MTL - The Sword Dynasty-v8 Chapter 157 Give you eternal life

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Also until this time, Huang Zhenwei, who was called from Changling and listened to it silently, raised his head slightly and met the look of Yuan Wu’s mild and expectant eyes. He said, “What can I do?”

Yuan Wu looked at him and did not answer this question. Instead, he said something that seems to be very unrelated to this question: "The widows are very diligent, some of the exercises that Xu Fuxu will have, the exercises that your teacher will do, and the widows also learn. However, since the beginning of Daqin, Daqin’s accumulation of the thickest nature is not the Zheng’s gate valve in Jiaodong County, nor the old gates of the old Changling, not the grandson, but the royal family.”

"The emperor's family is not new. After so many years of accumulation, the good things that the widows have mastered, how can they be less than those of the old gates, how can they be less than the Jiaodong County? However, everyone in the subconsciously feels that Jiaodong County is stronger than the royal family. It’s the widow who has always been mediocre, so people think so."

When Yuan Wu said this sentence, his tone was still very gentle. However, I do not know why, Huang Zhenwei heard the strong and irony meaning.

"The widows take you to Lushan, because you just have to stand with the widows. No one in the world has killed the widows. Now I am more advanced, and you are like this, so I am standing here with you, and I am not worried. Will encounter the same as the assassination of Xu Daren."

"The widows are the first practitioners of the eight worlds in this world. Now even though there are many seven masters in the Yanqi coalition, they are not in the eyes of the widows. So this battle, the most powerful force of my Qin, is not The swordsman of Xu Daren is still an oligar."

"The widows have also worried that you will turn to the side of the Goba Mountain sword field. However, the situation will make it happen. If you don't help the widows, today's Changlu will be broken. Hundreds of thousands of Qin troops and millions of people in the city will be slaughtered."

Huang Zhenwei heard it clearly.

He looked at the three increasingly clear armies and thoroughly understood the way he was going.

"You have been repaired in the Holy Spirit. I am sure that you will call the UFO to the Queen. She will also give you the Lianlian Lotus."

"You can say that you can also change the practice of Xu Daren, you can also turn me into your embarrassment. So you can call a real element, or when you are in some danger, you have one more layer. Guarantee."

He said these two sentences slowly.

"Not only that." Emperor Yuanwu shook his head with some emotions. He said: "The previous emperor set up a bureau, and it was hard to capture the business lady. I wanted to force Ding Ning, but I accepted his condition and put the business lady. This condition is that Zushan has never died. It is because of this transaction that the Queen is completely disappointed with the widows, and she has been reluctant to hand over the healing lotus seeds to the widows."

Huang Zhenwei already understood his own ending. However, when he heard this sentence, he was still a little shocked. "Wu's Zushan is not dead?"

"This ancestral undead medicine is a real thing that transcends the boundary between life and death. However, it has a level that the practitioner can't touch. When it is used, it will be swallowed up by the mind. From now on, he is not himself." The Emperor Yuanwu’s mouth Some bitterness means, "When the widows took this undead medicine, they realized that Ding Ning was going to use this undead medicine to completely break the Queen and the widow. What he finally wanted to see was that the Queen and the widows turned against each other. However, the widow did not choose. In this case, you must be in need of help. If there is no such medicine, the widows will not be able to win in the battle with the Bashan sword field. The widows are always looking for ways to use this medicine. I think the Bashan sword field is only in the Jiaodong County. Before there is enough army or Ding Ning to break through the eight realms, they will not be able to kill Changling, so they believe that there is still time, but who can think that the net glass can actually break the star fire sword, actually kill Li Si, causing Yan Qi Did the coalition kill here?"

"What do you know about your most annoying thing?" Huang Zhenwei suddenly spoke, his tone was very gentle, but the sentence itself was a stagnation of Yuanwu.

Yuan Wu did not react, but he said: "What?"

"St. Shangtai will make excuses." Huang Zhenwei looked at him and said: "There are some obvious things, or things that will happen, anyone can see clearly, and then find excuses, it is easy to get bored."

Yuan Wu’s divine remains unchanged, but his eyebrows are slightly picky.

Huang Zhenwei went on to say: "The Queen is tired of the Holy Spirit. It is because some things are done on the Holy Land. It is only the emperor's domineering, but if it is done and feels wrong, it still needs to be used as an excuse to cover up, but it is superfluous."

Yuan Wu’s lips were slightly moving, but he had not spoken yet. Huang Zhenwei said: “When I was called, I was called, and the Holy Spirit naturally understood my heart. If I go to death, I will not be holy, but for this city. I am born in the Qin Dynasty, and I am born in the Qin Dynasty. I will be blessed by the teachers of the Qin Dynasty. I will naturally answer the conditions of the Holy Spirit. Why should the Holy Spirit be in vain for whitewashing? Why use it? The personal feelings of the Holy Spirit give me a feeling of sympathy?"

Yuan Wu closed his lips and silenced for a moment. He said: "You see it very well."

Huang Zhenwei remembered the teacher at the corner of the building at the time and said lightly, "It just stands tall and naturally looks far."

Yuan Wu was silent for a moment, saying: "The widows will give you eternal life, and will make the annals of history record your merits.

"History is not a moment, but in the millennium, countless years later, the dynasty no longer exists, and what remains in the annals is true. Everything is only in the hearts of the people, not in the writings of the official." Huang Zhenwei shook his head and said .

Then he stopped talking and quietly closed his eyes.

Yuan Wu slightly bowed to the ceremony.

A light that does not belong to the seven realms emanates from his body and falls on Huang Zhenwei.

Another one that was suppressed by this holy light, did not belong to the world of medicine, broke into the body of Huang Zhenwei.

Huang Zhenwei’s body trembled a little, but he did not resist.

He just like the Lushan League in the same year, completely let go of his own heart, let go of his own qi, let the real elements of Yuanwu communicate with the real elements in his body, and integrate them into one without reservation.

Yan Qi’s three-way vanguard is closer to Changluo.

The hooves vibrate the world.

However, all of these three roads were suddenly stagnation at the same time.

The foothills of the big river outside the city of Long Luo have a loud bang.

There are countless dazzling beams, such as countless gods screaming in the air, dancing in the air.

The true elements of all the practitioners were affected by the fluctuations of the heavens and the earth, and they were shaken.

Those beams did not disappear, but instead became denser.

In the end, the mountains are flowing with the Holy Light. There are two black spots, which are clearly visible in the brilliance of the water.


At the same time, the Changluo City gate opened, killing the sound.

A Qin army rode the army, but rushed out and rushed to the three-way vanguard.