MTL - The System Wants Me To Attack the Female Protagonist of Abuse-Chapter 34 Thirty-four tripods

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◎Prey (two shifts in one)◎

Almost at the same time Jianxiu said these words, Li Hua grabbed his arm, raised the sword and fell straight down, piercing the crescent-scythe-shaped blade into his palm.

"You still have one last chance." Li Huahan's jade-like face splashed bright red, and his taut voice trembled slightly.

Jian Xiu seeped a pea-sized sweat from his forehead, and rolled his arms in the mixture of mud and blood. He screamed incessantly, and crouched on the ground with twisted facial features: "I didn't lie to you. This bell was accidentally dropped during the fight on the day you came to Fujiang Pavilion to compare swords..."

"I thought it was some kind of protection magic weapon, so I hid the bell in my purse, and found someone to make a fake for you."

"Just two hours before you left Fujiang Pavilion, Daojun Wuzang suddenly appeared in my room, holding the bell, and asked me who the owner of the bell is..."

When he spoke, he deliberately slowed down his speech, the corners of his eyes twitched slightly, and winked at the surviving companion behind Li Hua.

The companions knew that after Li Hua killed Jian Xiu who was rolling on the ground, the next person would point the double-edged dagger at him.

Take advantage of the present, there is only a silver lining now!

He picked up the long sword on the ground and threw it at the mutant beast who was eating the corpse of his dead fellow.

This long sword was distributed to them by the knights of the gladiatorial arena. With the muscle memory of his years of sword training, even if he did not need spiritual power, he could accurately throw the long sword and stab the target.

Half of the long sword sank into the back shoulder of the mutant beast, the sudden pain angered it, the mutant beast turned around its majestic body, and used that terrifying human face to aim at Li Hua, who had his back to it.

The lion likes to hunt its prey with its back turned. The lion's bloodline in the mutant beast's body causes it to squat down in excitement, slow down the pace, and approach Li Hua silently step by step.

After approaching the prey and entering the effective attack range, the mutant beast opened its **** mouth, and its forefoot flew up into the air, slamming forward.

The bite force of the mutant beast is extremely strong. With this bite, the fangs on both sides can bite off the neck of the prey.

At this time, all Li Hua's attention was on Jian Xiu. When he felt the abnormality behind him, it was too late to dodge.

He picked up the long sword on the ground, grabbed the Mercy in his hand with his backhand, and opened the bow with both edges. The long sword met the eyes of the mutant beast.

In order to avoid the double sword attack, the mutant beast had to change its trajectory in the air and tilt its head two inches to the right.

Li Hua took the opportunity to land on his knees, leaned back, and slid over the mutant beast. A feinted compassion pierced through its chest, and following the trajectory of its landing, it opened its belly all the way down.

Compassion is the sword of Daojun Wuzang. The blade bears too many blood and lives, and the blood rust in the knife pattern is stained with the evil spirit, and the sword is dead.

The mutant beast fell to the ground, and its intestines were mixed with blood. The people in the stands were stunned by his fast-moving beast-killing actions, and couldn't help screaming in excitement.

Li Hua was half-kneeling on the ground, panting with his head lowered. The moment the mutant beast was stabbed in the chest by him, he raised his sharp bear claws and slapped his chest fiercely.

In order to kill the mutant beast in one fell swoop, he did not avoid or hide, and he suffered a savage claw.

And his act of killing the mutant beast completely angered its companions, and another mutant beast rose up from the ground and aimed its black horn at his head.

Just as the mutant beast was about to rush in front of Li Hua, there was a sudden stinging pain behind him. When he looked back, dozens of long swords of different shades were sunk into his back waist.

Song Dingding led more than ten people behind him, waving the red cloth on his arms, the red cloth fluttering in the air, and the burning wounds on his body, making the mutant beasts become more and more brave.

It temporarily changed direction and ran towards Song Dingding.

Song Dingding looked at the mutant beast that was getting closer, swallowed, and clenched the broken iron sword in his hand.

She originally had no spiritual power, and naturally she did not rely on spiritual power to cast swords like other sword cultivators. Her mind was full of the swordsmanship moves that Li Hua had taught her over the past two days, but when it came to actual combat, she didn't know what move she should use first.

"Lunge and sweep, turn back and slash, raise knees and stab..." Li Huaqiang supported his crumbling body and drank in a low voice.

With the guidance of Li Hua, Song Dingding stopped the panic in his heart, and took out his long sword according to his words. The right arm swivels the blade to the left, sweeping the dust in the air, and the dust flutters in the air, forcing the mutant beast to close its eyes and dodge.

She was engrossed and took this opportunity to turn around and raise her sword to slash down. The arm of the sword was raised to the same height, and the wind-breaking force reached the blade of the sword, cutting a black, bright and hard horn abruptly.

A worn-out iron sword with no spiritual power, but she used the graceful appearance of an ancient artifact, stabbing, chopping, teasing, hanging, and clicking, the sword qi was endless, and the tricks were not empty.

The mutant beast that killed dozens of people in the last battle was cut off the bear's paw, cut off both horns, and fell heavily in a pool of blood with her neck up, under her delicate swordsmanship. howling.

With the cheers from the stands, Ma Yun was stunned: "Sister Pei, when did A Ding become so powerful?"

Pei Ming's eyes drooped slightly, looking at the much-anticipated figure in the arena, his thumb rested on the jade-colored storage ring, rubbing the shiny and cool ring.

"Yeah." He raised the corners of his lips, and a casual smile appeared in his eyes: "It's so powerful."

It was obviously a compliment, but Ma Yun could vaguely hear some vague regret in his voice.

He couldn't help but feel a little strange. A Ding defeated the mutant beast and escaped smoothly. Sister Pei should be happy. Why do you feel regret?

Before he could understand, no one beside him suddenly exclaimed: "This swordsmanship is... Chunsheng tidbits? Isn't this the swordsmanship that Li Gongzi used when he fought against the Kunlun Mountain boss?"

Li Hua fought all over the world of immortals with one sword, and the most famous battle was when he was just starting out, and he defeated the old monster from Kunlun Mountains who had cultivated for thousands of years with only thirty sword moves.

There were a lot of people watching the battle at the beginning, all of them felt that Li Hua was beyond his control, so he went to watch the joke, but he was surprised by his strange and unpredictable swordsmanship in the end, his jaw dropped.

Li Hua is not a famous teacher, and his swordsmanship is also tricky that no one has ever seen before. After becoming the number one swordsman in Jiuzhou, many people wanted to learn swordsmanship, but they were all rejected by him one by one.

As we all know, the swordsmanship of the various schools in the Xiuxian world is not known to the public. In recent years, Li Hua has stopped using the sword. How could this swarthy young man in front of him be able to develop the swordsmanship of Chunsheng?

"A Ding is Li Gongzi's apprentice?! How is this possible, Li Gongzi never accepts apprentices?"

"I'm very talented, and I'm very good at swordsmanship. Many years ago, I handed me a famous letter and an apprenticeship ceremony, hoping to learn from Li Hua, but in the end, I was rejected without even seeing Li Hua's face."

"Anyway, I don't believe it. Li Hua said that he would not accept apprentices in his life. A Ding must have stolen the apprentice himself!"

"Is there something wrong with your brain? This swordsmanship is unpredictable, even if Li Gongzi disassembles the moves in front of you, you may not be able to learn it!"

Everyone in the stands was noisy, but there was a lot of crying in the arena. They cried with joy: "The mutant beast is dead, it is dead, it was A Ding who saved us—"

The arena steward announced in a loud voice: "This short and thin warrior actually killed the mutant beast alone! This is simply incredible, he is the bravest warrior I have ever seen!"

The princess lifted her skirt and shook the champagne: "Dear people, tonight will be recorded in the annals of the animal kingdom, cheers for our warriors—"

Song Dingding was in a trance for a while, looking at the mutant beast that fell in front of him and lost his voice, listening to the bursts of cheers and shouts, he only felt that there was no sense of reality.

When she just swung the sword, her eyes and ears were clear, as if she had disconnected from the outside world, and her mind was full of the swordsmanship that Li Hua taught her.

And the set of swordsmanship she just used, called Chunsheng Highlights, is the swordsmanship in the sword-repairing manual that Li Hua gave her before.

She just flipped through it a few times, but she didn't have time to practice, but she didn't expect that when the sword was just released, she subconsciously used the tidbits of Chunsheng.

Song Dingding walked up to Li Hua, and before he could speak, he saw him give her a thumbs up: "The future generations are formidable."

Chunsheng tidbits, Li Hua practiced for three whole years, and under the careful guidance of his master, he disassembled the moves step by step, and then gradually understood the swordsmanship.

But what about Ading? He just gave her the basic swordsmanship, and asked her to read the sword repair manual he gave her, and she understood and understood the essence of Chunsheng tidbits.

Never even seen her practice, just in one go.

At this rate, within half a year, she will definitely surpass his swordsmanship and be unmatched in Sanlu and Jiuzhou.

Li Hua was about to smile, but when his eyes met Jian Xiu, who was lying in a pool of blood, he suppressed it slightly.

The half-spoken Jianxiu was accidentally injured by the mutant beast that rushed towards him. The bear claws pierced Jianxiu's throat, and the blood all over the floor snarled under him.

He didn't believe Jian Xiu's words very much. Daojun Wu Zang had no grievances with him, and he didn't know his sister. How could he go to Fujiang Pavilion because of a bell?

But Jian Xiu had a sentence, but it fell on his heart.

Li Hua took out the bell that Li Zhi gave him from the pocket sewn into the placket. He took it in the palm of his hand and compared it, and found that the wooden bell that Li Zhi had made by himself was the one that fell out of Jianxiu's purse.

And the bell that he had stored for many years like a treasure was actually a fake, as Jianxiu said.

Li Zhi made two wooden bells back then, one for him and one for herself. If the bell in Jianxiu's purse belongs to him, where did the other wooden bell that disappeared from Li Zhi's body go?

The claw marks on his chest were burning, and Li Hua, who supported his body with his sword, was finally overwhelmed, and staggered to the ground in doubt.

The princess promised a chance to make a wish, and everyone unexpectedly chose to swallow the dragon ball, but the king was selfish, for fear that they would leave the animal kingdom after swallowing the dragon ball, regardless of the death of his other two daughters.

So, he took the warriors back to the castle on the grounds that the warriors were seriously injured and needed to be recuperated for two days.

Song Dingding wanted to leave before the Snake King woke up, so he asked several neighboring princes to take turns to kiss the sleeping princess before returning home.

When the third handsome prince came up to kiss the princess, the princess miraculously woke up.

There was only one second princess left with a poisonous apple stuck in her throat. Even with the Heimlich maneuver, she couldn't squeeze the foreign body out of her throat.

In the middle of the night, Song Dingding had nowhere to go to find the seven dwarfs. She was exhausted and walked towards her room. She was about to return to her room to rest, but she saw Lu Cha outside the door.

She looked at Lu Cha, stunned for a moment, and after a while she remembered that this person was a servant girl brought over from the Suidan Building of the Nvzunguo.

Lu Cha immersed himself in his studies every day, and rarely went out on weekdays. Only when he was invited to attend the princess' wedding today did he barely have time to come out to meet people.

Song Dingding wondered, "Why are you here?"

"Miss Song asked me to help take care of the drunk Miss Bai, but Miss Bai kept crying and talking nonsense. I couldn't find Miss Song, so I had to come to the lady."

Even though Song Dingding changed into men's clothes, Lu Cha still habitually called her majesty, and she didn't bother to correct it.

"Miss Bai?" Song Dingding was stunned for a moment, and after a moment's thought, he suddenly remembered the drunk Bai Qi: "She hasn't sobered up yet?"

Lu Cha said bitterly: "I'm afraid I won't be able to wake up for a while. Please ask the lady to see Miss Bai. I really can't stand it."

In the middle of the night, Song Zhizhi didn't know where to go, and it was indeed inappropriate for a man from Lu Cha to take care of Bai Qi.

Song Dingding thought for a while: "Okay, I'll go take a look with you."

Bai Qi's room was not far from her residence. She walked forward and turned a corner. Before she walked in, she heard Bai Qi's wailing and howling: "Pei Ming, you ungrateful bastard! If you dare to threaten Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu will break it. your sheep head..."

"I'm not afraid of the sky, I'm not afraid, you dare to threaten me? Fuck your mother, I want to duel with you! Pei Ming, come on, duel!"

Bai Qi's words were topsy-turvy, crawling at the door like a frog, Song Dingding pushed open the door, and was almost scared to return to her hometown by the figure with her hair disheveled on the ground.

When she saw clearly that the person on the ground was Bai Qi, she slowly exhaled, squatted down, and prepared to help Bai Qi on the bed.

"Pei Ming?" Bai Qi suddenly grabbed her sleeve, raised her pale face, and met her eyes: "'re not Pei Ming? I want to see Pei Ming, you let Pei Ming come out!"

Song Dingding listened to her name Pei Ming, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows: "You know Pei Ming very well?"

"Nonsense! I've known him for many years, do you know that for many years?" Bai Qi stared at her eyes and counted with her fingers, "We've known each other for five years, ah no, seven years...eight years?"

Hearing this, Song Dingding immediately became interested.

The original text started from Pei Ming’s arrival in Tianmen Sect three years ago, but before that, where did Pei Ming come from, what he experienced, and whether he had parents, brothers and sisters at home, the author did not explain anything.

Song Dingding only knew that Pei Ming had an indifferent temperament. After being kicked out of the Tianmen Sect by Daojun Yuwei, he died and suffered from humiliation and torture.

It was not until he met Jian Xian Li Hua and the little dragon prince Ma Yun that he had a backer and was no longer bullied and bullied.

And she has always been curious before, does Pei Ming have no family?

Why did Pei Ming choose not to go home after being whipped out of his division by Daojun Yuwei and branded on his face by the original owner, but wandering in Sanlu and Jiuzhou for more than half a year?

But naturally, she didn't dare to ask Pei Ming directly. First, it was impolite, and second, she was afraid of hurting others.

If what Bai Qi said is true, and she has known Pei Ming for many years, then Bai Qi should know Pei Ming's past very well, right?

As the saying goes, if you know yourself and your enemy, you won't be in danger in a hundred battles.

Anyway, Bai Qi was so drunk that she couldn't remember what she said when she woke up the next morning. She only wanted to know about his past in order to better understand Pei Ming in the future, without any selfishness.

- That's right, that's it.

Song Dingding persuaded himself to let Lu Cha leave first, and asked in a low voice, "How did you and Pei Ming know each other? Where is he from, and does his family live in the Xiuxian world?"