MTL - The Sweet Little Fulang-Chapter 69

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Flocks of sparrows swept up from the branches and flew into the distance. The pups playing in the courtyard saw them and barked a few times towards the sky.

Lu Gu grabbed the corner of Shen Xuanqing's clothes, turned his head to look carefully at Shen Xuanqing's face, opened his lips slightly to speak, but didn't know what to say, so he frowned sadly.

It was Shen Xuanqing who said so, letting him know that it would not hurt if he could do that kind of thing. He thought that pain was the norm.

After Shen Xuanqing looked over, Lu Gu let go of his hand embarrassedly, lowered his head and dared not look into Shen Xuanqing's eyes, and whispered, "I won't be in pain later."

His voice was very low, after all, it was such a shameful thing, but Shen Xuanqing bought this book so as not to hurt him, so he couldn't say nothing.

After listening, Shen Xuanqing gradually calmed down, no longer so frustrated and decadent. Seeing Lu Gu lowered his head and his eyes were slightly red, and his hands were no longer pulling on the corner of his clothes, another kind of unhappiness filled his heart.

"In the future, if you want to grab my clothes, grab me." He said in a low voice, as if he was a little embarrassed, but he didn't have time to grab Lu Gu's hand.

The hand was held by the warm and rough big hand, Lu Gu did not resist, and at the end his cheeks were slightly red, and he made a low "um".

The embarrassment and silence are no longer any more, Shen Xuanqing also said: "After going down the mountain in the winter slack, I will buy a three-character classic and come back to teach you to recognize it."

When he mentioned this, Lu Gu turned to look at him, nodded seriously, and said, "Okay."

"Then..." Shen Xuanqing picked up the Qiankun map that fell on the end of the bed with the other hand, and said it now, Lu Gu's shy and well-behaved appearance made him thirsty, his Adam's apple slipped, thinking of the two pictures he just saw Figure, can't help but covet Lu Gu.

He wondered if he could look at a few more pictures in the future and learn from them. If he watched him with others, he would feel uncomfortable, but with Lu Gu it was different.

At this time, Lu Gu also looked at the book in his hand, and also remembered what the two people in the picture had done.

Seeing that he even wanted to retract his hand, Shen Xuanqing clenched it tightly and did not let it go, feeling a little pity in his heart, but still said: "Then I will put this away first."

"Yeah." Lu Gu nodded slightly in agreement, his face still warm.

After speaking, Shen Xuanqing got out of bed and stuffed the book into the box. The road up the mountain was far better than down the mountain. Moving wooden cabinets was time-consuming and laborious.

Seeing that he was about to close the box, Lu Gu, who was tidying up his clothes, quickly said, "Take out the winter clothes. It's been cold these days. You should wear them when you go out in the morning."

He opened the box before to get thick clothes for Shen Xuanqing.

Hearing this, Shen Xuanqing took out the winter clothes and took another look at the clothes Lu Gu was wearing. He was relieved to see that they were thick. He was strong and not afraid of the cold, but most of his children were more delicate, so he had to wear thick clothes.

The mountains were quiet, and the afterglow of the sunset was still there. Lu Gu carefully sewed the sleeves, and the sky slowly became dark.

He hadn't washed it for several days, and his hair was dirty after running in the woods for a day. Shen Xuanqing and Lu Gu took turns to boil water in the kitchen to bathe.

After washing and drying her hair, Shen Xuanqing felt into the warm blanket covered by Mrs. Tang, and said to Lu Gu, "Washing in the afternoon will be warmer than at night."

No matter how young and not afraid of the cold, it would be cold enough to take a shower and wash your hair this evening. Shen Xuanqing hugged Lu Gu warmly in the bed for a while before feeling comfortable.

The husband's body was soft and warm, and the underwear he was wearing was not a hindrance at all. After holding and smelling it for a while, Shen Xuanqing couldn't hold back.

He couldn't read the picture books in front of Lu Gu, let alone figure it out together, but he remembered the dozen or so pages he had read. He had only tried a few of them before, and it was enough for now.

Things became more pleasant at night, but Lu Gu still seldom made a sound. He was afraid that he would turn into that unbearable appearance, so he bit his lips and clenched the mattress tightly.

The joy doesn't last forever. Sometimes Shen Xuanqing doesn't want to stop, but he can continue after a break. His strength is already strong, and he still plays with poses he has never seen before, which always makes him uncomfortable the next day.

Neither of them mentioned the picture books, but Lu Gu didn't know where those movements that he had never seen before were learned from books by Shen Xuanqing.

Even people who have never read books know how to read good books, how can those messy bad books be read often. Lu Gu sometimes wanted to talk, but his shame made him unable to speak, and he was worried several times by himself.

Fortunately, Shen Xuanqing didn't get carried away. After these few days of intemperance, he didn't touch him again.

Shen Xuanqing went out to hunt early in the morning, and after the sun came out, Lu Gu put chickens and ducks outside.

The autumn wind is bleak, and the greenery on the ground is gradually receding. However, in just a few days, the mountains and forests have become colder and quieter, and most of the leaves of the trees have fallen, leaving only the bare branches.

Ducks are swimming in the pond for food. The weather is too cold and windy. Outside, it is not as good as having a high wall in the yard.

Lu Gu was sitting on the stone by the pond, holding Mrs. Tang in his arms and covering his hands. When the wind blew, his face was cold, so he rubbed his hands and covered them.

He didn't hear the dog's movement for a while. He beat the water with a long bamboo pole to drive the duck back, and shouted, "Good boy."

The puppy has grown up again, and sometimes he will go out to play in the forest by himself, but as soon as he shouts, he will respond with a bark and run back, his ears can be pointed.

"Good boy!" he shouted again, louder than before.

After calling Lu Gu, he carefully listened to the movement of the surrounding woods, but still did not hear the sound of the dog cub. He suddenly panicked. He stood up but didn't know which direction to look for.

After a while, the puppy still didn't come back. He picked up the bamboo pole and was about to chase the duck ashore, so that he could look for it in the woods. Before he could catch up, he heard something moving in the woods to the north.

He looked up to identify it, only to realize that it was a puppy who came running, but it was carrying a fat and big gray hare in its mouth. Did not recognize at a glance.

Lu Gu breathed a sigh of relief and was no longer anxious.

When the puppy ran close, he could still hear a deep whimper in his throat. The big fat rabbit in his mouth was not dead, and he even kicked his legs. It was frightening.

How big can a puppy be in less than four months, even if it is well-raised and taller than other dogs in the village, it is only as good as Lu Gu's calf, but returning with such a big fat rabbit in his mouth makes Lu Gu again. Surprised and happy, I forgot to get angry and teach it to run around, after all, the mountain is not a village, it is so small, if it encounters a bigger beast, it will suffer.

It would be fine if Da Hui was holding the fat rabbit, but now the pup was holding it. Lu Gu was afraid that the rabbit would be sour. The rabbit was not small and must be heavy, so he grabbed two rabbit ears and dragged it out of its mouth.

"Wow!" The dog opened his mouth, raised his head and barked at Lu Gu, wagging his tail excitedly, as if asking for credit.

This rabbit is really not light, there is blood from the dog's bite on the neck. Lu Gu also found that it has an old injury on one of its hind legs, which is obviously not bitten by the dog. No wonder, the leg has been injured.

"Wang Wang!"

Seeing the puppy wagging his tail, Lu Gu put the fat rabbit on the ground, squatted down and patted its head, the puppy raised his head and squinted his eyes.

After the rabbit was put down, he still wanted to run, but it was bitten by the dog and was not so energetic. He was lame on one hind leg, and didn't run a few steps at all. The dog rushed forward and bit its neck again, whimpering in the throat. Growl, it's pretty decent.

"Let's go, put it in the cage first, I'll give you a big rabbit's leg tonight." Lu Gu rubbed the dog's head, his brows and eyes curled up with a smile, holding Mrs. Tang with one hand, grabbed the rabbit with the other and walked back, only so small For a moment, don't worry too much about the ducks in the pond.

The puppy followed him, and his walking was different. He held his head high and looked very proud and majestic.

When Shen Xuanqing came back in the evening, Lu Gu's first thing was to show him the rabbit.

"Good boy caught it." The joy on his face could not be hidden, and he smiled.

The puppy got excited when he saw the rabbit, ran around in the yard, even got close to the two of them, and barked a few times at Shen Xuanqing.

Shen Xuanqing was also happy, he saw the wound on the rabbit's leg at a glance, and knew what was going on, but it was a skill to be able to bring back such a big and fat hare, so he bent down and rubbed the dog's head as a reward .

"Give the good boy a rabbit leg at night." Lu Gu said.

"Okay." Shen Xuanqing could not agree.

The four rabbit legs are just divided for the four dogs. The bamboo rat voles or hare pheasants that the pups usually eat are caught by the big ash. Today, it is not good to only give it meat, but Lu Gu thought that it was them. Good boy caught the prey for the first time. In addition to the rabbit legs, he also gave the dog a few more pieces of rabbit meat.

It rained again, and although it was only half a day, it was colder in the mountains.

Pulling out the old copper pots used for burning fire in previous years, Shen Xuanqing and Lu Gu sat in the main room and roasted the fire. The burning wood crackled and splashed some sparks to the side.

The wind blew in from time to time, and when the door was closed, it was dark, so Lu Gu took the two sheets of thin quilts out of the room, one with Shen Xuanqing, and both of them hugged Mrs. Tang.

The two of them sat close to the copper basin, just to roast their legs and feet, otherwise they would sit still, and even if they were wearing padded shoes, their legs and feet would easily get cold.

Lu Gu put Mrs. Tang on his lap, and took the embroidered stretcher to embroider the handkerchief. Mrs. Tang poured the water into the water to sink, but it was so warm that she would not want to put it aside.

Shen Xuanqing watched it for a while and really had nothing to do, and said, "If I kill a rabbit and bake it, the kitchen doesn't have a salt bowl. Once the roasted meat is rubbed on it, it will taste good."

The salt bowl is made of a special kind of stone, which is also salt. It can be dissolved in water and has a salty taste, so it is also called a rock salt bowl.

When Shen Xuanqing learned the craft from the old hunter before, the old Yangtou grilled meat for him like this.

Lu Gu must have never eaten. Thinking of this, he didn't wait for an answer. He got up and went to the firewood room to catch a big rabbit and slaughter it in the courtyard.

When the rabbit was roasting, the four dogs were all watching. The roasted meat smelled delicious, and the pup was drooling.

Shen Xuanqing tore off a few pieces of meat for them, cut the rest into small pieces with a knife, and rubbed the tip of the knife in a salt bowl while it was hot. It was salty, fragrant and fresh, completely different from fried rabbit meat and stewed rabbit meat.

With such a fragrant meat to eat, or perhaps it is the light of the fire, Lu Gu's eyes are bright.

"In a few days, I'll catch a few more rabbits and pheasants, and I'll pack up and go down the mountain. It's almost winter. It's too cold in the mountains, so I don't need to come up again." Shen Xuanqing said while eating.

"Yeah." As soon as Lu Gu ate a piece of meat, he could only nod his head and agree vaguely. For him, no matter where he was, just follow Shen Xuanqing.

However, he himself had not noticed such dependence.