MTL - The Sweet Stepmother and Her Cute Cubs-Chapter 222

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In fact, except for the three treasures of the Su family, the other cubs are all cubs who have "seen the world". It is not the first time to eat roast duck in the private room like this. Grandpa Zhuzi took them to eat.

At the beginning of the rice ball, I was worried that the three treasure brothers would not adapt. I deliberately and Zhuzi were like two left and right guardians, sitting next to them, but he forgot, and lived with an aunt like Su Xiaoxiao, where would there be any difference? adapt?

Hancheng also brought roast duck back to Sujia Village before, and Su Xiaoxiao would cook it herself, but they were all scumbags who would not grab food. Xiaoroubao is very happy to popularize things that he has never seen before, except that this little guy follows his own rules. The amount of food to feed Yaobao, almost to support Yaobao, this meal was a meal that was enjoyed by the guests and the host.

Before leaving, Xiaoroubao did not forget to pack a greasy fat roast duck for his mother, brother and sister, and go home satisfied.

Of course, most of the meat of this fat roast duck ended up in the belly of the small meat bun.

The cubs are very quick to act, and it is probably because the arrogant Boss Gu invited them to eat this roast duck, and they all enjoyed it. They lit up the lights and battled to optimize the content of the comics that night. Also let Su Xiaoxiao comment.

Su Xiaoxiao thought about it, and simply changed the character setting to the Q version. In fact, she wanted to do this when the rice **** and the others began to serialize in the daily newspaper, but she was worried that people in this era would not accept the Q version. I held back my hand.

But Gu Zhanwang is different. He has studied abroad and traveled to most of the developed countries in the world. He is bold and innovative. He is willing to bet on a shopping mall to let children play freely. He also thought of using comics to serialize. When she came to her, she was even willing to lend her the car, and she should return him a surprise in return.

Su Xiaoxiao looked at the character design drawn by the rice ball, and drafted another one, changing the character's eyes to the super cute cartoon electric eyes in Riman, and the hair is no longer the same straight black hair, but also curly hair. There are both lengths and lengths. If it weren't for the characteristics of the times and everyone's acceptance, she would like to change her hair color to different colors.

Innovation can be done, but too deviant is still not feasible in this era. After all, there is no color TV even for TV, so she should be conservative.

But even so, the characters changed by Su Xiaoxiao still stunned the cubs.

Xiaodoubao held it in his hand and couldn't put it down: "Mom, this, this, this is too cute!"

The rice ball brought it over and looked at the small glutinous rice **** and the small meat buns for a long time: "Mom, this is a variant of the small glutinous rice **** and the small meat buns, right? The small glutinous rice **** have two braids, and the small meat buns have curly hair on top, and their eyes are wide open. Is that so?"

Su Xiaoxiao was at a loss for words. She didn't pay attention when she was drawing. After listening to the rice ball, it was a bit like the two cubs in the family, but all the good-looking cubs will look like Q version characters, because they are just as cute. These days, no one has seen many characters in the Q version before saying that Xiaotangyuan and Xiaoroubao are like dolls in the New Year's picture. Xiaotangyuan is often said by classmates who have dolls at home to be as beautiful as their dolls.

Su smiled and said, "Do you think it's a lot cuter after this change? In fact, most of the characters in the comics in your Uncle Gu's mouth are this image. I'll see if I can help you find a few comics to read. If If you don't like it, just keep it as it is, and if you like it, you can try this kind of character image, there are actually many ways to draw eyes." Su Xiaoxiao immediately drew a few eyes after speaking.

In fact, the eyes can also have different colors, but the time is limited, and for the time being, it can only be black hair, black eyes, and yellow skin.

Su Xiaoxiao also liked to draw comics to relieve stress in her past life. Although she was at an amateur level, she only drew comic characters she liked for self-entertainment, but her painting skills were solid, and the results were naturally good. From time to time, someone privately messaged her to make an appointment, but she never took orders.

Xiaodoubao and a few older brothers were all enlightened by Su Xiaoxiao, whether writing, drawing or learning. The younger brothers born after Xiaodoubao were enlightened by their brothers, and Su Xiaoxiao took care less.

So the little cubs didn't know that their mother/aunt turned out to be so powerful, and they all gathered around her to watch her paint.

Su Xiaoxiao stopped after drawing a few eyes: "These eye drawing methods are also very cute, but generally only one drawing method is used in a story, and mixing them will make them look nondescript. I think your stories are more suitable for me. The first painting method."

The cubs are like treasures, and they have opened the door to a new world.

The rice ball hugged Su Xiaoxiao and said sincerely, "Mom, you know a lot."

Xiaodoubao smiled wide-eyed, like a rice ball complimenting him: "Mom is amazing!"

Xiaobao said, "My aunt is getting better and better. I have never seen my aunt draw like this before."

Dabao also nodded.

The three little cubs gave Su Xiaoxiao thumbs up: "Mom/Aunt is awesome!"

Zhuzi said: "We are all students taught by Aunt Su, and she is naturally much better than us. For rice balls, we will use the characters drawn by Aunt Su to re-draw a set of figures, and then let Uncle Gu choose. Bar."

Onigiri nodded and said, "Let's do it this way. Although Lao Gu said we can make up our own minds, this cartoon character drawn by my mother is a bit subversive. Let Lao Gu take a look at it first."

The big cubs rolled up their sleeves and went to work. The little cubs liked this Q-version character very much, and they also lay on the table and painted with their brothers.

Su Xiaoxiao quietly walked back to the room, hiding her merit and fame.

Han Cheng worked overtime late today. He felt that the yard was very quiet tonight. Usually people could hear their voices in the alley. Tonight was unusually quiet. He raised his hand and looked at his watch. It was almost ten o'clock. Are the kids already asleep? Didn't they all go to bed at almost twelve o'clock recently?

Han Cheng entered the house full of questions, only to find that the nine cubs were all lying on the table, writing and drawing very seriously.

Han Cheng took a closer look and was stunned for a moment, then thought that Gu Zhanwang asked them to draw like this. This kind of cartoon is rare in China, but it is quite novel.

Han Cheng looked around and saw Su Xiaoxiao, and after seeing it, he would turn around and go back to his room.

Su Xiaoxiao was reading a book, he walked over, bowed his head and kissed her on the lips: "Have you seen the children's paintings? It's interesting."

Su Xiaoxiao bent her eyes and kissed him back: "It's interesting, I like it too, you go take a shower first."

The cubs were so engrossed in their paintings that they didn't even pay attention to the entry and exit of Hancheng.

When Han Cheng came back from the bath, Su Xiaoxiao's book was still covered on his face, but he was already asleep.

Han Cheng tiptoed away the book on her face, kissed her on the forehead again, walked to the door, turned off the light, and closed the door. Seeing that it was almost eleven o'clock, he opened the door and went out again, whispering, "It's very late. , go to bed first, and paint tomorrow."

Xiaoroubao took a deep breath and was about to shout "Dad". Han Cheng put his index finger to his mouth and "shush": "Mom is asleep, please keep your voice down."

Xiaoroubao swallowed the sound of "Dad". He was actually very sleepy, and Xiaotangyuan was already lying on the table and fell asleep. Han Cheng walked over, gently picked up his sister, and took Xiaoroubao: " Go to sleep first."

The rice ball didn't lift his head, and said softly, "Dad, we'll be fine in a while, and we must go to bed before twelve o'clock."

Han Cheng didn't force them. They were doing business, not playing. After settling in the twins, they came out and said "no more than twelve o'clock at the latest" and went back to sleep.

Han Cheng fell asleep with Su Xiaoxiao in his arms, and the couple had a good night's sleep.

The next morning, Su Xiaoxiao told Han Cheng that she had applied for a driver's license.

Han Cheng has always known about this, but he didn't expect that she would go to sign up as soon as she came back. He didn't say anything, but in fact he was still a little worried about her, and said euphemistically: "I have nothing to do in the laboratory today, I will ask the teacher to ask. I'll accompany you to practice driving."

When Han Cheng said this, Su Xiaoxiao, who was lying on the bed, was frightened and woke up a lot. Is it okay to work overtime until ten o'clock? If he followed, wouldn't her lie that "my lover taught me to drive" would be dispelled? Didn't he know she could drive? Of course he can't go with him.

"No, no, I can go by myself. If you go, I will not be able to practice well if I am under pressure, and I will be very nervous."

Han Cheng looked at her suspiciously, always feeling that something was wrong.

Su Xiaoxiao didn't give him a chance to think, and resorted to the trick of trying everything, clasping Han Cheng's neck with both hands and kissing his lips, his voice was soft and tender: "Say yes, you can only say yes, you I have to say it well." Say something and kiss.

How can Hancheng resist her being so annoying? His eyes darkened, he turned around and pecked her lips against the host, and said in a hoarse voice, "I use this trick every time, let's see how I deal with you..."

In the early morning of midsummer, a room is full of spring.

It was almost eight o'clock when Han Cheng finished cleaning up, and Su Xiaoxiao had fallen asleep again. He didn't know when she was going to the coaching field, but he didn't wake her up.

Instead, he went to the next room and called the rice ball.

The rice ball didn't go to bed until 12 o'clock last night, and there is nothing to do today. He originally planned to sleep until 10 o'clock. They sometimes go for a run in the afternoon during the summer vacation. In short, the task that Hancheng gave them is to exercise for at least an hour every day, and the time can be arranged by themselves. .

As a result, before eight o'clock, the old father was pulled from the bed, and the rice ball was angry when he got up.

He stared at his old father with one eye open and half awake: "Dad, why did you wake me up so early? I'll take them for a swim in the afternoon, and they won't be left to exercise!"

Han Cheng patted the eldest son's butt. This kid has been pumping slaps continuously recently, and his chin is almost high. His face is still very childish, but he is a half-sized boy.

"Dad has arranged a task for you. Mom is going to the coaching field to learn to drive today, but Dad can't go away. You and Zhuzi or Dabao and Xiaobao will follow her and protect her, you know?"

Onigiri thought he was dreaming, opened his other eye and looked at his old father, saying, "Dad, mom is going to practice the car, not the dragon pool and tiger's lair, why do you use the word protection?"

Han Cheng took a deep breath: "The coaching field is full of men." He didn't want to explain too much to a little kid.

The rice ball was even more confused: "We were also men when we went there. What's wrong with all men? In addition to our mother and Xiaotangyuan, we are all men."

No matter how tall the rice ball grows, it is only a primary school student in his early ten years. How can he understand the psychology of men?

Han Cheng had no choice but to say: "In short, protect your mother, don't let the coach or other students get too close to her, you can talk, but you must not touch your mother, not anywhere!"

It was only then that Onigiri suddenly realized, and with a meaningful "ah", he gave a military salute to Han Cheng: "Follow my father, Comrade Onigiri promises to complete the task, protect our mother, and never let any male close to my mother, even male mosquitoes. no!"

Han Cheng: "..." This son is getting more and more beaten up!