MTL - The Sweet Little Fulang-Chapter 176

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Wei Lanxiang caught up and pulled the big goose away. Seeing Xiao Shunzi bursting out with tears and snot, she cried and ripped off his pants to check. Fortunately, it was fine, it didn't bleed, but her **** was twisted. Son.

She was so angry that she patted Xiao Shunzi's intact buttocks on the other side, but couldn't help laughing, put on his pants and scolded: "I told you not to poke, you can, why don't you hold a broken stick? Going to the sky? It's a long memory now?"

Xiao Shunzi sniffed her nose and cried non-stop. Seeing that he was really miserable, and skinny and black like a monkey, Wei Lanxiang couldn't stop scoffing, she pulled the clothes that slipped off his shoulders for him, and said, "You Why doesn't my mother change your clothes? Let's go, my aunt will bring you a cake to eat, don't drop the beans, it's a joke."

Xiao Shunzi was small, but she was of the same generation as Shen Xuanqing and Shen Yaoqing in the village, so she naturally called her auntie.

As soon as she heard the cake, Xiao Shunzi followed her while crying. Seeing the big goose in front, she quickly hid behind Wei Lanxiang, daring not to do it again. After rushing the ducks and geese into the duck house, Wei Lanxiang closed the wooden gate before calling Xiao Shunzi to go to the front hall, and he stopped crying now.

Wei Lanxiang opened the oiled paper bag and took two pieces of sweet-scented osmanthus pastry for him: "Skin monkey, I'll see if you dare to skin it in the future, alright, go home quickly."

Xiao Shunzi took a piece in one hand and took a bite before running from the front door with a tearful smile.

"Second sister-in-law, I'm going home too." Zhou Xiangjun had time to go for a walk today, and the family meal should be ready.

"Bring these to Xinlian and Yu Ge'er to try." Wei Lanxiang wrapped the oil paper and handed it to Zhou Xiangjun. There wasn't much in it, only five pieces.

Zhou Xiangjun took it with a smile. The relationship between the two of them has always been good. Besides, it is his own family.

"Grandma's gone." Lu Gu came from behind and took her out with Wei Lanxiang.

Outside the chicken coop in the backyard, Shen Xuanqing and Shen Yan squatted down and smashed snails. Ducks and geese can go into the water and eat small fish and snails. In order to make the chickens grow well, they can only touch them. The chicks and ducklings hatched in the spring are all They are already half-aged. This year, there are a lot of spring chicks bred. Except for the unsupported ones, there are 23 chicks and 20 ducklings hatched in their house. When the mule car was meeting, Wei Lanxiang also returned. I bought 10 chickens and 10 ducklings. I only said that these half-sized ones are 33 chickens and 30 ducks in total.

The chickens were used to eating the smashed snails, and when they saw people smashing them outside, they rushed over and cooed across the bamboo fence.

Lu Gu was originally in the backyard with them, but the smell of feces really made his stomach uncomfortable, so he went to the front to rest, he poured water for himself and Wei Lanxiang, and asked, "Mother, Xiao Shunzi gone back?"

Just now, Wei Lanxiang and Zhou Xiangjun drove the ducks and goose into the duck house. The three of them heard Xiao Shunzi cry and asked what was going on.

Wei Lanxiang wanted to laugh when she talked about this, this little Shunzi was unlucky, there was no one under her feet, and she was dishonest, so she had to poke the big goose and said with a smile, "I went back after eating the sweet-scented osmanthus cake. I've seen it, the meat of the buttocks was twisted, but it was the **** that bit the butt, the flesh was loose, there was no bleeding, but it was green, and I will see if he dares to provoke the big goose in the future."

Just as he was talking, Shen Yaoqing, who had come back from pulling weeds from the field, walked into the door, Lu Gu poured him a bowl of tea, and Wei Lanxiang scooped up water to wash his hands.

Ji Qiuyue at her hometown had already prepared the meal. When Shen Yan and Shen Xuanqing came over, a group of five people walked towards the house, talking and laughing. When passing by Nanny Ah Jin's house, Xiao Shunzi was playing at the door, and the cakes in her hands were gone. , The traces of crying on his face are still there, and at first glance, he has not washed his face.

Nanny Ah Jin picked up a bamboo basket and came out to smoke the straw. When she saw them, she said with a smile, "Xiao Shunzi said it was bitten by your big goose?"

Wei Lanxiang quickly explained: "No, I'm driving the big goose home, he and Xiao Shuanzi picked up a branch and went to poke the big goose, and they ran away. Xiao Shuanzi ran fast. Didn't let the big goose catch up, but bit his ass."

Xiao Shunzi next to him sniffed, and the half of his **** was still hurting. If he asked others to find out, he would go home angrily, unwilling to listen.

Seeing him snorting and entering the room, Nanny Ah Jin laughed and scolded, "This bastard."

The head first, Xiao Shunzi came home with cakes in hand. Nanny Ah Jin had already asked what was going on, and also looked at the injury on the eldest grandson's butt. It was only green, but it didn't matter. , I play and run outside, I don't care much when I bump into each other. Besides, Xiao Shunzi also ate two sweet-scented osmanthus cakes and accepted the apology. The relationship between the two is pretty good. When she went to the town or at a gathering, Nanny Ah Jin often asked her to buy something with her. It was just a question, not a guilt.

Wei Lanxiang knew what she meant, and went home after a few more gossips.

Zhao'er will be one year old in more than a month. He is white, plump and strong. He is afraid of getting sick when it gets hot. At noon, he only wears a red bellyband, and his arms and legs are exposed like a lotus root festival. She is full of milk fat, and now she can sit still and can crawl, and she still babbles, but she doesn't know how to speak.

The adults were eating around the table. He sat in the cradle next to him and looked out. He grabbed the edge of the wooden cradle and tried hard, raised his butt, and sat down again. After repeating this several times, Wei Lanxiang praised her with joy. The eldest grandson is strong, but Ji Qiuyue can't do anything about it, so he broke a bit of the steamed bun in his hand and stuffed it into his hand, letting him eat and play, so as not to hold him and delay the adults' meal.

After she had food in her hand, Zhao'er sat there quietly and did not move, and the little meat she ate was full of saliva.

Lu Gu's belly is big, but it's not that he can't hold the child, but Zhao'er likes to kick now. Even if it's such a small baby, his hands and feet are strong, and the family is afraid of kicking his stomach, so they don't let him hug him. A chubby baby with big eyes is really rare, but Lu Gu can't hold it, so he can only make fun of it when someone else is holding it.

Not long after the meal, he had washed up, Ji Qiuyue and Shen Yaoqing were washing their faces, he took the rattle and thumped it to coax the children to play, Zhaoer sitting in the wooden cradle giggled happily.

"The water is ready." Shen Xuanqing came in from the outside with a foot basin.

Lu Gu's finger was tightly clenched by Zhao'er. He was playing just fine. Without turning his head, he said, "I see."

The foot-washing water got cold after a long time. He didn't delay much. Ji Qiuyue took the baby after washing it. He turned around and entered the door. Shen Xuanqing was making the bed.

His eyebrows were slightly curved, and his smile was shallow, but he was very handsome.

Shen Xuanqing saw this smile as soon as he turned around and smiled as well, waiting for Lu Gu to sit down beside the bed and take off his shoes and socks.

The two have always washed their feet together, and today is no exception. Because he washed every day, Lu Gu didn't go to the ground or work, but there was nothing to rub. After soaking for a while, Shen Xuanqing wiped his feet first and let him go to bed.

As soon as he lay on the bed, the bamboo mat was still cool, but after a while, his body was covered with heat, and Lu Gu rolled over and turned around. He grabbed the palm fan on the bed and shook it gently, looking at Shen Xuanqing who was still rubbing his feet. , whispered: "If it is possible, I really want to give birth at this moment."

Giving birth has never been easy. It takes ten months to conceive, and there are always various discomforts on the body. Even the summer seems to be hotter than in previous years.

Shen Xuanqing raised his head and smiled, comforting: "It's coming soon."

Seeing that Lu Gu frowned slightly and was a little worried, he started another conversation and said with a smile: "First, Shen Yan didn't ask you, is it a boy or a girl, we can't tell, what do you want?"

Speaking of this Lu Gu, he didn't worry anymore, smiled lightly and thought, and then said: "I don't know, if it is a boy, I will have a company with Zhao'er in the future, or a girl, Yanyan doesn't always say that she wants to have a niece, The twins are also good."

Because he was too entangled, he fell into another trouble.

Seeing this, Shen Xuanqing smiled, wiped his feet, and said, "I went to Wangli Village in the noon when you were sleeping, and I made an agreement with Madam Li that I would invite her to deliver the baby."

Li Po is the woman who delivered Ji Qiuyue's birth. She is old and experienced, so she can't treat Lu Gu badly.

"Well." Lu Gu nodded. After he was pregnant, he heard Wei Lanxiang explain to Shen Xuanqing that he must invite Mrs. Li, which is not surprising at the moment.

Shen Xuanqing said again: "When I came back, I met Ama Xia, and I agreed with him. Later, when you are confinement, you are probably busy with the autumn harvest, so you can't take it into account, but Ama and Niang are there to cook, so you can hire him. Do laundry for you, wash diapers for your child, wait for a month, and you will live in peace, and you don't have to worry about anything else."

Lu Gu had heard him say before that if he was busy at home, he wanted to hire someone to take care of the confinement, but he didn't take it to heart. He never wanted to talk to someone today.

Shen Xuanqing took the footbath and poured water outside. After entering, he closed the door and said, "It's not expensive either. Mamma Xia and I agreed to give you a dollar a month, and he has already agreed."

Xia Fulang's family was doing pretty well. Although he likes to gossip with people and has a big mouth, he is clean and diligent, otherwise Shen Xuanqing would not find him. Washing clothes and waiting for the confinement, how can you not be willing.

Now that it's done, Lu Gu didn't say much, and Shen Xuanqing was stubborn, so he couldn't change it even if he said it, why bother to talk more and make Shen Xuanqing unhappy.

He raised his eyebrows and nodded lightly: "Okay."

Shen Xuanqing wanted to say something else, just listened to him humming softly, then lifted up the hem of his inner clothes, revealing his round white belly, and the afterglow of the sunset came in through the window, and saw his belly bulge, I don't know what it was The little hands and feet of the doll inside.

Lu Gu patted his belly lightly, he and Shen Xuanqing both looked at it, and sure enough, the piece swelled up again, as if responding to him. Since the first fetal movement, the two of them have been enjoying it a little bit, and they both find it strange and surprising. They never thought that the doll could play with adults in the womb.

Shen Xuanqing reached out and touched it lightly, smiling slyly, and Lu Gu also smiled a little foolishly. They didn't lie down until there was no movement in their stomachs.

The window was half-closed, the sun was gradually setting, and the sky was getting dark. Shen Xuanqing held the palm fan to cool him. Tonight was not bad. Lu Gu was sweating all over. The hottest two days ago, he slept at night. No, Shen Xuanqing kept fanning him in the middle of the night, and even poured water in to wipe his body and sweat.

The two whispered a few words of self-confidence and gradually fell asleep.

Days passed by so quickly, Lu Gu was probably pregnant in the middle of winter, and it was time to give birth in mid-to-late August, but no one could tell when the baby would be born, let alone Shen Xuanqing these days, Wei Lan Xiang also pays attention to Lu Gu's movements from time to time, and the whole family is a little nervous.

Only Lu Gu, he knew that giving birth to a child would suffer from pain that ordinary people cannot experience, but he was still happy. It was fun to have a baby, but it was inconvenient to do anything with a belly stretched out for so long, and the hands and feet would still be swollen. Come out well.

He was so looking forward to it in his heart, who would know that every day passed, and there was no movement.

Wei Lanxiang is okay, she's here, some babies will be born early and some will be late, but she's not so anxious, and Shen Xuanqing, a stunned boy, who has gone through this, calmly in front of Lu Gu every day, behind his back I was pacing uneasy several times, and I invited the herbalist, only to say that the fetal image is stable, just wait, and he has no countermeasures.

Until the 28th day of August, when Lu Gu just woke up early in the morning, he didn't sleep well in the second half of the night. His stomach was uncomfortable, but it didn't hurt that much, so he fell asleep in a daze. Suddenly feeling wrong, he looked down and saw that his trousers were wet. Ji Qiuyue passed by when he gave birth to a child. He was stunned for a moment, and quickly called out to Shen Xuanqing.

Just hearing a thud from outside, the wooden basin fell to the ground, and the water was sprinkled everywhere. Shen Xuanqing, who had just scooped up the face wash, didn't care about anything, and only ran into the room.

Wei Lanxiang naturally heard the shouting. She came in and saw that she was about to give birth. She slapped her second son with a "smack" and said loudly, "Oh, why are you so stunned?

Shen Xuanqing woke up suddenly, he ran fast with long legs, and disappeared in a blink of an eye. Wang Li Village was far away. Before Shen Yaoqing was too impatient, he ran back directly with Mrs. Wen on his back. Now they have a mule cart, so people don't need to. So tired.

The red basin for the delivery had already been prepared, Wei Lanxiang pulled it out from the bottom of the bed, Shen Yan hurriedly went to the kitchen to boil water, Shen Yaoqing slept in the big mansion at night and hadn't come over yet, fortunately Zhao'er hadn't woken up yet. Don't worry, Ji Qiuyue ran out and called the woman holding the waist, and the house suddenly became chaotic, making Lu Gu a little nervous.

The mule cart had never run so fast again, and the whip in Shen Xuanqing's hand had hardly stopped. When he picked up Granny Wen, Wei Lanxiang's heart settled down.

Lu Gu was covered in sweat, and the pain of giving birth was a pain he had never experienced before.

The door and window were closed, Shen Xuanqing couldn't see anything, Shen Yaoqing hugged Zhao'er, who was woken up and crying, in the courtyard, turned around and saw that his face was pale, and hurriedly called Shen Yan to bring a chair.

People often say that giving birth is a matter of stepping into the gate of **** with half a foot. Shen Xuanqing seems to be back to last year. On the day when Ji Qiuyue gave birth to Zhao'er, a basin of blood was brought out. The blood-red color made him dizzy. Orion will faint when he sees blood, and it is really a joke to say it.

After sitting down, Shen Yan poured him another bowl of warm water and poured it into his mouth, pinching his nose, only to regain his senses and not feel so dizzy.

Like last year, someone brought out a basin from the room. The basin was full of blood-red water. He was no longer dizzy, but his legs and feet were a little weak. Childbirth was never finished in half an hour. It seemed like a big stone had been crushed in his heart. He never thought that Lu Gu could bleed so much when he was so thin.

The house was so chaotic, Shen Yan had to boil water and take care of the second brother, Shen Yaoqing laughed angrily while hugging his son, and scolded Shen Xuanqing for not being able to live up to his expectations, how could he be so frightened.

Shen Xuanqing didn't know what he was thinking. Hearing the words, he subconsciously retorted: "You're just a little bit stronger than me, and you didn't see much success. At that time, it wasn't because I supported you that you didn't fall down."

Shen Yaoqing choked, unable to say anything to refute at all.

Until the afternoon, Shen Xuanqing, who couldn't eat or drink, suddenly heard a baby cry. He stood up abruptly, thinking that he had heard it wrong, and it didn't take long for Mrs. Li to call him when she shouted the words "Happy Double". Calm down, because there was a gust of wind outside, Mrs. Li couldn't carry the child out, so she just stood at the door of the room and called him over to see it.

He hurried over and almost tripped over the edge of the stage. The baby in the swaddle stopped crying. He was a little soft, sleeping with his eyes closed. There was a faint red mark between his eyebrows, beautiful like a painted flower.

It's the same little Shuang'er as Lu Gu.

Shen Xuanqing smiled, but her eyes were a little wet. It wasn't until the midwife congratulated him again that she remembered that she took out a piece of red cloth from her bosom and stuffed it into Granny Li's hand.

Granny Wen smiled happily and carried the child in. The room was being cleaned up. He couldn't get in right now, so he could only wait patiently for Wei Lanxiang to call him.

The others left, and Granny Wen went to Wei Lanxiang's room to eat, and Shen Xuanqing was able to enter the room.

Lu Gu originally closed his eyes to rest, his hair was wet with sweat, and opened his eyes after hearing the familiar voice, both of them smiled at each other, but he saw that there were water splashes in Shen Xuanqing's always bright star eyes.

Shen Xuanqing choked for a moment before speaking: "You have suffered."

Lu Gu didn't have much energy, so he smiled lightly, and asked him in a hoarse voice, "Have you picked your name?"

I didn't know if it was a boy or a girl before, but I had prepared several names but never settled on it, and now I was born with a twin.

"Lingjun, Shen Lingjun." Shen Xuanqing picked up the cloth next to him and wiped his temples.

This name was not what they thought of before, Lu Gu's eyes were a little surprised.

Shen Xuanqing glanced at the sleeping doll, and explained with a smile: "I saw him for the first time, and his eyebrows were more beautiful and beautiful than others, and I thought that if he opened his eyes, he must be smart and intelligent, so he has two Lingjuns. Character."

"Lingjun." Lu Gu murmured in his mouth, and also felt that the name was pleasant. He smiled happily and rolled his eyes, and whispered to the little doll in the swaddle next to him: "Lingjun, brother Xiaoling."


The author has something to say:

Lingjun (jun) baby is here~

Explain that Lingjun is the word of Qu Yuan. That day, I thought hard and tried to type out several names at random. I thought it was good in the outline. I didn’t touch the porcelain on purpose. Another interpretation is that later generations generally refer to the scholars of the word chapter. In the future, if Lingjun wants to study, it will be regarded as the meaning of "lingxiu", not the meaning of the two words "lingjun".