MTL - The System Wants Me To Attack the Female Protagonist of Abuse-Chapter 94 ninety-four tripods

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◎Bondage (two more in one)◎

She didn't know how long she looked, until Song Dingding felt that a century had passed, and she finally retracted her gaze: "Let's go."

After saying that, Cuizhu turned around and left, seemingly unwilling to stay for a moment.

The higher the cultivation, the more uncomfortable it will be to stay in the formation.

The purpose of her temptation has been achieved, so there is no need to continue to stay.

After Cuizhu left first, Song Dingding stood up, his body trembled slightly, the iron chains rattled softly, and a well-knotted palm dragged her waist: "Dingding..."

The boy's voice was hoarse, with a faint inaudible vibrato.

Song Dingding shook his head and held his hand.

The viscous blood slowly dripped down her arm, such a bright red color, so bright and dazzling in the dark.

In his palm, he was holding a sycamore leaf stained with blood, which Song Dingding had just stuffed into his hand.

It turned out that she still remembered that she promised him that when she came back to the cellar, she would bring him a sycamore leaf.

She raised her intact arm, put her fingertips on her pale lips, smiled weakly, and made a silent gesture.

Song Dingding was most afraid of pain.

Even when you get an injection, you have to grit your teeth and don't go overboard.

But she just waved the sword and landed on her left arm, cutting off a piece of flesh between her arms, but she held it back without saying a word.

Only then did Song Dingding know that when his body was slashed by a sword, he didn't feel pain at first, only a cool feeling.

As time passed, the numb pain spread from the **** wound from the outside of the skin to the inside, and the flesh and blood cut off by the short blades throbbed rhythmically.

At this moment, she was in so much pain that she couldn't breathe, and even her steps were shaky, as if she would faint at any time due to excessive blood loss.

But Song Dingding had already figured out how to deal with the injury before swinging the sword, so she was not panicked and at a loss.

Instead, it was methodically tied with a slightly elasticized cloth strip on one-third of the upper limbs, acting as a tourniquet.

Song Dingding felt that she couldn't hold on anymore, she pulled out an ugly smile at the young man, and then turned away without daring to stop, and hurriedly followed Cuizhu who was walking away.

Now that she has come this far, she must hold on to the end and make her injury valuable.

The teenager got up subconsciously and seemed to want to keep up with her, but before he walked a few steps, he felt a sudden tightness between his neck.

The hot skin was attached to the shackles made of black iron, and the iron chain behind his neck was stretched straight, like a dog chain, restraining his freedom and making it difficult for him to take a step forward.

The young man grabbed the sycamore leaf in his hand, tightly, with blue veins protruding from his bare feet, he raised his shackled neck, and roared like a mad beast.

When Song Dingding walked out of the secret passage, he heard a mournful and suppressed roar behind him, his footsteps paused slightly, and he bit his lips.

Her face was not very good-looking, and she was afraid that Cuizhu would see something different. When she was walking out of the cellar, she took out the elixir that Mrs. Song gave her to nourish her energy.

Now that I take it, my cheeks are slightly rosy, but I can't see the pale and weak appearance.

Seeing her coming out, Cuizhu raised his jaw slightly and motioned Song Dingding to step on the sword. After she stood firm, Cuizhu flew up with the sword.

Xu Shi had just been standing in the cellar for a long time, and Cuizhu was somewhat affected, and Yujian was obviously not as calm as when he came.

Feeling the staggering body after the green bamboo fell to the ground, Song Dingding's eyes drooped slightly, and the corners of his red lips pursed slightly.

She didn't make a sound, as if she didn't notice Cuizhu's subtle movements at all, and walked forward without looking sideways.

The two were speechless all the way until they walked outside the courtyard of the Dragon Princess. The Dragon Princess heard footsteps and hurried towards the courtyard door: "How is it?"

Song Dingding held a piece of **** flesh in his right hand and threw it directly under the eyes of the Dragon Princess.

The flesh and blood fell on the ground, and it was covered with dust in an instant.

The wound on her left arm had lost the pain and gradually became numb. She felt her heart rate was getting faster and faster. Knowing that there was not much time left for herself, she gritted her teeth: "Madam is a cheerful person, and I don't like bending. Going around, I just want to get what should belong to me..."

"If Madam can help, I am naturally willing to go through fire and water, but if Madam can't do it, then let's not waste each other's time."

When Song Dingding said this, looking at the Dragon Princess, he seemed to have lost patience.

She was taking a risky move.

Cuizhu has been testing her all the time, because she doesn't trust her at all, but in the end, she has found nothing, and has not found any truth.

As long as she was patient and dealt with Cuizhu for a while, and when Cuizhu had nothing to do, she would gain their trust.

But she couldn't wait any longer. After she had just gouged out the flesh, she did not take any first aid measures, but simply and rudely used a cloth strip as a tourniquet and tied it to her upper limbs to inhibit blood flow.

This cloth strip is not very elastic. If it is tied for too long, her limbs will be necrotic due to ischemia due to the blood flow in her arms for a long time.

Song Dingding had to put pressure on the Dragon Princess, so as to make the Dragon Princess feel anxious and flustered.

She has been led by Cuizhu's nose for too long, and now it's time for a change to lead the home court.

"It seems that Madam hasn't made up her mind yet, so since that's the case, I'll go back first."

Song Dingding didn't give the Dragon Princess much time to think about it. She wanted the Dragon Princess to understand that they cooperated and used each other, not that she was inferior.

She walked very casually, as if she didn't care if the Dragon Princess would stop her, but she was so nervous that she was dizzy.

Where did the dragon princess think that she would shake her head and leave, looking at her back in a hurry, regardless of what Cuizhu said, she hurriedly shouted: "Stop!"

As her voice fell, Song Dingding stopped: "What else is there to do, Madam?"

"You come back! I can help you get what you want, but only if you can be ruthless."

Song Dingding turned his head and looked at the princess of the dragon clan who was trapped in the barrier, unable to move an inch.

The dragon princess's eyes were dim and flashed with an unknown light: "I want you to heal that little bastard's leg as soon as possible, and hide a letter on your father's body before the Mid-Autumn Festival."

Her plan was not perfect, but it was enough for the suspicious Tianjun.

At that time, she will pack Pei's name well, so that Tianjun can see a puppet boy who can jump and jump.

In this way, what the Song family said that she abused Pei Ming, so that Pei Ming wanted to seek short-sightedness was no longer valid.

And that letter would be the evidence that the Song family had a rebellious heart against Tianjun, wanted to win over other immortal clans, and intended to expose the evidence that Tianjun exchanged his heart for Pei Yuan with the evil seed of the blood of the devil.

The fact that Tianjun could continue to tolerate the Song family and his wife, and did not kill Song Dingding immediately, was entirely due to the loyalty of the Song family and his wife to him in the past.

If he found out that the Song family couple had already given birth to a rebellious heart in order to protect Song Dingding, even at the risk of dying to fight against it, he would definitely eradicate the Song family couple without hesitation.

She will definitely make the Song family pay a heavy price for their words and deeds.

Thinking of this, the dragon princess slowly narrowed her eyes, with some scrutiny in her eyes, and carefully looked at Song Dingding's face: "Do you dare, or do you dare?"

She didn't ask Song Dingding if he would answer, but asked Song Dingding if he dared or not. This was using aggressive tactics, but what Song Dingding wanted was her wise words.

If she didn't ask that, Song Dingding would be hard to answer.

After all, in their eyes, the Song family were her biological parents. If she agreed without hesitation and didn't even ask a question, it would be too fake, and it would definitely arouse suspicion.

But if she has been hesitant, let's not say whether her body can hold up or not, with Cuizhu's scheming and deep temperament, I am afraid that she will feel that she is indecisive, and will not dare to trust her completely.

Now that after such a provocation by the princess of the dragon clan, according to the original owner's inferiority complex, even if it is something that is of no benefit, in order to prove herself, she will open her mouth and agree.

Song Dingding raised his eyes and sneered: "Why don't I dare, it's just such a trivial matter, I thought it was a big deal."

Her brain had stopped spinning at this moment, but her subconscious mind told her that the letter that the Dragon Princess had asked her to hide from the Song Family Patriarch would definitely not be a good thing.

I'm afraid it's not because he wants to frame the Song family head.

But since the Dragon Princess didn't say it clearly, and instead treated her as a fool, why should she show her composure? It's as simple as letting her hide a letter from the Dragon Princess.

She pretended to be so realistic that even Cuizhu couldn't tell whether she was really stupid or pretending to be stupid.

Just when Cuizhu wanted to say something, the support from the Dragon Princess arrived from the Dragon Palace, and the voice of the Dragon King vaguely came from the jade slip: "There is an enchantment on the island, do you have to force it?"

This made the dragon princess frown, and was about to open her mouth when she suddenly remembered the existence of Song Dingding: "You go back first, and you will come to pick up the letter in the future."

Facing Cuizhu's straight gaze, Song Dingding responded with a sound, turned around, and walked towards the youth's courtyard step by step.

She felt that the drooping palm was numb, and the whole arm seemed to be anesthetized. Except for the heavy and obvious feeling of falling, she had no other perception.

She clenched her teeth tightly, holding on to keep her body from shaking, fine cold sweat oozing out from her forehead, condensed into a drop, and slowly flowed down.

Sweat dripped into the eyelashes and penetrated into the eyes. The pierced eyes hurt, but she didn't dare to raise her hand. Apart from walking forward mechanically, she couldn't do anything else.

Song Dingding didn't know how far she had walked, until she looked up and saw Madam Song's face, she couldn't hold it any longer, and fell straight forward.

In a trance, she heard her rough breathing, whirring, whirring, like a leaking ball.

Madam Song wanted to shout something, but was grabbed by Song Dingding's arm, her eyelids were heavy and hard to lift, she said with rage, "I, I'm fine..."

What she wants to say more is not to shout loudly to prevent the partition wall from having ears.

But she really didn't have the strength to say so much.

Fortunately, Mrs. Song understood what she meant, and the shock and panic on her face were hidden. She raised her hand and passed through Song Dingding's armpit, half supporting her, and taking her into the room.

After walking into the room, Song Dingding almost lost consciousness, but she still remembered that she was using the original owner's body, and if the cloth strips on her arms were not untied, the blood would clog and the limbs would be necrotic.

With the last strength of her body, she slowly raised her right arm and raised her sleeve, intending to tear off the cloth strip from her upper body.

But the cloth was too tight, and she didn't have the strength to untie it any more. With her inadvertent movement, her body fell down.

With the help of the Song family's wife in a panic, Song Dingding completely lost consciousness.

She was in a coma for a day or two, and when she woke up again, the Song family and his wife were all sitting around her.

The wound has been bandaged, and the Song family's wife does not know what panacea she gave her, which is more effective than analgesics.

The wound didn't hurt much anymore, and Madam Song untied the cloth strips tied to her upper limbs as tourniquets in time, but she slept for too long, and when she woke up, she looked a little dazed.

Seeing her confused eyes, Mrs. Song's heart felt inexplicable, and she tentatively called out, "...Dingding?"

Song Dingding responded subconsciously, she came back to her senses, her eyes gradually became clearer: "Well, ma'am?"

Seeing that the person who woke up was not her own daughter, Mrs. Song breathed a sigh of relief: "Dingding, why are you injured so badly?"

She was very worried about Song Dingding, and her tone couldn't help being a little solemn.

Song Dingding just woke up, but his mind was still too clear, thinking that the Song family was blaming herself for hurting the original owner's body, and quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, it's all my fault..."

She tried to explain, but she didn't know how to explain it. She was speechless for a while, so she could only hang her head.

Madam Song was startled, raised her head and looked at Patriarch Song, her eyes full of distress and helplessness.

She didn't want to question Song Dingding, she just worried about Song Dingding, that's all.

"Child, don't be burdened." The Song family patriarch patted the Song family's wife's hand twice, signaling her to be at ease, and looked at Song Dingding softly: "We understand that you must have your reasons for doing this."

The gentle tone of the head of the Song family made the powerless Song Dingding regain his strength. She slowly raised her head, as if she had found a breakthrough: "Mrs. Tianjun wants to use me to take revenge on you. Cuizhu is not at ease, so she Come up with a way to cut the meat to test me, take me to the cellar..."

She briefly recounted the incident, only omitting some details, and understated the fact that she cut her own arm with a dagger.

Madam Song's heart throbbed, and she was already choked up.

The head of the Song family frowned and glanced at her gauze-wrapped arm: "You mean, she's going to frame us with a letter?"

Song Dingding guessed like this, but he wasn't sure yet.

After all, with Cuizhu, everything is unknown. Who knows whether the Dragon Princess will be provoked by Cuizhu and change the original plan to something else.

Without answering, she asked, "How many days have I slept?"

"One day and two nights."

Song Dingding looked at the brightening sky outside the window, and remembered that the Dragon Princess had made an agreement with her to pick up the letter in two days, and today is just two days later.

She didn't show up for two days, so Cuizhu must have doubts.

Green bamboo, green bamboo... The root of all evil comes from green bamboo.

Song Dingding stood up and walked towards the door.

"Dingding, where are you going?"

Read Monarch of Time
RomanceReincarnationAdventureMartial Arts