MTL - The Sweet Little Fulang-Chapter 24

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The rain continued unabated, and when the mountain wind blew, the rain slanted under the eaves, and it became colder. The three dogs also hid in the main room to avoid the rain, and found a dry place to lie down.

There were more people next to him, and Lu Gu's hands in weaving the bamboo basket became more and more cautious, and he felt a little uncomfortable.

Shen Xuanqing was stunned for a moment, realizing that it was not good to stand still, moved the bench and sat beside Lu Gu, also picked up the bamboo strips and said in a low voice, "I'll do it with you."

"Yeah." Lu Gu couldn't say anything else, his eyebrows lowered and he responded.

As soon as the words were spoken, they slowly opened their mouths, and Shen Xuanqing, who was at a loss just now, threw it away, searching for something to say, and asked about Lu Gu's livelihood these days.

"I see you drying out a lot of wolfberry fruit."

Hearing this, Lu Gu slapped his hand, raised his eyes and said anxiously, "I heard people say that the hospital will accept it."

Shen Xuanqing pondered for a while, and said, "That's right, not only in the medical hall, but also in the market. Some people buy it, but the price is not high."

They can see wild wolfberry all over the mountains and plains here, and it can be used as medicine, but because people often pick it up and sell it, it is not a scarce commodity, and the price has not been very high.

After he finished speaking, he also got up to look at the two bamboo plaques of wolfberry on the table. Lu Gu picked them up and they were bigger than the ones in Qianshan. Even if the price didn't go up, they were easier to sell.

He grabbed a handful and took a closer look, then said to Lu Gu, "I'll take you to sell it when I'm down the mountain."

It's not because of this busy day that Lu Gu nodded quickly when he heard the drama, and as he talked, the atmosphere became much calmer than before, and he wasn't so cramped when he didn't speak.

A gust of wind blew, wrapping the rain on the two people in the hall.

There was icy rain on Lu Gu's face and hands, and he hurriedly moved the pile of bamboo strips on the ground to the back.

Not a lot of effort, the dark clouds in the sky are more and darker, not to mention the main room, it is not very bright outside, as if it is about to fall into the night.

Seeing that the wind was getting stronger, Shen Xuanqing put down the bamboo strips that he had just braided at the bottom, and said to Lu Gu, "It's cold, go into the house."

Having said that, he got up and closed the main room door to prevent the rain from blowing in.

It was so dark and the door was closed again, so Lu Gu had no choice but to follow him into a warmer room.

The doors and windows of the room were closed, and the heavy rain outside could still be heard, and even the wind was blowing wildly. Fortunately, they had such a strong house to withstand the wind and rain in the deep mountains and forests.

Sitting at the table with nothing to do and not being able to see clearly, Shen Xuanqing paused and said, "I've been tired these days, and the rain won't stop for a while, so it's better to lie down and rest for a while."

This is indeed the truth. In the past, he would cook in the mountains in the evening, and would come back earlier. Now that Lu Gu is with him, he saves the effort of cooking, and he comes back later than before.

After five or six days of going out early in the morning and returning late, busy in the mountains, he should also take a break from the rain today. Not only him, but Lu Gu also has to do a lot of things every day. It’s good for the body to lie down and rest.

Sleeping in a bed was already a bit of a habit for Lu Gu. After hearing this, he opened his mouth and finally didn't dare to refuse. Besides, if Shen Xuanqing went to sleep, he would be even more stupid if he sat at the table and didn't do anything.

On the bed was a new quilt. He had removed and washed the old quilt two days ago. It was too cold at night, so he put the washed old quilt on top of the new quilt and covered it with two layers.

It was no more sleepy than at night. Lu Gu was lying in bed thinking about his thoughts. Shen Xuanqing said that he would take him to sell things, so he could bring more, whether it was wolfberry or other medicinal materials, he had to look for it.

The bed was getting warmer, and the other person on the bed was thinking.

Just as the clean and soft breath of Lu Gu passed over again, Shen Xuanqing left the business behind.

It's only been a few days, and he was actually used to sleeping at night. At this time, he was lying on his back, and there was no solidity in his arms. The emptiness and itch gradually became bigger, like blackness spinning in his chest. To the point of being out of control, it will swallow up reason.

Lu Gu just had a sense of wandering in the sky, when he was suddenly caught by Shen Xuanqing's hand. He was startled and immediately regained his senses.

Shen Xuanqing's hands are bigger than his, strong and strong, even the palms are dry and warm, which makes him a little scared, I don't know what this means.

When he woke up in the early morning these few days, he was always held, but that was only after he fell asleep at night. How could this be the case when it was broad day.

Shame caused Lu Gu to move his hand slightly, and the big hand that was holding him tightened, clenching it tightly. This made him know that Shen Xuanqing did not touch it by mistake.

He had to lie quietly, letting his hands be held.

Who knows that this is not the end, after a while of silence, the tall man by his side turned over and took him into his arms.

Lu Gu's body was stiff, and he didn't dare to move. He was flustered. He smelled the smell of wild bath beads on Shen Xuanqing's body, as if he was warmed by the man's hot chest, and became quite aggressive, which reminded him of that day. The wild fear he noticed when helping Shen Xuanqing rub the medicinal wine.

He seemed to hear a light, contented sigh, too nervous to tell if he had heard it wrong.

Shen Xuanqing went to school for a few days when he was young, so he knew a few words, but the books he read were serious books, so naturally he didn't know the four characters of "warm fragrant nephrite jade" in the slang songs, he only knew how to hold his husband. It will be more at ease and more comfortable, and the avatar in my heart is filled with something.

But hugging him, he felt that Lu Gu smelled more and more, as if he was hooked up with uncontrollable thoughts, making him unsatisfied and unbearable.

Lu Gu was incompetent, and no one taught him when he got married.

The Shuanger girl here pays attention to the fragrance of the soup when she gets married, and she must have a fragrance on her body, otherwise Du Hehua will not boil water to bathe him.

As for other things, there are usually old women who will teach him secretly with rough picture books, but Du Hehua didn't find him a picture book, so he didn't understand what he was doing.

The new head was covered, and the night was precarious.

The sun above the head pierced the dark clouds, and the mountains and forests washed by the rain became fresh.

Before the coldness faded, Lu Gu was sitting in the yard basking in the sun. He saw a few fallen leaves on the ground that had been beaten by the wind and rain, and there were still water marks on the ground. The leaves had turned yellow, which made him suddenly feel autumn.

Shen Xuanqing went out with a fish basket and fishing net, saying that he was going to the river to catch fish and shrimps and dig loach. They both got up late this morning, and the day after they got up, the day after tomorrow was not very good, so he didn't go out to hunt, and he didn't see the sun until noon. .

Lu Gu felt a little drowsy from the sun, and his thoughts suddenly became clear. It was only at this moment that he realized that he seemed to be a husband for someone last night.

He was bought to be Shen Xuanqing's husband. He didn't expect these things before, but now it has happened. It seems that the real husband should be like this, which made him fear and shame, but also a little resigned.

What if he didn't recognize it, he didn't dare to move last night, bit his lower lip, and didn't say a word. He couldn't change his mind today and say he didn't want to, and he didn't have the courage to tell Shen Xuanqing.

He sat alone for a long time, and when he finally couldn't hold back and wanted to go back to sleep, the dog jumped over the threshold and rushed in from the outside, and then Shen Xuanqing also came in.

His clothes were wet, but he didn't care. The rolled up sleeves had not been put down, revealing slender and sturdy forearms, and his legs were tall and straight. When he saw Lu Gu at this time, the smile on his face was more than that of the other day. The sun is eye-catching.

Lu Gu was dazed because of his thoughts, so he raised his head and stared blankly. For the first time, he did not avoid his eyes. This glance made him realize that Shen Xuanqing was so handsome and so handsome.

The vague cold outline became clear in his heart, and he seemed to suddenly realize that Shen Xuanqing had grown up like this.

"I used a dense net to wrap the two big fish. They were trapped in the net. If there is river water, they will not die. The edge of the net is pressed under the blue stone. If you want to eat it tomorrow or the day after, you can go and fetch it."

Shen Xuanqing walked over in a few steps, with long legs and a handsome figure, and a short fight in a commoner's clothes could not hide his posture.

The smile on his face was much more than usual. He half-squatted in front of Lu Gu, showed him the fish basket, and said with a smile, "These loach and miscellaneous fish are stewing soup for you, as well as small shrimp. It rained yesterday. , the river swelled, and the white-shelled shrimp in the mountain stream were washed down, I stopped a lot of them, and blanched water for you to eat."

The small fish basket was heavy, so it could be seen that he had caught a lot. When Lu Gu saw himself in Shen Xuanqing's bright smiling eyes, he realized that he had been staring at them for a long time, and his expression panicked, and he quickly lowered his head and pretended to look at it. fish basket.

After what happened last night and being watched by her husband, Shen Xuanqing was no longer at a loss when facing Lu Gu as before.

He half-squatted and half-kneeled in front of Lu Gu with his left knee, the sun shone on Lu Gu's face, and he looked more and more radiant.

Lu Gu's cheeks are not much, but they are also soft. He knew it last night.

Breathing closer, his cheek was lightly rubbed by another person's lips. The fear from last night came again, and Lu Gu tightly clenched the fabric on his leg.

After a while, Shen Xuanqing realized his gaffe, reluctantly backed away, and said in a low hoarse voice, "I'll kill the loach."

"Yeah." Lu Gu nodded with drooping eyebrows, the place where his cheek was rubbed was hot, and he couldn't lift it up at all.

Shen Xuanqing got up and just walked a few steps to the kitchen, then turned his head and said, "If you are tired, you might as well sleep for a while, and I will call you when you eat."

Lu Gu Nane said ok and hid in the room.

As for Shen Xuanqing, who cooks by himself, as long as it's not cooking, he can deal with it.

At home, he has seen Weilanxiang stewed loach. After killing it, cut some **** and green onions and put them in a jar. Add water and boil them in a small medicine stove. The water is only cooked. Yesterday, Lu Gu steamed some steamed cakes. He can cook a few by heating them.

Lu Gu couldn't hear the movement outside after lying down for a long time, and fell into a deep sleep. It's not that his body is weak. He's used to working hard every day, so he can stand up to tossing.

It's just that Shen Xuanqing is too young, and the bronze muscles seem to have nowhere to work, and this is the first time he has no sense, he is a bit reckless, and he doesn't want to let go when he tastes the meat.

The days have changed, and this change has stayed, and Lu Gu gradually got used to it.

There are more people to take care of, and there are some changes inside and outside the house. In front of the courtyard, Lugu moved a few wild wildflowers. After watering, these few trees survived. They bloomed big red or yellow flowers. Add some color to the front of the house.

He saw that people in the village who were loving and caring would plant flowers, and since he saw beautiful ones in the mountains, he even dug up the roots and brought them back.

The morning breeze was blowing, and the flower branches swayed gently.

Lu Gu locked the door with a bamboo basket on his back. After turning around, he went down the mountain with Shen Xuanqing who pulled up the trolley. The trolley was full of prey and it was time to sell it.