MTL - The System is One Year Ahead of Schedule, But It’s Not the End of the World Yet!-Chapter 197 Attributes exceeded 100, information about the Demon Clan! (five thousand

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Chapter 197: Attributes over 100, information about the Demon Clan! (five thousand words)

Although Chen Mo still doesn’t know how many living things around the world the demonic particles will eventually infect, he estimates that his point reward will reach at least one trillion.

The survival points required to increase attributes from 30 points to 100 points are just over 300 million, which is nothing to Chen Mo.

Even if all four attributes are raised to 100 points together, only about 1.28 billion will be enough in the end.

Because Chen Mo obtained the red-eyed zombie bloodline before, his upper limit of all attributes is now 115 points. Now that he has money, Chen Mo is not polite and simply maxes out all his attributes.

In the memories of the Demon Clan, Chen Mo also saw their social structure and cultural beliefs. The Cultural Beliefs of the Demon Clan are also full of elements of battle and glory.

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 With the continuous emergence of strange beasts, spiritual plants, weirdos, and demons, humans without mutations have begun to suffer terrible attacks.

The animals left their nests and ran around without knowing where to go. The plants also began to grow crazily. Towering trees that originally took years or even decades to grow grew in just a few hours. It rises from the ground and soars into the sky.

Although Chen Mo learned some information about the Demon Clan through soul reading, the memory information was incomplete and many details were blurred.

 This kind of conscious level of information acquisition is much faster than normal reading speed.

Although he obtained valuable information from this demon source core, it also made him deeply aware that facing other powerful races in the vast universe, humans are as weak as newborn babies and must work harder to improve their abilities. Only with strength and technological level can we gain a foothold in the future universe.

 But under normal circumstances, these are not counted. Chen Mo's regular mental energy recovery speed is 2300 points per second.

 Chen Mo, whose mental strength reached 115 points at this time, has reached 667,000 points.

Among the enemies of the demon tribe, there are high-tech mechanical legions and fantasy aliens who use magical power.

  Unfortunately, Chen Mo did not read any information about the detailed cultivation methods in the end, which gave him a headache.

 Almost instantly, Chen Mo understood all the other person's life experiences.

 When Chen Mo exited from the soul-reading secret technique, a tired smile appeared on his face.

I heard a faint, distant call, which was the voice of the Demon Clan.

An increase of 70 attribute points from 30 to 100 would cost more than 300 million. However, from 100 to 115, only 15 more attributes would be added, but the price would be as high as 270 million. This attribute point goes to the back. , is also becoming more and more expensive.

Especially for some monstrous humans, as they begin to turn into monsters, people with weak control abilities, although they still retain consciousness at the beginning of monstrous transformation, cannot control the manic emotions of monstrous transformation in their hearts, and will still actively attack humans, especially They are some contagious weirdos, and the urge to attack people is even stronger.

 They don’t know what happened to the world and how it suddenly turned into such a terrible situation.

 He saw the figures of the Demon Clan flickering and active in his memory.

But the Demon Star is so big, many times larger than the earth, that the Demons, who are as big as mountains to people on earth, are not as big as ordinary humans on their own planet.

In the air, a small bird suddenly grew in size, and its feathers suddenly became as hot as flames. It originally flew slowly in the air and suddenly turned into a high-speed flight, leaving a trail of flames.

 It is as if the level of life has been improved, and the whole person feels clearer.

 However, although the Demons are extremely powerful, they are not without their weaknesses.

 Soon, the other party's memory information was instantly understood by Chen Mo.


Even if a person with mutated powers is not proficient in controlling his own powers at the beginning of the mutation, he is still in a very dangerous state if he is suddenly attacked.

Those trees that were already tall have become thicker and more lush, and their branches are as flexible as tentacles, able to actively capture prey around them.

 Normal driving speed should be equal to consumption and recovery.

 There were howls and screams everywhere.

How can we make rapid progress without a systematic cultivation method? People have been cultivating and developing for many years. Human beings have only just started to undergo changes today. How does this compare with others?

The Demon Clan members who have been cultivating systematically for so long are still beaten into the shape of a bird. So if humans encounter a more aggressive alien civilization, won't they be directly enslaved?

By inquiring into the broken memories of the Demon Clan, it was revealed that there are many life forms in the universe that are completely different from humans, and it also gave Chen Mo a deeper understanding of the insignificance and ignorance of humans.

 Under the influence of this energy fluctuation of the demonic particles, the creatures on the earth have begun to undergo more violent changes.

With their powerful bodies and abilities, they are invincible on the battlefield. Whether facing technological weapons or mysterious magic, they can show amazing combat effectiveness.

 At the same time that Chen Mo started taking action, changes around the world were also accelerating.

 Because these possessors of the power of technology and magic have shown amazing combat effectiveness.

He saw a distant and unfamiliar planet, and saw the demon tribesmen of different shapes.

 It’s just that Chen Mo obviously has no intention of leaving the earth so early.

 In his memory, Chen Mo also saw battle scenes between the Demon Tribe and other races.

Chen Mo saw that many of the monsters hunted by the Demon People on the Demon Star were of staggeringly large sizes, and they would be unbelievable if put on earth in proportion.

 Their social structure and cultural beliefs determine that they have certain deficiencies in unity and collaboration. At the same time, they place relatively low emphasis on technology and wisdom, which may also make them passive when facing some high-tech weapons and tactics with special effects.

At this time, various mutations began to appear among human beings. Some people became extremely powerful and could easily lift objects weighing several tons. Some people began to have various powers and could control fire, water, ice, etc. natural elements.

The first thing that changed in people's sight was the originally docile domestic pets. After absorbing the demon particles, a domestic cat's size instantly expanded, its muscles were as hard as steel, and its eyes shone with a fascinating light. It seemed that it was Knowing that something was wrong with him, in order not to hurt his owner because of his impulse, he jumped directly from the tall building, easily fell from the window sill more than ten stories high to the ground, and then disappeared from his owner's sight. outside.

 Due to the mutated changes in animals and plants, the human world has become even more chaotic.

 Except for the high-tech equipment Chen Mo obtained from the system, all electronic equipment produced on Earth failed at the same time.

 Their fighting style is straight up wild.

Although they were all repelled, the demon tribesmen still felt afraid when facing these technological and magical powers that were completely different from their own cultivation systems.

But before rescuing them, Chen Mo still had a few acquaintances to rescue.

Farther away, the trees in a forest seemed to have become living creatures. Their roots drilled out of the ground, forming huge vines that tightly entangled the surrounding prey. The leaves become as sharp as blades and can easily cut open the prey's body.

 The human world also began to fall into chaos. The originally orderly city became chaotic, with traffic paralyzed and communications interrupted. People were running in the streets in panic, not knowing what was happening. Some people with poor psychological quality even began to break down and cry, completely losing their minds.

 Under this sense of oppression, the creatures on the earth also began to become restless.

As the skill was activated, Chen Mo's consciousness slowly penetrated into the core of the demon source, and a strange and powerful aura instantly emerged in his perception.

They respect the strong and despise the weak. Everyone works hard to practice and improve their strength in the hope of gaining higher status and honor.

However, since the consciousness of this Demon Tribe is only fragmented, the memory information read is somewhat incomplete, which is only enough for Chen Mo to gain some relevant understanding of the alien race, the Demon Tribe.

 Governments of various countries have also entered the highest defense level for the first time.

However, all this is just the beginning.

The conscious memories of these demon tribesmen are filled with the ultimate pursuit of physical strength and supernatural abilities.

At this time, if he uses super teleportation, he can teleport up to 6.67 million kilometers, which is 20 times the speed of light.

 One hundred three. One hundred four. One sixty two. One hundred and fifty nine

In addition to them, Chen Mo plans to ask Akafiel about other scientific research talents when the time comes, and at the same time, he will also find some national-level scientific research talents to come over.

 After improving his mental power, Chen Mo immediately began to perform the secret soul reading technique on the source core of the demons, intending to see what kind of race the demons were.

Whether it is biological level or technological level, the earth needs to be comprehensively improved. Now that the global mutation has begun, the intensity of biological organisms will definitely double, but most of them are unintelligent creatures, and it seems that they will not be of much help.

Chen Mo could feel the fragmentation and confusion of the memory in the remaining soul in the core of the demon source. This was obviously because there was not much consciousness left in this demon clan member, and the memory information that could be read was also very limited.

 Hazardous deaths and injuries of various kinds are occurring all over the world.

  There is no way to quickly replenish the mental energy, so the maximum movement distance of super-instantaneous movement cannot be calculated as a normal journey.

The demons on the demon planet have become existences similar to the size of ordinary humans on the earth.

 They believe that only through constant fighting and training can a true hero be achieved.

The Demon Clan is a fighting race that advocates physical strength and supernatural power. Their bodies seem to be made of darkness and starlight, and their skin shows a unique dark tone, as if they are integrated with the night sky, exuding a strange and powerful feeling. breath.

Suya, Liu Qinlan, Du Zixi and Chen Mo had not had time to give them medicine before.

There are many types of these abilities. Some can control elements and control natural forces such as fire, water, and ice. Some can strengthen themselves and improve their speed, strength, defense and other attributes. Some can cast illusions to confuse the enemy's perception. , letting him fall into an illusion that he can't extricate himself from.

 After reading the memories and gaining a better understanding of the outside world, Chen Mo's sense of crisis became even heavier.

 After spending a total of more than one billion survival points, Chen Mo's attributes finally reached 115 points.

 Since he had already promised Akafir the rest, he would naturally keep his promise.

Despite this, Chen Mo still worked hard to read these broken memories.

The world has changed prematurely due to the arrival of the Demonic Star, and he still has a lot to do.

 But there are also times when physical strength alone cannot solve the problem, and in this case other forces may be needed to assist.

He hopes to learn more about the Demon Clan, their culture, beliefs, and fighting methods, especially their cultivation methods.

After all, the Phoenix and red-eyed zombie bloodlines Chen Mo currently possesses can survive in space. With the Phoenix bloodline, it can absorb various flames on the way to maintain a balanced energy consumption. In fact, traveling is not a big problem.

  When it comes to research, Watt Company is obviously a good choice. This company can produce impressive research with just a nuclear fragment of the Demonic Source, and there should be a lot of talents in it.

Speaking of Walter Company, Chen Mo immediately thought of You Xia, who was relatively close to him.

This is because the Demon Clan people live a good life on their own planet. When people explore their galaxy, they come to fight with them.

The Demon Clan has a strict social hierarchy, and the law of the jungle where the strong is king is vividly demonstrated here.

Since the reward points have now exceeded 100 billion, Chen Mo has enough survival points to improve his attributes. He immediately added some attributes, raising all four attributes from 30 points to 115 points.

 However, the emergence of these supernatural beings did not bring hope to mankind, but instead aggravated social chaos.

The originally calm sky has long been gloomy and dark, with dark clouds, lightning and thunder, and powerful energy fluctuations accompanied by demonic particles falling from the sky, making people feel an invisible sense of oppression.

They use various cruel and special training methods to constantly temper their bodies and consciousness, making them reach a state that is almost like gods and demons.

  In other words, Chen Mo can teleport 23,000 kilometers per second, which is less than one-tenth of the speed of light.

If the knowledge related to the cultivation method can be read, then these memories, even if they are incomplete, will become a priceless treasure to humans.

 You Xia is not bad at abilities, and Chen Mo plans to bring her back for research.

Chen Mo saw this kind of scene in the memories of the Tianmo people. The fish and birds there completely matched Zhuangzi's description.

Of course, it’s not a big problem if you insist on going out to explore at this speed.

Chen Mo thought about the future development of the earth and needed to recruit more talents to come back and do research together.

Facing monsters that are much larger than them, they can still easily defeat them with their "small" bodies and great strength.

 They worship those heroes who have left glorious achievements in the long history, and regard the deeds of these heroes as their own beliefs and pursuits.

The Demon Clan members not only have strong bodies, they also possess various supernatural powers.

The fighting style of the Demon Tribe is full of passion. They prefer close combat and like to defeat the enemy in the most direct way. Their attacks are fast and powerful. Every time they strike, they seem to be able to tear apart the space, making the enemy feel irresistible. strength.

The changes in those plants were equally astonishing. An ordinary small tree, after absorbing the demon particles, instantly grew into a towering tree. Its leaves became as sharp as a sword. With a slight wave, It can cut hard stones.

With the skyrocketing increase in attribute points, Chen Mo felt an unparalleled power being injected into his whole body.

Thinking of this, Chen Mo immediately took action.

 He himself can improve his strength by relying on the system without deliberately practicing, but ordinary humans cannot.

Of course it’s just the speed of movement at this moment.

This kind of instant movement is an ability similar to space jumping, rather than a real movement speed. However, this jumping speed is not as good as the speed of light, and it is still not enough to be used as the ability to travel in the vast universe.

  However, due to the influence of the demonic particles, the global electromagnetism has been affected.

 Due to the morbid worship of power, many demon clan members died in excessively harsh training.

 Whether it is physical strength, strength, reaction ability, or mental strength, they have all been improved as never before.

 Some animals began to grow larger and became more ferocious.

The legend of Kunpeng from our ancestors has completely become a reality on the Demon Star. There is a fish in the North Ming Dynasty, and its name is Kun. The Kun was so big that it was unknown how many thousands of miles away it was; when it turned into a bird, its name was Peng. I don't know how many thousands of miles the Peng has on its back; when it flies in anger, its wings are like clouds hanging down from the sky.

 Scenes from intermittent memories began to flash in Chen Mo's mind.

There is not much difference from the supernatural beings who have awakened their powers on earth.

Their faces are generally resolute, their eyes are deep and bright, their bodies are strong and powerful, and their muscles are well defined, as if every inch of their skin contains explosive power. Their bodies are tall and mighty, standing there like mountains on the earth, giving them There is an unshakable sense of oppression.

They knew very well that what they had repelled were just some exploration teams. If they returned to their home planet and gathered a stronger force to attack, then they really didn't know if they could withstand it.

Chen Mo, who has 115 points of mental power, has a mental recovery speed of 115 points per second. However, with the special bloodline and super recovery effect, Chen Mo's mental power recovery speed per second can reach 20 times the normal recovery speed. If Chen Mo also carries flames Or if the blood is replenished and restored, this speed can be increased further.

 Even if the leaders of various countries wanted to convey the order, they could not do so.

Since orders from above cannot be conveyed to the lower levels, military headquarters around the world have to rely on their own operations. Due to the presence of heavy firepower, the areas where these armies are located can barely resist the sudden and strange events that occur nearby.

 (End of this chapter)

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RomanceReincarnationAdventureMartial Arts