MTL - The Sweet Stepmother and Her Cute Cubs-Chapter 139

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On this day, Li Yufeng took the children to dig sweet potatoes in the private plot, and Zhang Chunying took Yaobao with them. The dragon and the phoenix have been going out with their grandfather and grandma recently, and now Li Yufeng is used to following him wherever he goes.

Li Yufeng put old clothes that could not be worn in the two baskets, and the dragon and phoenix fetuses put them in one by one: "Sit down and don't move. Grandma picks it up and walks."

Dabao and Xiaobao carried a **** alone, and the small rice ball held Xiaodoubao. The whole family set off to the private plot. Two adults went with them, so Su Xiaoxiao did not follow him. It was rare to have a clean ear and read a book at home.

It was the first time that the dragon and the phoenix traveled in this way. One person squatted in the basket of grandma, and looked around while pulling the basket. He was so happy that Xiaoroubao couldn’t sit still and wanted to get up and stand. He patted his little meat hand: "Little meat bun sit down and don't move, if you move, grandma will fall down if she doesn't walk steadily."

Xiaoroubao then obediently pulled the basket and sat down.

The oncoming members were very shy about the twins sitting in the basket: "Oh, these two little dolls are beautiful, and the Zhenhua family's youngest treasure is also beautiful, Aunt Li, why are your children so grown up? Oh."

Li Yufeng said with a smile: "Children are like this, and your children are not bad."

All the way to the private plot, the brothers took their younger brothers and sisters out, spread a layer of straw on the ridge, and let them play with Yaobao. Zhang Chunying was in charge of watching them.

It was the first time for Xiao Rice Ball and Xiaodou Bao to dig up sweet potatoes. I was surprised to see my grandma go down and dig a bunch of sweet potatoes with a hoe.

Little Rice Ball asked Little Treasure for a hoe: "Little Treasure let me try it."

Xiaobao demonstrated to the small rice ball: "You have to be careful, dig along the edge of the sweet potato like this, otherwise it will be hard to put it out."

Li Yufeng said, "Aren't you going to make sweet potato nests? It doesn't matter, eat the rotten ones first."

The little rice ball was no longer under pressure. He picked up the **** and shoved it hard, and then pulled it hard. My dear, all the sweet potatoes in the ground were cut into two pieces by him, half of them were brought out, and the other half were still buried in the soil.

The little rice ball roared, "Ah, I'm all digging up."

Xiaobao sighed and pointed to the natural cracks in the ground and said, "Did you see the cracks that are bulging here? That's because the big sweet potatoes grew below and broke the ground. You also specially picked the cracks and hoes, so you can not split the sweet potatoes. ?"

The little rice ball knew clearly: "Ah, so that's the case, then I can avoid the bulge and dig along the edge?"

Xiaobao nodded: "That's right, I just dug along the edge of this bulge just now, try again."

Xiaodoubao is also eager to try: "Brother Dabao, I also want to try it."

Dabao shook his head: "This **** is very heavy. You can't lift it right now. You can dig it when you grow up."

Xiaodoubao looked at the **** that was taller than himself, it seemed like this, and he stepped aside with special regret.

Dabao also dug around the crack and bulging, and when the soil on all sides was cleared to reveal the sweet potatoes, he said to Xiaodoubao, "Xiaodoubao, you can now pick up the sweet potatoes one by one into the frame."

Xiaodoubao's eyes lit up with a "ding", and he ran over to carefully scrape the soil around the sweet potatoes, pulling them out one by one and placing them in the frame, which was particularly rewarding.

Li Yufeng said angrily: "Dabao, please unplug the whole bag first, and then let the small bean bag be picked into the frame."

Dabao said, "Grandma, I just want Xiaodoubao to experience digging the soil."

"Okay, don't wait to get all the clothes dirty inside." Before going out, Li Yufeng asked each cub to put on old clothes and sleeves before coming here. Wear thick clothes.

Dabao pulled up a large lump of sweet potatoes with leaves and roots and put them aside, and let Xiaodoubao pick them into the frame one by one. Xiaodoubao experienced and participated in the joy of the harvest for the first time, and he was very happy.

The small rice **** also found a trick, and when they dig again, they rarely break them. The two big baskets were filled all at once, and the broken ones were put aside. Li Yufeng helped the cubs dig holes in advance, and helped the cubs. They simmered the pit and simmered it on the spot.

The sweet potato leaves that are picked are not wasted, and they are excellent to take back to feed chickens, pigs and cattle.

When Xiaoroubao saw the raw sweet potato, he wanted to hug and chew it, but it was too cold, so Li Yufeng didn't dare to let him eat it raw.

There is a lot of fuel here, the pit heats up quickly, and the broken sweet potatoes ripen quickly.

Li Yufeng has packed up, the sweet potatoes are almost simmering, exuding bursts of aroma.

Xiaoroubao was greedy and kept saying, "I want it, I want it~~"

Xiao Tangyuan was also very curious, so he pulled his brother over and took a small stick to poke the sweet potato nest.

Li Yufeng felt that it was almost done, and skillfully used a **** to dig out the simmering sweet potatoes, each of which was fragrant and steaming. The children couldn't wait to pick them up, and the little meat buns were about to reach out and grab them, but Zhang Chunying hurriedly carried them back: "Be careful of your hands, it's very hot. Yes, the small meat buns will be eaten later."

Picked up the rice ball and threw it back and forth with two hands. When it was no longer hot, the two halves were peeled off. When it was sure that it was no longer hot, it was handed to the small meat bun and the small dumplings.

Xiaobao also gave half of it to his brother.

The fresh roasted sweet potatoes are powdery and fragrant. It is like eating chestnuts. Li Yufeng is always worried that the three little ones will choke, but Xiaotangyuan and Yaobao don't like to eat them very much. After two bites, they don't want to eat them. It was delicious, but he was very smart. He ate it in small bites. He kept it in his mouth and waited until the saliva was wet before swallowing it. He ate a full two big sweet potatoes by himself, but he didn't see him choking. eat.

Li Yufeng didn't give him so much food: "Xiaoroubao will wait for you to go home for dinner. If you eat it again, you won't be able to eat the delicious dishes your mother made when you go home."

Xiaoroubao shook his head and said, "C, let's go, I want~~" It means that he can eat it, and he still wants it.

Li Yufeng had to give him another half, but the little guy still ate deliciously. The four older brothers didn't eat as much as he did, and he didn't know how his belly fit.

The small rice ball was originally a snack food, and the appetite was not small. He also stopped after eating two big ones: "The newly dug sweet potatoes are indeed better than the ones that have been stored for a long time. Grandma, I will eat a sweet potato every day from now on, let's cook. When it’s time to simmer a few in the stove!”

Li Yufeng said: "It's not easy to eat sweet potatoes? But it won't be so glutinous after a few days of saccharification. After saccharification, it becomes sweet and dried. Dried sweet potatoes are the best. If you want to eat flour, just dig a few a day, that's the best way to eat. , but you are not allowed to come on the first day of the new year."

The little rice ball nodded: "I know grandma!" The little rice ball kept several sweet potatoes and brought them back to Su Xiaoxiao and the others to eat.

When they went back, Zhang Chunying and Li Yufeng took turns picking sweet potatoes, the three elder brothers each carried a cub, and the whole family went home in a mighty manner.

When passing by the cowshed, Li Yufeng threw a large bundle of sweet potato leaves into it, enough for the hardworking old buffalo to eat a whole meal.

At the same time, Han Cheng's reporting work in the capital also went well, and he was highly praised by the leader and rewarded him with a lot of things. At the dinner party on the last day, everyone was given a gift bag, which contained roast duck big elbow Beijing Eight pieces and so on.

Han Cheng directly led these things to the alley where the old man of the Zhang family lived.

He stopped until he reached the locust tree with a crooked neck, and knocked on the door of the courtyard, which had been completely renewed.

The door opened by Zhang Hongtu: "Hancheng is here? So early today?"

Han Cheng handed him the things in his hand: "Today is the last day, you don't have to go tomorrow."

Zhang Hongtu took it: "You guys are busy enough. You are only willing to let people go when you are twenty or seven years old. Why are there so many things? Bring them back to the rice **** and eat them."

Han Cheng shook his head: "I can't bear to put things out. It's just right to add a meal in the 30th year. The old chief likes to eat it."

Zhang Hongtu said: "Others are in the capital, so it's easy to eat these. You can eat the elbows and roast duck first. Then I'll queue up to buy some for you to bring back. You can keep these eight pieces of Beijing and take them home."

The two families were already close, so Han Cheng would not bother with him about these trivial matters.

The Siheyuan is simple and quaint, but it is well organized. Since having a grandson, the old man feels that he has a new hope in life. He is no longer as sloppy as before. He cuts his hair and beard, and puts on a decent military coat. The whole person is radiant and full of energy. She is more than ten years younger, and the yard has been specially cleaned by someone, and a lot of furniture has been repaired. The small vegetable garden has also been built with a greenhouse, and a lot of vegetables are grown in it. The whole yard looks like a world of fireworks, and the atmosphere at home is also extremely it is good.

Xiao Zhuzi was rarely overjoyed. He was very happy to see Han Cheng coming. He didn't see Uncle Han for a day and was worried that he would not come to pick him up back to Sujia Village: "Uncle Han, you are finally here!"

Yali poured tea for Han Cheng: "Xiao Zhuzi is always worried that you will break your promise and not bring him back to Sujia Village. His heart has already flown to the rice **** and the others."

Han Cheng rubbed the child's head: "I promised you that I won't break my promise, how about it? Has the name been chosen?"

Xiao Zhuzi squinted his eyes and nodded: "Take it, Xiu Yuan, Zhang Xiuyuan."

Han Cheng thought for a while: "Lu Manman is far away, I will go up and down to find a good name."

Xiaozhuzi nodded again: "I like it too."

The old man likes to read "Songs of Chu", and he listed several smooth names in it, and Xiaozhuzi chose from them. The old man personally prefers "Jun Ran", but the grandson likes the most important thing. He now has a grandson who can do everything.

When the old man heard Han Cheng coming, he immediately put down the book in his hand and came out of the room. When he saw Han Cheng, he first scolded: "Stinky boy".

Han Cheng knew why he scolded him, and was prepared to be scolded by him: "Old chief, the chief did not clearly state the identity of Xiao Zhuzi, and Zhao Xianfeng and I only guessed by looking at the appearance, and we will confirm it later, come back to you Don't let me into the yard, the matter of Hongtu and Yali has not yet been resolved, there are many eyes and ears around, and the phone and letters are monitored by someone, so as not to mention it to you."

The old man naturally knew that he was very good, and he also thanked Han Cheng for helping him raise his grandson so well, but he still scolded others indifferently: "Fart, you have hidden my grandson for so long, and you still care about you?"

Han Cheng touched his nose: "Don't dare."

The old man didn't believe him at all: "And you don't dare to do anything? Well, next summer or winter vacation, you can bring your children over to live with me for a while, otherwise I won't be able to spare you."

The grandson and Hancheng's children have a very good relationship. If they don't come to Xiaozhuzi, they won't live long. Grandson, he can't live for a few days, he's dying of depression.

I didn't ask Su Xiaoxiao, but Han Cheng didn't dare to agree, so he had to say: "I have to go back and discuss with Xiaoxiao. In fact, you can also live in the army for a while. Our two courtyards are next to each other, which is very convenient."

Of course, the old man also thought about it, but although he does not want to resume his job, there are still many things to deal with.

Yali also said: "Yes, Dad, the small meat buns and small dumplings in Hancheng's family are still small, and it is not convenient to come so far from the capital. It is best for you to stay with us for a while."

The old man was actually moved, but he still waved his hand: "Let's talk about it later."

Anyway, Han Cheng has to stay for a few days, and the old man has time to have a good chat with him.