MTL - The Sweet Stepmother and Her Cute Cubs-Chapter 210

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Su Xiaoxiao looked at the county leader with a smile but not a smile: "Director Chen, I don't quite understand what you said. What do you mean by encouraging my father to harvest rice ahead of time for my own sake? Please explain it clearly."

Director Chen, a deputy elder, advised the younger generation's persuasive heart: "Xiao Su, I know that you are good at reading. Our Sujia Village and even our entire county have become famous for having a female champion like you. Everyone regards you as a champion. Proud, but Xiao Su, we can't do whatever we want just because we've gained a little knowledge, can we?"

Su Xiaoxiao laughed angrily, did she do whatever she wanted? This Director Chen is simply inexplicable!

Su Xiaoxiao always felt that Director Chen had an inexplicable prejudice against her. She couldn't tell. Anyway, it was just her feeling.

"Director Chen, you are a parental official from the county and a public servant of our working people. Every word you say not only represents yourself, but also represents the leadership of the county. I hope you can treat yourself well. You are responsible for every word you say, and I hope you understand the truth of the matter before you say every word, otherwise I will feel that the leadership team in our county is as virtuous as you are. That's why, I will maintain the right to report the situation to the superiors and ask you for an apology, do you have any opinion?"

"You!" The **** smiled harmlessly and said softly, but when the hats were buttoned down, none of them could be afforded to him.

The clerk who came together let out a light cough and touched Director Chen's arm. He also felt that the Director didn't understand clearly what was going on, so it was not good to say that lesbians were not good, especially if they were college students from Capital University, and they were cadres after graduation. If you really apply for a job back in the county, you might have a higher position than him. Even if you don't pay attention, you have to be polite. However, this leader has always been stubborn, and no one has the right to speak where he is.

Director Chen has been working in the county for many years, and he also had contact with Su Weimin during the meeting. Su Weimin said that he is an honest farmer. A peasant can give birth to such a eloquent girl as Su Xiaoxiao.

"Since you said it in such a high-sounding manner, then I'm going to talk to you. You brought your children from the city back to Sujia Village to experience double robbing, right?"

Su Xiaoxiao still smiled and replied: "Yes or no, Sujia Village was originally my parents' home. I will take the children back to see if I have time during the winter and summer vacations. If I catch up with Shuangqiu, I will do me a favor. No, Director Chen might as well take a look at the sun outside, it is not a good experience to face the loess and back to the sky in this weather."

He is really eloquent and worthy of being a top student. Director Chen continued to ask, "Are you planning to take your parents to the capital after the double robbery is over?"

Su Xiaoxiao frowned, she really didn't know what medicine Director Chen sold in the gourd, or did she forget to take medicine when she went out today?

"Director Chen, whether I take my parents to the capital is my personal business. Does it have anything to do with you slandering me?"

Director Chen took a breath. If it wasn't for the fact that she was a college student, he would have been mad long ago, and he had never seen such an arrogant person.

"I slandered you? Su Xiaoxiao classmate, do you have to tell me what to say? Isn't it because you brought your children back to your hometown to experience the rural double robbery, but you rushed to bring your parents to the capital to see the world, so you let your Father started this year's double grab half a month early. Isn't this selfish?

You still have an excuse to say that animals have visions. This year's weather is a little hotter than in previous years. Animals are naturally restless. What does it have to do with typhoons? Don't think that after two years of reading, you can open up your mouth, and you will fool those uninformed peasants, never try to fool me! "

Su Xiaoxiao was stunned, what kind of logic was this logical ghost came up with? Can such irrelevant things be related? The key is that Director Chen still believes it? How did this man become a leader? Stupid?

Director Chen saw Su Xiaoxiao's expression that she thought she was surprised after being exposed, snorted again, and said, "Is there nothing to say? Do you know how much food we will lose by harvesting food so many days ahead of schedule? I'm too lazy. I’m wasting time with you, I’ll settle your account later, and I’m going to write to your university to ask how your teachers teach students, and now take me to the fields to stop them from continuing to harvest rice!”

Su Xiaoxiao took a deep breath and didn't bother to argue with him: "Director Chen, do you dare to make a bet with me?"

Li Yufeng happened to be coming in from outside. Director Chen was too lazy to talk to Su Xiaoxiao, so he said to Li Yufeng: "Take me to the field, I don't have time to talk nonsense with your college girl, your whole family should wait for the punishment."

Su smiled and said, "Director Chen, I'll just ask you, if there is a typhoon and heavy rain this week, causing a disaster that is obviously avoidable, can you afford it?"

Director Chen laughed angrily: "You can't blame even a single flower. Even the meteorological station can't monitor the typhoon. Are you more powerful than the meteorological station?"

Su Xiaoxiao raised the volume slightly: "Director Chen, do you still remember the earthquake the year before? Did the weather station monitor it?"

Director Chen stopped.

Su Xiaoxiao continued: "Do you know that animals are more sensitive to the premonition of danger than humans? Do you know how many visions that everyone chose to ignore before the earthquake happened in the local area?"

Su Xiaoxiao pointed to the sky: "Our old Su family's three generations of poor peasants depended on the sky for food. My father never had to look at the watch to check the time, and he never had to listen to the weather station to check the weather. The location, he can know what time it is; he breathes the humidity of the air, feels the direction and speed of the wind, looks up at the color of the sunset, and can know whether it will be windy or rainy tomorrow.

You may say that everyone is a peasant, and there are many people who have been living in extreme poverty for three generations. Then I can tell you, because my father was the former captain of the brigade and the current party secretary, he is responsible for the land, the brigade, the commune, and all the peasants who depend on the sky, so he is more special than others. I am careful, so I can observe the subtleties that others have not noticed. I believe that my father's judgment will not be wrong, because this time even my mother and I can detect the abnormality. "

Su Xiaoxiao paused for a while and walked forward: "I don't know who is talking nonsense in front of you, arranging my children to experience double robberies, and I want to take my parents to the capital in advance to slander me for such absurd reasons, even more absurd. You actually believed it," Su smiled and looked at the clerk, "Do you believe it?"

Su Xiaoxiao continued: "Think about it with your brain, my children and I are both on summer vacation, and the school will only start in September, so there is more time, even if I want to take my parents to the capital, I don't care about these ten days and a half months. , harvesting rice ten days and a half months earlier, my father knows better than you how much food will be lost, he is more distressed than anyone else!

But there is no way, no one dares to guarantee 100% that the typhoon will come ahead of time, but there is always someone to do when it comes to abandoning the car to protect the handsome man, right? If the county is to blame, he will bear it. He would rather risk being blamed by the county, or even lose his post as secretary, to do this. This is my father, who always puts the interests of the members and the public at the top of the list. The peasant party secretary in front of you is still slandering us by your so-called parental officials. What a big joke. "

Su Weimin didn't say anything, and he called everyone to harvest rice in a few words. There were many people who blamed him. Doesn't he know what responsibility he should take if he made a mistake in judgment? Of course he knew, but he understated it and did what he thought was right.

In the end, he was stabbed into the county by his own people, which made him feel so sad.

Director Chen has always been prejudiced against those intellectuals who have high self-esteem. When he saw someone coming to report Su Xiaoxiao this time, his first reaction was that these intellectuals came here and pretended to be blind commanders. He didn't think about the logic at all. He subconsciously concluded that the intellectuals came back to do things. Now that Su Xiaoxiao said this, he felt a sense of empowerment.

Director Chen is not like that kind of unreasonable and fainting official. He fell back and sat down again. In the end, he still wanted to save face, and asked again: "Are you really not doing it for your own selfishness?"

Su Xiaoxiao went down the steps: "Director Chen, no one can do such a thing. As long as his head is still on his neck, even if he gets into the water and think about it with his knees, he will know that this reason is not valid at all."

The staff member coughed a few times, indicating that Su Xiaoxiao was almost done, and Director Chen also wanted to save face.

Director Chen said: "In case Su Weimin made a mistake in his judgment and the above blamed him, can he bear the responsibility?"

Su Xiaoxiao shook his head and said, "He didn't report to the county in advance because he was worried about the unforeseen branches. The rice that had been rambling with you was all harvested. If you can't afford it, you have to take it. My father has calculated, how much less land is there per acre? A bowl of rice will not starve people to death, but if there are only a few bowls of rice left in an acre of land, many people will starve to death.”

Director Chen suddenly stood up and pointed at the clerk and said, "You, go to the county and ask someone to invite the most authoritative meteorological experts, and then go to a few nearby villages to invite some of the most experienced veterans to come over. , hurry up, I must be in place in the afternoon, I don't want 50%, I want to be 100% sure whether the typhoon is coming!"

Su Xiaoxiao felt that Director Chen's personality was falling apart quite quickly, and it seemed that he was not as sloppy as he thought when he first met him, and he was a little bold in his work.

Director Chen said to Li Yufeng again: "Go to the field and call Su Weimin back, don't disturb others, I have something to ask him."

Li Yufeng looked at her daughter, and when she saw her nod, she turned to go out, and almost bumped into a few cubs who came back from outside.

"What's wrong?" Li Yufeng took the small dumplings off the back of the pillar and looked at them carefully.

Zhuzi shook his head and said, "Grandma's little dumplings are fine, it's just that the little meat buns stepped in the swamp and stained his pants. I'll send him back to change his pants."

Only then did Li Yufeng feel relieved: "It's fine, just wrap the little meat and change it. By the way, you can help grandma carry some sour plum soup over there, the big guy should be thirsty too."

Zhu Zi explained a few words, but did not even go into the back room, turned around and followed Li Yufeng to the kitchen to serve the sour plum soup.

After hearing that, Director Chen in the room glanced at the sour plum soup on the table and took a sip.

The sour plum soup has not completely cooled down, and the entrance is still a little warm, but it tastes exceptionally delicious. I thought that Su Weimin's family style is still good, at least I will send sour plum soup to those who work in the fields to relieve the heat, but for Su Xiaoxiao He still had some reservations.

One is that Su Xiaoxiao is too beautiful, dressed in fashionable clothes, like a city dweller who has forgotten her roots; the other is that a woman is virtuous if she is not talented, a woman who reads too much will have more ideas, a woman who should be at home with her husband and children Comrades contradict him all the way, which makes him very uncomfortable.