicinal effect will be most completely volatilized, and you need to express it out, and when it is in the hands of your fans, all the medicinal effect will be completely lost.”

Rowling understands, that is to say, it can't be ground into powder, 15,000 pills are ground into powder, and another trip to logistics will be worthless.

"Then, cut in half, how many days does the medicine last?" Rowling licked her lips and asked.

Meng Changjin raised a finger: "One day."

Rowling Lynn:…

In other words, if the pill she cut before has not been taken for more than a day, it will be useless to take it again, right?

Meng Changjin seemed to see the doubt in Rowling's heart and nodded without hesitation.

In fact, the beauty pills need not many materials, and the years do not need too long.

On the one hand, the medicinal effect of the medicinal material itself, on the other hand, is actually the most important thing.

During the process of concocting pills, the pills will also bring strong spiritual power.

Spiritual power is sealed in the pill, once the pill is destroyed, the spiritual power inside will soon spill out.

The effect of the medicinal material itself can only be said to be average.

However, it is naturally impossible for Meng Changjin to explain directly to Rowling. What she wants to say is only how long the effect of this medicine can last.

Rowling's face was bitter, but at the same time a little fortunate.

If she didn't come to ask directly, when she grinds the pills into powder, the problem will be bigger.

This is not a matter of more than 28 million. When the fans receive the powder, it will be useless. This is the real crematorium!

Fortunately, fortunately, fortunately, I chose to ask Meng Changjin.

However, Rowling suddenly thought of a question.

If this pill cannot be one and a half per person, then only two per person.

One person and two, more than 1,200 people, that is 2,560.

This is more than Rowling expected. When this matter is settled, it is estimated that there will be no more than three thousand pills left.

Rowling's face turned into bitter gourd, and she finally felt a real sense of what it means to be full of ideals and very skinny in reality.

"I see, I'll do my work first, and I'll transfer money to you later." Rowling waved her hand absentmindedly, and went back to her suite listlessly.

Meng Changjin didn't care about her. In fact, if she was asked to divide it, one could be divided into two halves, which could be preserved for a long time, but Meng Changjin did not have such spare time, she was not busy Are you on?

After these three days, Meng Changjin felt more and more that this kind of low-quality beauty pills or something is really not cost-effective.

Small profits but quick turnover can also make money, but her medicinal materials are not unlimited.

Sometimes the newly planted medicinal seeds have not grown, so there is no way to refine them.

Using Lingshi to ripen is too much.

She seems to be doing business without capital, but in fact, isn't she overdrawn?

In this way, her idea of ​​making money from women at the beginning was obviously a bit wrong.

Rowling's reservation was a bit worse, Meng Changjin was going to refine the pills that Rowling had reserved for her.

Look at the future direction later.

Jin was a little hesitant.

Not to mention the distance, the ones sold to Rowling recently consumed a lot of her resources.

Calculations, it is really not cost-effective enough.

And as the sales of beauty pills increase in the future, this consumption will become greater.

It now appears that there are only two ways to solve this problem.

At least one hundred thousand is worth it.

But if you have one hundred thousand, the number of people who buy it will drop.

The second is to completely abandon the low cost-effective elixir of beauty pills and sell some more expensive elixir.

For example, Peiyuan Pill, Yanshou Pill, Qingyan Pill, etc. are more effective but more expensive.

There should be a lot of people who can afford this kind of medicine. After all, there are a lot of rich people in the world.

But Meng Changjin has no connections, and she doesn't know these rich people. Whether these rich people can believe that the pills she sells really have such an effect is another matter.

Otherwise, selling high-end products would cost less energy, but the wealth won would not necessarily be less, and she would be able to spare time to practice.

Thinking of this, Meng Changjin decided.

Raise the price of beauty pills first!

Rowling didn't buy three Peiyuan Pills, she must have given them to her grandfather.

This rich old man must know other rich old men.

Sooner or later, this kind of high-quality customer network will be established.

At that time, she can focus on selling medicine to these rich people, and at the same time her value is also reflected. In this case, if you have money and a network, you will have to send another Huo Silan Getting into a mental hospital is not that difficult.

Just do it!

Meng Changjin clenched his fist and beat his palm, his face full of excitement.

But after the excitement is over, it is regret, very regret.

Thinking that the 3,000 beauty pills that Rowling had ordered in advance were all 15,000, Meng Changjin felt distressed.

Not only that, she even gave Rowling 20,000 for 15,000!

"Alas—" With a sigh, Meng Changjin was also helpless.

The price has already been agreed upon, and Meng Changjin can't sit on the ground and start the price.

Then you can only raise the price after Rowling's business is completed.