MTL - The Sweet Little Fulang-Chapter 55

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Feeling completely different from pain, some frightened Lu Gu, the reaction in his body was very unfamiliar, and even the trembling humming from his throat changed its meaning.

He only knew that this kind of thing was painful, and when the pain passed, he could occasionally feel a little relieved, but now he has become accustomed to it, and it will pass.

When he heard that his groaning became different, he was immediately frightened and bit his lower lip tightly. The pain on his lips kept him a little awake, alert, and did not dare to make another sound. .

Shen Xuanqing also heard it. After a pause in the dark, his back was arched, like a leopard lurking in the night, ready to go. After hearing Lu Gu's voice, his strong and smooth muscles tightened for a moment, and his heart suppressed. The fire of the "Tang" will start to burn.

But the sound was only once, and he couldn't hear it anymore, so he didn't care about anything else, and touched Lu Gu's cheek with his left hand.

Realizing that Lu Gu was biting his lower lip, he was afraid that his breathing would be too heavy to frighten the timid husband, so he almost held his breath, only the ups and downs of his chest revealed his impatience and excitement.

Lightly pinching Lu Gu's jaw, he whispered, "Don't bite."

Shen Xuanqing pulled out his right hand, and a low hoarse voice sounded in Lu Gu's ear, his cheek was kissed, and the kiss was light and restrained.

Gradually, Lu Gu was comforted, and he was no longer overly nervous or biting his lower lip. In this matter, the only one he could rely on was Shen Xuanqing, so he was gradually dragged into the vortex until he realized something was wrong. It's too late.

The night was long, and the darkness obscured everything, making it impossible to know what was going on.

In the early morning, dew dripped from time to time in the woods, the small and fat **** jumped twice on the branches, the feathers were stained with dewdrops and trembled twice, and chirped twice.

The mountain forest outside woke up, and there was some movement in the courtyard with high mud walls. Shen Xuanqing opened his eyes, and coldly asked him to turn over and hug Lu Gu, wrapping the quilt tightly around the two of them.

After lying down for a while, he couldn't hold back, and he kissed Lu Guxiang's soft cheek several times before getting up and getting dressed. When he got out of bed, he put the underclothes that had been thrown at the end of the bed last night into the bed for Lu Gu, and waited. When Lu Gu got up, his shirt was no longer cold.

After the door was opened and closed, Lu Gu slowly opened his eyes. He woke up just now, but didn't dare to look at Shen Xuanqing, so he kept his eyes closed.

There seemed to be the remaining warmth of the kiss on his face and lips. He couldn't hold back, and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. It wasn't saliva, but he felt that such a kiss was too embarrassing, and he subconsciously wanted to cover it up.

When Shen Xuanqing kissed him last night, he didn't dare to move, and he didn't even dare to close his mouth, but when he couldn't breathe, he could only struggle slightly. Both of them were too young, even though Shen Xuanqing tried his best to follow the instructions, he still knocked his teeth several times.

Until the sound of footsteps outside the door and the barking of pups, after lying down for a while, he remembered that Lu Gu, who was wearing clothes, was nervous. Even he himself did not know why, and closed his eyes tightly.

Shen Xuanqing pushed open the door and came in, his brows swept away the previous depression, and his face was full of spring smiles, but when he saw that Lu Gu was still awake, he scratched his head a little at a loss.

He was hesitating whether to wake up beside the bed, but when he looked at it again, he found that Lu Gu closed his eyes with force, his cheeks were slightly red, and even his ears were a little red, which was not the same as falling asleep smoothly. Smile.

"The oil cake is hot, cover it in the pot, you can rest and eat again. I'll go first after eating, and come back in the evening." Shen Xuanqing smiled, and went out after a short pause.

The weather is getting colder and there will be more autumn rains. The sun is good today. The most important thing is to hunt some prey while the weather is good and sell them for money. As for other things, it can be slowed down. Besides, it is not certain that he can endure Lu Gu. It is also a way to rest.

Lu Gu rarely went to see Shen Xuanqing. He waited until the dog's barking gradually faded away before opening his eyes. He took out his underwear from the quilt and put it on.

At this time, the puppy pushed open the lightly closed door with his head, barked at him twice from under the bed, and wagged his tail happily.

Lu Gu got up and lifted the lid of the pot, removed the cage, and scooped up the hot water in the pot to wash his hands. It was cold in the morning and his teeth hurt from the cold water, so hot water is better.

Shen Xuanqing put the drinking water in a bowl on the chopping board. After washing, he came in and took a sip. The sweet, honey water.

This time, Wei Lanxiang brought them pickled cowpeas, which were sour and spicy. He sat on the stool in front of the stove with cowpeas in one hand and oil pancakes in one hand.

Although I woke up today with some discomfort, it was much better than before, at least it wasn't painful.

Two oil cakes were enough for Lu Gu, and he washed his hands after eating, otherwise it would be difficult to work with oil on his hands. Today, Da Hui didn't stay, and he couldn't walk too far to find medicinal herbs. After rushing the chickens and ducks to graze outside, he carried a bamboo basket and a dog to the river to dig wild vegetables.

The purslane grows vigorously. This kind of wild vegetable is the most tenacious. When it is dry, the sun will not die. As long as it takes root, it can live. It is good to grow in the field by the river. If it grows in the field, the farmers will hate it.

The old wild vegetable Lu Gu did not pull up, so he picked the tender ones and pulled them down, so that he would not bring soil with them. When he went back, he washed them with water and dried them. This time, Shen Xuanqing found him a broken mat that he did not use at home. After cleaning and drying at home for a day, I brought it up, just enough to spread the wild vegetables on the ground.

He walked downstream along the river bank, and the puppy was happy, but he was never too far away from him. After half an hour, the wild vegetables were packed in a bamboo basket. Don't look at the bamboo basket full, it will be very light after drying. .

Lu Gu washed the wild vegetables by the river, and returned to the yard with the dripping bamboo basket on his back. He took out the mat and spread it under the sun. Then he poured all the wild vegetables in the basket, spread evenly, and then carried the bamboo The basket went to pull the purslane.

The weather is getting colder and colder, and even the purslane will wither in the back, and there will be fewer other wild vegetables, so while there are still some, he should get some more back, there are six people in total.

In the place where the grass was lush by the river, Lu Gu picked up a long branch and probed the half-leg-high grass to make sure that there were no snakes and insects in it before he dared to cross.

Another basket of wild vegetables was full. He carried it up and planned to wash it in a familiar place upstream, closer to the yard. After carrying the bamboo basket, he called out to the woods, darling, and the dog ran over.

When he came here, he had been paying attention to the wild vegetables on the ground. Only now did he have the time to look around, and he actually saw a bunch of black and purple mountain grapes not far away. The thick vines were wrapped around the trunk. The mountain grapes hidden below cannot be seen.

Lu Gu was overjoyed. There were very few grapes in the mountains. It was cold recently, and he thought they were all gone.

When I walked over to take a look, this string was better, everything else fell to the ground and rotted, and I could smell a sour and rotten smell. The purple and black mountain grapes are not very big, so he picked them off and put them in the bamboo basket on his back, and walked back with the dog.

There is a stone by the river near the yard. He often sits on it. After washing the purslane, Lu Gu took the mountain grape bunches and rinsed them in the clear river water. He didn't dare to exert great effort, otherwise the grapes would fall .

Just like that, there are still some drops. Fortunately, he was quick and stopped the two in the water. The mountain grapes are small, but they are sweet and sour. Lu Gu is happy after tasting them, and will eat them together when Shen Xuanqing comes back.

In the morning, he made four trips alone, spread out the four bamboo baskets of wild vegetables to dry evenly, and then covered the mat.

After all, Lu Gu didn't do any other work. After a short break after eating, it was noon, so he drove the ducks out of the fence to go swimming. He sat by the pond and basked in the sun with the pups. Play.

Speaking of playing, he also shot some tender grass by the way. There are chickens and ducks. Except for his chickens and ducks, in case Shen Xuanqing comes back today and catches live prey, such as pheasants and hares , all have to be fed with grass, and it is always right to have more.

In the afternoon, he caught the ducks from the pond and let them graze in the fence. Only after the gate of the fence was closed did he feel relieved and led the pups back to the yard.

First, move the mat for drying wild vegetables into the sun, and then Lu Gu went to the room to get a sewing basket. Shen Xuanqing's handkerchief was old, so he had to embroider two new ones.

Unlike purses and purses, handkerchiefs used by men are mostly made by mothers or wives and husbands. Embroidering flowers on the corners is common and will not be laughed at.

Lu Gu held the embroidered bungee and looked attentively. The needles and threads were shuttled, and the colored embroidery threads were alternated. The red petals, green branches and leaves, and yellow stamens were all embroidered delicately and beautifully. The flowers embroidered on the two handkerchiefs are different, so Shen Xuanqing can also distinguish which one is used, which is convenient for changing and washing.

The sun gradually moved westward, and the sky changed a little.

In the evening, Lu Gu cooked the vegetables and was hesitating whether to wait at the door as usual. The events of last night and this morning made him a little afraid to see Shen Xuanqing. Before he made up his mind, he heard dogs barking outside. sound.

When the person came back, he couldn't hide all the time. He was a little scared and worried and felt really embarrassed.

The tall and long-legged Shen Xuanqing quickly approached. He was in a good mood. Even if he was unlucky today and only caught a rabbit, the smile on his face did not diminish.

"You're back." Lu Gu whispered.

"I'm back." Shen Xuanqing smiled brightly. He was originally very handsome with sword eyebrows and star eyes, but this smile became more and more handsome, so that Lu Gu didn't dare to look at it.

"I caught a rabbit today, and it was killed before I could take it out of the dog's mouth. I peeled the skin at night, and I will fry the rabbit tomorrow and put more pepper." Shen Xuanqing said as he walked into the courtyard with a big bamboo basket on his back. .

Lu Gu has always been obedient. Hearing that, he nodded his head and said in a low voice, "Okay, there are still some better dried chili peppers."

After the meal, Shen Xuanqing and Lu Gu carried the mat for drying wild vegetables and moved to the main room. The sky was gloomy as soon as it got dark, and it didn't look good.

"It might rain tomorrow," he said, glancing at the sky.

Following his words, Lu Gu looked up to the sky, and it really seemed like it was going to rain, so he subconsciously said, "Then put away everything in the yard."

There was nothing to dry in the yard, but the firewood and the axe and other things were outside, so they had to be put away, and they had to get up if it rained in the middle of the night.

Shen Xuanqing nodded in response, and without Lu Gu's action, he went to clean up himself.