MTL - The Sweet Stepmother and Her Cute Cubs-Chapter 128

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Xiao Zhuzi looked at the soft and sweet little sister with a warm heart, and reached out to pick up the small dumplings: "My sister likes my brother's jade pendant, doesn't it? Then my brother will give it to you."

Su Xiaoxiao stopped: "Pillar, my sister is still young. It's easy to break and lose things for her. You wear it yourself."

Su Xiaoxiao said that he wanted to take it from Xiaotangyuan and return it to Xiaozhuzi.

Who knew that the little dumplings could not let go, the **** grape-like eyes looked at his mother suspiciously, as if to say, "Mama, why are you robbing me?"

Su Xiao smiled and said, "Xiao Tangyuan, this is what my grandma left to my brother. Would you mind returning it to my brother?"

Xiao Tangyuan understood, looked at the safety button in his hand, then looked at his mother, flattened his mouth, and grasped the rope as if he wanted to cry.

Xiaozhuzi was so distressed that he reached out and took the safety buckle and put it on Xiaotangyuan's neck: "Auntie Su is fine, I will give it to my sister to wear it, and I wish my sister peace."

Xiao Tangyuan is content to grab the slippery jade pendant. Usually when little Zhuzi's brother hugs her or plays with her, she likes to play with the jade pendant on his neck. Now that the jade pendant is on her neck, Xiaotangyuan is happy, just grab it refuse to let go.

Grandma Dundun smiled and said, "We are little glutinous rice balls, we know what to do, and we will grow up fast."

Yali also said: "They are all their own children, and everyone wears the same."

Su Xiaoxiao remembered that Li Yufeng also gave her a safety buckle. She wore it for a while, but it was not very convenient. It is very valuable for commemoration, and small glutinous rice **** are naturally not available.

Su Xiaoxiao thought for a while, then turned and went back to the room.

Little Rice Ball and Xiaodoubao were very sad when they saw that their younger brother and sister chose Xiaoyuer and Xiaozhuzi, but they didn't. My younger brother is a foodie, and he couldn't walk when he saw the food. There was no way for him to choose Big Apple. But the small dumplings can't. The rice ball clearly drew a big red flower very deliberately. Shouldn't my sister like big red flowers?

The little rice ball took the small dumplings from Xiaozhuzi's hand, and rubbed her forehead with his forehead: "Don't you like flowers, sister? Why didn't you choose the flowers drawn by your brother?" He would have gone to the vegetable garden to pick one. What a waste, it's a misstep.

Xiaodoubao also asked: "Sister, don't you like your brother's little chick schoolbag? You also like to hear your brother sing and go to school happily with a schoolbag on his back, why don't you choose it?"

Xiao Tangyuan bit her pink toot finger and smiled, but didn't answer.

Su Xiaoxiao took the Ping An buckle that Li Yufeng gave her, took off the jade pendant of Xiaozhuzi from the neck of Xiaozhuzi, put it back on Xiaozhuzi's neck, and put it on the neck of Xiaozhuzi given by Li Yufeng: "Okay, Now our little dumplings and brother Zhuzi have safety buckles, so we can grow up together safely."

Xiao Tangyuan grabbed his own little jade pendant and touched it, then glanced at his brother's, and waved the little pear vortex happily, expressing his satisfaction.

Catching Zhou was just for the purpose of getting everyone together for a lively event. Su Xiaoxiao asked Han Cheng to bring out the baked chicken cake and cut it into small pieces, and each of them took a piece and shared it.

The fluffy chicken cake just taken out of the "oven" melts in your mouth, the egg is full of fragrant aroma, and there is a slight burnt aroma on the surface. Adults and children love it very much. Everyone is full of praise, even the small meat buns. I love small dumplings.

The cubs didn't think it was enough after eating a piece, but there was only so much.

After eating chicken cake, it is time to go home, go to work, and only have a short gathering on busy days.

A few days later, it will be the day of school. The eight-year-old Xiao Rice Ball and the nine-year-old Xiao Zhuzi are already in the fourth grade, while the eight-year-old Xiao Yuer and Dun Dun have just entered the second grade.

In the past few years, primary schools in many places have been changed to a five-year system, but the military region has not changed it, and has still used the six-year system.

Before school started, Han Cheng asked the children for their opinions and planned to exchange Hua Hua for a little hen to come back to lay eggs. Han Cheng told them the life expectancy of the chickens.

"Dad, if you change it to someone else, you will eat Huahua, right?" asked the little rice ball.

This is a very heavy topic for the children. In a deep sense, this is the fate of all poultry and will eventually appear on people's dining tables. Han Cheng didn't want to lie to the children, and nodded: "All poultry and livestock are In this way, people who are very weak will get better after eating them, and they will realize the value of their existence."

The rice **** and the pillars are bigger, and Huahua is fed by their own hands. They can understand what Hancheng means. Xiaodoubao is still small. He likes Huahua the most.

Su Xiaoxiao held the cub in her arms. It is difficult for such a young child to understand such profound things: "Xiaodoubao remembers how many days Huahua hasn't laid eggs? She needs to rest, we let my father Would it be alright for a little hen similar to Huahua to come back and take over Huahua's job?"

Although Xiaodoubao was very reluctant, he agreed, saying goodbye to Huahua and letting his father take it away.

The next day, Han Cheng came back with a little hen that looked similar to Hua Hua and had spots on her tail. The cubs decided not to change their name, but still called her Hua Hua.

Xiaodoubao researched for a long time, and found that it seems to be the same flower as the original, but it is a little smarter, so it is not sad.

The child is forgetful, has to go to school, has to bring his increasingly naughty younger brother, and has to protect Jiaodidi's younger sister, Huahua's affairs will soon be forgotten by them.

The time soon came to February of 1975, and soon it was the Spring Festival of the year.

Han Cheng's project team rushed to the capital to report their work at this juncture. Xiao Zhuzi's family also went to the capital to reunite with his grandfather. There was no one next door to take care of him. Han Cheng thought about it and wrote a very detailed work report, ready to hand it over The director of the same project team, whose child is already very old, reports work on his behalf, but in this way, he has no way to take a long vacation this year, and can only stay on duty in the hospital during the Spring Festival.

Li Yufeng can bring Dabao and Xiaobao to the Spring Festival, but Su Xiaoxiao has not seen her father and other family members for two years since she was born, and no one else in the family has seen the baby. Su Xiaoxiao really wants to take them back. , it was very difficult for a while.

When discussing with Han Cheng in the evening, Su Xiaoxiao nestled in Han Cheng's arms and said, "Han Cheng, why don't we divide our troops in two ways? You go to the capital to report for work, and I'll take the children back to Sujia Village for Chinese New Year."

Since the couple got married, apart from the first year that Hancheng went to the capital for a meeting and separated for a few days, the rest of the time was almost inseparable, and they were already an inseparable part of each other.

But Su Xiaoxiao did not see her relatives for two years. After weighing it again and again, Han Cheng decided to respect her opinion: "Well, I will arrange a two-day vacation in advance, and I will send you back to Sujia Village and directly from there. Go to the capital, and I will go back to Sujia Village to pick you up when I finish my work in the capital."

Su Xiaoxiao got up from Han Cheng's arms, wrapped around his neck and raised the little pear vortex to rub against his nose: "It's a good idea, so let's settle it, Comrade Han Cheng, you are awesome."

Xiaoroubao and Xiaotangyuan have already fallen asleep separately. In fact, they don’t have to get up to drink milk at night after their first birthday. The opposite bedroom, Hancheng, can be changed a little when there is time. It has been changed into two bedrooms one after another. Hancheng proposed Put their little bed in the opposite bedroom, let them sleep in a room first, and let Xiaoroubao sleep with his brothers after the new year, and Xiaotangyuan sleep in a room by himself.

Xiaotangyuan had a cold and cough some time ago. Su Xiaoxiao was worried that she could infect Xiaoroubao, so she asked Xiaoroubao to sleep with her brothers in advance. Xiaoroubao could eat and sleep, and it was very easy to take care of. It didn't matter where she slept. Xiaodoubao was able to hold his brother to sleep, but he was too happy to sleep, so he deliberately let him sleep in the innermost corner, helping his brother with the quilt at all times, and taking good care of his brother.

The little rice ball didn't want to squeeze with them, so he slept sideways to the end of the bed, so that the bed was quite spacious.

However, after the new year, I was going to Zhou Yuhua's place to move a bed back and let the little rice ball sleep alone. The children were one year older, and Xiao Zhuzi had nowhere to sleep if he wanted to stay overnight.

Su Xiaoxiao was worried that Xiaotangyuan slept in a room by herself, so she wanted to wait until she was two years old, so Xiaotangyuan still slept in their room.

When the child was young, the couple was busy taking care of the child and had no intention of living a married life, and the child was always in their room, even if the crib was later moved to the other corner, Su Xiaoxiao was still a little mentally burdened.

Tonight's happiness is in the heart, Han Cheng looked at his delicate and pretty wife, kissed her lips, and let go of each other after panting, Han Cheng hugged his wife, and said in a hoarse voice, "Let the girl go to the next room to sleep tomorrow, eh? "

The small dumplings are almost better now, and they rarely wake up at night. Su Xiaoxiao rubbed Han Cheng's arms around his waist and said softly, "Yeah."

Han Cheng kissed his wife's head, and rubbed his cheek again: "Go to sleep, just let me hold it like this for a while."

Han Cheng told the children about this proposal the next day. The nine-year-old rice ball straightened his chest and felt that he was already a man who could be on his own: "Dad, don't worry, I will take good care of my mother and my younger brothers and sisters."

The small rice **** eat a lot, exercise a lot, and jump up quickly. The nine-year-old boy has reached the height of Su Xiaoxiao's shoulders. After the baby's fat is removed, he is a lively, cheerful, delicate and beautiful smart little boy.

In the first half of the class, they are still playing half of the time, and they can take the first place in the grade again and again. They actively participate in any activities and do their best. In addition, they go to the propaganda department more often. Sometimes Minister Jiang directly sends them back, small rice balls. The name is not only known to everyone in the school, but also well-known in the military region. Of course, everyone also likes Xiaozhuzi very much, but Xiaozhuzi's character is more restrained than Xiaofandan, and his personality is not as flamboyant as Xiaozhuzi. When things are done well, he is indifferent to everything, but no one can ignore him. He and Xiaoyuer are the iron triangle of the school, and their reputation is not small.

Under the enlightenment of Su Xiaoxiao and his brothers, the five-year-old Xiaodoubao has almost finished the first-grade textbooks. He can write and draw well, and his memory is also very good. The speed of learning is as fast as that of a small rice ball. Fighting, plus his personality is relatively quiet and can sit still, when he goes directly to the first grade in September, he will definitely be a figure who is properly learned.

Xiaodoubao has grown a little taller. She is a very beautiful little lady, but her personality has not changed. She is cute and cute. The whole family loves him very much. Even the naughty Xiaoroubao is very obedient in front of him. He still likes to speak with a tail: "Dad, I will also protect Mama and my younger siblings~~"

Su Xiaoxiao took the cubs and hugged them into her arms to rub: "Okay, mother and younger siblings are waiting for Xiaodoubao to protect them."

Speaking of the characters of the cubs, Xiaodoubao and Xiaotangyuan are the most similar to Su Xiaoxiao.

The nine sons of Longsheng are all different. Su Xiaoxiao brought up all the children. The one with the most small meat buns is the soft and cute Xiaodoubao, but the personality of Xiaoroubao is not like Xiaodoubao at all. After walking and running, he was very naughty, and the family's porridge, noodles, rice, and Huahua disliked him very much.

But the little guy is too smart. He tries every time on the edge of everyone's anger, but he never steps on everyone's bottom line, so it's amazing that such a naughty little guy hasn't been spanked once so far.

The little dumplings can no longer be described as beautiful. They are like porcelain dolls that can move and move when they are in love with others. They have a soft and sweet temperament. My brother is worried that someone will steal his sister every day.

Xiaozhuzi wanted to go to the capital to see his grandfather, and also wanted to go to Sujia Village to see his grandfather and grandma. He didn't know what to do for a while, so he talked to Su Xiaoxiao about it after thinking about it.

Su Xiao smiled and said, "It's easy to handle. You are just like Uncle Han. You go to the capital with your parents to accompany your grandpa to celebrate the New Year. Uncle Han reports that he will stay for two more days after work, and then go to Sujia Village with him after the New Year. Let's come back together, grandma and grandpa miss you very much since they haven't seen you for so long."

Xiao Zhuzi was overjoyed: "Really? Is Uncle Han also going to the capital? Are you going with us?"

The ten-year-old Xiaozhu is a little taller than the rice ball. He is already a very sensible boy. He has the demeanor of a big brother. He can already see a little refined gentleman's style. No matter where he is, he follows behind and protects the front younger siblings.

The child is so old that Su Xiaoxiao can't rub his head anymore. He shook his head and said, "He will take us to Sujia Village first, and then we will meet you when we arrive in the capital. Then you can discuss the time to return to Sujia Village."

Xiao Zhuzi rubbed her pretty sister's head and nodded, "Mmmm, I'll go home and tell my parents."

The always calm child couldn't help but panic when he heard the news, turned around and ran home.

Su Xiaoxiao looked at his back and shook his head: "This is like a child."

The little rice ball disagreed: "Mom, we are not children, we are already men in the fourth grade!"

Su Xiaoxiao: "Okay, you are all men."